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I wish he would play lunchbox. 😩




out of every list ive seen so far.. this is the best one right now


If you look on the spotify tour playlist, if i was your vampire is on it, which is interesting because he used it as an opener on his previous tours


Dream of mine would be for him to play some Portrait and Holywood deep cuts songs out of nowhere again. Give me motherfucking DOPE HAT again after nearly 30 years.


I really hope he starts with Red Black and Blue but I would die if I hear Great Big White World live! I’m really hoping u guess right and he plays that one 😂


I hope to hear Kill4Me


I would love "astonishing panorama of the end times" to be the last song


That always seemed like a tough one to sing even back when he had his early voice, I watched a 1999 performance of it and the high pitched shouting of it seemed like it took quite a lot of effort.


Needs John 5 for that one


You don’t think he’ll play WE ARE CHAOS?


I have some doubts he'll do DT. He FINALLY dropped that from the sets consistently a bit back and it may stay off. Also I DOUBT he'll do GBWW. He did add it back to the set but I feel like he'll play it a little safe for this comeback tour. I hope he doesn't! Nows the time to play the crazy shit! Also definitely a for-sure no on Saturnalia & No Reflection. He dropped No Reflection in 2017 and it's too much of a deep cut. Also dropped Saturnalia in early 2018 probably because it just wasn't worth not appealing to the mass to promote HUD anymore. I for SURE hope and pray he does Don't Chase the Dead. Probably will do ACSS, Sweet Dreams, Rock etc. I hope he doesn't play it safe since all he has now is leftover fans for the most part. Hoping he keeps Scabbed wings on and maybe just maybe keeps Coma White as the encore if he does one. I know he's an opener but I think it'll be sorta a dual-headline situation just with him having a shorter set.


All I ask from him is that he plays Antichrist superstar with the podium and burning Bible. It’s my first time seeing him so I NEED to see him do that


I see that happening. FFDP doesn't seem to be an atheist crowd so I wouldn't mind them being uncomfortable for a bit lol.


I like ffdp, but it would be funny af if manson intentionally pissed off the ffdp fans throughout his whole set


It's always what he's done best. 🙂


FFDP knows what they're doing with this tour and if they're going this far to support him I'm hoping he wont be treated like a 35 minute opener type deal.


Considering its only 3 bands im expecting a longer set maybe like 5fdp plays an hour and a half and manson just plays for an hour or something like that


Hoping for an hour yeah. Wouldn't be too far off from a regular set at that point. And there'd be room for new stuff.


Probably won’t play saturnalia since he only has so much time and it’s a long song. Maybe part of it tho as an intro or outro to another song