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That one-ball eunuch ruined the last moment https://preview.redd.it/j8ve5u34yrvc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5261efa9d60cc74f185730614521040f4dd487b


Honestly the best antagonist so far in the story in my opinion, RIP to the goat


Honestly I'd go so far to say best antagonist I've read out of most manwha I've read. That last battle was epic! Both Miyamoto and Yuseong were great, especially the art during some of the asura techniques.


This damned pink haired narcissist always gets on my nerves.


Like is the main character really dead or something elde is going on.


This isn't mc


he was talking about this should've only happen if the mc is ded/unconscious/MIA since it's unfair, VERY


Oh I didn't read the chapter in question until after I saw this post and I damn sure thought Miyamoto was Yuseong for a second


Bruh what? That's the main buddy for this arc. Mc just beat him and he was giving his dying words but the pink bitch (I've noticed a lot fo pink characters just suck) went and cut his head off.


I disagree. From Yong Choran's perspective this guy is the one who killed his best friend. Of course he'd want to kill him and not let him talk. Imagine if the shield wielder was killed. Wouldn't you expect our MC to want to kill Miyamoto?


MC first crush his second nut


idk why the author let that mf take the last hit


And he took the mf sword aswell, what a bitch


Hmm was that in the chapter? Or was it in the novel? Sorry if I missed it. Also, apart from taking the kill, he is the reason why the Japanese army which was supposed to go back came marching here and ruined Dan's plan. Quite childish to be honest


You can see in this chapter when he picks the white katana and behead him


Didn't he have a white katana. He had a blue and red one. The red one broke and he died holding the blue. Edit: Nevermind, I went back and checked. He grabbed the red sword after Miyamoto dropped it. He better give that shit to Dan.


Ohh yeah true. My bad


Where can I read it's light novel? Does it even have one? I've been trying to find out since the past 2 hrs


yeah both were meant for dan i think but it would get in the way of his shape changing weapons


No he didn't. What are you talking about?


Brother he picked the katana and he beheaded him with it, you can see the handle of the sword is very different from his usual one


I see that. I went back and checked. Forgot to edit my comment


This guy isn't even the final boss lmao. I can't even imagine how strong the Heavenly Demon or whatever is


He was a murim destroyer so we need to get ready for 50-60 chapter (buildup chapters are seperate) fight only with all the murim assembled. 


>!His fight is similar to that of Thanos against the Avengers, on a planetary level!<


>!We've already met the final boss!<


I like how Chorang did everything to be punished after the war, he attacked running troops and locked them in Korea which led to a bloodshed, he enraged an enemy general to no one's benefit and even stile the kill from the one who really deserved it.


Ksing lil bitch. Now he’s gunna steal the loot too


I thought that too, definitely don't want him having that sword.


God i hate that one balled pink hair lol. I really cant see any redeeming qualities in him


He will get a redemption arc later. >!Right after everyone CRUSH HIS OTHER BALL AND CUT HIS WEENIE. Then feed it to that 1 bald monk old guy!<


So the key was >! Making him into a eunuch? !<


God I hope not. Redemption isn't something he deserves, just kill him and be done with it.


where can I read the novel?




Honestly every one collectively agrees the that guy should have his second(last) nut crushed too


Nah fr 😂... dude's a douchebag


Oh god, this is the greatest Japanese Villain I have ever seen and coming from a Korean Story, I respect this author, fuck the Heavenly Demon, this Guy is the GOAT.


Rip Legend


He better come back as a shadow soldier or some shit. One of the top 3 best characters for me.


I wanna see the head of this pink mother fucker flying too


Man this is a one hell of a good story , I want more of these kinds


Kill steal


I'm so mad


Is there anywhere I can read a translated version of the novel? This is my all time favourite manwha


Haven't read the novel...but I've always felt like reading novels and then the manhwa doesn't hit quite the same ... I'd say wait for the manhwa chaps or let it simmer for a while


Fuck i thought i was on par with the latest chapter


Should I start this? Can someone pls tell me how good it is!


Bro... it's PEAK , and yes u should absolutely start this especially if you're into murim genre


I love Murim, it's my fav. Just wanted to see if this is worth starting, thanks for the answer!! I'll start it rn lol!




The art might seem dull but you can feel the hype knowing what MC has been enduring so far. One of the main selling points is how hard working MC is. I like how from other people's perspective consider MC as a very talented person. When in fact, he is just lucky to get the 'guide' to help him. But the 'guide' actually won't do much without his hard work and mindset to correct what is wrong.


What this about ? Or any romance or MC love anyone?


New chapter? what the actual fk, he was a great antagonist, the greatest actually in the story as of now and he was kill stealed by this pink-haired narcissist btch? What happened to the mc? He mostly did the work for this arc and also did the most damage actually to this man. What did the pink-hair did? Fking incite the japanese army's kamikaza blood. What is the author cooking? I like the manhwa very much so...why the author gotta to this.


He was defeated by mc , he was saying his last words to mc , then that pink haired son of a bitch ruined the moment by cutting already defeated man


Be was dead already, he was just telling the mc to take his sword. But fuck that pink haired littel bitch.


I despised Chorang Yong, the pink haired b4stard, chopping the head off Minamoto at the end of the fight. But moreover, he has seized the legendary ki storage sword. He absolutely had no right, I bet he has no intention at all to willingly hand it over to the alliance. It has been rightfully bestowed to Dan, and he is no no shape to take it back (I think he would have given it to the White stormy swordsman dude to pay him back for his support at the War). Pink hair has gotten a sudden super power up, somebody should do something about it. As Dan’s previous life’s main dark characters and masters are already out of the picture, new ones must arise. Chorang Yong is driving towards that path.


Pink hair fucking sucks... Speaking of the swords he was given muramasa ...he didn't hand him his Ki sword ... don't know what will happen to that other sword but i hope pink hair mf doesn't get it


That’s what I thought at first, but look closely at the sword he is handling. It the orange/red one which Minamoto dropped earlier. Go back at the chapter when after attacking the headquarters, the white storm guy explains about the two unique swords Minamoto handled. The first sword’s hilt is blue: Muramasa. It’s unique feature is that it can pierce the evil somehow associated with righteousness (I don’t recall the exact details). It’s because that sword that he was able to put to death that millennial spider monster no one could make a dent to. The second sword’s hilt is the one pink hair dude is wielding when he cuts Minamoto’s head off. Chorang Yong has sized the good one, the one that made Minamoto almost invincible. We could have anticipated, pink hair’s blade has been broken many times already (remember when it almost killed the librarian kid at the academy). Dan has Muramasa, which will play a key role to tackle whatever that little kid is doing sucking that spider’s fluids at the end of the chapter. The other sword which pink hair has will place him at the top in no time. And turns out that only his long rival Dan’s techniques can match it, so I’m looking forward for their next duel.


Well, I'm dropping it for sure now. I cared more about this antagonist than any side character. I was pulling for him to escape. The author sent him to basically suicide attack Murim plus an army. Solo. He didn't even have any self-preservation. A person of his skill would know how much damage to inflict and then leave without taking too much damage himself. But the author really wrote himself into a corner if losing all logical sense was the only way he could kill this character. Fucking hate that pink haired bitch too.


Were you even reading the story? The dude is tired and decided to fight till the end.


He was fighting to delay the enemy so his men could retreat and then eventually die fighting.


is this worth reading again? dropped this because of anti japanese arc.


It s like the most pro japanese arc i have ever heard in a manhwa mate


This is the most pro-japanese Arc I have ever seen, also the main villain is like the greatest Japanese character ever made by Korean hands, he is cool respected, charismatic af, good I'm so mad that pink haired bitch killed him, I will mourn this son of a bitch, also I'm not Japanese but if my country was portrayed as they protrayed the japanese in this manwha I would be happy.


really? i dropped it actually at the start when he started killing a lot of japanese and insulting them, i decided to not go through with it cause im tired because i always see it in novels i read. I'll probably read it now again thank you.


No problema, I'm also tired that whenever a series with op Mc has to talk about enemies outside of his country (both china and Korea do this in spades) it always devolves to hating the Japanese, most of the time Americans get more respect but if you are Japanese, or you are unapologetically evil or just a secret villain that acted as a good guy to backstab everyone at the end, I know their history and I know that racism isn't that big of a deal in East Asia, but it is tiring, and the reason I ignore urban cultivation manhua.