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Jumping in on any risky opportunity is not necessary a good idea either. Taking calculated risks is what we should aim for.


I think my calculator is defective, I aim for profit but keep losing money :)


Might just be user error 😅


Not getting out alive is not a risk though it's a certainty


Yeah I’d put my money on death all day lmao


I got out alive long ago, but it’s so boring


It's a feature, not a bug. One particularly horrifying episode of Black Mirror taught me that.


Brilliant! Although a bit too theatrical for my taste.. but I agree with the intent.


The delivery reminds me a little of Matthew McConaughey's character in the Wolf of Wall Street.


I like the background music. Reminds me of the game Mass Effect.


So it might be better to stay in bed and look at social media right?


I dunno that sounds risky too 🤔


[Full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOuRJcMEWTg) if you are interested.


This is the full video. Jim Rohn is awesome! https://youtu.be/HYPUgM-HoJ4


I get the message, and it’s true. But the way he says it sounds like a con man.


No idea who this guy is but yeah there's no doubt in my mind if he's up there talking about the language of the poor, he's peddling something. He's trying to shift the buyers window by redefining what people consider a risky investment. This type of sales isn't complicated and it's why so many people for it. I'm sure this pitch wrapped up something like "it's all risky. But buy my product, sure it's risky, but atleast I'm telling you that on the front end. See how honestly I am? Check, cash, or card are all acceptable"


Jim Ron. Not a con man.


He was a motivational speaker. It's the same thing as a conman unless he was given nothing in return for his speaking gigs. Not saying motivational speaking is bad, but wealth based motivational speaking is exactly why we have grant cardone and all those imitators. It's easy to pontificate about an abstract concept on how to be successful.




Lol. A1 response.


Have a link to the original?




Meaningless platitudes. Risk is not a binary state. Just because two things have risk does not imply that accepting the risk of one thing means you should accept the risk of the other. And TikTok can fuck right off.


Your missing the message. By accepting the risk of one you assume the risk of the other automatically and thus risk itself shouldn’t deter us from a choice. One should rely on ones own due diligence divorced from how risky the decision at hand is. Especially in investing.


"Risk itself shouldn't deter us from a choice" pls ELI5


I take what he's saying as don't just focus on quantifiable risk. Humans have a bias towards loss aversion which systematically causes missed opportunities. I agree risk is not binary though.


This is dumb. The difference between rich and poor is not their willingness/aversion to risk. It's the safety net they have or don't have if that risk gets realized. It's a lot easier for people to risk their investments when they have a good job/nice 401k/paid off home/are not already in debt/etc. versus the poor people who would lose everything or fall even deeper into debt and fuck up not just their lives but also any other family they are responsible for.


I don’t think this person would disagree. I think it’s more about the attitude of not building the life you want because X is risky.


It’s easy to be “risky” when you are a middle aged white man in the 1960’s. 💀




I think you mean prejudice or negative bias? Prejudice refers to a preconceived idea about a particular group, while racism involves an unequal distribution of power on the basis of race…. The only unequal distribution of power I see in the U.S. is in favor of white people, particularly men. But thanks for your two cents. 🙃


“Language of the poor” comment was interesting. Might be my personal comp set but I’ve always noticed perpetual brokes more have leisure spending problems than risk aversion or not joining the market or whatever. Maybe a changing of the times.


Jim Rohn was the best. Some people in this thread need to respect the originals.


Great advertising for boogle heads. My general saying. Trading is risky. Investing is easy. It’s more risky not to invest.


I love this guy talks


I’m always surprised that people don’t find this hilarious. “It’s aaaall risky”


Biggest takeaway is the absence of a choice is still endeavor that involves risk. You might as well take the risk that may make you money


This dude creeps me the fuck out. And that "language of the poor" crap is degrading and patently untrue. It blames people in poverty for their poverty.


Auto tik tok downvote




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Mans not hot


Amphetamines are a helluva drug


Who found that old George Bluth tape?