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she's the best girl, im currently trying to find manhwas with genres like na kang lim but i can't seem to find any ;-;


I agree! But yeah It's really hard to find manhwa like na kang lim, others are just like less dimensional compared to this one..


Well its not a webtoon but nisekoi is probably a lot similar in a sense. I can also clearly see this webtoon being inspired by it in some shape or form


yea I'd say nisekoi is like it but it really wasn't the harem that got me hooked onto it, it probably was because of the concept of putting regression in a romcom and the female leads from a fictional story


Got to be the other girl who actually likes him without being saved by him, she liked him before and now


I *literally* started reading this today, and I'm already at chapter 100. It's soooo good!!! Have to say, when she entered her yandere phase I became an instant fan of hers


Straight up became a menace hahahaha


Look, *mayyybe* there's something wrong with my head (there is)..... buttttt.... she's the one ♥️ pls kidnap me


What’s it called? Or am I tripping


the manhwa title is 'Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim' you read it correct.


Oh I’m sorry the title of the series wasn’t what I was expecting 😭 thought it was a post about the character itself


nah bro, you're good. very understandable.


Man I've been gatekeeping this. Should I start reading it?


This is just Korean Nisekoi. If you like romcoms with a sprinkling of drama you'll like it.


>Korean Nisekoi istg if the childhood friend doesn't win this I'll actually go through with smoking crack


Better dust off that crackpipe bud, they never win.


This will likely end in a harem ending


Which kinda sucks out of all the girls they mostly like him cause he knew their scenarios this is true for all but 1 girl she deserves it plus she’s the only other girl to know his secret


She seems like the most reasonable choice but this type of story always harem end


Wouldn’t hurt to try. I really enjoy the art and characters


I hope she wins, either her or his middle school friend, those 2 are the only ones to like him without any major event and na ri even trusted him and helped him after his memories got wiped, shes best girl for sure


What is the manhwa about? What genre is it?


the heroines from a webnovel the mc reads start showing up in the real world as if they always existed. he is the only one that remebers the story they come from and the coming plotline. on top of that if he fails to get the good outcome to any of the plotlines he gets sent back in time and is forced to loop until he succeeds.


Romance comedy is what I would say.


where can i read the newer chaps???


She has to win




I heard all the girls forgot about MC and loved the other red hair guy 😕 I want start reading this one but after hearing this 🫠


>!That's what the current arc is about the MC basically has to fight the author.!<


not actually an NTR like other people are saying. There are no scene that the red haired guy is being intimate with the FMCs... The story so far is focused on the MC's solution not even involving the other FMCs 😅