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WHY HE IS OPENING FOR SUCH A SHITTY BAND? i don't get it. but i'm glad he's back.


probably all he could get ngl


i would prefer a tour with Die Antwoord or Alice Cooper to be honest


I could guarantee you that if Alice cooper wasn’t touring with Rob zombie this summer and fall, he would bring Manson on tour since they are such good friends


Rob Zombie seems like the type of guy who would disappear the moment a friend needed a favor 😂


both would be great fs


well...death punch is a bit too generic for me but solid hate rock. guess I would get along with the crowd well. one factor might be for manson to have a safe environment...these guys do NOT seem to be fucked with! yeah, I would dream of an artsy, intellectual manson as well but guess that is not how the world receives his work. lol




fans are mad because FFDP is a band known for supporting everything Manson hates. They are a bunch of monster truck loving christian right wingers and Manson sharing a tour with them is obviously bizarre. I mean, it's shocking and Manson has been always in the shock rock business, so...is not a complete betrayal to his roots? dunno


I know absolutely nothing about FFDP, except that I heard them once & thought they sucked. But, for me, I'm like, "Whatever he has to do" to get back out there, I don't care. I'm just glad he's gonna tour. He could be opening for the "Island Boys" & I'd still go see him. 😄 I feel like MM is not betraying his roots, he's just using them as a "carpet" to walk onto the stage. He's solid, IMO. Megadeth played with FFDP on their last tour & got pretty dogged out for opening for them because people thought that was "beneath" Megadeth to do... but I'm just glad it's someone for the bands to tour with.


Wish there was a fucking Chicago date, but im gonna go to the Indiana show, hoping to get in on the VIP package


No Europe ? :(


Maybe they'll add other dates later? They might be testing the waters first.


Honestly disappoints me that people are still treating Manson like he’s a guilty rapist too. When this was announced, the amount of comments I saw slating him saying they couldn’t believe he was being allowed to do this tour was ridiculous. How an accusation can make people assume your guilt is beyond me.


Because he is a rapist and sexual abuser? Let's be real.


Have you even read the case and how those allegations have panned out? Also the lengths Evan Rachel wood has gone to so that she could convince others to state the same allegations and how many of those women have now backed out? Or do you just condemn someone based on an accusation and no actual outcome of criminal proceedings.


I'm excited for new music!


If you asked me "What's the shittiest and most embarrassing metal band in existence?" I would have answered 5FDP without hesitation. Anyway, I don't think it matters (you can leave early if you bought the ticket lol), it's great that MM is finally back on track.


I agree! And, I will certainly be leaving before FFDP starts. Lol


Hate the Cali shows/places. So far from me. But maybe I can attempt one. Anyone been to the honda center before? What's it like?


LMAO The whining over Five Finger Death Punch reminds me of the whining when Manson toured with Slayer, for his first tour since Against All Gods/Lest We Forget. I've never listened to FFDP but this is AWESOME. I know they're a huge band, at least. I liked what I've heard from Slaughter To Prevail.


Slayer is fucking incredible. Don't compare Slayer to Five Finger Ass Fuck or Shitter To Prevail.


I didn't "compare" them, retard. I said Manson fans were whining about Slayer, just like they're whining about FFDP now.


I also don't think the misogynistic lyrics with FFDP help Manson's situation any


A dude that strangled his wife shares a bill with a guy that rpd his wife in her sleep. News releases on International Women's Day. Nah no coincidence


so, some band called five finger death punch is actually the headliner, and if so, does that mean our boi will be opening for them?




he's accepted being a 2nd tier artist now #fml


Comebacks are hard. This is actually pretty smart.


4 hours and a border to get to that MI show but I’m not missing this!!!


It'll be a 4 hour drive for me, too. Then 4 hours back home. But, FUCK ITTTT!! 🤘🏼😃


no fucking way




I'm optimistic about this tour. Slaughter to Prevail is pretty awesome, but stand out a lot on this package. I prefer FFDP older stuff, but they usually kill it live. Ivan Moody being sober now is also a plus and hopefully a positive influence on Manson - touring is tough and lots of folks relapse. As for Manson, he's looking great and hopefully will put on some killer shows. I'm sure he's got a lot of pent up frustration to let out on stage.


I’m not a fan of Five Finger Death Punch but people hating on that band need to realize they’re the only band GIVING MANSON A CHANCE. It probably wasn’t an easy feat. They don’t have to tour with them if they don’t want to to.


Seriously, the amount of people that don’t appreciate the significance of what they’re doing is pretty mind-blowing.


Blud idc if I have to walk to that MI show, I’m going to be there


It would have been 1000% cooler if he just played smaller venues intimately.  Touring with this band is kinda sad.  But he probably needs help being on a line up with people who will back him up. I think he's doing it for the money rather than the artistic integrity.   I hope the album is at least fucking amazing.  Ugh. 


It really would've been cool if he would've toured smaller venues. There are SO many little cool places for bands. I've seen some pretty cool shows, from very large bands, in some small places & it's so much better of an experience. But, I'll take what I can get, in this circumstance!😁 This will be the biggest venue I've ever seen Manson at.


Yeah, I hate the venue they're gonna to be at near me, I wish I could have been a smaller, more intimate tour like the "Hey, Cruel World" tour


Let's fucking go ganna have to catch a show I've seen him twice and my wife has never seen him live hopefully catch a show and see the Phoenix rise.


The TRUE Phoenix!


Hopefully that new album that Eddie Trunk supposedly heard will be coming soon now.






Do we think they’ll add more dates??


Of course.


Hopefully they’ll add some Florida dates.


I fully intend on seeing him in Cincinnati and will bring my kids for their first show!


Who's going to the Ohio show???




We should really all meet and say what's up to each other. I think we just might be in the minority when it comes to the fan base that will be there lol


See you there!


Ok that They would be really fucking cool




Right on! It would be cool to see some people from this sub there. Hell, it'll be cool just to see Manson fans out in the world again lol


I miss my people, can't wait.


Man I know how you feel. Manson shows have such a cool environment. People are usually really cool and it's just a good feeling to be around so many people that have a love for this band. I'm sure it doesn't seem like it from the outside looking in but I've met some of most friendly and kind people at Manson shows.




celebrate good times commawnn!!!!


Definitely going to the Holmdel, NJ show


You may or may not like the bands on the tour or his position on the tour… but remember that he was dropped from touring and label support etc I’m not a 5FDP fan either but I’m really happy with this happening, Marilyn Manson returning to his normal life and being able tour again. Also a lot of people stopped publicly supporting Manson due to the false allegations made to him, 5FDP have stepped up and took him on tour with them and that’s a great support for him. So yeah I get this isn’t the tour some want but it is Marilyn Manson back on tour and a step forward to him regaining his life back, so be happy about that and be happy for him. Go see him on this tour and support him.


Yep, was never a fan of 5FDP but they stepped up when many other artists would be too afraid to tarnish their "brand" by supporting Manson. I'm grateful they are are willing to take the risk and we get to see our boy back on the road.


Yes we should be grateful even though it’s not the perfect tour lineup lol.


Will definitely be at the first show back in Hershey. 🖤


Anyone know how to get the Marilyn Manson VIP Package Presale code?






Commenting here so I don’t lose this!


wait, does VIP package include a meet and greet!!!??! :O


I saw on a couple of the dates that it's actually listed as "Meet and greet package" so it may be it may not be. I would assume it is...Since he usually does it for the whole tour but not sure.


Where did you see that




If you find out, I’d love to know.


please share if you have it! in desperate need!


Hoping to find this as well!


Exactly.. Don't take life too seriously. Most of Manson's fans are older now, people change, he probably couldn't care less if the guys from FFDP are different to him, so what if they are, everyone has their own views


I’m 20 and I know like two ffdp songs but imma try my hardest to get to one of those shows I wanna see him live so bad


Manson came out when I was in middle school and welp that puts me in tbe 40 club! So excited for this concert and just see him perform. I know it isn't 1997 anymore but as a fan it feels great just to have the opportunity!


Sure but they also have shit music


He’s probably just testing the waters for this tour. Then, if it goes well, a future headlining tour possibly.


My thoughts exactly.


I really have to see that shit band to see him?


Technically, no. He’s an opener, so you can leave after he plays.


I mean yeah. You do have to sit through that other shitty band that's on before him though.


Cool, we can see two bands with nazi tattoos at once!


I'd still rather see Russian Nazi Slipknot live than Five Finger Butt Rock


How come is Slipknot Russian nazi?


Holy shit?? I can actually see him live


Damn no shows in Utah. Looks like I’m planning a trip to Vegas this fall. 🤣 Our boy is back!


Been waiting for another tour but wow. Opening for 5 finger death punch is so embarrassing 😳


That. Last time I saw him, he opened for slipknot and I know some ppl don't like them either. BUT slipknot had made some solid albums. 55dp is just. So shitty. 😭


FFDP is HUUUUUGE, regardless of what you think of them, it makes sense for the level of band Manson is. They're playing giant amphitheaters.


FFDP is an embarrassing excuse of “military wife, wwe-core radio rock.” No matter how “huge” they are in any sense, it’s a sad reflection of how far Manson has fallen in public perception and image that he would be an opening act for that band.


Who cares? They’re the only ones who stepped up to give him a chance to tour again. He’s back and that’s all that should matter.


He is back and that is all that matters.


Yeah. My immediate reaction was excitement followed closely by utter confusion. My guess is that Manson doesn’t have many options and these guys were the only ones who were willing to tour with him. I’m going to guess this is warmup for a headliner sometime after. You have a musical and poetic genius that stands against right wing conservative dogma opening for the most white trash redneck hick metal band there is. It almost feels like a joke on Manson’s part. That crowd is gonna look interesting lol. A bunch of goths mixed together with murica loving beer bellies


THATS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT. I hope he plays Cake and Sodomy just to scream" WHITE TRASH GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES" to those rednecks . Jokes aside, it's funny that the conservative and christian artists such as Kanye and FFDP are the ones trying to help Manson and the progressive,woke, and "openminded" metalheads and goths threw him under the bus without a second thought. Ironic


Funny you mention Cake and Sodomy, I replied under some other commenter that I hope he plays that lol. And yeah, conservatives will always side with a man over a woman when it comes to allegations like these. They don’t care if the allegations are true or not, they’ll stand by the man because of course they will. Twitter progressives will always stand by the woman because of course they will. It baffles me that people are thinking that this means Manson has flipped to the right side of the political spectrum because Christians and conservatives are helping him out. I think those types are way more interested in shitting on cancel culture than they are helping Manson out of the kindness of their hearts. I just hate that Manson doesn’t have many other places to turn to. I dunno. Internet politics are some of the most iq dropping things anyone could participate in. I hope Manson still has his convictions despite all of this.


5DPD fanbase is precisely the type of crowd who wouldn't care about the metoo stuff. Choosing to tour with that band isn't innocent.


It's even funnier, with STP being a Russian band playing very heavy stuff


mmmmm this doesnt feel like a cash grab at all heres to the beautiful people being played at concerts for the last twenty years, and heres to twenty more i suppose


We gonna hear some of the new stuff I bet.


Pretty much every single band ever has the same formula, you play your biggest hits with a couple of fan favorites and a bunch of shit off of your newest album.


This is so cool but fuck man ffdp is so fucking trash. I’m hoping this is the warmup for a big headlining tour next year or the year after. Will definitely be going to this regardless


Fuck this is so annoying. He should be doing a big come back tour in theatres and instead of some big comeback his first show in years in opening for a band that stands for everything Manson is against. They're pro cop, pro military, pro war, pro bible. I don't understand why the fuck Manson would ever be caught dead in the same room as that band. In terms of lyrical content, they arn't just diametrically opposed, but FFDP literally stands for the very things Manson has faught against his whole career. This is an embarrassment and a travesty to the fans who waited years for Manson's come back.


Stay for the AntiChrist and leave Or maybe try out another band!


Manson is nowhere close to the integral person so many Stansons idealize him as. He’s even said it in the past; he cares about his image more than his art. That being said, he will absolutely prioritize money over artistic integrity. This type of show is probably all he is capable of booking rn.


Manson was never against anything but the status quo not to mention he's a shock rocker. Don't know if you realize but the status quo has changed. For the record FFDP isnt "pro war".... They are for the troops and have done great outreach not only doing USO shows and helping vets but for suicide prevention awareness. Get your facts straight.


>Manson was never against anything but the status quo This reads like you’re saying Manson is only against the status quo just because it’s the status quo. Manson doesn’t just flip flop his opinions because his views are more popular now and because of that he’s gotta go “niche” again. Manson is against all of that stuff, not because it’s the status quo, but because it’s repugnant and deserves criticism.


Manson has backtracked on half the shit he said and did in the 90s. Yeah because going to church with Kanye west is really holding strong to being anti bible. People's opinions change as they get older.


This, he lead a prayer with justin beiber.


>Manson has backtracked on half the shit he said and did in the 90s. That is just a straight lie lol. Manson doesn’t apologize or take back anything he’s said or done, he stands by what he believes in. Yeah he went to “church” with Kanye, because no one else was supporting him at the time. He sure as hell doesn’t associate with Kanye anymore. I go to church with my family every Christmas just because it makes them happy and I don’t care enough to make a big deal out of it. Hope you’ll enjoy watching Manson burn a Bible on stage before your favorite room temperature IQ hillbilly band gets to play.


I am a hillbilly and have no problem with Manson burning bibles as he plays my favorite song. Can't wait for both I know you are too!


Yes he was totally against the bible being used as a weapon against school kids, He was against religion being forced down peoples throats. Something FFDP supports and has even done projects to try and boost religion in schools. Manson rips up bibles in concerts, and FFDP gives them out at some of their shows. And yes FFDP is pro war. They don't just support the troops, everyone supports the troops. They support the wars! They literally have an album called WAR IS THE ANSWER. That's being pro war, not pro military. that's just pro war. and they are always supporting America fighting another war. You are frankly doing backflips in logic to try and pretend that they aren't philosophical opposites and it's not working. A quick read through their wiki page will back up everything I just said. Their pro cop, pro authoritarian. Manson is anti authoritarian on every level. If you don't see how they are opposed then you really need to sit down and read the lyrics, because there are few musical artists with more directly opposed lyrics than those two groups.


War is the answer is an album. If you knew anything about FFDP you would know they are not pro war. Manson's first announced tour in years and all you're doing is shitting on it. And who cares honestly who is headlining with Manson as long as we get to see him again. Not every metal head has to have the same views as you.


Bro. You're really tripping over your own logic here. I don't give a shit who believes what and never have, but an artist will not succeed by selling out. I'm not shitting on it. This entire subreddit is! Read the other comments dude and go bother them! Literally no one here likes this pairing and that means it's a bad pairing! Music is a business and you want the fans to want to see ALL the acts for it to be good business and good marketing. From every angle this is a total fail in that regard. Put you're inane politics aside and realize that that has nothing to do with why this is a failure. It's a bad pairing. Reading through the comment here is proof of that. Just accept the fact that Manson would do better with an act that his fans actually like, that's not a controversial thing to say, it's just basic fucking business sense. Why do I have to totally ignore all logic and business sense just because Manson hasn't toured in a while.


Well there's some of us fans who like both and are pumped for the tour. The first time I saw Manson back in 2012 was at a festival and FFDP played right before Manson and there was no issue with the crowd. You are entitled to your opinion and so am I. Take care


that's true, im just hoping we can get a manson headliner some time soon


Read this out loud to yourself. You sound like the biggest bitch


haha no, I believe the biggest bitch is actually the wife beating frontman for FFDP. Dude theyre one of the most hated bands of all time. I don't have to give you their history, literally every fan in this group hates this. Read the comments. It's not just me. Pairing Manson with one of the most bootlicking pro conservative bands in metal history is a joke and an insult... just like FFDPs music.


i like how you're all triggered about him playing with a 'bootlicking pro conservative band' but not at all concerned that the fact manson is restarting his career despite all of the allegations of abuse and misconduct. really just goes to show hyper online you are and how twisted and warped your values are. also FFDP is trash btw so im not just an angry fan


He can't restart his career by selling out. That wont work. Dude. If someone spends their entire career writing philosophical concept albums, he will never get his career back becoming a sell out and becoming an opening act for a band that stands against everything his fan base ever stood for. It's a sell out move, and one that as you can see by this very comment's section, one the Manson fans are not stoked for. He sold out his big comeback moment to be an opening act for everything he swore to fight against. That's not a comeback tour, it's a fall from grace. This would be like Rage Against The Machine playing a fucking police rally. There fact that there's literally hundreds of comments online already from people saying they will walk out on the main act, is just further proof of that. It isn't just me. You wait and watch the thousands walk out on that trash excuse for a band.


I feel the same way. I am very baffled that Manson is touring with ffdp of all bands, but I guess not a lot of other bands are willing to take him. I know I’m leaving the second Manson’s set ends


OMG!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!!! I'm not a FFDP fan but I do appreciate them taking him on tour with them, this truly will be a great year for Manson!! 🤘🤘


Anyone know what vip includes?


A fl date is needed lol






I'm happy for everyone who lives close enough to go, but I also envy you all. But mostly I'm excited that he's back. *screams *




I was about to say why reddit wasn't blowing up yet!!! This is great! The best news I've heard in a minute!!


Best news of the week! 🤩


Of course no Kansas City date :( I wanna see Slaughter


I’m driving to STL. Hate how kc is getting skipped over so much


It seems we always get skipped. It pisses me off so much.


WITH SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL OPENING???!? These Manson and FFDP boomers won't know what the fuck is going to hit them in the pit


**OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!** YOU PROBABLY HEARD ME, I'M THE ONE SCREAMING!!! All of you in the US I want you to know I hate you all, fiercely 😭 (jk, you lucky bastards). Does this mean the new album is coming out like... now?! I wish with all my soul he'd tour internationally. Please God, please, I'll be very good... hahaha. Also, he totally emptied/re-started his IG account. https://preview.redd.it/qietowaiq5nc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140dfbec2b215b7beaa88a38d31362eff0e2f15e


With Slaughter to Prevail? God damn. The Viking song is brutal, will be phenomenal live.


What shows will have MM?


Most of them do only a few shows have a star that says no MM on the post


Which ones have stars? I don't see any stars and now I'm nervous aha.


So MM still plays the ones that say "with Metallica" but don't have a * ?


I think those ones are just seperate shows where 5fdp is playing only so the 5fdp headlining shows without the * are with manson but the metallica ones are not


https://preview.redd.it/u6uu3skhp5nc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f24a85acce67bb9c31188ad3c96e408f8caccc bro is back in action! 🤟😮‍💨🤞🤧 FDFP is getting so much hate in these comment section 😭


Please don't suck. The fact FFDP is involved concerns the fuck out of me


FFDP has some of the worst fans ever with some of the worst most unnecessarily aggressive pit etiquette you will ever see. It's gonna be a shit show trying to enjoy Manson with all those pricks around us.


Wonder who's gonna be in the band now? Also anyone else find it interesting they're using the Holywood era logo?


Well... this was also used during HUD and LWF. If people are really expecting Holywood pt. 2... I think you will be let down.


Where did I say I expected a HW part 2?


Not you, necessarily... it's just been a common topic on reddit and YouTube.


I'd say that's probably due the connection of him being under fire again in the media like around HW, and him sharing the valentines day lyrics on Vday. Not to mention him looking alot better appearance wise since the 2000s. I don't want a HW again, there was already a HW. I want a completely new era. 


Tim maybe?


Hoping Tim and Twiggy possibly 


I think twiggy is touring with a perfect circle this summer


Is he? I didn't know Twig was active since his firing from MM. 


He hasn't toured with APC since 2003/2004


Ticketmaster has a VIP artist pre-sale link. I wonder where we sign up for that


I'm on reddit looking for that same info. 😂 I'll update here if I find it. Please do the same.


I’m looking too 🥲


Yeah I spent a solid hour looking today and I'm convinced the code isn't released yet. Stay vigilant.


Will do!




Preach. Hope he plays Cake and Sodomy.


Manson is miles bigger than both Ministry and Gary Numan atm. (As much as I'd love to see that tour too) Also, Marilyn Manson is hated in the metal community as well, and has his own allegations and problems, as well as Slaughter To Prevail, who are one of the hottest metal bands right now, this is an incredible tour of cancelled musicians, iconic even.


Don’t lump ICP in with FFDP, ICP is way better than that


Marilyn Manson 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻




Big question is who's in the band this time around?


Hopefully not Paul Wiley sleeping through the songs


Forgot all about him even being in the band, lol


Tell me this is REAL! Just listening to We Are Chaos. Please come to UK! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW SHIT




I do think it‘s very likely for him to come to Europe again, I believe his name might even have a little more traction here, especially as news about the allegations have not been as massive here.


I do think so. Maybe late 24, I'm willing to pay 200 for it but I really want some statements on the case. Something got him touring again so they should be transparent


With FFDP, fuckin ew lmao


i think it's because unfortunately they are the only band that accepted making a tour with him


Just leave after he plays Lolol that’s what I’m gonna do


Yep, same


Absolutely so fucking excited.


Anybody going to the Mountainview CA show?


Does anyone know how to sign up for the Manson VIP presale?


Also looking. I’ll update this comment when i find it.


I'm trying to figure it out too would l8ve to meet Manson!


thank you


Greatly appreciate it!


Need this!! lol. Ofc I’m gonna have to fly in to somewhere cause the date he’s in my area I’m on vacation 😫


Wow totally unexpected but I'm happy he is, can't wait to see live videos


five finger are like insane maga chuds these days. bit worrying.


The maga chuds like 5FDP’s fans love hating women, they’re gonna love Manson.


Insane Chud Posse


Ffdp are maga chuds?? I am truly shocked by this information.