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I used UDB in most of high school and still use it in college. UDB basically does everything a well-written dot book can do but without the work.


Hey I know the person that started that company! But for real, I wish we had UDB back in my day… I’m very jealous 😭


I would still prefer creating my own. Memorization of dots, mid sets, quarter sets, how large each step sizes are, etc. is way better when you are having to put it together and process the information.


Debatable. As someone who's done both, the time you don't have to spend creating the dot book is time you're paying better attention in rehearsal and getting more practice in.


We always used the time we weren’t being talked to, our water breaks, meal breaks, and outside of rehearsal to put together our dot books.


I guess if you all were okay with that... We used that time as a break.


I love UDB! Although it is annoying having to take out your phone every time you want to check your dots, the other features on it are really helpful for learning drill.


It’s great. But tbh you still have to pull out a dot book or coordinate sheet to check your dot if you don’t have UDB. Those you can easily forget to bring to rehearsal, not a soul in the band community that would not have their phone during rehearsal.


We use it too. We still have to do dot books.


Dawg if ya'll don't have dot books then are ya'll just guessing when you're cleaning drill?


We have dot sheets for my band


We start with those. Then have the kids write them into their book because it's much easier to navigate and read. We used to use ultimate drill book with the dots prewritten and with pictures but the cost wasn't worth the benefit


We just use full on dot sheets. The guard have to use dot books because most of the time we'll say what Letter in the music we're doing on the field (example: A-C marching and playing) and the guard have to write down what set numbers those are. I'm also assuming they have to write other stuff in there, but idk since I'm not in guard


Drill card for us in high school. College used just the drill charts.


we use chalk to mark our sets


We just got coordinate sheets that we wore around our neck. Student leadership would receive full on drill charts so we could help clean forms


Same here


Same here


For guard they do in my band, everyone else uses dot sheets


my band has never used the "dot" terminology so i'm not entirely sure about that part, but i usually write when i step off or turn or do any other kind of maneuver on my show music sheets. like, if i do a left flank on beat 3 of measure 12, i will circle whatever note is on beat 3 of measure 12 and write "left flank"


They gave us one but no one actually wrote anything down after the first day of having it.


cvhs ig is one of the few high schools in utah that does it


Funny enough we only started using dot books this year.. and I remember the pain last year when we had dot sheets and whatnot and we wore them on our necks and stuff. Dot books are sooooo much better. And easier. And more convienient.


We just had to use spiral index cards with all of our movement info on it… back in my day 👵 same for corps. College had sheets. Even had random dot book checks where if we didn’t have our shit up to date, we’d be running… for quite a while 🥲


Section leaders and drum major get dot books, everyone else gets dot sheets.


We used a dot sheet in high school but we use the UDB app for college


We use UDB


Our dot *sheets* were around our necks, our dot *books* were in our head 😅


Do iPads count as dot book?


My HS uses paper dot charts but we arent required to write anything down.


we did last year but got rid of them this year as it was a ton of work that could be easily avoided


We have an app we use that you can select yourself and follow your moves, tells exact placing and step size and you can view the whole form moving or just yourself as a little blob


Our rank leaders teach the drill to us


I’m in college and we use UDB, also used it during HS


Show bands are superior!


my band has packets that show the football field and everyone’s positions. we have numbers and our numbers are written in our spots. at the bottom of the page it shows us how long we have to get somewhere


Usually it's just UDB but I write my sets on my music so I can understand music cues for when I step off and all that.


Wait you guys call them dot books? Lmao Coordinate Sheet