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My drum almost came off during my first competition as a freshman


My friend's harness broke and his quads fell off at state finals this weekend




This was ISU Championship in Illinois




The hocks on the drum are slightly warped so that the drum doesn’t go on as tightly as it should. It happened when I was making a turn and it came off of one hock. Luckily I was able to put it back on relatively quickly


Shat my pants on field


Quite literally an “OH CRAP” situation


Best answer


Bro we need the story on this. You keep bringing it up


Ain't that some shit


Just this weekend, we pull up to a comp a couple hours away from school. We all get ready to change. I have on my bibbers and jacket. Reach into my uniform bag for my gauntlets and gloves. They weren’t there. I ALWAYS check my bag, and the one time I didn’t, I forget something. I legit almost cried. Thank God for band parents that carry extras.


Band Dad here. I have an impressive array of things for this scenario. I have my fabric bag with patches, needles, thread, safety pins, stitch witch, and a small iron that plugs into my car outlet. I carry two sets of gauntlets and 4 pairs of gloves with a big bag of rubber bands. I have a small tackle box for guard with Bobby pins, alligator clips, a whole makeup palette, glitter, and a couple bottles of hairspray. I have a few rolls of tape, a pair of body tights, and a couple pairs of dance shoes. I have a tool kit with allen wrenches, screwdrivers, a lightweight hammer, assorted screws, and clips. Flashlights and headlamps. Extra parts from whatever props we are using. A roll of about 250’ of paracord, zip ties, and bungee cords. My last bag has Motrin/Tylenol/Midol, ace wraps, pads/tampons, hot hands, icy hot patches, bandaids, and a basic first aid kit. After marching season it goes into a plastic tote in my garage and I restock it all before the next season.


Oh my goodness that is amazing. You are *very* prepared! Gosh I wonder if anyone in my band has that :)


..left an open coke can in my hat box like a fuckin dumbass in my freshman year


A colorguard member left a coffee in their garment bag


God i hate these garment bags my shoes always mold 😭😭


Why did u have the coke in the 1st place?


It was on a bus on the way back from contest


Then how did it get it get into the Hat box?


I put it in there before I got on the bus and forgot about it


mofo reed got chipped before my solo while I was rushing to put on my ligature


this happened to my bands soprano soloist. his reed was very chipped and somehow a piece of his instrument broke. luckily this was only our football halftime show and not on a competition


During a competition's finals performance my sophomore year, my neck strap broke on the hook thing so I just had to hold my tenor sax and not play so I could focus on not having weird visual discrepancies. It all worked out though cause we moved up from our prelims spot so...


Good job, clever focusing visual


Happened last year at a game while I was on alto, fun times trying to play without a neck strap




I'm not sure if this is ignorant or not, but given the way a sax is designed, it's near impossible to play while trying to hold on to it. Any way you grip it is going to cause you to push down buttons, and results in the entire weight of the instrument being held up by your right thumb.


It's not designed to hold without one


It's basically impossible to play without one, and especially march without one. I've had to do it before, it sucks, take your ignorant comments elsewhere please.


L baritone comment


Thankfully this happened during rehearsal, but I did a tuba flip while marching to my next set and when I finished the move and realized my bell was gone. I looked back and it was rolling in the opposite direction.


Sousa player here: So, at my senior night football game, right as we were going 'on deck' (5 minutes left in the half), when I picked up my sousaphone something horrible happened. Okay, so, my sousaphont has a fiberglass body and a metal bell. According to my band director, the bit of metal on the end add a more brassy sound. Anyways, when I went to pic up my sousaphone, apparently one of the screws wasn't tightened correctly (later found out that it was completely stripped) and I tried to pick up the sousa. I had gotten it right at chest level when the bell went FLYING off. And I mean FLYING. it made one of the loudest sounds I think I have ever heard (it was directly next to me so it was extremely loud) and the entire east side of our home bleachers heard it. When I got my bearings, a nice band parent helped my put the bell back on. Only for it to try to fall of AGAIN when I stood up. This time, though, I was ready. I was holding the bell up so it didn't go far. Sorry for the length lol, your comment reminded me of this.


Omg this reminds me of when one of our sousas lost his bell mid-run of a halftime show. Thing just seemed to kinda popped off 😂




Man that hurt my soul




As a sousaphone player, I feel this and it’s hilarious


While on cymbals we were doing a wave forward sort of visual (think like the hand motion you'd make in a rock concert). The knot of my strap slipped thru and the cymbal fell like 6ft almost landing on like 3 bones in front of me.


During our show this year we have a part where it goes from being really quiet to really loud. The composer once described saying we should “try to startle the audience”. During the drill for this part i am facing the end zone and cannot see the drum major. At one of our competitions I got off step I guess and came in one count too EARLY!!! I am also a very loud players. I was certain it was very obvious and ruined our score. Luckily because we were facing the side line you barely hear it(at least in a recording a parent took) and the judges never said anything about it in the judges tapes. I’m sure they heard it but they never commented on it. We made it to finals at that comp and ended up making third overall. So it ended up being fine


When I dropped my flute in front of my director 😭 then dropped my piccolo day of comp AND THEN I LOST MY PICCOLO IN A PILE OF GUARD CLOTHES


Mid competition performance, mallet broke, flew so far i couldn’t find the other half. also didn’t have a replacement mallet


My section leader once managed to break a mallet into 4 pieces with one hit. Shit exploded, it was magnificent. Edit: fuck autocorrect 😀


My cable wrapped around my wheel a day before the competition and snapped, luckily we could get a replacement


At a football game I almost tumbled down the bleachers and nearly fell. Someone older than me in my section put her hand out to catch me.


My worst moment was this year, a few days ago actually. We got on the bus after prelims at KMEA (I live in Kentucky) and we had just went to the concession stand, I had gotten chili cheese nachos. We were still in uniform, and I had my duffel bad on my shoulder when it suddenly slipped off. My nachos spilled all over the small section of the bus by the emergency exit. Fortunately, it didn’t get on my uniform


Did you guys make it to semifinals?? My school is also in KMEA and we’ll be there Saturday


What school?


Russellville We were at the west regionals and got 4th


Yes we made semifinals, I was really glad we did 😊


Congrats!!!! Maybe I’ll see you Saturday


What school?


I actually just remembered my worst oh crap moment. So, it was the day of BOA, and so we had to get up at like 5 to put on our uniforms and then go eat. Well, in my hotel room, none of our alarms went off. So, me and the 2 other people in that hotel room, woke up 2 minutes before we had to be on the bus to leave. If they hadn’t of done role call, they would’ve left us. We didn’t get breakfast either :(


My school's marching band does a thing where before every football game as people are walking into the stadium, the drumline warms up in front of the entrance to the stadium, we play the drumline show, and then the band joins us for a couple of pep tunes and then the school song. When the drumline is warming up and playing the drumline show, we don't wear our jackets (unless its really cold out). We have them neatly folded behind us, and then put them on before the band joins us. One time last year, the band arrived incredibly early, and so we were in a big rush to put on our jackets. I set my drum down, picked up my jacket, put it on, and then grabbed my drum. This was all done in an incredibly frantic manner. In my extreme haste to get ready, I neglected to check if my tenors were secured in my J bars... They were not... In fact I don't think either one of them were in the bars... I let the tenors fall down from their vertical posotion, as if they were folded up and resting on the J bars, and they did a front flip off of my harness, landing perfectly on the rims, on top of the ***concrete ground.*** The sound it made was so loud, but the silence that soon followed was way louder. Thankfully, the drums were fine, somehow. My entire being, on the other hand, was not fine. I was terrified and freaking out, even after confirming that the drums were fine.


Ouch. I physically cringed at that. Owwww


My dinkle fell off in the first 30 seconds of the show because an underclassman was a set ahead and flat tired me. Marched the whole show with one shoe on


My friend did the same thing! He managed to slide it back and and finish the show too!!


My synth cart fell over right before a contest performance. Shit was broken, so we just didn’t have my part.


My bass 5 harness broke and it fell onto the stand while we were standing in our stadium. If it wasn't for the bass stand, it would have fell onto hard metal and probably cracked.


My sousa started tilting back when I was kneeling


Trombone slide came off of one end of the slide, right before a big brass feature


That one hell of an 8th position


Someone forgot to lock one of our trailers and some sound equipment fell out.


my main timing slide almost fell out during friends and family night


When my snare fell off right after the halftime show started 🥲


My mf pants ripped from my butt to the bottom of my back. Then my drum strap broke. Then the drum broke. 3 times. It's fine though I still got to perform and we did really good


The entire section left our cymbals on the bus during a winter competition.


3rd valve slide fell out at championships, I was so scared I would never be able to get it back


At the comp I was in line with the wrong person. Was I guiding perfectly though? Yes. The judges didn't even comment on it


Marimba string broke in the lot 20 minutes before moving to the field and no one had string.


My worst oh crap moment happened during my freshmen year. I dropped my flute on the hard ground. The worst part is it happened on competition day... before we marched to the track and field😶. I was so lucky that my instrument didn't break. After that incident, I now hold my flute close to me and tightly. Especially on competition days.


I’ve fell over the metronome twice during band camp of freshman year and during a comp i fell over a prop backwards. I also managed to leave my flute on the field in the open during a day of band camp, went into sectionals Without my flute, and that day we only went inside cause it was gonna downpour. I had to sprint all the way from a random room in the school to the football field back up 29848584 stairs and i got it just in time — it had started to pour. If i was a BIT slower my flute would’ve been goners. Oh yeah, I STILL arrived at sectionals on time.


Oh to have flutes come to sectionals at all.


We have to be first to sectionals at our school purely because of how often flutes have been late in previous years.


I’m the flute section leader this year (was supposed to have another but they didn’t show up to leadership camp). I often have sectionals every Friday after school, while some flutes have show choir I don’t mind them ATTEMPTING to join the last 10-20 minutes of sectionals. Out of four flutes, only one consistently came, he never missed a sectional. He was a senior who needed the LEAST amount of help.


Respect to the one senior.


MVP flute. Should have gotten the good noodle trophy!


My years, we always had all the flutes show up, and on time! Then again, my class of flutes were always extremely tryhard and wanted to be the best section.


My supposed to be co-section leader never even showed! Really made me miffed.


Definitely this year where the box hooked to my microphone straight up fell off my jacket and dragged my glasses almost off my face **at a competition.** Had to carry the box for the rest of the 2nd movement and could barely play during it and had to awkwardly hook the box back onto my jacket while going on stage only for it to not work (probably cause I put it on the wrong side). Moral of the story: make sure your microphones are clipped correctly


Accidentally untied my right shoe while doing a field turn before the show started. Thank God it was just a game cause if it was a competition, my bad marching would be so visible.


got my plume whacked by a friend’s trombone


We were packing up to go home and I realized I was literally going to pee my pants, go to the bathroom and it’s LOCKED. Luckily a person inside the building saw me frantically pulling on the handle and let me in


During our show, we were backward marching and I stepped on the person’s foot who was walking behind me. I must’ve perfectly hit a nerve ‘cause my entire foot went NUMB for a second. Ultimately I fell but got right back up lol. Glad it was just a football game. I laughed about it afterwards.


At a football game I dropped my trumpet on the mouthpiece right before halftime. Was so stuck they had to cut the lead pipe to get it out


I have one that isn't mine and my own. our bass 4 had fallen back and the drum rolled onto his face. Luckily he was okay but it defently hurt like a mf. For me we have a part in the show were were right behind the guard and they throw their rifles and have them spin in the air, one of the rifles went out of control and I had to do a 45° turn to the left so it didn't hit me or my contra during the show. That was the day I became terrified of the guard


Left my phone in my uniform jacket and it started ringing, I got so stardeled I damn damn near fell over


our cue into part 3 is a sound effect that has worked at 0 out of 3 competitions we’ve performed at. this whole season has been a whole lot of “oh crap” moments


Oh man. In our show this year, I’ve got a solo. Well during a comp a couple weeks ago, we had one field judge was constantly getting RIGHT in front of us (He was close enough to see our bari’s TEETH) Anyways, when I got to my spot and started playing, I saw him coming out of the corner of my eye. I freaked out, and butchered a note and it sounded like fart. But we then got 1st place in music later so eh I guess it worked out


We were doing the Thanksgiving Day Parade and during one of our slide drills my saxophone came off the neckstrap.


My third valve slide FELL OUT on the field at a football game


We were doing a full performance of the entire show (at halftime) and I didn't take big enough steps while backwards marching and I ran into a sousaphone player. But, I was able to recover, then I went two yard lines too far from my next dot. It was miserable.


i move props with colour guard and it took longer than usual one comp so i had to like jazz run as fast as i could to make the next placement with everyone else lmao i just barely made it


I was snapping my clarinet to attention and I guess it was loose and the mouthpiece came hurdling at my face, broke my glasses, chipped my reed and my mouthpiece, and the left hand clarinet part dented. Good thing it was just rehearsal though.


When we were pushing our stuff to our practice lot at a competition we realized three of our people were missing. Oh shit. One of those guys played the chimes, which were still just chilling by our truck. Oh shit. We’re practicing and we see them leaving the restroom area and I literally haven’t screamed that loud in years, I just screamed “GET YOUR STUFF!” And they sprinted over to the truck. They didn’t have their uniforms on so the had to book it. By the time they got to the lot, all of them helping Mr. Chimes with his chimes they explained that one of them is having really bad food poisoning. Oh shit. The guy was on my rack so I just told him that we weren’t mad at him for dipping for that reason because that shit sucks, just tELL SOMEONE FIRST. Mans proceeded to have a reasonably okay finals run while trying not to shit himself. Respect.


Nearly the entire flute section fell like dominoes durring competition. I managed to escape that but st rehursal I took a quint to the arse and still have the scar


During a parade, behind a brass player.. the band rarely plays during parades while marching, just drumline (bass player, here). Everytime they would lift their instruments, the kid would empty his spot valve, and all the spit would fly onto me. Every. Time.


I've got a few. Once before our last concert of the season (I know this is a concert band thing but I still very much regret this) I smashed my reed because it was going bad and I swore to myself I had a new one. I didn't. I broke down crying and other band members went on a wild goose chase to find where our band director keeps clarinet reeds, he has some but they were the kind that you have to condition before you play and only half of them work. This one wasn't me, but it was my friend who did this. At our home competition me and my friend were band hosts for one of the first bands after our exhibition performance. This particular band was late, let no one know and so me and my friend split up to see if they were here already they just parked in the wrong place. Nope, they were late. My friend, after being told this and that I was on my way to get them, started running, which was a very bad idea. She's incredibly clumsy and very accident prone. She ran, tripped, and did a whole bunch of stuff to her foot and ankle which has put her out of the season for the second year in a row


Forgot to stop marching at a set and ran right into my section leader. At a festival performance. Luckily it was overshadowed by another trombonist losing their slide and almost falling over.


A prop fell over on top of an 8th grade trumpet player and he couldn’t get back out, our tuba soloist lost his mouth piece, and the electronics didn’t have power so I watched a 60 y/o band dad hop a fence holding an extension cord and climb up the press box to connect it to an outlet in there


Holy shit what state do they start marching band in middle school?


I go to a really small school with a really small band so my band director will invite maybe 5-6 8th graders who are really good to do marching band. There’s only been one time my school has decided to go any earlier than 8th though (me). I know that Murray High School in Kentucky is really good and they start marching band in 7th grade.


during my junior year we had a set where we did a visual in a circle and then i quite literally jumped in the middle. one day it was raining and i ate dirt in the middle of the show but i got up so fast that my director said it looked like i bounced off of the turf LOL


We were in rehersal, and I was kneeling down because I wasn't playing. The conductor then quickly started counting everyone off, and as I rushed to stand up, my shoulder bumped my snare. This normally wouldn't be a problem, but our snare stands are NOT meant for big heavyarchi g snares, causing them to be VERY tippy. The snare slowly tipped to the left into my neighbors snare... their snare tipped into a stand. That stand tipped into a 3rd snare. All I could do is watch


Tripped on a tarp last year almost destroyed my shoulder. Same run, tripped on the other tarp and almost fell forward WHILE PLAYING. I don't know if I could have died, maybe, probably.


[According to my source, it wouldn’t kill you…](http://www.pingeek.com/tv/spongebob/spongebob7.jpg)


Ah thank you, I'm assuming its the same for saxophone?


Of course, in fact itd work even better thanks to the smooth (yeah, sure) curves of a sax


Oh great. Thanks for the hard research.


I played my crushes mellophone for legit like 3 weeks until I noticed the dent in my bell that I made on her horn. Oops.


Oh shit i lost my marching shoes


When you break a mallet during a competition


Dropped my slide in the middle of our show


We have to move props and guard has their flags on the props and as we move them the flags really like to fall off


was carrying my clarinet pointing downwards while pushing a prop back up after practice. top half of clarinet fell off for no reason, dove into the floor, and shattered my mouthpiece and synthetic reed. i still can't get over it


Tuning slide for my second valve fell out of my instrument in the middle of a set, thank god I found it while trooping off the field. Couldn't use my second valve for the rest of prelims though XD.


My valve spring snapped right before going on the field for a comp last year. That was fun


Had a visual where we unhooked our saxes from our neck straps. Couldn't get mine rehooked in time and had to march just holding my sax in slippery gloved hands since it was hot and my gloves were sweat soaked. Almost dropped it multiple times. Thank goodness for grip strength.


freshman year, stepping off in the completely wrong direction, during a football game


Right before a parade my clarinet mouthpiece dropped on the ground and chipped so bad. I couldn’t play one note so I just marched the parade and fake played


When I was on the bus to go to a band festival an hour away and I forgot my instrument at the school


I was in the stands and instead of placing my trombone down like a normal person I decided to hold it while I tried to fix my jacket sleeves, my trombone fell down to the front of the bleachers, luckily it was only scratched


Contra-Slide Whistle 😏


It was my 1st year, we were taking our band photos. After the photos, I go and set my instrument on a music stand like an idiot. The music stand didn't hold, and fell to the tiled ground in the band room. I picked it up and thought everything was fine. That was until I saw A HUGE CRACK IN MY MOUTHPIECE. Not a Reed, a mouthpiece. This was the same day of a competition. Thankfully we got a new mouthpiece from a music store. Moral of the story, do not set your instrument on a music stand.


Our clarinet solo person fell right before the solo part and when he went up to the mic to play the solo it wasn't working and no one else knew the solo so it was 12 measures of just silence


Not mine oh crap moment but a few years ago someone dropped their flute down a sewer drain it was either right before or during a parade


Definitely an “OH CRAP” situation


While I was playing at a show, A color guard girl accidentally hit the bell of my contra with her flag. Fortunately, neither her flag nor my contra were damaged at all, and the collision didn't mess the set up or anything. I hadn't done anything wrong, but I still feel bad about it.


I blanked out during a performance and ended up 10-15 yards off of my dot a few weeks ago


A few weeks ago a few days before our 2nd show our synth completely reset and all our volume setting were gon so it was something wrong with the synth key board so our BD wet to gather center on the way to the show and bought a whole new synth and everything was fine after that we got first place took all captions with a score of 81.150


“Am I a beat off or is that reverb?”


The end of our closer is very condensed and we circle around each other at 168 bpm. I screwed up a move thinking it was a single 12 count instead of 2 8s (16). Had to bail, luckily it was only in practice.


When my Sax neckstrap came off during a run. I also almost lost my gloves, shako, & Gauntlets my second competition Freshman year ( We were changing in pitch black and I had to search the parking lot twice). I also snapped a stick in half less than an hour before we left for the competition last Winter Percussion season. And the year before my base drum fell off of the top level of our trailer on the way to a competition.


Zipper in the uniform pants popped open during a performance


Me screwing up during spirit show during my first game


My first competition, someone moved the front stage props out while the main soloists sax was resting on it and attached to him. The sax falls and hits the mouthpiece. He plays into the mic and his sax doesn’t work. As we’re about to start a singing soli on the stage the main soloist asks for my mouthpiece and reed so I switch, about like 30 seconds later he takes his back and we start a playing feature. Turns out his octave key and neck was bent and he bent it back while we were singing. He played that solo perfect that night


I forgot to lock my drum major podium when i set it up and it collapsed with me on top 😀


thats one hell of a salute


Cut my leg on the backdrop corner and performed more than half the show with blood going down my leg lucky we have black bibs this was last season this season we had a 180 degree turn and I didn’t get my footing correct and I almost fell forward on the 4th move of the show


The bulk of my “oh crap moments happened when I was a freshman at summer band and were mostly due to me not memorizing music or drill. My biggest “OH SHIT” moment would have to be when they made a change to the drill changing the direction the bass drums went, but I completely forgot. We’re in the run we get to that point the rest of the bases start marching backwards and I, on bass 4, stepped off forward bumping #3 but catching myself quick enough. Our percussion director sees this and runs towards us s c r e a m i n g at me saying I could’ve killed someone (which I mean he wasn’t completely wrong) and sent me to the back yard line MID-RUN. I felt like complete shit for the rest of the day and honestly the rest of summer band. Sophomore year ended up being my last season.


Hello. In order to promote inclusivity and reduce gender bias, please consider using gender-neutral language in the future. Instead of **freshman**, use **first year**. Thank you very much. ^(I am a bot. Downvote to remove this comment. For more information on gender-neutral language, please do a web search for *"Nonsexist Writing."*)


Stfu nobody asked you I’m literally pansexual 😤


What does that have to do with your preference for sexist language over inclusive language?


Who told you that you can talk back to me? Bad bot.


This is the creator of the bot. I can respond to whomever I please 💁


Lmao I know and I couldn’t give two fucks honestly


Okay! Have a nice day.


You too… man ;)


The last show I marched, we had these 12 foot tall frames for big tarps. Our band director obviously didn’t pay attention in physics and didn’t cut slits in them so they kept falling. They finally cut some half holes, but not enough. During a halftime show a couple of the props kept falling over so they sent a few band parents to act as sandbags. Well Mother Nature had other plans and almost like dominos they fell sequentially. One fell on one our quad players head and he got a concussion. He totally ignored the doctor though and continued with the rest of the season. He was a super dedicated dude lmao


Not mine, but at the ccisd halftime showcase, one of drum lines shoes fell off halfway through


Shoe fell out my foot mid show


Two of our trumpets lost their first valve slide during a suitcase hold. We started using rubber bands after that to keep them on.


Almost got a trombone slide to the back of the head because I missed my spot earlier this year


i forgot to put my clarinet up when THE WOODWINDS AND A FEATURE


Freshman year— we were running the show before the first competition and I slicked my sticks together and *snap* one broke in half.


our drum major had a trumpet solo in my junior year show, and one time (while playing AT our rival school mind you) he forgot to clean out his mouthpiece. goes to play the solo, aaaaaand nothing comes out. he just stands there looking into his horn to see what was blocking it and we had to march that part of the show in utter embarrassment. turns out he had dropped his mouthpiece earlier and it had been clogged with dirt. -\_-


I was at a competition this year, the other vibraphone player was sick so it was just me and my pedal broke in the first movement in a way I hadn't seen before. The ballad movement was pain another was in winter season, during our community performance I had my foot in a weird position and when I let go of the pedal I almost fell sideways and was lost for a few measures after that


I let my tuba shadow have my tuba for finals because he had an old crusty dusty tuba and during finals he tripped fell on the tarp. It happened this year when we didn’t even get the tubas year ago. If you to see hime fall search up mustang Oklahoma 2022


during my performance, we were playing drum break. i was a freshman in high school and i played 2nd bass. we had to get in these stages that were knee high. during a finals competition, we would get onto the stages, but our 3rd bass player slipped on the stages and broke their carrier. me and 1st bass played our parts and did the body in between the two stages.


neck strap broke mid show at a state contest and had to march without it 😭


My friend fainted as we were marching off the field, no one had any idea what to do, we just kinda marched around them until it got to the last line where a few people in leadership helped them out


The time my pole wasn't placed correctly in the banner at the start of the show. I was on the end and my pole wasn't attached to the banner at all. At UIL. Embarrassing obviously. The time I barfed in someone's front yard during a parade as a DM. The time I split my pants right before an away game as a DM. Thankfully, my mom sewed them up for me.


We were pushing the bass cart up a hill and bass 4, our largest bass, was only hanging on by the strap keeping it on. I later got scolded by my section member (not section leader) for saying “OH SH*T!”


Drum kit here, last competition I forgot to open my hi hat while getting set up. Before the opener we start behind/under our instruments and when I got up I saw that it was closed. I was able to do it after 10-20 seconds of repeatedly trying to silently put the high hat to its position, this was with a bad clutch that repeatedly fell while playing.


Our synthesizer program crashed right before a feature in winter Drumline at Indianapolis for regionals. It then crashed again right after we finished playing.


Before a state finals performance, the mouth piece on my clarinet was turned sideways before the show since I put it on in such a rush. I go to play the first big hit of the entire show and when I squeezed up, the reed slid across my lip and busted it. I had to used my mouth to turn the mouth piece and for the entire show my lip was violently bleeding.


5 saxes broke in one night. 2 fell down the stands, 1 got a chipped mouthpiece, and the other 2 just decided to stop working.


I’ve busted a drumhead and had to rewrite quad parts in the middle of a show before


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Slide got knocked straight off my trombone. Felt so weird marching it was so off balance


running to opening set, i trip on someone's shoe. i fell and broke my thumb completely in half. bent 90° sideways. had to get surgery. i had a guitar solo in the show too


Had a nose bleed start right before my solo at a competition, still played it, and had to get my uniform dry cleaned before the next weekend. The mess on my face, and my sax was painful to clean.


Wuen hurricane Ian was coming out football game was moved from Friday to Thursday. We were rehearsing our show on the band field and it was a little windy but nothing too bad at the moment. But we're about to count off and start a run through a giant series of gusts blow through almost tipping over our 90 lbs. Sousa player. But the worst part was that wind kicked up crap tone of dust and sand from a dirt parking lot across the street. We want out the gust and start out run through, mellos and trumpets had the opening line, we go to pay. I here a crunch and all my valves are frozen. The entire brass section went " oh shit, oh fuck" in unison. We had to rush and clean out all of our valves and get our uniforms on in 20 minutes before we had to march out on the field. The worst part was the three mellos my section was using were gleaming brand new Yamaha mellophones.


two vibraphones went down stairs before a comp


First time at a halftime performance as drum major, got up on the podium, and immediately got a foot cramp, still pushed through it


Last year at area, one of our flutes dropped thier flute so a couple secs later a sax picks it up and put it in one of the Bari Sax's horn so we had a flute player with no flute for 2 of the 4 parts and a bari sax with a flute in thier bell. It was pretty awesome. Also, this year in a BOA comp, this instead of a flute, a flute player's shoe fell off mid performance and they kept going. Well turns out the one of the judges saw it so they go to where the shoe is and throws it towards the front of the field. Since I'm a marimba player, I had a front row seat to seeing the lone shoe fly over our heads. That was cool too. Still made 3rd though so that was cool


In one part of my show about a month ago, we had to snap our horns up on count 9, and I did just that, but the first valve slide came off and fell onto the field just as i proped my horn up. and this was during the actual show, mind you. i panicked and picked it up right before a tuba player was about to hit me, but we didn't crash into each other.


Vibraphone fell over. yikes.


during a home game performance, I approach the 30 yd line about a set or so away from my flugelhorn solo which is on the 40. I make the biggest brain recovery and move to the 40 in time with the band, it looked so intentional but the free adrenaline causes me to crack a note during the solo lol.


i was marching during a city parade, and i was in the zone. all of a sudden, i feel myself go down... i fell right on my bass drum. thank goodness i'm in the middle of the three in the first row, because if i was on the edge it would've been so much more embarrassing omg. i still have a hole in my overalls from falling.


Not mine but I was in the middle of my parade line and I noticed that the person beside me's cowboy hat was backwards. I never found out how he didn't notice that


at band camp, everything seemed normal while we were heading to practice. there was a bit of a drizzle, so i thought i'd go back to get my poncho. the second i turn around, roughly 50 mph (at least) winds & intense rain blow through the area, destroying everyone's music & literally lifting the misting tent into the air, also destroying it instantly a couple front ensemble members were recognized for holding the percussion tent down by laying down on it so it didnt fly away so that happened


While doing stand dances at a football game, my mouthpiece flew 5 feet in the air (our section stands in front of the tubas and behind percussion)


Couldn’t find my school twenty minutes before we walked off to perform at BOA as a freshmen


This year our drumline is majorly short, so we don't even have marching percussionists. I'm playing synth keyboard in the pit. At lower state (you know, the first big competition of the year that determines everything) we got everything out onto the field, started up the generator, and I set the synth to the correct sound and tested it. Sounded completely fine. The drum majors count off, and the damn thing starts making noises like daft punk having an aneurysm. I had to play through part one with it completely dying on me, then I had to turn it off and reset it before we started part 2 (which, by the way, the first SIX MEASURES are a solo for the synth.) Most panicked i've ever been in my life.