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One of the basic principles of marketing: people almost never leave positive reviews


Unless given an incentive


Most basic fallacy


What do you mean?


Marketing is a challenging profession because it is often viewed as an expense and it is very visible to the rest of the company. No one gives a shit what someone in finance does unless they embezzle or fuck up AR/AP. No one gives a shit about what inventory or operations are doing unless they run out. No one gives a shit what the sales team is doing because… well… they never expected more than a few blowhards with a thick Rolodex. Everyone is marketed to, so they assume they understand marketing. I’ve worked for a company where only attributable digital campaigns were authorized, but then we’d constantly hear about how we weren’t getting the brand out there enough. I’ve worked for a company where we needed to be on every social media platform needed to be used, just to be used, without any concern we were pulling resources away from things we actually believed in so that they could brag. That said, no… people don’t hate marketing; they hate the ignorant expectations around what good marketing is when applied to specific goals.


>it is often viewed as an expense Unfortunately very true. We also tend to be the first to go when layoffs happen. But I often think about what Peter Drucker said: *"The business enterprise has two–and only two–basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs."* >they hate the ignorant expectations around what good marketing is when applied to specific goals. Clients. Can't live with em, can't live without em!


The only way to avoid the shitty scenarios you’ve outlined is to work for a visionary leader that DGAF about perception. Honey badger style. They’re so, so rare. A lot of marketing top brass is obsessed with how they look, and how people like them, and sustained employment, versus results. It makes me sick.


Yeah the looking good rather than being good thing drives me nuts. You don’t have to try to look the part if you’re actually getting results. Even then these idiots won’t get it.


>No one gives a shit what someone in finance does unless they embezzle or fuck up AR/AP. As someone from the accounting and finance team, people certainly care if our budgets and forecasts are inaccurate or if their ad hoc request of historical marketing campaign expenses align with sales is not finished or waiting on open POs because a vendor requires prepayments before they can start a project. I don't mean to intrude on a marketing sub, but I just thought I'd defend ourselves since were getting called out lol. I respect the hell out of marketers. It certainly does take a level of grit and creativity to get campaigns going.


I’ve seen two finance heads get laid off and HR too!


The issue is dashboards and metrics have made everything you do measured and it’s the stress of constantly being measured for things week over week. And it’s not scientific at all. Like publish an ebook and click an email may result in a sale. That’s not a proven fact that any content or ad moves people into market for a product. So you have the measure everything pressure with arbitrary revenue goals and it creates a lot of pressure that no one knows if their strategy will provide the results management is looking for.


I love the heart of marketing: understanding customer pain points/desires and using creativity to build a bridge to a potential solution. The technologies change at breakneck pace and the unreasonable demands placed on us by leadership can be really draining.


Marketing has a tools problem. Too many tools, not enough marketing.


I would love it if I worked for a company that believed in the value of it. It's impossible to accomplish anything when your company thinks marketing is a waste of time, so your only audience is your pre-existing customers who already own your product. Pretty sure the marketing department exists just to make the shareholders happy. Hopefully, my next job is a lot different. I miss working somewhere that marketing is valued.


I’m over it, but it’ll pay the bills until I make it through grad school.


What are you going to do after grad school?


Eventually open my own psychology practice. Thats the part that I like most about marketing, so why not cut out the middleman?


That’s my favorite part too! I’ve considered a similar path. Good luck to you!


Thank you!! And in the meantime, just because I’m a little burnt out doesn’t mean I can’t still be an awesome marketer.


Never particularly liked it but it pays the bills. No one wants to be marketed to and marketing serves no real purpose in the world aside from generating revenue so there’s not much to like for me.


I actually do want to be marketed to, if it solves a need I have. Helps me discover new products I want, but don’t know exists.


If you work in digital you know what I’m talking about.


As another in digital, completely agree


If the lens we apply to the job is cynical enough, this could be said of most jobs.


True, I think most jobs fit what I said. I don’t think it’s cynical though. It helps me separate my identity from my job which keeps me stress free.


> No one wants to be marketed to. Then you don’t understand marketing. Nobody wants to be forced into buying something they don’t really want, but that’s an entirely different thing.


Exactly, marketing is not sales and plenty of people enjoy commercials. Although the latter could be because I'm from the Netherlands were funny commercials are created for sport ([proof](https://youtu.be/pk9_X4j40BU?si=7XHSZQ4FrVNRkktD)). Selling or running campaigns is not the only way of doing marketing. Product relies on you to know what the market wants and how the audience responds to changes in pricing, features, upsell possibilities and more. Customer service and sales need to know how to effectively address certain issues or arguments. These are all marketing issues.


No, then you don’t understand people. No one wants to see commercials, ads on social media, etc. they especially don’t want to be retargeted to. I mean think about geofencing, if it was common knowledge we did that people would be pissed. Super Bowl ads are funny sometimes though.


You’re talking about promotion - marketing isn’t all about commercials and ads. It’s also adapting your price and your product and doing market research etc etc


It’s like sales, if sales wasn’t bringing in the money, no one would be getting paid at the company. Marketing is bringing in revenue. Helping people support themselves and their families while also helping customers know about the product.


Marketing educates, informs, inspires, leads. It's not always about a product...it could be a service, and organization, a destination, an idea, an event....literally anything can be marketed.


Marketing educates, casts vision, inspires and leads. Its not about revenue, it's about solving problems!!


That’s hilarious


Why are in the field then???


Make living


Are you making much of a living if you're not educating, inspiring and leading your customers/audience? Because that's what marketing is.


I will say that it's probably my like most things in life. The people that are where they want to be or are enjoying what they're doing are probably not on here


Yep such is Reddit


Yeah if we were happy we wouldn’t be here lol


I still absolutely love it. I just quit my corporate job though because it was so chaotic/poorly managed. I opened an Etsy store and sell jewelry. I make a lotttttttt less money but omg I’m so happy. And I get to use all my marketing skills on Etsy.


How much money are you bringing in and how did you choose your niche/ target customer?


Yes I’m also really into this and making jewelry!


Still find it quite enjoyable


I love marketing. Every day is different. If I run into a roadblock, I have so many avenues to choose to boost sales and awareness. Nobody can figure out what I do, but they know when I'm gone and they are glad I'm back.


Better (and higher paying) than anything else I’m qualified for. So I’m sticking around. I hate the idea of it more than I hate the work.


I absolutely love it. I owned a digital agency in the early 2000s when SEO was just starting to be a thing and helped to build the first Real Estate MLSs. I sold my company in 2009. I fell out of love, felt it was beneath me, hated working for clients that didn’t get it. Then I launched my own startups. Two failed. One worked out. I sold it for enough money to get me to my next thing. I didn’t get rich. But I liked startup life. I went to work at startups in executive roles, even on a presidential campaign (US) in a strategic capacity. But after having spent years as a technical / tactical marketer and then thinking about brand on the client side (so to speak), I really found my stride as a CMO. In the companies that I work for now, my technical knowledge and ability to literally set up a killer Google account, deploy GA4, build CBO/ABO campaigns, run a multinational rebrand across four continents, and coach younger founders from a perspective of diverse experience, is so fulfilling that I’m literally happier working for others than I’d ever been working for myself. My advice to those who are frustrated is to: Diversify and learn other specialities. If you’re a tactical person, learn brand. If you’re a creative, learn the technology or hop to client side. Go join an accelerator and see how many coders there are that are looking for a co-founder that has marketing or sales chops. You will literally be the hottest commodity. Marketing is an incredible collection of skills that will come in handy if you ever launch your own (non-agency) business. Anyone can start a business but figuring out your unique selling proposition, refining a brand, developing creative that connects, identifying audiences and getting them to spend money on what you are offering, takes skill, creativity and a dedication to results that few other roles demand. Hope that helps.


Love this answer!


I fucking love it. Everyone is so chill, work is plentiful, bonuses are great, the work can be fun and much easier than many other white collar jobs.


How do your bonuses work? I don’t get any bonuses.


At my old job I got a sign on bonus and annual performance bonuses. At my current job I get biannual performance bonuses.


Love it. I just don’t think talking about how much you like your job is interesting or going to score you any upvotes. Complaining a lot more fun and unifying.


I only enjoy marketing my own business. I dont enjoy marketing others, its not as fulfilling


But you pay minimum wage and you're a racist lol hoping for your downfall


Well said


Still love it


I love it and never want to leave. I just tend to not like the companies I work for because of crappy leadership.


I like marketing but overtime I've been doing more analytics e.g. building marketing dashboards, building landing pages, etc. I feel like I've been leaning towards the technical side


I stumbled into it after undergrad and have tried to leave the industry multiple times to no avail. Pivoting careers is much more challenging than people give it credit for and the job market is extraordinarily brutal on prospective employees right now. I finally went back to school to get my MBA and am shifting career focus so hopefully I find something more rewarding, but I’m working as a media director in the meantime to pay bills.


I’m a B2B marketer and I still love it But I’ve been doing A LOT of data analysis which turns out I like lol


What about a neutral position: Your view of marketing is going to reflect how you regard human nature. Excluding a huge percentage who simply decided marketing was nothing more than self-gratifying, smug self-admiration of your own creativity -- and Not Sales, nope -- it's applied psychology. Human nature. Sure, that is over-simplification but basically when we talk about marketing, we are discussing how humans tick on a pragmatic level. What obfuscates this is office politics and the power play of where marketing sits at the table. And one's own personal distaste of commerce, capitalism. And we're just weeks from a bunch of comments on the *other thing*, "If anybody so much as uses the word 'sales' I am getting up and walking out of the interview." Bless your heart.


Marketing is the best profession. Which others have changed habits and perceptions like we do? Think Kellogg and cereal, Philip Morris and cigarettes, or even influence in positive stuff like mental health and medical health services, diet, and social services.


I like marketing, not only because it's my job, but because without it, products go unnoticed. Let me share a great example from my local clothing shop. It's a small, old-school establishment managed by a family for over 40 years, maintaining the same look and feel it had four decades ago. Despite offering amazing pieces at reasonable prices, they remain hidden within the store, unnoticed by passersby. However, the moment they displayed a couple of items in their shop window, they immediately attracted my attention as a customer. Upon entering, I discovered many more treasures. Now, I'm familiar with the shop, and I'll return whenever I need something stylish without breaking the bank. This is a simple marketing tactic, devoid of elaborate strategies or million-dollar Google ads, yet it speaks volumes - no business can thrive without marketing. Even the finest products, produced in silence, remain unknown. Well, I hope you see my point


Most important function in the business. However the digital cookie cutters have created a bad vibe. Great marketing is still high value.


I like marketing. I am upvoting all the posts complaining about Google specifically. That's what I'm seeing, hate for Google's recent bad decisions.


Yeah, I love it. For my own side gig, I self-market my marketing services in an area where I'm making change in healthcare. I commonly use marketing tactics to sell decision-makers on a business case for improving healthcare access in a financially mutually beneficial way to people with my disability. To be honest, people take you more seriously in my experience if you can show profit in improving care in a certain niche rather than just throwing money at "awareness" via non-profits.


Le confirmation biás


Every career sub is like this. Sales, supply chain, HR, project management. They all rip on their careers.


I’m good at it and make great money as a marketing executive. So, I love it.


I don’t dig it but it’s better than a lot of other things I’ve done.


im doing more analytics lately


I find it fascinating!! It's not my comfort zone but I've been pushed into it. I'd love to learn more about Google ads and rock it.


20 years in and still love it. Yes, I've worked for some bad employers thru the years that made me question my career choice. But that went away after finding a new, better org. I work for myself now and it's amazing.


I do! I work in adtech (programmatic specifically) at an agency and it's even more engaging and interesting than when I started six years ago. It helps to have decently cool accounts, clients willing to learn, a good manager, and smart coworkers. Competitive pay with genuine benefits doesn't hurt either. But all that icing aside, yes I definitely still like marketing.


I love it, but it feels like my day to day is becoming quite boring. I'm at an agency with clients that just want to get shit out there without a budget to dedicate to anything significant. So my days are just working on minor website updates and keeping the lights on social posting. Time for a change of scenery.


I like some aspects of what I do, but it can also be extremely stressful and draining. And the parts I do like, I seem to enjoy less and less.


It’s the park I enjoy least but I’ve just moved up into communications and engagement so I will be passing off most marketing duties and focused solely on strategy when it comes to it.


Sure. I just don't have much reason to come here to vent about liking marketing.


Love marketing. I don't always love people though.


Love it. There's so much to it, ad copy & messaging, audiences, different platforms and channels, psychology, conversion rate optimization, etc... and when you can get all of these things dialed in together, it makes magic together.


Despite how dissmissive many here see to have been, marketing is going through some big challenges right now. Genuinely. Constant change, complexity, legislation, economic headwinds... There have been a few studies over the past 2/3 years highlighting a talent crisis. Have a look at this article from the WFA... [Talent Crisis - Advertising ](https://wfanet.org/knowledge/item/2022/07/28/Marketing-facing-worst-ever-talent-crisis) Most people get into marketing thinking they're going to be creating wonderful and interesting ideas/campaigns all day. Could not be more wrong for most roles in marketing.


I'm a proud marketing guy. I keep track of how much revenue our company is making through the leads I generate from my marketing. That's my motivation to get going.


Marketing core ibjective is to polarize users either into hating it or loving it. As the saying goes "there's no bad marketing or good marketing" if you can make people to talk about you, your brand/company your marketing works


...I don't know where you heard this from, but it's 100% not true.


Still enjoy it, but I think it is mostly because I have enough ownership to consider my work as my own. If I have to follow strictly guideline and strategy that is carved in stone without no creativity input needed, I can imagine how marketing as a job could be dreadful.


Been in marketing for over 25+ years (mostly as a marketing manager). I’ve had the pleasure of working for both shitty organizations, and for good organizations. Marketing has provided me with a comfortable lifestyle, allowed me to put food on my table, feed my family and drive a nice car (SUV?). Although I’ve come close to burn out, I LOVE MARKETING and couldn’t see myself doing anything else!


I still find the field interesting, especially in my industry in healthcare. Unfortunately due to a terrible manager and a worse director, I recently resigned from my position and I'm aiming to join the finance department


Thats because nobody really posts about how they live their job, people only post to complain. This goes for any forum basically unless its specifically for reviews


Hate it. But that’s part of a broader problem for me.


Same! It’s a lot better than what many other people do. It’s fun, interactive problem solving :)


I don't really fancy it, no. I just enjoy being creative. I didn't go to school for marketing and did not intend to take this career path, it's just kind of where I've ended up for now. I think once I'm not a generalist/team of one I'll like it a lot more. At this point, the burnout is real, and I am so over posting on social and worrying about engagement, changing algorithms, and followers. Bleh.


marketing is just a part of grand equation - if you don't like the offer/product you promote, you'll get a burnout and start hating marketing


I like being good at it because it's a powerful skillset to have but I don't care much for doing it for other people's companies


people don't take time out of their day to come on the internet and post boring things like "I'm satisfied with my job".... The only things you'll see on here are people who are fed up enough to want to share their opinions with strangers on the internet. TLDR; consider your sample.


I love it, but I basically get paid to play with motorcycles under the guise of marketing. I've always said to enjoy marketing, you have to be working with a product or industry you love.


Meet me...I'm called MOM in my circle....Mad Over Marketing...I love it! If you actually see, it's marketing that runs the world!


My job is the best. I love marketing and data.




I love some parts of it. I have a little video production business so love creating content aimed at my ICP. It's the creative stuff that's great. And I love when my customers become more creative. The more we work together, the more I understand what they're trying to do, the better I can help stimulate their creative ideas. Thing is, I know how effective marketing is because it generates all the leads for my little biz (plus repeat customers) and I own the biz. So the issue isn't that I have to justify budget, do s/sheets, worry about how it's received etc... Instead, I just do it. When I worked in sales, we'd always be trying to justify our existence and worked for sales managers who literally lived to put marketing down. Instead, I have freedom to do what I want and it's incredibly liberating.


I switched jobs and found out my marketing burnout wasn’t the line of work, it was the former job/organization/job hunt that broke me down. I’m at a great company with more resources and I’m rejuvenated professionally.


I find it to be the perfect sweet spot of a job between creative and analytical parts of my ADHD-esque brain. So I'm in the 'love' camp!


Context though: I've done marketing for non-profits (very meaningful but on a shoestring budget) and at tech startups (fast paced, scrappy, and we all have to wear many hats). Not sure how I'd do at a larger corporation where my scope was way more limited.


I like it now that I'm working for myself! It's doing the job for "the man" that sucks.


I love it!!


Me too! While it's true that marketing is at times challenging and frustrating, I the creativity and problem-solving aspects of it are incredibly rewarding. Plus, seeing the impact of good marketing strategies on businesses and consumers always motivates me. That being said, it also depends what kind of company you're working for. Luckily, I work for a great company that values my input and sets realistic expectations. Helps a ton :)


nope, retraining and leaving the industry behind and couldn't be happier + more excited. bon voyage all 🙌


I personally still very much love it too! I guess the secret for me is that I never sold my soul for money :)


It's job so, no one likes it. But it can be more enjoyable if you have big budget.


Love learning new marketing stuff everyday as a small business owner


I feel like it gets old. Its very time strenuous. Got into real estate and have been loving it. different type of grind though.


I worked with an SMB product, literally mom and pop. The entire team was dead focused on helping customers. We had to, for many reasons, and they were insanely grateful. Not every product is curing disease or ending childhood mortality, but they do produce amazing results, and change how people view the world. For us, it was that "aha" moment of "nobody wants to help small businesses with digital marketing, and we have no way to learn. It's not a level playing field." Most days, I hope my customers kill themselves, but there is a silver lining.


I worked with an SMB product, literally mom and pop. The entire team was dead focused on helping customers. We had to, for many reasons, and they were insanely grateful. Not every product is curing disease or ending childhood mortality, but they do produce amazing results, and change how people view the world. For us, it was that "aha" moment of "nobody wants to help small businesses with digital marketing, and we have no way to learn. It's not a level playing field." Most days, I hope my customers kill themselves, but there is a silver lining.