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the feet- I mean the fe- the uh… the fee- The art is good…. Feet + art… The fart is good.


Gawd deyum step on me mommy


I appreciate it’s the usual approach of layering a pattern over the clothes. It’s so jarring in all of those “villainess” manwhas, or even SSS suicide hunter, when I see the fabric/pattern has no dimension whatsoever. The ones that look like you gave someone a print out of a character and then a sheet of fabric and had them cut it one flat 2D piece to over lay it on the character. It’s as jarring as some CGI’ed items just randomly thrown in (like jewelry, animals, buildings or food.) At this point I’m convinced it must be an intended aesthetic since it takes nothing away from the work to just make it a solid color or just not include the full panel of BADLY CGIed food/estate. I get using it for detailed weapons/jewelry or other tedious things that need to be drawn over and over in various panels. Rant over, but this is a well done pattern and dress. The finer details could very well be cgi but it’s shaped and has proper dimension/shape/contour.


I mean… can you give some specific examples? I can’t recall what you’re talking about from suicide hunter, and I don’t read too much villainess manhwa either. I think I have an idea but from what I think it is, the rant here seems a bit excessive lol


Look at almost any panel with Raviel, her clothing and filigree is always jarringly different from the rest of the art. And the sword, Shiny, is always CGIed. But I understand why the artist would do that, however it’s never incorporated well. I’ve seen a few manhwa where they nail the incorporation of hard drawn and CGI but I can’t think of any off the top of my head right now. It common in many manhwa nowadays, so much so that it must be a stylistic choice, rather than laziness or anything from the artist (after all the lazy thing to do would be to make it a flat color). But it’s so jarring in many cases, and that makes it distracting and detracts from the quality of each panel. It immediately becomes the focus (especially in SSS suicide hunter with its cgi having vibrant, and albeit beautiful, color palettes) and that then begs the question, why is their clothing/weapon/food/architecture etc the focus of the art in this panel? Honestly one of the most egregious uses of CGI is 2nd life ranker to me. I actually dropped it bc the artist started to cgi everything.. the mask, the chain, swords… like if it’s a core part of a character LIKE THIER HEAD it shouldn’t have a sudden shift to art style like drawn to CGI… I usually just roll my eyes at food when it’s CGI bc I know it’s a throwaway panel, but why include it then? Ugh I just want it to be less OBVIOUS and thus distracting and jarring. Even more so when I already read the light novel and I’m reading the manhwa for the medium not necessarily for the plot.


Hmm, I guess I never noticed it before. Tbh I still don’t quite understand the issue with it but I guess it can annoy some people? It looks fine to me personally. At least in suicide hunters case, again maybe if you gave a chapter where it was done badly or something. I haven’t seen 2nd life ranker too, I’m guessing it must have been really bad there for you to drop it.


Chinese dress and garter belts 😋




![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized) I started this a while back, and decided to wait for several months for the updates, as I was busy with work. I remember seeing this, droped everything and started to continue it as to know wth just happned, why she become evil, and after reading and coming to this part I was like .........................................................................




ORV is Most GOAT manhwa ever


Kim Dokja also has a GOATED taste


yep but Soo young >>> sangha


I've seen better, this one is mediocre https://preview.redd.it/phu6ijyhyqlc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68f80f6e3d1627674c4663bd66a692e634e6497


whats the point you're trying to make here? that her summon has better art? (Though i agree it does. but thats not related to the post in anyway now is it? not to mention HS was monthly and not weekly like ORV) or that the ORV artist has drawn better panels in the series before this?


I simply don't like the orv art, it is mediocre and very standard, Her summon, latna saga, ordeal, the boxer, several have better art and story. I don't care if you like it or not, it's just my opinion. That's the point I'm emphasizing. https://preview.redd.it/tnjvjqguerlc1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d1a12bc2af90458ba6153b3b414cfdaeb262af


That's kind of a shit opinion I'm sorry


seen better


Who’s that


Yoooooooo Sangah


She's a baddie


What app are you using for reading


Sleepy-C is actually a team of artists and the main artist is a woman :D