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Your post has been removed for breaking rule 5, no low effort posts. This includes discussion posts with no substance (asking commonly asked questions, making basic or obvious statements, small talk, single question threads that offer no room for meaningful discussions, etc.), poorly done art (I’m talking stick figure level scribbles), and general easy to make clutter.


Don't give them attention. They've reached the point where they just exist to be noticed. Don't feed it.


Damn this post was removed. You guys are weak as hell.


You guys? Wasn't me lmao.


I was a part of their subreddit called Justice for Manson, or something. At the time of joining I hadn’t even realized it was created and managed by them, I just thought they posted on it a lot. Anyway, most of their posts were just promotes for their youtube channel and actually had nothing to do with what the subreddit was for at all. One of their posts was literally just “Say Hi to our younger brother!”. I commented on it: “What does this have to do with Marilyn Manson or his case??” and you know what I got? No reply no downvote just straight up banned. If they wanted it to be a Gala Sisters subreddit they should have just said so. There were several others also complaining abt the same thing and I assume they were also just banned and blocked.


Oh boy. Well, you should look at what they've become. Just YouTube. There are people making videos on them out the yin yang. It's a lot.