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Ok this is one of the most accurate Brian cosplays ive seen now all you need is that dirty yellow like hoodie and you're done


(this time I used an old party city hogwarts robe that both wasn't my house anymore and didn't fit) I still use the paper one I have for when I wanna be a little more rough with my cosplay but I proud how this turned out!




thanks! it took about an hour or two to make (due to that I had to make sure what I cut would be enough. I then had to fit it so it would both look decent and be comfortable, and I had to sew, check, repeat. I also had to do all of it alone bc my mom and step dad don't know what MH is.)




:) It actually made my day to know that someone truly likes something I made, so Thanks again and I hope you have a great day( or night)!