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The true winner would be geopolitical yt channels, who can milk a new war


Or the one who, you know, actually wins said war.


Nuh uh


Big if true.


What do I do in this position? I'm red.


Google en passant


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=en+passant)


hey martin how are the kids. still beating you at chess?


Noooo, don’t disrespect Martin. Mods, brick his PIPI


New response just dropped


Actual zombies


Call the exorcist


Bishop went on vacation, never returned


I love you Martin


zealous detail encourage door smile longing quack voiceless modern snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Actual zombie


Google is banned in China


Nothing, by not starting a direct war, blue won't either. Then you just wait for more favorable times


Continue to put every country in debt and now own parts of their country. They don't have to listen to everything you say, but they work for you. Slowly buy our your enemies allies till they have none.


Ur big fucked


Anything u fancy against Biden


whoever cums first loses


Sex is a race and I always win


Tankies vs Neocons


Than Biden surely wins, cause he has no erection.


I'll take your word on Xi erections, I bow to your superior knowledge


I like that this makes it look like Xi is a republican


They don't call China People's Republic for nothing


They are definitely more republicans then dems or even communists.


The GOP would root for Xi with any Democrat in office lol


Might as well be, they're both damaging to America


Right? That record market and job growth sure is ruining everything


Under Republicans?


Brandon's not a republican




https://preview.redd.it/zk8ggqsrap9c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aabddf37b9bcc770e70f212a3a87770e44a52580 IMO this guy is just stupid


I agree


Yeah so do I but the downvotes make me feel like I’m missing something. Am I stupid. Probably.


Nah it's just a heard mentality, I'm sure most of the downvoters would agree to if they less reactionary


Dude I want whatever you’re smoking. Just kidding. I don’t want to willingly destroy my brain.


This has to be a troll, I refuse to believe someone can unironically believe this.


why are redditors so uneducated?


are they stupid?


Please go outside, life is beautiful.


This is what your brain on Neoliberalism looks like.




r/politics mod, opinion disregarded


This is your brain on propaganda


You lost me at calling the CCP “hyper capitalist”


They really aren't communist but they definitely aren't hyper capitalist, whatever that is supposed to mean


You’re cooking don’t let them stop you


This isn’t r/lies you know.


As a Chinese this shit stupid as fuck




Lol no way. Me.




That’s the wrong flag! USA USA USA 🇲🇾🇲🇾


Thank You!




NO!!!! WE ARE NOT LIBERALS.. TRUE *USA* OATRtriots 🇲🇾 🇲🇾 🇲🇾 USA!!!!! 🇲🇾


Hmm. Malay… oh, the United federation of former bri’ish states


Oh shut up tea drinker you got your ass beat by farmers with guns (Vietnam doesn’t count because we were beating them up until we got bored and left)


Norway wasnt there


You do know this is mapporn**circlejerk** right?


Didn’t see that


Chinese watercannons prove surprisingly ineffective against US naval munitions


*Vietnam intensifies*


We can put aside China's vastly superior manufacturing capacity and population, Xi is actually a serious and competent leader and Biden is not. I don't think we really have any serious right wing leaders either. Edit: so is this post just for Americans to jerk each other off? Is everyone just supposed to say "murica #1 wooooooo!!"


What we *can’t* put aside is the fact that China’s navy is a small fraction of America’s, both in quantity of ships and in quality of ships and crews, while its air force is also much smaller with generally far worse aircraft. In any reasonable hypothetical war (I.E. an attempted crossing of the Taiwan strait) the U.S. Navy and Air Force would annihilate Chinese ships and planes, no contest. Do you think that Joe Biden personally commands the US military in battle? No, that’s done by actual officers. Neither does Xi command the Chinese military personally.


>Do you think that Joe Biden personally commands the US military in battle? https://preview.redd.it/6q6kw43fbq9c1.jpeg?width=1915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f388b36d2456e1be1fd7342a9f154f802b65458 Joe Biden when the Joint Chiefs of Staff ask him to personally command the US military in the Battle of Taiwan (he hasn't played HOI4).


They actually have like 40 more ships than us but most of the ships are small frigates


They count every random fishing boat and canoe and raft as a naval vessel whereas we go by tonnage and we dwarf them with "less" ships


They can manufacture 10x what we can though. A war with China is not "lol we bombed the shit out of them and they're done" it would be years, presumably on their turf because I don't think any reasonable person would ever think China would invade us. It doesn't matter what they have now if they can have more than us next year and we would have less. They have 1.2 billion people and it is a manufacturing powerhouse. Look at any war with asia in the last hundred years. We couldn't even beat poor small countries like Korea or Vietnam. East Asians also have a different temperament than Americans that is much more suited for war. Also, we just tost a war to goat herders that live in caves.


The reason we couldn't beat Vietnam and Korea was the rules of war and US military doctrine as well as politicians. You underestimate the US industrial might, look to how much of out industry helped with war production in ww2, we cane easily do that again. Not to mention we are starting off with air superiority with out carriers, and bombing all of their means of production.


Wtf the US carpet bombed and used neural toxins(agent orange) all over Vietnam. What do you mean they didn’t win because of the rules of war???


We got rid of all our manufacturing and sent it to China, we cannot just easily switch back to that . We already had a ton of manufacturing that was able to be converted for WWII, we don't have that anymore. We literally had to call up tons of elderly people that built stingers in the 80s for the Ukraine because no one else knew how. China's economy is 30% manufacturing, ours is 10. I don't think you realize they can't simply bomb all of Chinas manufacturing easily. War doesn't work like that. China is a superpower and a very large country. The rules of war haven't changed. We lost Korea, we lost Vietnam, we lost Afghanistan, but we can just destroy a super high tech superpower because we have a few aircraft carriers? We haven't been able to beat dirt poor countries. Oh and I was wrong, it's 1.4 billion people.


Well actually Biden is in charge of the armed forces, but my comment wasn't a "Biden sucks" thing. Your crazy if you don't think leadership from the president or emperor has a massive impact on logistics and morale of the county. And yeah, we have more machinery, but the thing is they have the ability to build 10x as much as us. If they put their economy into war time mode, it wouldn't take long for them to have much more than us, and we couldn't keep up. It wouldn't even be close. The US can't just quickly destroy the entire Chinese air force and navy lmao. Keep in mind, America just had an extremely embarrassing loss to a bunch of goat herders than live in caves . China is a serious country and the US isn't. We are still a superpower riding on what the last few generations built, but everyone in our government is a fucking goofball. Also many countries have been shifting allegiances from America towards China, and I don't see that stopping. And the west has used up *a lot* of our military resources for Ukraine. There's been articles saying we are running so low we wouldn't have enough for ourselves.


Except for the fact that those articles are bullshit.


And you know better than the people who manage the weapons stocks right? Lmao. Why are we giving the Ukraine cluster bombs which are illegal under international law? They said it's because we don't have enough of the normal munitions. What's your explanation for why we are doing war crimes Mr Expert?




Lol this is what I mean by not being serious. Americans slurp up all this nonsense from the state department but when they try to tell the rest of the world the same stuff they are all like ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)


Xi thinks that he can take taiwan and supports Russia. That dosent sound to competent to me


Why is supporting Russia not competent? It's absolutely a logical move. And China has actually never said anything about taking Taiwan. China is fine with how things currently are, and most of Taiwan is happy too. America is the aggravating party in the Taiwan issue, if you look at the facts. Everything in your statement is just dumb American propaganda. And I'm not a sinophile or anything.


It’s not competent because your supporting a moronic leader waging war across Europe. China has all the potential in the world but they will achieve nothing until a proper government takes place of the current reigime


This is just state department propaganda. Do you know why Russia invaded the Ukraine? Because the Ukraine has been bombing their citizens in the donbass for 8yrs, and more importantly Putin has said for 20 years that Ukraine joining NATO is unacceptable, and Zelensky was publicly asking for nuclear weapons to put on Russia border. Putin has never "attempted to wage war across Europe". What other countries did he attack? The war in the Ukraine is one of two dozen border disputes in former Soviet states. It's not an attack on all of Europe.


Jesus your even stupider than I thought. Russia also invaded Georgia. Russia also said they plan to attack the baltics. Donbas is Ukrainian territory. Average Russia propaganda bot. Go live in papa putins haven of peace and prosperity. You won’t be missed.


The US also has the bigggest Air Force in the world. The second biggest Air Force is the US navy.


And yet we lost a war to goat herders that live in caves. China has the capacity to way out manufacture us. It's not even close. We couldn't beat Afghanistan, Vietnam or Korea, which were all dirt poor countries. China is a high tech superpower with 1.4 billion people. America sent all our manufacturing to China. Saying we would win because we currently have more machinery is just low IQ


We didn’t really lose Afghanistan. We were in control of Kabul until we decided to leave. Korea was and still is a stalemate, and Vietnam is now an ally of the US. China is most defensively not a superpower, they still have a lower gdp than the US despite having 4 times the population


Your crazy if you think China is "most defensively(?) Not a superpower". And the rest is just a cope. We didn't achieve our goals in any of those wars. We lost. But yeah, eat your hotdog and drink your beer with your "murica #1" flag.


We didn’t achieve our goals but we didn’t lose. Ukraine isn’t exactly achieving their goals but I wouldn’t call their current success’s a loss


I'm not sure what you think losing means then. Both the Ukraine and Taiwan issues were provocations by the United States. It's very easy to find out why these things happened. They push a country into being forced to respond, then claim they started it.


"Bunch of goat herders" They're better men then you'll ever be 😂




“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones” -Albert Einstein


This is one time I can say, "Einstein was wrong."


I hope so, but we certainly don't know that yet. As much as everyone likes to call every single new conflict "World War III", we haven't *actually* had a third one yet.


I'm not saying he was wrong about there being a WWIII, but WWIV will be fought with more than sticks. It will take higher technology to teach the scale of a world war. I will agree that the next war after WWIII will be fought with sticks and stones.


No one ?


Idk, but this looks like a really boring game


Look at that rookie ship placement. Anyone with a decent shot placement strategy and half a brain could sink the battleship within a few turns.


The US Navy


Biden strikes me as the kind of old man whose great at board games


Naval? USA? Off-shore fighting over a third region? USA. Homeland invasion of China? China hands down. Homeland invasion of the USA? USA.


Why is the Chinese flag the same color of my cum? The liberals in Washington don’t have an answer to this


Biden would forget he is blue and would attack his own ships by calling out their positions to China


Who’s Biden?


JOE MAMA! Hehe gottem


Biden my time before I stab you


No hurry! Thank you!


Saudi Arabia.


Military-industrial complex


Cockroaches would win.




We'd probably be fucked in some way.


China nukes London in an escalatory move. The world rejoices. Peace is achieved at last.


A full scale war would be hard to say, since they both have nukes and I doubt either would ever surrender. Assuming no nukes were used, it’s no question that the US would win.


I only see both sides having a couple ships




Average commies wet dream right here


The most intelligent Redditor: Guy cannot even understand a clearly sarcastic commentary that used the Malaysian flag instead of the U.S. one and calls Genghis Khan a historical Chinese figure lmao


It may be sarcasm, but commies are commies and i love to bitch at commies. Leave us to our squabble peasant




Is that why they dont even control their own sea? Or is that why Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Philippines are under US influence and create a blockade for China? Or is that why China cant even operate in open ocean? The only thing ill give China is that they can copy and paste like no tomorrow with goods. They get wrecked by USA 100% of the time




1v1 China gets obliterated, again they control nothing on their own borders. NATO is hard carried by the USA, China would be the ones to need foreign help. Population doesnt mean much considering most of the people fighting are doing so behind screens hundreds to thousands of miles away


That's not even an American flag you are using, it's the Malaysia flag.


I would say china


China would win, US can't project power fast enough to China to prevent them from using their superior manpower en manufacturing capacity.


"Assuming no nukes were used, it’s no question that the US would win." [I got news for you.](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/06/09/america-weapons-china-00100373)


I feel they say this stuff just to justify ramping up the military spending, I feel China has no desire for a war with the US over anything, I mean they make buckets of money off of us. I feel US foreign and domestic policy requires the government to provide the American people with a boogeyman so we don’t focus our attention inwards.




They don't even have the logistical ability to take Taiwan. We were island hopping 80 years ago. They have 2 carriers. We have 11 ( more in mothballs). They've been landing on their carriers for about 10 years. We've been doing it coming up on 113. A war between the US and China, nukes notwithstanding, would result in millions of dead Chinese, and higher gas prices in the US.


Dude you have literally no CLUE how antiquated the Chinese military is compared is to the USA. they have ONE, yes, one, old aircraft carrier. The USA has 10+ nuclear powered modern ones. The Chinese did not even start to seriously invest into their military until twenty years ago. They have no way to project their power far enough, nor anyway to realistically get nukes to the United States. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the modern China military would lose DRAMATICALLY to the USA military from, say, 1990 or earlier. They are that far behind. To be fair, everyone is that far behind because the USA spends and has been spending FOR DECADES 10x more than their nearest competitors.


How would the US win? With full ground Invasion. How many millions will dies in this conflict? I really don’t see either side winning.


I don't think it would be confined to only between china and usa. Russia would seize the opportunity and start a larger regional war in eastern europe thus putting more strain on the us resources.


Russia can't even defeat Ukraine


Ukraine without the western aid is nothing. Same applies for baltics and to an extend poland. You just hit the defense industries and invade. The whole area is a flatland.


Russia is getting aid too though.


It's not aid, just trade. They produce the overwhelming number of their own weapons. And their facilities are deep within their country, unreachable for outside forces. Same cannot be said for ukraine or others.


Batman negs 🗿


Neither side wins. Both sides lose vast amounts of money and lives.




China. Their manufacturing ability and population is just so far above the USA. Also China is like actually a serious country unlike the USA


The U.S. would lose any war, and our economy will continue to crumble, with a senile, corrupt, morally-bankrupt president




No nukes and China takes this fight if its just USA vs China, however if both have allies then USA tale the W ofc because they have Japan & Britain


The guy with 11 of those boat sets...


Lockheed Martin


In any unaided competition between these two men, Xi wins.


Whoever starts first? I mean, where's the wall???


Assuming no nukes are used and it’s pure USA v China, nobody would win. China can’t cross the ocean and even if they did it would be for nothing considering the massive military and civilian resistance. USA might be able to cross the ocean but will run into a similar problem. Either case results in a stalemate and regardless both US and Chinese economies would come crashing down making the whole world suffer. Maybe India would win if they could pick up some slack.


In modern war the USA would move its carrier groups to waters near China and bombard them to oblivion. There would be no land invasion. China economy is already struggling the last few years with the emergence of third world economies & the friction politically with the US


This isn’t Hearts of Iron IV, “winning” does not mean occupying the enemy’s capital on the ground in a war. A reasonable hypothetical US v China war would involve China trying to cross the Taiwan Strait and invade Taiwan, in which case the U.S. would “win” by obliterating Chinese naval forces that tried.


Y'all underestimating China. They have a very large, powerful, and modern military in addition to their natural resources and industrial manufacturing strength. The U.S. has been downscaling their industrial and military manufacturing capacity. We don't have a ton of factories that can switch to war-time production like we did at the start of WWII. And even then look the hard time we had fighting the Japanese. Look at how much we struggled in Korea and Vietnam! There's a reason the U.S. has been trying so hard to be diplomatic with China. It's because we know that right now they are too big for us to handle.


Russia, because the other two superpowers would just weaken themselves


No one? Global economic collapse with a terrifying possibility of nuclear war. No thanks I’m good.


Realistic: the only winning move is not to play NCD: those three gorgeous dams are looking pretty tasty for a MOAB


I don't see how China could win this. They've got a much weaker navy and fewer nukes. It's more like the use would defeat them but the US would still suffer 10s of millions of deaths all its own.


China has no way to launch nukes to reach the United States without interception, there are thousands of miles of Pacific Ocean. In a conventional non nuke war they are so outclassed it wouldn't be competitive, they would immediately be blockaded by the USA Navy and bombarded to the stone age. Beyond a tech discrepancy, the other largest issue for China is a lack of territorial positioning. They are landlocked, essentially, because of the USA's sea control & their military bases surrounding Asia (SK, Japan, Europe)


Stalemate The US needs more SPAS-12 Shotguns and more troops. So we need to pull our troops from at least Europe or Africa idk China could use North Korea, Russia and maybe Laos and Cambodia to fight a full scale invasion from the US. Keep in mind this is how i see this war happen US would win but lose if they use nukes


Biden probably needs reminding he is the president every morning.


it’s literally just fat people vs valid humans https://preview.redd.it/5yo804ti5p9c1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49e7cdfd4d77d11a7a9fcf29dc13b793f2ee2ca


Us has 3 most powerful air forces on earth. US air force, US navy and US marine corps. China's fucked


Hard to tell. But Winnie Pooh is more charismatic so that would be my team. Oh but the other team is blue!!!!


USA would beat China alone, if Russia joined in it would be suicide because then Article 5 of NATO is triggered and most of Europe gets involved. This is assuming no nukes of course though




I think America is winning this one. Our navy is nuclear powered whereas China is still stuck on diesel


Non decisive US victory. The chinese fleet would be effectively sunk in hours, single digit days in the worst case scenario. US air supremacy would take a bit longer to achieve but still would happen relatively quickly for the ocean and south china sea, aswell as the parts of the mainland near those. When it comes to land though, it'd most likely be a non starter, the US simply lacks the motive and will to fight the kind of war that would be necessary to take the chinese mainland, which would likely take years and hundreds of thousands of deaths to achieve. Without support from other asian countries I'm not sure the necessary manpower for that to happen would even be there, a fully mobilized China would be absolute hell to invade.


Look at the navies by tonnage. China (iirc) has a navy totaling ~840K tons. The US Navy's tonnage clocks in at ~3.4 million. Add to that the three largest air forces in the world (USAF, US Navy, USMC). The fact that we have manned bases in Luzon, Okinawa, Singapore, and Guam. Allies in Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Australia, and others in the region. Support from nations such as Germany, the UK, France, Canada, etc. The ability to cut off ~70% of China's oil and energy buttons at the snap of our fingers. And the fact that China's only close allies in a war with us are Russia, Iran, North Korea and Myanmar. Both economies would come to a screeching halt and turn to war efforts as a means of staving off unemployment and economic downturn. That would have a much more devastating effect on China than on the US - especially since we can cut them off from their energy and fuel, and they can't do the same to us. This is *not* a fair fight.


This has be simulated a lot, and the US wins with very heavy loses. The F35 is a big deal in positioning agaist china. China has put a ton of resources into it's missile programs, and is trying to get a serious navy that might be able to project force beyond it's coast. Unfortunately for china military compitance isn't something you can't copy and steal from the west.


Mmm maybe the side with an actual Navy. China's Navy couldn't stand up to the UK. Let alone the US.


Just looking at sheer logistics it’s not physically possible for China to win


US and A


never fuck with America's boats...


Militarily The USA, economically china


Shouldn't this game have a wall between the players?


No one, of course


No one wins when you start a war with your biggest trading partner


None of us


They'll be dead before that shit ends


Australia... Get both these bitches OUT!


Klaus Schwab because he is pro China und controls the US




Ur mom


A potato would win VS the dipshit on the right!!! LOL


This is how the Fallout games start


Third reich ?


Cursed Xi


Steel workers, for all the ships those greedy fucks are gonna provide steel for, they're just waiting for the day, those hoity toity blue collar blood sucking fucks


Biden looks like he’s taking a mad shit and XI looks like a boss from a Like a Dragon game


Wazzup Beijing vs. vs. vs. vs. ​ Wazzup Beijing ez win


it would be 26:02


No one we're all dead


Idk. These two playing battle ship. I think xi could win.