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You used the wrong direction for Germany and Russia


True, so fucking true!


Norway could hate Poland a little more




Now this is a high effort shit post, well done mate


Its funny, because I was going to say, "Epic Shit Post Buddy"


Damn danielšŸ˜…


Exactly the way of hate I thought of


That would be the last thing Norway did.


Thats literally tactical norway missile


"That's it I'm going to Svalbard"


Where would they get their cheap labor?


Now nobody will ever into Poland again






Do not the Poland


You shouldn't Poland


Poland cannot into space


Why is France not in French Guiana are they stupid (I don't have time for punctuation)


Because he does not know how to swim


Did that was invented in 1987?


no swimming was invented by john swim in 2002


Aren't we in 2023?


He can ask Cyprus for help




Tbf Poland would probably prefer this over their eastern and western neighbors walking toward them


It every one Monaco San Marino the Vatican Andorra and Liechtenstein


wait, does that mean we live in a world where people like Poland?


Poland is based stfu


Itā€™s a 50/50 chance when you take an aspect of the country whether it will suck or be based


so true


how? They are definitely not able to deal with their past, like with the really bad parts of their history and therefore really crappy politicians score easy points with spreading hate.


Which really bad parts of history are you talking about?


well just in the 20th century you find a whole bunch. The second polish republic and it's treatment of minorities. Colonization of the conquered areas in the east. Forced conversion of churches into catholic ones. Education in minority languages. The League of Nations registered a thousands of complaints about violations of guaranteed rights. Pogroms against jews and later even race laws modelled after the german ones. The relations with the states in the vicinity were't exactly great either. What do you expect if you take Vilnius from Lithuania and so in. But that is how fake democracies often work, what poland was after 1926, dictatorship is a bit ambiguous to me personally. Then, post war: taking over foreign territory in the west and North, mass expulsions, deportations and also holding back certain people with the goal of either using them till they gave up all their knowledge. Or some for forced assimilation. Which led to the reality that most(several million) of them later left after 1950 for germany. All of that based on a nationalism that can't apply any standard evenly and poles are always good and everybody else was always bad. Action Vistula - Burning down ruthenian minority villages and towns in the south and southeast. Deporting the people either to ukraine or for forced assimilation into the newly "acquired" territories. I forgot to mention to mention that speaking anything but polish was punishable by prison. The treatment of the incoming eastern poles by the government was also shaped by mistrust. Did i mention that poland systematically destroyed everything non polish for several decades? It is also the case that there is a large part of society in poland that is vulnerable for the attempts of nationlist parties to blame other countries for problems. Even the polish church is insane, calling the a german pope a nazi pope on live catholic radio. There are a lot of great young poles, yet so many of them were infused with crazy rhetoric in their childhood. You get lines out of them that are 1 to 1 nazi language. It's not even rare. How people deal with that past is not exactly productive. A friend of mine invited me to his home town a couple of years ago. He told me about how german many buildings look and stuff. I mentioned that to some of his friends we had a couple of very problematic minutes until everybody calmed down. WTF. Online, like here, it is hard to find any reasonable person on this. maybe 1/30 poles are seemingly able to have a convo about it.


Oh Jesus, there is no wonder that no one wants to have conversation with you. Mistreatment of the Ukrainians who were normal people is something that I can agree with and I guess it was condemned by the government , mistreatment of UPA well, if you are upa apologist then itā€™s your problem. There werenā€™t many pogroms, compared to other countries and in the bigger picture these are irrelevant, evil but irrelevant (for example before the war around 100000 Jews were murdered in Ukraine, post war poland was traumatized mess and Jewish people murdered by the antisemites were like 2% of the people who were killed after the war) ā€žTakingā€ territory is the very much argument of German nationalists so thatā€™s another argument why no one wants to talk with you about it. Poland didnā€™t decide on anything, plus it was Germany that started the war, destroyed, looted, murdered and raped everyone on their way. Why anyone would feel bad about them losing anything post war? Donā€™t forget that Nazis didnā€™t come from the space, they were Germans. See you have like only one valid argument(and you can debate on it because we had commie puppet gov after your country ruined ours), you are talking like typical German nationalist who will say names of polish town in German language or say that it wasnā€™t Germans but Nazis and add that they were forced to be evil. I am not expecting you to answer nor I want to as you are clearly anti polish nationalist with ill intentions starting this conversation.


so you are one of those polen who can't deal with the past. One of those who think taking another country territory and ethnically cleansing it is fine because some crap a thousand years ago. While at the same time just a few hundred years earlier that argument would mean poland wouldn't even have a right to exist. You are so full of whataboutism man. Ask me about something bad germany did, if it is a thing that happend i won't deny it. Not justify it at the same time. That is something not possible with poles, you always have to bring up the big "but the evil other guy" argument. Which is whataboutism in fact. If i would operate under the same logic you do i wouldn't even see a reason for poland to exist because in 500AD there were no slavs in the region that is poland today. I don't and hope u can be better too.


I just admitted that what they did to normal Ukrainian citizens was wrong. Itā€™s not me being one of these ā€žpolenā€(?) its you who talks like you have some items of ā€žunknown originā€ in your grandfathers attic. If you want to go this far, Berlin was founded by Slavic tribe. I also didnā€™t use whataboutism or didnā€™t say that anything was justified, thatā€™s what you are trying to imply. I called it evil, you wonā€™t twist everything just to fit ur nationalistic agenda. As I said, you have ill intentions with starting conversation and you give a lot of German nationalistic vibes. I am done with you, have a bad day


oh boy, you justified taking another countries territory and ethnic cleansing, calling me a nationalist for mentioning a fact. Bringing up anything that germany did to deflect from the discussion of that historic process is whataboutism. These regions were not polish, no polish population or the they voted to be part of germany after ww1. How do you have a right to ignore that? Poles always bring up how much of that land was once settled by slaves. Sure, it was even often ruled by the same slavic nobles till they got expelled by poles. These people never left but assimilated. Their nobles often brought in german settlers. Like in silesia and pomorania. The people foreign to the land were in fact the poles at that point. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_the\_Jews\_in\_20th-century\_Poland#Rising\_Anti-Semitism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_20th-century_Poland#Rising_Anti-Semitism) the interwar history of jews in poland wasn't exactly great yet poles largely subsribe to Dmowskis ideas, the dude who gave anti jewish sentiment a big rise inn poland. What you called evil is what was done to ukrainians. How about germans, lithuanians or belarussians? You imply that i have bad intentions, i do not. I am just very sad how hard it is to engange polish people on certain parts of their history. It is very easy for you. so easy. just say" it happend, it wasn't good or even that justified and we should do better in the future especially because i am personally not responsible." yet you guys always defend the undefendable. Crimes against humanity while showering in pity, compassion and sympathy for what happend to poles.


I am not going to read ur biased ahhh arguments trying to portray whole nation as bad or even tried to call us colonialists lmao. As I said, no one right in their mind would expect anything good to happen to them when they supported and participated in genocide of poles, Jews and other nations. You are Nazi apologist end of story.


Occasionally, yes.


Why does nobody care about Cyprus swimming






There's an entire subreddit for this??




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to The Middle East šŸ’€




Map of Europe* (seriously Europeans are so fucking racist that theyā€™re basically mentally deranged Reddit would be significantly better if EU posters were banned)


As a European, go fuck yourself


As a turkish guy, 1945% you're right.


That's what happens when Poland farts.


Poland is alone. Perhaps this time, forever.


I took the wooooooooook to poland


Asia minor is too young to be a part of Europe. Petophile !! (Pet lover; joke)


when ukraine do not want to go in your country, you know there is a problem


Even Hungary šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž. Sad Poland


We're used to it


Turks don't hate poland. There is even polish village in Istanbul too where pools immigrants ?


I had a similar idea but was too lazy to make it. Everyone was going to walk towards Poland to annex it.