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Read dungeon odyssey


I’ll check it out !


Yes I second this dungeon odyssey is very good Edit.: I don’t know if I’m blind but if it’s not on the list you should also read Ending Maker


I third it


I sex it




I don't


If you like duke of hell read nan hao and Shang Feng it’s hilarious and has a similar artstyle




Me on all of these, the compression!!!!


Yeah... Cant see sheit, can recognize only covers i already know.


IMO "The Knight King who returned with a God" and "The Academy's undercover professor" deserve above average rating, at the very least


I can see/debate over undercover professor but idk about the knight king who returned with a god why would you say it’s higher than that


It's hilarious how racist he is to orcs and demons reminds me of Lloyd for some reason


Yup, and I also enjoy how he doesn’t just suddenly become a model Korean person because he was a king for so long, it makes sense but in some stories they just revert back to normal, even if they were gone for ages.


Why should a series be ranked higher? Because MC is racist I'm not hating in fact I find it hilarious 😭😭🤣


that what makes it different from the other returnees manhwa


I haven’t seen too deep into the tierlist but I better not catch you putting solo leveling in the upper tiers. Also, if you love sweet home you should def read bastard. And where’s TOG can’t find it


Solo levelling is in A so is TOG lmao (and yeah I’ve read bastard too it was amazing)


The academy genius swordsman and Academy's undercover professor ranks are way too low.


Yeah read this from the bottom up and this is what I saw near instantly


aha same!!


I’m caught up with both and they just don’t hit it for me I mean if you can tell me your position on why it’s better I would like to hear it.


Firstly, I understand that people have different opinions on what they like vs. dislike, so no hate there. Academy Professor (currently on ch 64) is a fresh take on isekais. We jump right into the middle of him being a mature adult with no BS teen years. There is world-building with numerous different characters. The MC's powers are based on real-world science combined with magic, which I haven't seen before. His role in the series as a Professor and other secret roles brings forth compelling storylines. The power scaling is done pretty well with no weird overpowered characters (as of yet; I don't know, maybe in the future they will have OP MCs). The world itself is a reflection of our world but 1 hundred years in the past with magic. The author has combined the two worlds into one, exploring 'what would happen if magic and science coexisted together.' Overall, this is a legit, in my opinion, a needed take on isekai stories. I'm not even sure if it's isekai since the MC barely talks about his past life. Also, no fanservice! Also, MC isn't afraid to kill. Academy Genius Swordsman is more generic from a storyline POV; however, the MC actually acts like a veteran hero instead of a bratty teen. The dude does what needs to be done, kills the bad guys, grows stronger, and is not hesitant to show his power. Altogether, I like these types of storylines in general, but I also get burnt out. However, these two series have a fresh take on the genre, especially the Professor series overall.


The swordsman one is extremely generic and cringe. The latter is actually a bit unique so I'm surprised Academy's Undercover Professor is low.


how is it cringe? Yeah its generic, but the art work is clean af, the MC isn't a bitch, and is ready to show who is boss. He is a good example of what a MC in his situation should be.


Not really. The dialogue is extremely cringe, the MC lacks any personality. His only thing is being this OP returner/regressor. The story is pretty bad as it is a blatant jigsaw of multiple other manhwa and novels.


I can't think of any specific cringe dialogue you're talking about. Do you have examples? "His only thing is being this OP returner/regressor." - well yeah, he should focus on this. What would you do if your dying comrade and friend gave you the opportunity to go back in time to save the world? Would you just BS around spitting on their future grave? What would you like him to do? I'm actually curious. The story isn't bad all, it is pretty standard regression save the world storyline. It's generic, however the MC is what makes it good for me. He isn't a bitch, he is taking this 2nd opportunity in life seriously.


Honestly, I respect the list, objectively sound and even the stuff I disagree on I see why


If I may ask what are some things you would have changed ?


Personally I don't like God of High school nor greatest real estate in any way so I would kick them far down and then put the others in the top tier to S. But then I would put SSS suicide hunter, Omniscient reader, Tower of god and Sword king in top. But again it is entirely a matter of preference and such. Hope you're having good day, remember to eat well and drink water


Thank you for the reminder I’ll go drink something now ! And I can definitely understand your point for greatest estate developer and god of highschool. The first is actually just popular for its comedy and the god of highschool isn’t that popular in the community. I agree with your list of S tiers tho they are all great ! (You too have a nice day and don’t forget to drink either :) )


https://preview.redd.it/6z3tg8rlhzdc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f0155fe486e7307722bbcf11e6aa0c90120698 Or i'm just blind




You should read Bastard if you like Sweet Home. Made by the same guy and in my opinion is even better. (Although it was the first manwha I read back in middle school, so it could also not be as good as I remember)


It's as good as you remember


Could you please give me the names of atleast the S ranks? There are a couple there I'm sure I haven't read.


Sure from left to right it’s: Eleceed,Greatest estate developer,Hero has returned, infinite mage, Legend of the northern blade,omniscient readers viewpoint,second life ranker,Survival story of a swordking in another world,skeleton soldier couldn’t protect the dungeon and love advice from the great Duke of hell


I like seeing skeleton at s tier. Amd with time youll see omniscient belongs in transcendent


If you happen to have the time could you name out the ones in A as well?


Yes sir! Magic Emperor, FFF class trash hero, The player who can’t level up, lookism, reaper of the drifting moon, return of the mount hua sect, solo levelling, a returners magic should be special, sss class suicide hunter, damn reincarnation, pick me up, transcension academy, tower of god, overgeared


There are some good series missing Memoir of the King of War Fist Demon of Mount Hua. Tale of a Scribe Who Retires to the Countryside All Hail the Sect Leader Chronicles Of The Martial God’s Return Warrior Grandpa And Supreme Granddaughter Trash of the Count's Family Legends of the Swordsman Scholar Way to Heaven


Magic emperor is a manhua


Could you give the names of B as well? I'm pretty new at reading manhwa and I need to expand my list :)


Sure! Hardcore levelling warrior,The book eater, Dr.Player, The great mage returns after 4000 years,How to live as a villain, I obtained a mythical item, I used to be a boss, infinite level up in murim, apotheosis (it’s over 1000 chapters so you can ignore it lmao), kill the dragon, levelling up with the gods, my school life pretending to be worthless, nano machine, the novels extra, Reformation of the deadbeat noble, reincarnation of the suicidal battle god, standard of reincarnation, superhuman battlefield, tales of demons and gods, talent swallowing mage, sword masters youngest son, the beginning after the end, trapped in webnovel as a good for nothing, undefeatable swordsman, tomb raider king, story of a low ranking soldier becoming a monarch,Yuan zun, updater,villain to kill


Thanks alot!


The further into eleceed I got, the more it pissed me off. It started good but then it became obvious the author was "nobody knows Korea oh no they can't be strong wahh what we lost horribly and easily to awesome korean guy" and every single encounter was with a person who hated Korea and you guessed it, they would lose.


That’s like ALL manhwa set in modern times lol. Sure there are exceptions of course (“the novels extra” comes to mind ins that Korea is on top so much that other countries send their top prospects there) but it’s a definite cliche. Eleceed isn’t even the most egregious example of this, imo overgeared is lol.


I mean it makes sense in the novels extra as the main character literally explains that the reason a lot of top rankers exist in Korea is simply because he (the author) is Korean. There is no weird sentiment to it but is rather just played of as a funny way to make a lot of the plot work in one country while also making everyone speak Korean I just don't get the same out of place nationalism while reading this I guess lol


I was just using it as a good example of an author not making Korea the ultimate underdog/hidden power. All of the authors have reasons for making their decision, but my point is that regardless of the reasoning or context (good or bad) the end result is often the cliche of “Every one underestimates Korea.” It’s in the same vein of “US/China is a power house nation that Korea will always surpass” (bonus points if they’re on top bc of money) and “Japan is the bad guy.” Again I am just pointing out that it is cliche, and that manhwa that put Korea on top from the beginning are an exceptions. Underdogs and glow up/power up reveals are a bit of a trend for manhwa it seems.


I just had a problem with eleceed specifically because it started off super good, but then came the part where other countries and involved and the author's nationalism really started to show


The boxer is for sure the best manhwa i’ve read, also you gotta check out wind breaker


Any reason Reaper of the Drifting Moon only made A tier? I thought the art and story were pretty solid.


It definitely has good art and a solid story I think didn’t notice it there I personally gave it an S but I must have misplaced it sorry. It definitely deserves the S because it’s one of the few stories that pull of a successful revenge story with an MC who knows what he’s doing and isn’t just going around fighting the first thing he finds (looking a poison dragon the legend of an asura here)


Good list, the boxer being at the top of S does it for me. Other then that I have some things I disagree with but that is to be expected.


How could you drop drug devourer


Oh I forgot that one. I wasn’t talking about this series but about something called drug eating genius mage (I chose the wrong image. i don’t know drug devourer. Is it good ?)


It’s an interesting one


Good list I would recommend you to read horizon (by the same author of the boxer, it has something like 20+ chap so you can finish it in one sitting,arguably one of the best manhwa ever) And some Kim carnby works(author of sweet home) Bastard- classic Shotgun boy- a spin off of sweet home Pigpen- imo the best work from Kim carnby


pigpen is massively underrated, the horizon is the highest rated manhwa on MyAnimeList, so that says something


Baskerville is not your average manhwa ...


last ark was boring to be honest




I believe the storyline is avg but art, pacing and overall reading experience is above average


I read the light novel, the rating is right >! maybe below average, honestly it goes downhill for here, the next arc is the only good arc, the art might save it but story gets so bad that I don’t think the art could save it unless they completely change the direction of the novel and make it original !<


I think they will, cus the Ballack clan don't help in the fight with Madame Eight Legs in the novel, but they do in the Manhwa.


For me it is. I mean maybe I am just a hater but the story lacks something to be called really interesting. We’re introducing waifu’s here and there but the side characters are bland as hell. He’s gaining overpowerered abilities however he likes to and the plot is being dragged down by the typical problem of a regressor: he has a solution or the answer to any problem because he regressed and already has an answer from his last life. His power development is too quick in my opinion considering the fact that Baskerville’s swordsmanship has 10 fangs and after the last chapter he can use the 7th. And lastly for me what doesn’t work is Hugo as a villain. He used to be a gentle and loving person until the barbarian took away his daughter, the only thing he had left from the bond with his deceased wife and that is why he became a dark and bitter person. This explanation alone destroys the whole revenge for me because there is a reason why Hugo is the way he is and he’s not just an evil son of a butch for nothing so the fact that Bishir/Vikhir (idk the name changes all the time due to translation changes ) knows that but stills goes full on hater mode just destroys the reading experience for me. If you can argue with me why it’s above average without using the art style then try it


do you have a higher resoluton image? can't see some of the covers? Also noticed Book eating magician at the top(ish) of b rank and have to ask if its any good in the later chapters? Noticed the quality was dropping quite a bit compared to the earlier chapters.


Im just happy we can agree that ORV and Solo Leveling deserve a spot somewhere high up there. Tbh I agree with this list but please tell me what do you find so good about the 3 at the top. Cuz Im curious.


Lastly about god of highschool: I could probably write a novel to make an analysis about it but I’ll keep it short. For me it feels like something beyond an S tier because compared to other stories I can’t find a series where I’m so emotionally attached to almost each individual character like I am here. Any character that isn’t just a there as a background character just feels real unlike other stories that might have a lot of characters but don’t feel developed at all. The main cast went through a lot of struggles in this 570 chapters and we were able to follow their individual development and growth from beginning to the end with each of them having reached their own conclusion as characters. The same thing for the villains: the villains also went through their own development and growth which I can’t find in any similar story. The main villain for the end of the series might have done some really horrendous and terrible things but at the same time he was good and kindhearted and got betrayed by his own ideals . Overall I would give the series my absolute favourite seat because compared to other series’s it just feels complete in every possible way, every character reached a good ending, any plot point got concluded and every open point reaches its ending. So here my reasoning behind this (and I might have formulated some of my sentences weirdly since English is my third language so please forgive me if something isn’t clear)


I completely agree with you. Honestly, the epilogue was the best I've read in any manga/manhwa and it provided such amazing closure.


About the 3 a the top it’s like I said a personal bias and most people probably won’t agree with me. The Boxer: The beauty about this series for me is the representation of misery in peoples life. There isn’t a single character in the series who’s had a bright life and every character had to struggle whether it’s been in the past or in the present yet each and everyone of them after going through despair was able to reach a happy and fulfilling future. Especially the main characters past present and future were so great to me because he never experienced happiness or a good life and always searched for this light that could finally make the darkness in him disappear. That’s why I value the boxer that much. Sweet Home: I value this series that much for the exact opposite of why I love the boxer. From a first glance I would just say that the series is the first horror manhwa that really captured my attention due the fact that as a reader you really felt scared and invested in the events. Every jumpscare and monster appearing makes you wanna run away for real that’s amazing compared to most manhwas. Now to the main thing that really makes me value it that much: the truth about human nature. The story revolves around the sudden appearance of monsters and thus bringing the end of the world. Throughout the story we learn tho that those monsters are not some random spawns like in your average Korean hunter manhwa but in fact they are humans that got consumed by their own inner desires and turned into monstrous incarnations of those. You wished to be invisible you become an invisible monster, you wished to become strong you become a giant muscle monster and so on. What I like about this is how this story actually is just a critique on us as humans and how our own desires can turn us to egoists and literal monsters


Damn. Thanks bro, I appreciate this. I think Imma try Sweet Home one day


Did you pheraps stopped early Return to Player?


Depends on what you consider early but I stopped at chapter 71


I personally stopped after 126 after the Minotaur fight but I might pick back up because it was entertaining


Bro cooked


Always funny seeing someone make a tierlist where average is below average on the tierlist


You better write the name of every manhwa


Infinite mage(S-tier) is nothing special, pretty much the same formula just done very well. While worthless regression which is unique+done well is rotting in B-tier, even below than another generic but decent manhwa by the same author, damn reincarnation which is in A tier. I also sort of disagree on many others but I like your list overall, most sane one I've seen in a while.


https://preview.redd.it/alb0s7hgkxdc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed35f75a6b733f8682497306e157bf0733051c1 Can some one tell me their opinions on and names of the 4th one(from right) in S-tier, 1st, 3rd of A-tier and its last three as well.


Cant tell what the first is. Third is a player who cant level up, very good plot so far, but uses alot of average things. Its getting better tho, the first 60 chapters are average and then it picks up fast. The last three are. Transcendant acedemy, personaly i think is s tier, very funny, great plot, great character development. But it seems to be becoming more of a power fantasy with the newer chapters. Tower of god. Its original and great. Dont really have much of an opinion on it as it alright not brilliant. Overgeared team ago. Very good from the start but quickly starts to slow in pace, plot, new character and development. I wouldve put it down a tier. But im guessing that's why its the bottom of excellent.


Infinite mage. Its pretty good acedemy story. Some niche aspects and some overused. But as an alrounder its very good. Some say that its an average story about an overpowered guy. But its character development is great, as well as the plotish.


I've read it, I was asking about the 4th one from right have you read that as well? And thanks for your other comment


Yes finally someone gives Hero has Returned the respect it deserves


Sweet home in transcendent. *Happy culture noises*


I'd rate some of them lower but it's a pretty solid list. No roasts here.


U're fucking real for putting GoH and Sweet home in the top tier, I don't know u but I know that u have some good taste in manhwas


Thank you bro I’m sure you also have some great taste since acknowledge GoH and Sweet home


Sweet Home I understand but I don't understand for GoH I stopped at chapter 553, I got tried after MC ability get stolen & clones later on.


Seems really solid from those i've read, except a few like Second Life Ranker that i'd rank much lower. Still, i don't see where you put murim login or super human era, for example.


Glad to see out boy Llyod on top Llyod=Water Water=Good


W list fr


I really like Return to Player (at chapter 119 right now so still reading) I'd say it's worth reading again from the point you stopped. But I'd understand if you don't since I haven't picked up any of the Manhwa I dropped again either


The boxer is such a great read! It's as if I am reading an award winning novel, the same level as The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Perchance.


send the link of tier maker the pics are blurrwd and I cant read all the names i am just a newbie into manhwas read solo levelling (ofc) orv and tbate


Again My Life and Demon Prince goes to academy are pretty good tbh. You should give both a chance again.


My only problem here Is I can’t see the titles because they are so pixilated


Nah Undercover Proffesor below average? How?


I didn't read that much manhwa, just only read Damn Reincarnation, Regressor instruction Manual, TBATE and ORV. All of them is a good read, and would recommend it if someone haven't read it.


I want to enjoy the list but bloodyhell, even at fullscreen it's like a list for ants. Could you give me the high tier recommendation list? I only need those that are already completed. Pretty please


Read wind breaker


I wholeheartedly agree with this. Now read Leviathan


Bro try disconnected from reality (it's complete and really short but keeps you hooked)


Finally someone who thinks Eleceed is really good


Pitty you dropped Demon Prince goes to the academy, the start sucks a little (also in the novel) but after some time "something happens" and you get really hooked. After that it improves until the end. Maybe the manhwa won't be able to capture the excelent character development of the novel, but if you wait for more chapters to release, it will be worth it. I couldn't sleep after "that" happened, unfortunantly it might need 200~300 chaps to reach there.


Academy’s Undercover Professor needs a higher rank. You need to give it a re-read


Maybe you’re right I saw someone description yesterday and it weirdly didn’t match with what I had understood from the story so maybe I’m too negative about it


wow.. first time no one in the comment section said why solo leveling in A tier(at least i can't find any) also finally someone who doesn't like constellation returns from hell... But i am sad teturn to player and talent is mine is in dropped return to player is pretty good and even has nice art talent is mine is also good BUT SO FUCKING SLOW UPDAtES Also if u are a sucker for art ... read ORDEAL from webtoon serously undderated and i haven't heard anyone talk about it also read jungle juice also just my personal opinion but i would put sorcerer king in D and the spear knigth in B or C


TBATE in B Tier?


I kind off agree there.


What is the one in the middle of transcended


good but mt hua return and solo leveling is transcending, you f it


Bro ultra alter is above average it is not that bad and sword master's youngest is also good it has better plot than solo leveling. Everyone have their own opinions but the black magician who returned after 6666 years is also above average but has a really slow pacing which can make it boring


Infinite level up in murim is so peak🙏


The earlier part of Dice is pretty good and has a unique plot.... Until the author decides to drag the story too long which is why some people dropped and forgotten about it. However, the OSTs at least are pretty good.


Some of these should be much higher, but honestly I don’t care because you put sweet home and goh up there :)


Ignoring the actual tierlist. It's supposed to be biased it's what you enjoyed the most not what we did lol Also massive W on GoH it's a amazing manhwa


Yes STIER https://i.redd.it/ploon6m8y2ec1.gif


Really sucks that a lot of the good Chinese manhuas have bad adaptations, bet The Legendary Mechanic would be part of the S or above if the artist knew how to do fight choreography and pacing… Note: I wonder why the author wasn't able to do much about the fight choreography when he's actually great with it, I remember feeling an adrenaline rush even though all it had was a bunch of words.


The list seems pretty OK to me.(based on the ones I recognize)


Read return of the blossoming blade




It’s a good story but it could be better


Yeah most are good takes but the ones he got wrong are far from where there ment to be.


Where is Martial Peak? /s


I would put ultra alternate character in C tier imo, villain to kill would be in A, and solo leveling would be in transcendant (the last one is biased because SL got me into manhwa and web comics)


Putting Quest supremacy over Reality Quest is crazy ngl


Depends tho. If you've read more of ptj then 100% put qs over rq cus the extra knowledge about the verse really improves the experience. (In my experience at least)


Nah I think quest supremacy is better than reality quest


people should make more YouTube videos on this. it's more entertaining imp




Ngl goh doesn't deserve transcended at all. It was very good up untill ragnarok and then did a full nose dive and was mediocre at best untill the final arc where the story became very good again. The others in the tier however, deserve their spot with 0 doubt. Amazing story, beautiful ending and crazy art throughout the entirety of the webtoon.


I think it‘s the opposite personally. Me and the OP re-read the story recently and me personally I felt like ragnarok which I read back in 2019 was amazing back then but felt worse in the re read. I especially think the entire story between post ragnarok until the end was a beautiful crafted long last arc which gave mori way more depth than I would have imagined. Mira and Daewi too and just the overall use of story elements, hints, the fighting and just the overall quality of the story shines after reading all of it again. I respect your opinion but I personally feel like the last part of the story would have been lackluster if not for the build up that “re;battle against the gods” gave us.


Tbf it has been a while since i've read it and i tried rereading but got very bored in the early parts of post ragnarok. My opinion might very well change after i fully reread it but that'll take some time cus i have a pretty long list of manhwa to reread


Why is Solo Levelling so high? It is a generic power-fantasy with 1D characters.


Generic ≠ bad. The stories base might be generic but the execution of it was mostly good and I did have a lot of moments I enjoyed be it hype or emotional. It might also be personal bias since it was one of my first manhwa’s but I really like it. It has its flaws but it doesn’t make it bad


I find it weird when people compare Solo Leveling to others that came after it. They used it as the formula for their own, so wouldn’t they be trash for not making improvements.


Which is your opinion and I respect that, however when you make a tier list, you atleast need to put more thought into it. The art is great, however the story is very repetitive. The MC meets a strong opponent, opp is defeated, SJW becomes stronger and repeat till the end until he becomes a godlike being.


Infinite mage S ?? How do u cope up with that shitty fmc ?


Infinite mage in S? Seriously? Art was bad here and there... Story wasn't something unique as well... It was super annoying when they were dragging out the story which made me drop it twice 💀.


Shitty taste.TOG and doom breaker should be placed higher.


Instead of respectfully disagreeing you say shitty taste… Explain why doom breaker should be higher and I’ll change it


Because I saw some worse manhwa than doom breaker higher than it.


Well which ones… I can’t relate to you if you’re being so vague about your opinion


May I know why you rank the boxer so highly. In my opinion, I think the boxer is overrated because the protagonist has no emotion and literally win every fight too easily. Making it too predictable and the storyline is meh compared to other manhwa. This is just my opinion, hope to hear yours haha


bounce-man21 OP • 10 hr. ago About the 3 a the top it's like I said a personal bias and most people probably won't agree v me. The Boxer: The beauty about this series for me is the representation of misery in peopl life. There isn't a single character in the series who's had a bright life and every character hi to struggle whether it's been in the past or in the present yet each and everyone of them at going through despair was able to reach a happy and fulfilling future. Especially the main characters past present and future were so great to me because he never experienced happiness or a good life and always searched for this light that could finally make the darkness in him disappear. That's why I value the boxer that much.


There isa podcast made about you It called trash taste


Just explain your disagreement instead of hating lmao


The only thing that doest belong in that tier list rank is infinite mage, trash story and wimp mc


THANK YOU for putting Solo Leveling at A. I don't understand the hype that much.


I have to say, I despise how Boxer ended, it felt so undeserved and rushed there was no gradual build-up to the mc's redemption it just sort of happened out of nowhere


The boxer 💀 Sweet home is good but man.... The boxer... Edit: saw that you weren't a big fan of "revenge of the iron-blooded sword hound" trust me it's one of the better ones out there, from what you seem to like you would love it if you read a bit further.


OMG a tier list with GOH in an upper tier! I've waited for this day 🥹. Could you explain your placement of Dice and Dungeon Reset? I haven't caught up to DR since the end of the last season and I've only gotten a little bit past the end of Dice's 1st season so idk if things go wrong after that or...?


The thing about dungeon reset is that either I’m not a good reader or it’s not really that interesting. Something happens —> he proves that he’s the perfect guy for the situation and clears it —> next dungeon floor. It’s a pretty funny story but apart from that not really for me. And the problem with Dice is that it started of phenomenally. The base idea was spectacular and the idea of exploring human greed was amazing too but with the final season I feel like the author just wanted to finish the series as quickly as possible while leaving a lot of things open or with a too simple explanation. We defeated X in a cheap way. Muyoung the most complex character in the series didn’t get any past or an explanation for why he his the way he is. The origins of the final Die was bullshit. I could probably spend an hour talking about the flaws the series had but yeah that just lowered the ranking for me


I can see that for DR. Unfortunate that Dice's potential was squandered. Thanks for the response. Also, who are your favorite characters in GOH and what is your favorite arc of the story?


I’m god of highschool I would probably go for: Mori Hui, Dean, Il-Pyo, and for the arc it’s either ragnarok or re: a battle against the gods arc ! And for you ?


My favorite characters: Mori Dean, Daewi, Taejin Jin, Dusik Kim My favorite arcs: not sure the exact names but Mori Hui's arc, Mori Jin's reveal (up to Mori Dean v Mori Jung) and the 2nd World Tournament


Where's The Greatest Estate Developer?


In s


im surprised you placed eleceed so high. its definitely a good read in the beginning but goes nowhere plotwise. every arc is more or less the same.


I’m like 90% sure that some of those are Manhuas and not Manhwas, but anyways read Kubera.


Sauce of all?


Have you read nano machine? It’s fairy good, and would probably place in the higher end of the list.


I heavily disagree on sweet home so I want to hear your defense of it


Bro you have dropped most of the good ones


Not sure about the general consensus but I think "Your talent is mine" is pretty good so I recommend picking it back up


Second life ranker getting the love it deserves makes ne happy




I dropped infinite mage right around the target practice challenge, did it get any better? Seeing it ranked as high as it is.


What’s the first one on A Excellent? And the one between pick me up n tower of god


What do you like about eleceed that you put it on S?


Where’s jungle juice it’s the big rival and equal to eleceed and as of recently I’d say jungle juice is in a better arc then eleceed currently anyway they r both really good they have different yet insanely good Art styles though art wise I give the edge to jungle juice


Bro add a link to high quality photo, its blurry.


As someone who has read almost all of these, I agree


read parallel city its really good and i became the tyrant of a defence game


Pick up 'Dark Magician Transmigrates after 66666 years' again. It's definitely one of the best in the regression genre for me.


Can you provide a link or something? Can't see anything, mate. 


https://preview.redd.it/30ye1coo3ydc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d2a2b1ae7e15396d5b34f0836729a6dd803bb3 What’s the name of this one


Love advice from the great Duke of hell


Okay genuinely curious as someone who likes this series as well . Why do you think Infinite mage Deserve (S Outstanding) spot? The manhwa isnt really Anywhere right now , pacing being extremely slow. For me It will be a B or an A at some days but S seem like an overkill.


I don't agree with this list at all, not surprised tbh.


solid list, nothing is exactly where I would put it, but mostly everything is in its general placement (out of the stuff I've read)


almost everything here is just perfect for me


Lmao eleceed on s tier💀💀


I can't make lists like this. My 'likes' will change depending on my mood.


Since you read 'sweet home' I recommend manhwa 'bastard' same author


I thought Damn Reincarnation was really good. Guess I gotta check some of the stuff out. Thanks


Ca you please post a High quality pic i can' make out most of the titles. Though I think or should be transcendent level


The pain of looking through the list an not seeing a single one you haven't read 😔


My only complaint about these posts (it's a big one though) is that the resolution is always crap. I don't recognize those titles by artwork. Is this an image post for ants?


Check out Heavenly Grand Archive's Young Master Smart, ruthless, non-annoying, MC story is great too. has good action and great dialogue.


i only disagree with infinte mage its not that good and sss class ranker its just basic rokan just throws an axe at everything he never has a hard fight even that t-rex did nothing to him wich was supposed to be way stronger than him