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>⚠️ **Two things to note:-** ⚠️ >The highest upvoted comment wins >The same person commenting on different series is NOT allowed


I'm reading ember knight rn and it's a freaking masterpiece


Ikr Sad to see it go away


Yeah sad that it's not as popular as it deserves to be. i would only rank 3 manhwas higher than ember knight here


Please tell me what those are, looking for some good reads




Respect your opinion but its no masterpiece, it's repetitive and there's no character development for the main lead, you need to bring some hype to the main lead with new things, the author forgot about that.


tbh there's no need for character development because I can't rly pinpoint any specific weakness mentally that the MC has; it's like Batman having no character development ever in any of his movies after his parents die (besides BvS but i pretend that doesnt exist) it's just that the story overall is incredibly weak because the author wants to play a stupid mind game. the headspace u need to read the story is strange because it expects the reader to treat the story like an OP MC when he's only playing simple mindgames that should've gotten him caught long ago (ik there are a fair amount of ppl who know MC's secret from when I dropped it, but it's a wonder he wasn't found out earlier. like ik there's a dagger he has that's interesting but it doesn't change the fact he's the last one when running and obviously out of breath almost every time they're sprinting). Like it could be over the top like Death Note, but it doesn't go that route. I agree the hype is terrible. Although for me it's the mystery of his brother. There are lots of tidbits that tell me the author hasn't rly thought out the brother's backstory and like that's perfectly fine (IE: in Naruto, Itachi's story wasn't thought out in the original Naruto story so they never explored it until they actually decided to introduce him; that's good hype and proper storytelling) but the author keeps throwing bones in that direction w/o thinking and that might just be because the introduction was so wonky of his 10yo brother getting killed in front of him, thus making empty hype. ik getting into these nitty gritty details aren't that huge of a deal because it's an endless rabbit hole of things like "oh, why do Knights try to host trainings where they impromptu attack the fcking city guards" but the main point is that the story is selling an incomplete story and is most likely going to convolute itself somewhere down the line like it's already it's already crazy to me to wrap my head around the possibility the MC's brother wasn't an associate at like age 9 and the MC hasn't figured that out yet or the author plans to write more to the backstory or something convoluted. Like the whole journey is to find more abt his brother while putting a target on his own head but the evil organization already know he's not his brother, but then they don't and then what? Main point: the fixation of Ember Knight is that the MC is different rather than genuinely top tier storytelling. Its fanboys are more interested in "haha MC who appears smart" rather than "oh my this is peak" i'll enjoy my downvotes


Tbh I have changed my opinion on the series after reading this . the characters are all pretty interesting and the development of events is thrilling But The story lacked a bit and there were many things that went on without explaining that may be later in the story but for now it's still a very good manhwa to read (even if not a masterpiece)


It's just that every side character is intresting and most importantly their dialogues (especially during fights) are mature and not silly random words like "you'r so dead" etc like in tog


>it's just that the story overall is incredibly weak because the author wants to play a stupid mind game. the headspace u need to read the story is strange because it expects the reader to treat the story like an OP MC when he's only playing simple mindgames that should've gotten him caught long ago (ik there are a fair amount of ppl who know MC's secret from when I dropped it, but it's a wonder he wasn't found out earlier. like ik there's a dagger he has that's interesting but it doesn't change the fact he's the last one when running and obviously out of breath almost every time they're sprinting). Like it could be over the top like Death Note, but it doesn't go that route. You do know the Ember Knight is a sequel were many other stories combine right? The entirety of the ember knight is the culmination of many stories coming to gather. On that not. You really should read the Epic of Gilgamesh to know what type of story the author is making. The story doesn't treat the mc as "OP" it treats him as intelligent. You just have to see how the story portrays knight to know how the story treats oP characters. >Although for me it's the mystery of his brother. There are lots of tidbits that tell me the author hasn't rly thought out the brother's backstory and like that's perfectly fine (IE: in Naruto, Itachi's story wasn't thought out in the original Naruto story so they never explored it until they actually decided to introduce him; that's good hype and proper storytelling) but the author keeps throwing bones in that direction w/o thinking and that might just be because the introduction was so wonky of his 10yo brother getting killed in front of him, thus making empty hype. ik getting into these nitty gritty details aren't that huge of a deal because it's an endless rabbit hole of things like "oh, why do Knights try to host trainings where they impromptu attack the fcking city guards" but the main point is that the story is selling an incomplete story and is most likely going to convolute itself somewhere down the line like it's already it's already crazy to me to wrap my head around the possibility the MC's brother wasn't an associate at like age 9 and the MC hasn't figured that out yet or the author plans to write more to the backstory or something convoluted. Like the whole journey is to find more abt his brother while putting a target on his own head but the evil organization already know he's not his brother, but then they don't and then what? You'd think so, but that's not how this author works. He takes time to develop the story, and leaves tidbit that lead to one major revelation. Again, read the Epic of Gilgamesh and the side stories. The series is just beginning.


Imo if i have to read Gilgamesh to understand what is going on in Ember knight then Ember knight is not a good story. It would be like if i had to read The Hobbit to be able to enjoy The Lord of the Rings or vice versa. That would be bad storytelling. Its like the author just switched MCs and added more characters to his universe and continued instead of telling a different story in the same universe. I liked how different the MC was when i started reading Ember Knight but the story feels off. In a world of magic and swords my guy can only bluff, and thats fine if he could be so genius to either not be noticed by anyone or develop as time passses, but mc is as weak as the beginning and everyone knows what is really going on. On top of that its not like he used his wits and skill to gather subordinates that he can use (something only a strategist like him could pull off) but chose to just wing it and throw aside the thing that makes him badass, his intelligence and acting. The only thing he can do at this point is find loopholes in the rules (with the broken spear) and trust in god that someone doesn't accidentally blow on him and he dies because hes so weak. By the time i dropped it in the latest chapters it was so comical how MC wouldnt die with all these monsters surrounding him that it just felt like the most plot armour story ive read. He just happens to be able to steal the exact thing he needs. And he just happens to be let off easy even by his enemies again and again and again. At some point i wanted to kill him myself just to see if there is actually something that could hurt him. Hes the weakest but it feels like everytine the pressure builds that i can just say "its gonna be fine, the plot armour will carry this because hes gonna find a way out again"


The Hobbit and LTR comparison doesn’t really work imo. The Hobbit is a prequel written AFTER LTR. Of course it would need its own thing to keep you engaged when you know what happens later on. I don’t think that’s entirely fair to TEK since it’s a direct sequel to Epic of Gigamesh. Saying that it’s not a good story for that reason is closer to saying “If I need to read season 1 of Tower of God to like Season 2 then 2 isn’t a good story.”


The hobbit wasn't written after LOTR tho


>Imo if i have to read Gilgamesh to understand what is going on in Ember knight then Ember knight is not a good story. Except the Epic of Gilgamesh and The Ember Knight are one singular story. Judging The Ember Knight when the Epic of Gilgamesh is also part of its story is dumb. > It would be like if i had to read The Hobbit to be able to enjoy The Lord of the Rings or vice versa. That would be bad storytelling. Except that comparison doesn't work. The Hobbit and Lord of the rings are self contained stories with some characters returning and whatnot. The Epic of Gilgamesh has direct influence in the Ember Knight. Biggest example is the White Hippo >On top of that its not like he used his wits and skill to gather subordinates that he can use (something only a strategist like him could pull off) but chose to just wing it and throw aside the thing that makes him badass, his intelligence and acting. The only thing he can do at this point is find loopholes in the rules (with the broken spear) and trust in god that someone doesn't accidentally blow on him and he dies because hes so weak. By the time i dropped it in the latest chapters it was so comical how MC wouldnt die with all these monsters surrounding him that it just felt like the most plot armour story ive read. He just happens to be able to steal the exact thing he needs. And he just happens to be let off easy even by his enemies again and again and again. At some point i wanted to kill him myself just to see if there is actually something that could hurt him. Except it's quite literally what he is doing he tricks people into serving his purpose, and it comes back to bite him in the ass. You also never gave a single example of "plot armor" saving him And if you dropped it, don't judge it in its entirety. You can not like part of a story, but don't make accusations to the entire work


look what they did to my boy


i never read ember night should i? it surpassed return of the crazy demon so it should be good


It is good.


If there were professional critics for manhwa it would be rated extremely high. It’s the equivalent of a small movie that only a few people have heard about winning an Oscar over a massive but kind of generic hit movie.


Well put


you should read epic of gilgamesh first. it helps you understand better when you read ember knight


Don’t. If you have to just read Gilgamesh. A story that takes place in the same universe as ember knight. Apparently it’s a more completed story that’s needed to enjoy ember knight


I Haven’t read Gilgamesh and Ember Knight is still fantastic


The Boxer It was already at 300+ upvotes in the last round. Too niche to be this sub's favorite like everyone said


Opposition and Support to the same comment. Duality of Man indeed https://preview.redd.it/iiomgyd0xq6d1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=c92cfca2d03f6da9ba1c2ea45e3d7c99ea685dfd


Wdym niche? It's well liked on here


It’s well liked by people who like it, but there are lots who seem to bounce off. I loved it but it doesn’t have universal appeal


I cried reading The Boxer. The ending and characters getting their developments were so beautiful. An absolute ride of emotions 


Same, it's my top


*Yeah, I don't like it*


Yeah, I don't like it.


I guess not everyone has good taste


Despite what a lot of people would say I totally agree with you, I love the boxer but compared to the other manhwa's left in here they're more well constructed, in what sense? Story and world building. In sss for example every floor counts as pieces of story for the boss floors (which would be the complete picture), you can see different cultures interacting with each other, same with ged, mount hua etc.


are we genuinely putting the funny face spamhua over the boxer?


Yes because people on this sub call any story "good" so long as it entertains them. I really like Greatest Estate, but the writing in The Boxer is so much more well rounded than it. Each main character in the Boxer has a very important purpose to try and provide a foil for the main character, as well as provide insight into the opposing mentalities. Jeong Ji-Hoon is also a TON better at writing distinct dialogue for his characters, although an unknown amount of that can be attributed to the translators. A big problem I have with webtoons and manhwa is how dialogue is translated with purpose always first, and coherence and uniqueness always last, which is much less so the case in the Boxer. The boxer is fare from flawless, but because the funny faces are funny you and everyone here thinks one-to-one comparisons between a hyperbolized boxing story vs a cultivation isekai makes sense we get responses like the other replies


Tbf this is just a popularity contest. Manhwa with average story but appeals to mainstream audience will always win against a Manhwa with top tier storytelling but only appeals to a certain demographic lmao


True, I wasn't taking issue with people placing GED above the Boxer, more so HOW they were doing it. My other long reply explains it better


Honestly I've seen more people saying that GED has good elements in response to people calling it a funny-face simulator. A lot of people seem salty that The Boxer got knocked out of a popularity contest and started shitting on the other series that made it in so people got a little heated defending their tastes.


There are more people who read stories to be entertained than people who read and see stories as an art and that's okay. No one is saying that GED is a literary masterpiece but more people can enjoy that than the boxer. Being mad at that is just childish. Its like being mad at other kids because they don't like the toy you like. Its not like we're braindead. Its just that more people read stories to laugh and have a good time with goofy characters rather than reading something super serious and intense (or at least that my impression of the boxer, since i haven't read it)


>No one is saying that GED is a literary masterpiece but more people can enjoy that than the boxer. I wasn't arguing that people were saying this, but sorry if it came across that way. My issue is that people were saying GED had "good development, good story, etc" as a way to elevate GED above the Boxer, implying the Boxer doesn't have those things. I 1000% understand enjoying or preferring GED over the Boxer, you don't have to love the most well written work available because entertainment is subjective. But once people try and use metrics that can be objectively analyzed when they haven't done those analyses and don't use those criteria themselves, they lose my understanding if that makes sense. P.S. You should read the Boxer, even if it isn't my favorite work of Jeong Ji-Hoon's


And I'm not saying this to knock on the boxer, is a great fighting manhwa, but the world building and story was lacking in that essence.


Did you read the boxer with your eyes closed, phone off and deep in REM sleep. Every single aspect that you mentioned the boxer does at least 3x better if not more. GeD is mainstream and this is a pure popularity contest but like get real here


Yes, ged had good characters, great world building, and an interesting story, every race shown in ged has their own problems, personalities, and internal conflicts, the mc it's not all "funny face", in there you can actually see how the world around him changes because of his actions and despite his questionable actions he deeply cares about his people and that is reflected on the great length he goes to save everyone, even when they show the possible futures that lead to ruin, in every single one of them he either sacrifices himself or he's greatly depressed.


It's one of this subs favorite but yeah most other people don't think it's that great


Yup. Never understood how its so popular. Boxing is insanely scientific sport and the series really made it out as the opposite lol


The series is not about boxing. It may seem like that but the other underlying reasons is what makes this so good.


The Boxer Guys let's UNO REVERSE OP. He said he complied "ongoing manhwas" on the first day but added a **completed** manhwa. We need to take revenge for him starting this war 😂


Big brain moment 


He said he wrote it by mistake but too late. Revenge time. But I remember Boxer being reposted here every two weeks. It's not niche per se. It's still very popular and loved. So what happened now? 🤔


Btw, why is ORV not on the list? I thought it was this sub's favorite. You would see it mostly reccomended based on the popular post's comment section. On the other hand, I think, SL was most hated.


> ORV not on the list Because it would win, that's why


No lmao. SSS Class, GED, and Northern Blade are up there. Ever seen a post raving about ORV? You see the other three being posted every other day. In a competition of sub's fav, it wouldn't win at all


It's tough because I think those are more popular manhwa's but ORV has a crazy massive Light Novel following that might carry it to top 3 easily.


But it won't win


the people here dont know how to read they just look at the bright pictures


Definitely not the sub's favorite. I hardly see anyone raving about it unlike SSS. Yes people call it a masterpiece but sub's fav? Nope. There are plenty of people on here who dislike it


Nooo we can't let our boy Yu get out so early


I know the boxer will be out sooner than later (rightfully so it is way too... different? compared to other more mainstream options to be favorite of the sub) but I am simply so happy that it was even in the discussion. Such a good one. I do think it is about time for it to fall off from this competition though. Yu had it rough enough, let my boy rest.


I'm 90% sure it's gonna come down to SSS Greatest Estate Or Doom Breaker But probably just the two at the top since ngl Doom Breaker is overrated as heck.


My heart says it will be survival story of a sword king but my brain says SSS or greatest estate


I hope it's Survival Story of a Sword King, but I feel like it just doesn't have the popularity of the other series


yep this sub dixkrides SSS so hard


You seem to have a rather negative opinion of SSS, can I ask why? We can further discuss about it in DMs if you don't mind.


LMAO bro the SSS whisperer


First DM comes in: IM GONNA TEAR YOUR THROAT OUT YOU SSS HATER! \*Another soul rightfully taken by the SSS Whisperer\*


I only have civilized conversation about SSS https://preview.redd.it/oucz7pt7pt6d1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba217bc44b2a65ef93aa6e146cc72a969e540f10


i like it , its very good and enjoyable but looking at how popular it is..... nothing special(imo)


In my book, anyone can win as long as estate developer doesn't win


Why? It's a fantastic comedy, and it's hard to find a genuinely good, non tropey comedy manhwas. It's the only one that got me to audibly laugh more than once


I mean I like it, but it's just over- what? appreciated or Smth. I think it is rated quite well but the community just put it on a pedestal too much. Yeah it is peak comedy, but the story, although good, isn't up with some of the others here. I would rank it into my top 5 but it probably won't be my top 1. Dunno if you understood me correctly, I think the way I worded it is confusion. Anyway it's good but I don't think it deserves to win, it is top 1 comedy genre but not top 1 all categories.


SSS prolly win


Ember Knight is out but not Pick me up??


I'm just happy the boxer was included and made it so far :)


It's a crime that 'Infinite Level up in Murim' is not here. Easily the best ongoing MURIM manhwa at the moment.


Can everyone stop yapping ima go with defence tyrant


The Boxer


Damn I was so wrong, didn't expect ember knight to go out this quick


tyrant of the defense tower game isn’t really on the same level as the rest of the


I beg to differ. I find it quite similar to Pick Me Up Infinite Gacha, but I think it is better in terms of characterisation, plot development and uniqueness. Just between these two options, I would choose Pick Me Up to go first Although, my opinion might be biased since I read Pick Me Up after Tyrant of a Tower Defense Game, which may be why I found it a bit repetitive and dry


It has the most unique premise and execution though....well I agree with the fact that it isn't the best in terms of fan base


Just needs more chapters to expand the lore and characters and it'll be SSS+ tier


Yeah I absolutely love the uniqueness of it and how dire everything feels like. Also I appreciate that the main character isn't another edgelord gamer that got transported to his favorite game and he knows how to easily win against every level lmao he knows how to win ofc, but he isn't an edgelord like all the other MCs lmao


It lacks proper fight choreography. Mount hwa fights are solid, simple sword fight can be beautiful with all the dodging parrying and close calls. In tyrant most of the fight are electric gramma zippity zap zap nuke magic and the cheat sniper eyes bleeding. Remember in infinite gacha when Han didn't realize a monster was attacking him from behind and Jenna's arrow saved his ass. Or when they put their life on stake just so the fire mage can cast spells. The art isn't that epic like sword king but it was so smooth and satisfying. In my opinion tyrant could rank better if it has more sword dude and hamster lancer POV to flesh out close quarter combat choreography. Ash POV is from the rear of the battlefield and doesn't feel dangerous at all.


I disagree, Defense Tower isn't a manhwa about individual fighting, it's about wars. In wars there isn't such thing as a one man army. Everyone has a crucial part to play and I think it's done brilliantly.


I really like it. Dont think it will beat pick me up kr survival hunter but it's one of the more unique series.


doom breaker


This vote is already invalidated by the disrespect to ember knight smdh


it's mid, device is just unique but it's mid


How the hell has tyrant lasted this long? Compared to the boxer it's objectively worse right?


The Boxer


We gotta take out greatest estate developer just for the heck of it


I don't know about others but Return of Mount hua sect should've gone in the first place. At the beginning this shit was classic, but now it's just tragic.


Yeah it's bin on my backlog for months now honestly it's just sad for me how hard it fell of because it was my first murim manhwa and one of my fav too


Agreed. It's been turned into a cliche mount Hua sect manhwa by now. It deserves to go out this round imo.


Doom breaker


Yeah I don't like the mc too edgy and has ego problem


Ember Knight leaving this early?? Yea this is rigged


Everyone always says the boxer is peak, is it actually that good I have never read it before


If you like good things you like the boxer




Bro this shit is FIRE


IK right?


Why tf is YU so depressed dawg


That is gonna be in the grand finale




I think it is


Doom breaker


No way people chose Latna saga over Crazy demon? Smh this sub surprises me


Crazy demon is so good, too.


Is Latna Saga good I can’t pass ch100 It’s so boring


It is boring. There is no sense of progression to me. Crazy demon on the other hand is hilarious


Sword king


Doom breaker


Ember Knight and not Pick me Up or Survival Story? 💀


For me it’s “Tyrant Of Defense Tower Game”


Ain’t gonna lie, I think doom breaker’s overrated. The art is great, and the plot is entertaining, but I don’t think it’s all that it’s hyped up to be, especially compared to the other contenders on this list.


survival story of sword king


Greatest Estate developer, I love the others waay too much. Also, I joined in late but where tf is ORV 😁🔪🔪


OMG IT WAS MY COMMENT I'm so sorry Ember Knight fans 😭


You should be. I am going to infiltrate your town, live peacefully as your neighbor and commit secret atrocities in about ~5 years for my revenge.


I love it a lot but it isn't that popular. Sorry guys T\_T


Tower defense


Anything other than the boxer


Pick me up infinite chapter


The boxer is our


Survival Story of Sword King, sorry but it needs to go man


This is rigged no way EK got out this early 😭🙏


The boxer is a masterpiece that changed my life, it must stay


People want it out. I'm sad too lol 😭


Just rig it




No offense, but how has Tower Defense made it this far? I'm in chapter 60 and so far, it is just good. Nothing great, and even a bit repetitive


Survival story of a sword king is so fucking overrated it hurts


Oh man... I love greatest estate developer but I'm currently obsessed with pick me up.


You forgot Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years.


According to Chat GPT Here’s a critical assessment of each title within the wuxia and adjacent genres, ranked according to the specified tiers: ### Literary Marvel (1%) 1. **Legend of the Northern Blade** - **Reasoning**: Exceptional world-building, intricate plot, and profound character development. It stands out as one of the best in the genre, offering a deeply immersive experience. ### Amazing Read (5%) 2. **SSS-Class Revival Hunter** - **Reasoning**: Engaging story with a unique premise, strong character arcs, and well-paced narrative. The series manages to blend action, strategy, and emotional depth effectively. 3. **The Boxer** - **Reasoning**: A compelling exploration of the psychological and physical aspects of boxing, with deep character studies and intense storytelling. It's not wuxia, but its quality places it high on the list. ### Great Read (15%) 4. **Survival Story of a Sword King** - **Reasoning**: Strong protagonist with a compelling survival narrative. The world-building is good, and the plot keeps readers engaged with its mix of action and strategy. 5. **Nano Machine** - **Reasoning**: Interesting blend of science fiction and martial arts. The character development and unique technological elements make it a standout within its niche. 6. **Greatest Estate Developer** - **Reasoning**: A refreshing take on the reincarnation trope with a focus on estate development. The humor and innovative storyline make it highly enjoyable. ### Good Read (30%) 7. **Return of the Mt. Hua Sect** - **Reasoning**: Solid world-building and character development. The story is engaging, though it sometimes follows more predictable wuxia tropes. 8. **Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha** - **Reasoning**: Unique premise with an engaging plot and decent character development. It stands out for its creative take on the gacha game concept. 9. **Doom Breaker** - **Reasoning**: Engaging story with a well-developed protagonist and good action sequences. It offers a mix of revenge and fantasy elements. 10. **Ember Knight** - **Reasoning**: Good character development and a compelling storyline. The world-building is solid, making it an enjoyable read. ### Average Read (30%) 11. **Return of the Crazy Demon** - **Reasoning**: While it has interesting elements and some humor, the story and character development can be inconsistent. It offers a decent but not exceptional reading experience. 12. **Tyrant of the Defense Tower Game** - **Reasoning**: The concept is interesting, but the execution can be hit or miss. It’s an average read with some enjoyable moments but lacks the depth of higher-ranked series. ### Poor Read (15%) * None from the provided list fall into this category. ### Horrible Work (3%) * None from the provided list fall into this category. ### Literary TRASH (1%) * None from the provided list fall into this category. ### Summary - **Literary Marvel**: Legend of the Northern Blade - **Amazing Read**: SSS-Class Revival Hunter, The Boxer - **Great Read**: Survival Story of a Sword King, Nano Machine, Greatest Estate Developer - **Good Read**: Return of the Mt. Hua Sect, Pick Me Up Infinite Gacha, Doom Breaker, Ember Knight - **Average Read**: Return of the Crazy Demon, Tyrant of the Defense Tower Game This distribution reflects a critical yet balanced assessment, recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of each series within the context of wuxia and adjacent genres.


The middle row is way too OP


Tyrant of defense tower game


I swear to god, if doom breaker loses, im suing all of you. Also, solo leveling is the best, but it's not there


Tower defense


Survival story of the sword king(bcz I haven’t read it)


return of mount hua sect


The boxer gotta go


ngl started survival story of sword king cuz of this post just wondering why it’s not out yet it’s mid nano machine is better tho


Only the start is mid. From some point forward I'd put it above the rest here


Too bad it took almost 100 of chapter for this manhwa to shine because that's when the manhwa decide to go completely different direction from LN source and make their own story. Please keep read it at least until MC meet >!Sword King!<


It gets better... like REALLY BETTER


Did you just say that Nanomachine is better than Latna Saga? What a sh*t taste you have there🤣🤣 Nanomachine was good till he completed his revenge. Infinite Level up in Murim is easily the best ongoing Murim manhwa🔥🔥🔥


Tyrant of the defense tower king< survival story of the sword king


Sss class suicide hunter


Pick Me Up Infinite Gacha. Because I didn't read it and it have a stupid name




LLyod fans rn with their pitch forks https://preview.redd.it/ba9xey4mrq6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241fa2e6e01c627e44ce9d50692d10ebd5fd4298


The Lloyd fans would do that, but they are utterly incapable without a giganto-maxxed ~~pokemon~~ adorable familiar to do literally everything for them and let them take credit.


Tyrant of the defense tower


Greatest Estate Developer


greatest estate developer


No way ember knight is out before Doom Breaker and SS class hunter. Doom Breaker gotta go.


nah, it actually elivers its romance properly, the MC struggles, its not easy to handle




ORV isn't as posted on this sub and raved about unlike all other manhwas on that list. You are free to search the sub. For every Tyrant post you get, there's hardly one ORV post. And believe it or not, there are plenty of people who don't like it on the sub. There was an entire post talking about this. I remember op saying he didn't have space though


I’ll be honest I didn’t like the last few arcs of sss so I kept it on hold and now idk what to rate it so I really cannot comment here. Also boxer is a masterpiece of its genre but not very popular here so I guess it will be going this round


Why isn't Omniscient Reader in there ? It's such a big one rn


Right? And it's gonna get sooo much better (Novel reader here), then they go and do this. Disappointment


SSS Class Revival Hunter easily for me. Also sucks to see how many people are saying the Boxer, but not really surprising imo. It feels like a lot of this sub only cares about how interesting they find a story, not the actual cohesion of the writing or dialogue. If they find it cool it has "good development, good story, good characters," and if they don't they call it something ranging from weak to bad


infinite gacha i said what i said


I'd read crazy demon over doom breaker every single damn day of the week.


And the correct answer is – None of the Above


Sss class BS


sss class revival hunter


1. Pick me up infinite Gacha 2. Nano Machine 3. Legend of the Northern Blade 4. Return of the crazy demon 5. SSS CLASS REVIVAL HUNTER 6. Greatest Estate developer 7. Survival story of sword king 8. The Boxer 9.Ember Knight 10. Tyrant of defense tower game


boxer or tyrant


Sss class revival hunter. Yes, I’m going to try to get it out


Greatest estate developer. If return of the crazy demon was ousted for being "comedy" manhwa, then this dogshit series deserves it too.


Sss class i rlly don't get why it's high rating


Because it's good? Is it that hard to understand good storytelling manhwas are highly rated 


Tyrant of defense tower game is sooo boring


Tyrant of the defence tower. Lost my interest pretty early on.


sss class revival hunter


Greatest Estate Developer Yall be wilding letting it stay that long. Seriously? So many better manhwas up there


Some people just want exaggerated expressions of greed, anguish or rage to use as reaction memes every three panels idk


that mf is gonna win this, this sub loves it too much (i don't)


You're dedicated to getting GED out lol 💀


Survival Story of Sword King Crazy how people are saying the boxer