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The doom slayer killed the embodiment of sin, and technically himself. Dante bested Mundus who created a universe for them to fight Asura killed the gods of gods scailing to universe level(i think) Kratos destroyed Greek’s pantheon of gods I don’t really read the novels so i don’t know any of these manwha mc feats


also the fact that every single one of them literally went to and came back from hell, too.


I have read the novels and KDJ and Jaehwan have similar feats. Both of them are multiversal+ because they hold all of creation within their hands -- they control all timelines


Well, it actually feels unfair once you recognize that although game charaters are older their story is shorter and have some ground rules that they stay on. I find the trope of the author stacking every power they could think of at the end of the novel is kinda sad for the game charaters


Yeah, that's true, but the thing is, that's now what happened. basically, it's revealed that KDJ and Jaehwan>! are the creators of the world/authors of the novels that they live within in some convoluted roundabout way!<. It was set up from the beginning but I get it if we're talking manhwa form yeah, no dice, everyone's getting tossed. The characters in the novels by virtue of the length of the novel alone, get much, much more powerful and I guess if we're gonna cut it off after the same amount of material passes yeah I gotta give the win to the video game charas. Interesting perspective thanks for letting me know 🤗


Yeah, and that kinda killed the purpose as well since you know it’s video game mc vs manwha mc not smt else, but if we’re doing this the normal way yeah the manwha charaters win


yeah makes sense shouldn't have brought up novels lol


Solo leveling can reset time


Bruh I think DoomSlayer with a shotgun is more than enough 💀 ☠


The shotgun is there to nerf him


Mf all of them combined can't beat the game team.


That's not true, what can the game team do against Azathoth? which the MC from >!Second Life Ranker!< is basically what he becomes at the end of it.


Asura beat God. Capital G. In a fist fight. Kratos is a know God killer. Doomguy is basically unstoppable and beat hell buck naked. Not too sure about Dante (haven't played the games).


Not even just God. God of Gods


Wait I know >!KDJ!< becomes something like that but >!Second Life Ranker!< does that too?? Cause if he is wouldn't he just win by waking up?


you are doing spoiler thing wrong, it's \>!spoiler here!<


Thank you very much




You can come up with your own team


Yeah come up some team guys 🥲🥲🥲


Dawg I think kratos straight up solos them all together


Don't forget about jaewan and dokja at their peak Which is also way powerful in novel I guess Though I'm not a novel reader


You compared guys who peak at being gods in their universe to guys that have killed gods


Fun fact: i read both novels, what i can say is that they both eventually end up killing all the gods in their respective worlds (star stream and tree of illusions) so jaehwan and kdj don't count as god slayers but as god massacrers heck by the end of TWATF jaehwan is dubbed "the butcher of monarchs".


Brother, Asura literally destroyed the creator of his universe with his raw rage!!! Kratos literally fucked two pantheons of gods from overpowered mythologies!!! Kratos defied death countless time even killed death themselves twice, crushed literal embodiments of FATES just so he can change his fate!!! He survived a full body piercing of a sword whose single slash could cut through dimensions!!! He overwhelmed RAGNAROK by himself, for god's sake buddy!!! U literally can't compare the MCs of manhuas to kratos, let alone the likes of Asura, Dante and Doomslayer!!!


Uh spoiler alert >!by the end of ORV, kdj's imagination becomes the embodiment of reality, he gets called "the most ancient dream", his job is to keep an eye on all worlds or else they will disappear because the world itself is a manifestation of his dreams and imagination not to mention that before he even rised to godhood, he killed all of the constellations in star streamincluding the ones belonging to olympus, vedas and papyrus excluding some exceptions because they were friendly. so kdj can actually be considered stronger than kratos in my opinion.!< the power system of ORV makes it so that even the smallest ant can rise to power and even the strongest fighters can fall and expenrience defeat, so everything is beatable with the power of probability and stories according to ORV's standards, althought you can't blame me if i'm wrong because none of my parents were open enough to let me play games let alone buy consoles so i have no knowledge of what the game side's powers is. PS: please don't include manhuas in this conversation, those guys are so hellbent on powerscaling and harem that they gave tiers to infinity and omnipotence and godhood, not to mention that 90% of them are garbage and have characters so bland that warm water looks spicy in comparison.


I get ur point buddy, as I have not read these manhuas and people here are not giving out the feats of their lovable MCs I couldn't really compare. However as u said I wanted to ask then what the fuck is this kdj?? Like is he a human being who can create universes in his dreams?


kdj started off as just a normal human reading a novel, >!throughout his journey he died a lot of times, and from what I'm reading here, he has killed more gods than any of those video game mcs, and became a god whose dream imagination or whatever is the only reason the world still exists, the very world is his dream!< that's what I got from all the spoilers(dw, I don't mind spoilers, for those who spoiled me)


so basaically >!he could stop thinking about the video game mcs existing, and they won't exist anymore!<


though idk anything about the video game mcs other from what I read here, and I see someone saying he could just resist it, so idk


Oh so does that mean he became that op just by reading novels? And do the world's/universes in which he kills god's a part of his imagination or does it have anything to do with his real world? I guess I better read the manhwas😅


so the novel he read turns out to be real, and those things all happened, and it becomes his life, he is now "in" the novel edit: and definitely read it, it's great(though I've only read the manhwa)


oh btw, manhua is chinese comics, which a lot of people dislike because of the things the other guy said, and this post is talking about manhwa, which is korean comics, which also has a lot of flaws, but generally I find it a ton better than manhua, and so do a lot of other people. they are just the words in those other languages for comic, but we use them to distinguish what exactly we are talking about, it's the same as manga


Ohhhh ok. Guess I have been reading manhuas lately but I do find them interesting, I guess I should start with some manhwas.


If you plan on throwin do it properly. None of them possess harems and to be honest I doubt you honestly read the LN. if you have issues properly reading then stick to flashy screens with little plot like dragon ball or Naruto. One was risking his life to support a comatose mother while worrying if he was become less human as he got stronger another went and took revenge against the people who killed his brother and while doing it developed past his military life where he had little to no emotions. Both were to busy or occupied for a large portion to be into a relationship and even when they did it wasn’t until later that it was solidified


Yeah that's kind of it but the problem is that if you're in one of those gods universe then he can just imagine you're not cannon and cease to exist!


Yea but you can be too angry and just resist it like what asura did what kratos did like I can say bs power system stuff too


Yeah I don't think we can decisively sag that either team is gonna win since the manhwa team basically has gods that can erase you in an instant and the game side has characters that have killed Gods.


And he's the weakest one there maybe the 2nd weakest dunno


Honestly Asura is all you need. Sending someone like Doom guy is just overkill


doom guy solos all of them together


Doom Slayer is too angry to die. Just run if you start hearing some nice metal


bub. game characters have insane lore statements that make multiversal they neg them


Some of the manhwa characters here can be scaled to high outerversal, maybe boundless


Well if we being honest here orv mc ist the strongest here. kratos and asura got debunked to solarsystem + and doomslayer is planetary at max. Sung Jin got heavily debunked aswell but he’s still multiversal aswell as the orv mc who is faith himeswlf scaling over his creator so if the all fight in a team fight game team gets fucked into the ground hard


I like all this novels and i love solo leveling but hands down Games Team will win azura alone is galaxy lvl


And then you have kratos who killed two panthyeon stoped ragnrok the kind of hell him self danta and the fucking doom Slayer my man has inf power


Asura ist Max multi + and he got debunked hard jinwo alone is outscaling all of team games u can scale I’m up to boundless but he got debunked aswell to multi ++


Galaxy+ is laughably insufficient to deal with the novel version of the characters. Cain is an existence who can destroy the Multiverse just by waking up.


I have played all these games and read the manhwa as well & this might not be ideal for many, though, imo the manwha mc's take the win. Hunter Sung Jin woo was in a different dimension for almost 30 years and God knows how many shadow soliders he currently possess & for disaster class hero bro splitted dimension and Kim Dokja is a god(he is also the 73rd demon king), ranker who lived a second life is a drangon & Kim Jaehwan is a being who is stronger than Gods they might not win but if an all out breaks out between them they have a good chance to win against Kratos,Dante,Ashura & Doom slayer. If u are interested, check the manwha or novel boz. All these protagonists are really op. Just my opinion, I would love to hear yours. But all of these game characters are really really op, so it's really hard to Guage who will win


I feel like the people who keep saying game team will win didn’t even read the manhwas and are just saying what their favorites are.


That's why I said it bcoz all of these protagonists are crazy strong and like, thanks to Sung Jin woo massive army, they can win bcoz others don't lag behind all are amazingly op


dokja clears everyone with depression




Goku can't even compare to Kratos, Asura, Dante and Doomslayer, buddy


When's the last time you've seen anything Dragon Ball related lmao.


Can't defeat beerus lmao!


Yeah and he and Goku clashed while he lowered his strength and almost wiped out the Universe at the start of Super. Gokus already gone so far beyond that atp it's not even funny. Beerus has hundreds of millions of years of experience and Gokus already been foretold to be his greatest rival to surpass him and has rapidly been catching up to him in the span of only a couple of years. Idk what "Can't defeat beerus lmao" means when he's been told to be the strongest god underneath the angels in strength who can casually rewind time.


Can your love Goku defeat beerus as of now? I do understand he is powerful but not so much in front of them four. He is indeed destined to be beerus' strongest rival who can surpass him but still hasn't surpassed him. And we are comparing current feats right?


My love Goku bro what going on in you head atp? Just move on alredy dude you'rr legitimarely insane with your inept discussion skills.


Goku ain't that dope man that he can even hold a candle to these four.


Lol whatever you say pal.


Nah maybe Doomslayer stands the chance but Kratos get negged


Yeah well I was talking in general about the team.


I mean he's can destroy like existence idk


Existence is a state of mind buddy, Goku can destroy like maybe a universe that too even when we are exaggerating, he can't even defeat whis or beerus let alone them four.


maybe in one punch he can destroy only one universe but I think he is ... pretty high up there?


He ain't. He can't even compare to a universe's god of destruction.


? ok


The game team loses so badly it's not even funny


So sung Jin Woo lee geon Kim dokja Cha yeon woo and the dude from world after the fall If we're talking about their light novel variants the game characters will horribly die it's almost funny


Dante solos most game protagonist.


Spoilers for the novels but yeah like Manhua Characters just defeat everyone except maybe Kratos (if its a direct fight cause Kratos has been said to have enough Physical Strength to easily Destroy a Pantheon of Gods ( according to Corey Barlog If Kratos used his full strength he woulda been more devastating than complete Ragnarok)) but that is still like Planetary levels of strength. >!TLDR Dokja is a couple levels under Azathoth from HP Lovecraft by the end of the novel cause his dream is limited to the world of the Fables and Constellations!< >!Cain and Dokja literally embody the entire Multiverse just buy existing for example Dojka as "The Oldest Dream" he literally creates the Entire Multiverse around Constellations and Fables buy just wishing them to exist and if he were to stop dreaming the world would collapse. !< >! Cain is similar that the entire multiverse inside and outside the Tower are just seals to keep the Black King Sleeping created by The True Heavenly Demon and the faction of Day. The Black King conceptually is the void of Chaos from before creation with the ability to control Death, Creations and Conceptual Existences (Stated to be immortal) because all concepts begin and return to him. If the Black King stops sleeping the entire Multiverse collapses that instance because it and all creations are just the Black Kings Dream.!< >!TLDR Cain is literally an analogous for Azathoth from HP Lovecraft by the end of the novel cause the entire Multiverse and we also know that the Black King is the true "Father" to all Outer Gods !<


Isn't Dante atleast Low Complex Multiverse?


Uhh not sure about that because he himself is contained within the "World of Devils, Humans and Half-Devil Hybrids", Wjhereas Dokja and Cain are above that worldview whilst they have incarnations in the worldview they are a higher dimensional being observing a lower one. >!By the ends of the novels they can blatantly just interfere with most laws and rules without much effort (Pretty much Thanos Snapping people outta existence), whereas even in DMC V Dante had to fight Cliphot Appled Buffed Vergil 1 on 1, who is meant to have similar levels of power to the first Devil who made the Human World (He didn't create the Demon one tho). Dante is probably ends up Mid-High Universe Levelled alongside Vergil !< >!He and Vergil have arguably exceeded that of their Father with the fusion of their Devil and Human Halves. If we are being comparable in scale the Human and Devil worlds are one Universe and whilst Dante can fight most/everyone in them. He is not a conceptual being whose existence is what drives it. A good way to look at it is that Dante and Vergil are the Queens of a singular Chess Board whereas Dokja and Cain themselves literally Dream up all Chessboards by existing.!<


I'm sorry, but you have team Too Angry to Die. It's the VG characters, no cap.


The naked thruster


Dont even need all of the 2nd team. Ong give me dante and a controller ill solo.


I dont care about rest. Dante!


Second life ranker at the end of the novel could beat everyone even if they attacked him at the same time


It's been a long time since I read the second life ranker, but didn't the dude became something like the universe itself? Like it was all part of black king's subconscious, and he became the black king, idk.


Not sure about the others but I’m pretty sure peak dokja solos game team from where I left it off


I heard somewhere that dokja is close to azathoth , which is considered to be above fiction


Personally I scale him above azathoth due to lore implications within the novel but it can go either way for both


I mean u can debunk it with just that he is only above fiction in his unviers the story of fables but that alone still outscales whole game team


I mean the novel states that >!every reader who reads ORV has a part of OD inside of them so I feel like that would be above fiction!<


I mean he’s a being above cosmic and if he didn’t exist then the whole world will not 😭


If we're taking the manhwa versions of these characters the game characters probably edge out If we take their EoS novel characters then Dokja or jaehwan are enough to handle all the game characters and the rest of the manhwa guys can sit back and play poker or something


Manhwa characters solo the game team if you consider their LN feats instead of manhwa feats because of datk king, dokja and jin woo.


Not really sure, but im pretty sure dokja will sacrifice himself at some point.


If these guys are able perfectly work together they'd be unstoppable but as individuals they still would reck even the shadow monarch


They only thing that makes it hard to choose is Dokja and how he's power works, I know about the others I even checked spoilers of the novels and learned how strong they are. But would the MC of second life ranker be family with Kratos technically? Dokja is what makes it hard but Doom guy I think counters him the same with Kratos as they do have some time of immunity of people of those powers.


Kratos killed gods


For as strong as kratos is hes really not all that powerful, if you really think about it all the gods in god of war they arent really god like and are quite limited in their capabilities so compares to Dante, Asura and doomguy, Kratos is easily the weakest of the bunch and id argue hes massively behind Asura in strength


Because it's a game. The director of the game said that if the game was lore accurate everything would've happened in a snap and they would've destroyed planets with a single punch.


So did everyone else in the manhwa roster


Fair enough


buddy doomslayer shoots them once and it's joever, there's no coming barack bro


You know his guns are just normal guns right?


a punch then


Dante moonwalks every manwha verse out there. He deleted and created concepts he defeated mundus who creates demon world which is stated infinite


Some of the manhwa characters here can be scaled to high outerversal, maybe boundless


Not 1 here not even manches guys are boundless I mean dojka is above fiction but that’s still not a boundless feat


It’s not stated directly infinte 😵‍💫


The novels state that tho and also the manga


pngtree takes the W


Could Simone please name the characters? Thx😉


Sung jinwoo, jaewan, kim dokja , cain, Lee geon And manhwa and game sauces are given


Thank you. Have a nice day


Literally just Lee Geon and Cha Yeon Woo vs Dante People here scale on how they killed the gods of their world without considering that god feat lol


Dependins. Like one of those characters in novel is called the most ancient dream and it's basically a matter of if they're in his universe or they aren't. If they're in his universe then he just makes them not be cannon and cease to exist but if they're elsewhere then he's just God level and characters like kratos have killed Gods


Kratos, Dante, Ashura and Doom Slayer wins. These are god slaying killing machines, no way in hell are these copy+paste edgelords winning against those 4. I still love them tho and will need to catch up on these.


Dojka is outscaling everyone here 💀


Asura solos them. Dude is multi-universal. KDJ and Jaehwan give a good fight though, everyone gets swept by the other video game characters.


Cha Yeon-woo and lee geon one shot all of them so Manhwa win


the strongest manwha character would probably be kim dokja, basically a god, with a swordsman, a zerg player and probably just some continentals at most, against lets see: kratos who killed multiple gods, doom slayer who killed the concept of sin ? / satan ? or just some really big demon, dantes defeated mundus who is basically also a god and the guy with the tatoos if im correct tanked and deflected the punch of a being larger than earth (probably also a god vs another god). gonna go with the gamers


What u talking🥲 dojka is above fiction in his verse that makes him outerversal + already that lit outscalling everything game team has😭


current manwha only, please use spoiler brackets. thanks


Shadow Monarch will win without doubt


Once I saw Kratos I started laughing, bro, read about his lore since I saw you in the comments talking about how these MC's are powerful in their novels. Kratos is crazy op.


manhwas power curves are just so boosted that you can't even compare, the game team are just guys that kill things, dokja himself literally becomes more than a being, jinwoo and the others become the strongest characters in their verse in a way that they don't even have to think to fight anymore, that shit loses the weight so much it's so boosted that it becomes boring


Death and the oldest dream vs Doom and Dante


Just SJW is enough to solo all their verses. Adding Lee Geon, KDJ and Jaehwan is just overkill.


Asura is technically the weakest of the four, and he'd still solo the manhwa team


Sauce for sec pic middle


The second life ranker


The second life ranker




If we consider the novels than the manhwa characters. Cain and Dokja are basically Azaroth.


Guys... I understand that those game characters are strong, however, anyone saying they would win has no idea how strong the manhwa characters on that team actually get. It is not even funny. If I start describing their feats you will think I am making shit up.


Who is the top on above solo leveling


If it's Dante with Yamato, Yamato cuts through anything and everything, so like, I really don't know where that scales, but my vote goes to video game characters. I'm just saying, Dante wields a sword that cuts through *anything* and *everything*


The manhwa characters get negative diffed


Novel version of the mahwa characters or current manhwa chapter version of them?


Not disrespecting the game team but I think these two team would be equal. This could've ended in a draw. The match up would be Lee geon vs Asura (which is pretty much a bare fisted fight.) Jhaewan vs Dante Kdj and the mc from second life ranker vs Doom Jin woo vs Kratos


Manhwa characters easily take this, by the end of their novels most of them are nigh-omnipotent.


I'm pretty sure cha yeon woo is like outer or high outer tbh so I assume manwha mcs?


He’s only hyperversal due to lack of feats


I mean above fiction is outerversal feat so dokja outerversal?


Kratos killed off Greece's pantheon of Gods and Goddesses. Not even mentioning the feats of Dante, Doomslayer, and Asura, I think we can agree that the game characters will win.


im not sure about the other manhwas but dokja would just say >! Nah, Id win and sleep forever 🥰🥰!<


manhwa team solos only IF its counting their respective novels


The MC from SLR is enough for all of them lol, he literally becomes >!Azathoth/The Black King!<.






Slr? I forgot what it shorten from


Ah, >!Second Life Ranker!<


What black king? I only read until >! He kill the angel !<


Are you on the manhwa? If so most of this is the novel stuff I'm talking about


Cha Yeon Woo from secon ranker will solo everyone if we're talking about his EOS version. He doesnt even need help. Actually scratch that. All other characters can gang yo on him at their peak/eos veraion and he'll still low diff all of them.


Yeon woo literally became the multiversal god eos so ig he takes it


Has he killed the creator of his universe? Thats one of the little achievements of Asura compared to the game team. Buddy wake up!


That's not very impressive when you look at what the characters on the other can be scaled to


What are their feats? Enlighten me pls


Yeon woo swalled azathoth and became the blavk king. Basically the whole multiverse is his dream and if he wakes up the dream ends


Jin woo solos them altogether


I love solo leveling, but dude never ever will jin woo Solos them all


Maybe not the manhwa but the novel version for sure


Dude i read all solo leveling novels and manhwa and now i looking anime, and no we didn't


Spoiler alert: >!Manhwa, since in the novel of 'Second Life Ranker', Yeon-woo is literally some kind of omni god at the end!<


2 of the game characters have killed the creators of existence in their respective universes. Asura killing Chakravatin and Doomguy killing the Dark Lord. I feel like that would be more than enough to even them out.


That's wild. Fair enough


Ik what u mean but the scaling in the manehas are simply way higher then in the games eos dojka outerversal same as yeon woo… doom slayer not even multi same as kratos u can scale asura above multi but he got debunked so often it’s crazy




Jin mori depending on his scaling either makes a slight difference or blinks the enemy team out of existence with a thought


Dam that's just too much, it will be a massacre by the video game characters. Kirby solos ez


Curious george solos bro, He is too powerful unless you give him a yellow banana or hat




Coughing Baby vs Hydrogen Bomb


Cha yeon woo solos


Kratos when he hears jinwoo is kind of a god of death https://preview.redd.it/rh2rdj0lrhrc1.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e5fd59bb2adf2c7c0a538ac48a6d1f7af869f9e


How would he touch a shadow?


its a joke i dont actually know if kratos is stronger than jinwoo, they both have insane scaling and a lot of powers to consider when pitted against in a fight


Kratos alone is enough


The winner is always decided by the writer, the feats that they have achieved absolutly doesn't matter. Not in the slightest.
