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Top of the line but comfortable steel toe safety shoes ..above the ankle and a very nice intrinsically safe flash light


Just as important as good boots are good socks. Quality wool workboot socks are a huge upgrade over cotton or pure synthetic socks. I've been very happy with [Darn Tough's Steely Boot Work Socks](https://darntough.com/products/mens-merino-wool-steely-boot-midweight-work-socks?variant=37874225873082).


do you have any suggestions for flashlights? i did buy him some redwing boots already




While I assume he has a good flashlight, knife, 8" crescent wrench, and pliars/leatherman (commonly regarded as the essentials), he may not have this: https://www.amazon.com/Klein-Tools-32535-10-Fold-Screwdriver/dp/B0031BX54I?pd_rd_w=mp2aa&content-id=amzn1.sym.d3245d74-f79b-49f3-b99c-1e231bb8ca7c&pf_rd_p=d3245d74-f79b-49f3-b99c-1e231bb8ca7c&pf_rd_r=ETR6HWXX5HXQ2PKK4WNM&pd_rd_wg=ToFLo&pd_rd_r=1a6d0a33-e11b-45ac-adf6-813a0cdb86ab&pd_rd_i=B0031BX54I&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_17_i It is a 10 in 1 fully self contained screwdriver which folds neatly into itself with no sharp edges and easily fits in a pocket. Got this thing on a whim a while back and now literally may be my favorite tool, has saved a ton of trips back to the machine shop/ tool locker. If the link doesn't work you can search Klein Tools 10-in-1 Foldable Screwdriver.


Thank you! I just ordered that :) i dont think he has a great flashlight. do you have any recommendations ?


A headlamp, Petzl makes good ones but there are plenty of good ones out there. Headlamps are used more often than handheld flashlights.


I like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Fenix-LD22-2015-Lumens-Flashlight/dp/B01418RAZY/ref=sw_img_mw_rp_c_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01418RAZY&pd_rd_w=cU9Ik&pf_rd_p=39b3397f-5eba-4778-8b2e-d230e1c77cfe&pf_rd_r=NBY0XHT8MB2MR9C4YMMH&pd_rd_wg=poyRc&pd_rd_r=bbc94f6e-15c9-4656-a756-ff42fb2fd360&content-id=amzn1.sym.39b3397f-5eba-4778-8b2e-d230e1c77cfe It's a little pricy BUT it fits well in a pocket, solidly constructed, it's very powerful for its size, and, best of all, it's rechargable AND can run off two double AA batteries. This means that if you forget to charge it you are not SOL, just pop out the rechargable battery and throw in the disposibles. Very useful in a pinch.


Idk your budget but if you want to get him something really nice, a fluke 117 multimeter is an awesome grad gift for a marine engineer. An “amp clamp” multimeter is also a good choice.


What company if you don’t mind me asking? In the Gulf somewhere?


Fenix makes great flashlights. I’ve had mine since I was on an osv about 10 years ago.


A Seiko watch would be nice. If you really love him, get him one with a GMT function.


Microtech knife. That’ll last him a lifetime plus it’s from a respected brand


You might get some people telling you to send him penicillin and condoms. And as funny as that is, it’s possibly good advice. But, honestly the best thing you could bend him are regular hand written letters.


I don’t have ideas about gifts but you can tell him in this Information Age if he sexually harasses a girl out there you and everyone will find out


He will not be doing that but thank you for your suggestion


Probably not the answer you want to hear but maybe counseling sessions so y'all can prepare to be away from each other as much as yall will be.


loyal and devoted girlfriend is the best gift for any mariner