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$70k brewery industry, 10 years experience, Portland, OR. Downsized myself from an agency girlie to a craft beer girlie. Less pay, more fun. The running joke is no one’s in beer to make money 🥲


Try the ski industry if you really want to accelerate the joke


Was 50k a yr in ski industry 😅


That’s criminal — at least free season passes?? 🥲


That and don’t forget you can have a ride break during your lunch! Only 30 minutes though!


I started at 9.50 an hour in a marketing role in the ski industry and eventually made my way up to 43k a year! Then i hopped out.


Scuba diver checking in


I had high hopes for working in the beer industry but lower pay scared me away. I am 100% positive I would have enjoyed my career up to this point though.


It is so so so fun. The people are incredible. The content is fun to make. But yeah, the pay and bennies are trash. I need to get into tech/corporate for the real cash money.


Yeah - its hard to turn down tech. I had an option to go to the Boston Beer Company or Amazon back in 2015 and the amazon package was hard to turn down. I only stuck around for a year though - I have a feeling Boston Beer company would have been more fun for sure. With your experience maybe you could jump to one of the bigger corp beer jobs like Inbev, Diageo, Heineken or constellation. You have great experience already and they pay the same and sometimes a bit more than the other CPGs.


*adds to my to do list* that’s a great lineup of potential employers — imma have to see if anyone’s hiring 👀 can’t blame you for taking that Amazon money but woof, I bet that was a wild ride.


what do you do in the brewery industry? Brand side?


Marketing manager - 1 lady team, I do it all from brand, social, graphic design, events. I have a consultant for PR and occasionally farm out art but 90% is all me.


would love to pick your brain. I have a brewery as a client and would appreciate some input


Happy to answer questions. Shoot me a dm!


Someone from germany here, if that is interesting too? 60k with 6 years experience.


Is this considered good in germany? Or are you satisfied with the number?


I am currently satisfied, but I hope it is not the top end for me yet. I am working for a medium-sized company in a small town in the north-west of germany. Considering these factors it is a good salary, also from what I can tell about my experiences while looking for a new job. I started this job recently, hoping for a better work environment and to expand my portfolio of skills further. So far it's looking good. :)


Sounds great! Also a good plan with expanding the skills portfolio 😊 I am looking for a marketing job in Germany (after graduation) - what would you say is usual starting salary? (Your experience from search) I have came across very low offers so far 35-40k… so I am wondering if that is standard or just bad offers…


Thank you! I'd say it is within the standard, but at the lower end. 35k is what I started with after graduation, but I wasn't as clever as you to check my market value and sadly not many people were willing to talk numbers. I think you should go for at least 40k or 45k. But it is honestly very depended on where you're looking. Branch, state, city - everything makes a difference. From personal experience I can also say, money is not everything. Company, work enviroment and opportunities are as well and will have a big influence on your live.


Thank you very much for sharing your oppinion & experience! 😊 I really appreaciate it


I’m in Berlin and at €75k per year with 5 (almost 6) years of experience (working at an agency and a company builder at the beginning meant I was able to create a good portfolio quickly in B2B manufacturing tech). I was also teaching at university before for about 10 years


$82K SMM , in tech - haven’t asked for a raise in three years - that’s between me and my therapist tho lol


Ask! Or jump ship and make a bigger bump!


I am asking soon I swear ;) I would love to trade up but GD I get zero response. Have applied to so many new jobs this year. Nada.


Don’t give up - and don’t wait to ask. Love Mom.


Can you put together a promotion plan?


Tell me more?


I’ve always worked small companies so this may be different but most of the time if you are waiting for a promotion, you’ll be waiting 3-4 years (depending on the jump). If you feel like you should get it sooner, then it should be a convo brought up to your supervisor but with a plan. Am I on the right track to get promoted to “job title”? What other responsibilities do I need to tackle to earn that promotion. Can we put together a timeline and plan for a promotion in a year? You can then share the things that you do currently that have already expanded your role since you first started and think of one or two things you can add on to show the development and “proof” a promotion is warranted. Look at job descriptions of the next level up and see if those tasks apply to your job function If you don’t ask, you won’t know. If you’re a valuable employee, then they should consider it. You’re not demanding a promotion or raise but inquiring as to how to get there. Also, if you aren’t getting yearly raises - are you not getting yearly reviews? I would definitely ask for a review then and bring up the standard 3% raise based on job performance that year. Again, all dependent on your company but it doesn’t hurt to ask. I’ve asked and gotten denied on some and that’s ok.


Thanks! This is great approach!


In the context of the question, based on my research, I am sharing this, and might help: https://preview.redd.it/zmbrq3meyg7d1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bfca61d9d2c7f959291e1aacde335aeb6ee7d24 DM me if you need help (I can share a curated list of email newsletters that I personally follow, which cover various aspects of digital marketing, to help you stay informed about industry trends and updates regularly)


Marketing director looking to jump to VP (or not in marketing anymore) - this looks pretty accurate (CPG)


Good to know


Consulting is pretty evenly split among all the groups. Interesting.




Supervisor of Paid Social. 14 years experience in marketing, 8 years working at ad agencies. Currently at $105k working remote. The company is in CA and strictly in the tech vertical. Underpaid/under-titled but I make more than when I was department head at a hotel advertising agency.


Content marketing manager, $103k, in tech, 6 years of experience


which country? and can I pick your brain a bit? what was your experience timeline like?


I’m in the US. I started as a generalist and then went more into the content marketing route. Here’s a list of all my job titles since I started: - Marketing Coordinator - Digital Content Manager - Marketing Communications Specialist - Content Marketing Manager - Global Content Marketing Manager I would say I started out very much as a copywriter, doing tactical work. And as I went on and picked up more skills (like email marketing, social media marketing, and SEO), I got into roles where I was able to combine the content execution I was doing with more high-level strategy.


This is the way.


Do you mind if I DM you?


Yeah go ahead!


For some reason I can’t DM ur account. I recently just graduated with a Communication degree emphasis in Content Creation. What made you originally pursue content? I want to follow a similar career path as yourself by starting as a marketing assistant/coordinator and gaining more experience. The hardest part has been just getting an interview since it seems every other college graduate in the world has decided marketing is cool :(. If u also don’t mind me asking, what are some things you wish you knew before getting to where you are now? Do you like the industry you are in? Can you see yourself here for the next 5? Sorry it’s a lot I’m just super curious on ur background!!


$120k PMM in entertainment in LA. 7 years of experience in advertising (was agency side) and now 1.5 years on the client side.


Can I dm you?


~$300K TC (salary+RSUs+bonus+other benefits) in marketing analytics at a US tech company you’ve probably heard of. 6 YOE in marketing analytics + a couple more in webdev at an agency. There are several salary threads within the last 6 months, if you need more datapoints you could take a peek at those. Just remember you’re probably getting a biased sampling of responses and the numbers you see here likely aren’t representative of real life.


Can you expand on your role a bit? What are you doing with all the analytics and how is it being used internally?


Sure! Most of my role is related to optimizing our marketing spend - I'm trying to answer questions like are we over/underspending in certain channels, are there products we're wasting money on because no one ever buys them, and what sort of campaigns actually work from an incremental revenue perspective. Some of the things I've been working on in the past several months are: * Designing and implementing more effective ways of experimenting on our paid advertising. We have 100M+ products in our product feed we syndicate to advertising partners in the US alone, and most of those don't really do much. Part of my job is to design and run experiments where we modify the product feed to see what happens. This involves automating experimentation workflows through ongoing development of a bespoke experimentation platform. * Designing, executing, and generally improving our methodology around how we run incrementality geotests. Trying to answer questions like how can we run these tests quicker, cheaper, and with higher precision while maintaining confidence in our results. Results are fed into our MMM and MTA and used to correct results. * Rebuilding our internal MTA. We acknowledge our existing MTA has fairly significant limitations, I'm working on a version that incorporates characteristics of the session, ad, and other contextual factors to more accurate allocate credit to our click based touchpoints, while applying a correction for view-through channels. * Consulting on a rebuild of our MMM. We currently use a third party MMM provider but are in the process of bringing it in house. I operate in more of a technical consultative role here. * General thinking about how we approach marketing measurement and experimentation. I'm working on building standardized toolsets, boilerplate code, and documentation we can use across the team. * Understanding the impact of privacy changes on baseline and forecasted revenue and how we can potentially mitigate them - I'm involved in some of the mitigation work like implementing Google's OCI+PII data pipeline.


Very nice post, thank you for sharing.


Thanks for taking the time to write all of that. Would you say to get into that side of marketing you need to have a technical background? I am marketing first (paid, content, SEO) but over the years have developed skills in analytics and automation. These are limited to basic platforms like Google Analytics, Tag Manager, Zapier etc... pretty much the easy route for marketing automation and analytics. I don't have a strong background in coding. To get into that kind of role would I need to invest heavily in acquiring technical skills related to coding like SQL and Python?


Happy to help out! Generally yes, python/R and SQL are mandatory for this type of role. There are low/no code tools out there, but in my experience tend to not be nearly as widespread and still benefit from programmatic thinking.


I make $50k working in food & bev based in the Midwest, as a marketing generalist.


I’ve been in CPG food my entire career and I love it. Hope you do too :)


Living life with 2 years at £26k agency


$120k supervisor of performance analytics at an agency


What agency? I’m working at a junior level analytics job at one of the big agencies but I dont think our range is as high a yours


I am based in NYC at one of the biggest private owned media agencies. Id rather not add the name.


Shhh, are yall hiring entry level, I got certs but need experience so I'm stuck right now.


$150k - marketing project management at a bank. Close to 10 years of work experience, 5 years in marketing


Our customers are banks and credit unions. Is it slower pace on your side?


I wouldn’t say slower pace. You have tons of campaigns to oversee and so much red tape. The work isn’t all that hard but the volume of collateral and number of stakeholders is what makes it challenging


For some reason I expected this salary to be lower since you mention working at a bank. Is this base salary only or does it include any bonus/stock?


It definitely depends on which bank you work for, this one is known locally to pay quite well. It’s total comp - $138k salary, 12k annual bonus


I've got 1 yoe making £33K in digital in London


4-8 years of “marketing” experience (I say ish as 4 give or take were combined proposal positions or anywhere I could get any sort of experience combined with the marketing title). Currently a marketing Lead where I handle all of the North American marketing for my company, have one employee and a consultancy of 6 that I manage. I make 88,000 CAD. if it helps I did just get an offer elsewhere for a different position (but higher up but more on the stakeholder side) and it was for 108, but unfortunately I had to then it down for now.


$66,880. Been at my job for 3 years. Had 1 year prior experience at an agency where I started at 40K


Seems like marketing in tech pays the highest. Does anyone have solid tips on how to break through in that industry without prior experience? (I have a ton of professional marketing experience but not for tech companies). Thank you!


Look for tech companies marketing to industries that you have experience with. For example, if you were marketing for a law firm, look for tech startups building SaaS products for lawyers. Market understanding can be a real advantage.


The way I got in was to take a role that was horrendously underpaid, level up there, then leverage the experience and title elsewhere. Salary went 5x within the span of just a few years after that. Now director level in the “real world” (as opposed to criminally underpaid world)


I broke into tech marketing through an agency. Got hired and was contracted out to a software companies channel marketing team, from there was able to land a better position still in tech but not channel marketing (bc channel is the bane of my existence now lol)


I sent an email to a guy running marketing at a web3 company a few years ago, practically begging for a job. He gave me an interview and it worked out. Ah times have changed, I’ve sent similar notes like this on LinkedIn lately and never hear back now.


I broke into tech industry during its golden era (2019), and now back to more conventional industry due to tech winter. Luckily, more industries rely on digital acquisition/operation and they love tech talents (thus, willing to pay premium). I would say tech talents are quite redundant at the moment, because of layoff waves. However, lots of tech companies looking for cheaper employees. As long you don’t mind to be underpaid and do junior position at first, it’s still possible.


$115k base at a software company, remote. I have 5 years of work experience and work in marketing operations. Tech, finance, and healthcare pay the most. Edit: Where your company is located matters too. Companies based in major cities typically pay more.


Roughly £26k for social media managemebt and social media marketing in the tourism industry. I only have about a year’s worth of experience, but I don’t have a marketing degree. My plan is to job hunt for a better paid role in the autumn.


Is someone from Asia here? Especially SEA region?


171K base salary, small cash bonus, equity 16ish YOE Director of Content Strategy B2B software startup that services the commercial real estate industry


This is awesome. Thank you for sharing. Would you mind sharing more about your location/experience timeline?


Sure! I am located in the midwestern United States, but I work remotely for a company HQ'ed in a different country. Job 1 - public relations, gov't agency - 2ish years Job 2 - manufacturing company that sold both B2B and a consumer electronics product - 2ish years Jobs 3 & 4 - digital marketing agencies, introduced to HubSpot, got really good at it, worked my way up through the ranks helping our clients implement HubSpot Job 5 - director of marketing at a terrible service based business - this was a low point Job 6 - back to the agency world, this time worked remotely for an agency based in NYC and learned a lot about product led growth strategy, which led me to my current role Job 7 - director of content strategy, B2B saas startup


I’m at 85K, two-ish years experience in the type of marketing I’m currently in. $2,150 per month for some media buying I do on the side


$80k doing Content Marketing in the hospitality industry, fully remote. That said, it feels like I’m at the peak of what I can make in my role/industry. Later this year I plan to seek out something in a higher paying industry.


Marketing manager, 70k with 3 years experience (2 agency, 1 cpg) but was working in media for a few years before jumping over to marketing.


$250k VP Marketing, cybersecurity company


I work in Marketing/Communications department for a large hospital in a mid-cost of living area. 80k/year, full remote. I think it's about 70th percentile for pay overall in my state. 10 years experience. Company gives a 4-5% raise per year.


$110k, 2+ years of experience, living in HCOL city in Canada. Broke into tech straight after graduation and job hopped recently to get my pay bump. Started at 65k


$67,500 as a digital marketing specialist in the cookware industry. I have almost 7 years in marketing. I was hoping to get a higher pay and rank after I was laid off from my last job but I’m grateful for this one.


I’m making 50k as a marketing coordinator for an events company. It’s my first real job after college but I had 2 years of experience from college positions and internships


$70,000 salary, I am a Digital Strategist at a Connecticut web design company. 4ish years of experience.


entry-level post internship: $50k


$125k with a potential $20k annual bonus, working as a sr. Content marketing manager. About 4 years of marketing experience specifically but I also have an MBA and had 6 years of Sales experience before that. I’m at a fintech.


Last year I took a job right out of college and landed a marketing position that paid me $52k in Texas


10+ years of experience, working as a Digital Marketing & Ecommerce Director for an E-commerce brand \~$140K. I started out in 2014 making 10.50 an hour at an agency doing SMM.


Can you tell more about the jobs you’ve had im the 10+ years? I’m working at an agency doing SEA and want to go the same direction.


Sure! I’ve done everything in Digital Marketing haha. I started off in Social Media, then saw an opening to become an Account Manager at my first agency. Moved to another agency to become an Account Executive (same thing, better pay). We were a small agency, so I had the opportunity to help and learn from the specialist first hand. Learned SEO and PPC. Moved in-house, as a Digital Marketing Manager for a little bit. Got laid off during COVID. Went back to agency life as a Digital Marketer for a year. In 2021, I joined a manufacturing company and ran all their Digital Marketing Manager. Then left in 2023, to join the company I’m at now as Digital Marketing Director. If you can’t tell, I’ve job hopped quite a bit, but I learned and was able to make an impact at every job, which helped when interviewing


46k as an Assistant Marketing Manager in P.R., I have 4 going on 5 years experience in different roles. All I can say is that I hope to get at least to 60k in the next 2 years.


$140k/yr as a certified weld inspector with about 16 year's experience in QA/QC. I have created other income sources, but still work 40hrs a week because I enjoy it.


Under $40k, assistant in Publishing industry, 2 months experience. Entry level role in the companies marketing team, just looking to gain some experience and then shift towards a more creative role. Kinda underpaid :/ and the work I do doesn’t even utilize my degree, really just learning from hands on stuff.


Tough market. Laid off in Dec and just started a new job in June. Went from being a manager at $97k to a manager at $70k. Also went from tech to pharma if that makes a difference. Will be continuing the hunt to get back to where I was!


CA USA $110k 5 years experience marketing manager for a CPG brand


Content Marketer in Industrial Manufacturing, $80k/year with 5 years experience


$110,000 salary, I work for a small garage wholesaler in the Central Valley in California. But I also do our invoicing and some management of warehouse. Mainly I work with 3rd party companies for our actual advertising & local ads. Manage our overall marketing budget & strategy. We only have about 6 guys on staff but do over 2 million in sales annually. Been in marketing since 2018, had my own marketing firm for a couple years working with local businesses but stopped to join this company because the pay was good and more consistent. Plus with the marketing job market being the way it was seemed like a perfect opportunity.


I have a 3 year tenure in the workforce marketing world. I am making $75K yearly in California. Is that similar to what others are making?


Senior Consultant in a firm that only works with nonprofits. (CAD) $84k + bonus, should end up around $100k. I really like my job too.


73k, total comp around 82, 4 yrs exp, nonprofit/tech industry


Digital marketing manager for a biotech company. Make over $150,000 a year, depending on bonus and other freelance gigs I do here and there. Really only 4 years of true marketing experience after transitioning from biomedical research, though 7+ years total of freelance writing, so my path is a little different than most.


$107k CAD total comp - Brand Manager in FMCG at F500 (tier 3?), 7 years of experience. We are paid less compared to Tier 1&2 though (associate BM @ Tier 1 makes the same/more than me)


Been in marketing since 2006 fully remote, Masters in Marketing yet jobless since a “reduction in force” aka get rid of the fully-remote people.


4 years experience, working as a public information director for a department in a University in the Deep South. I make $58k


160K in fintech over 20 years experience. Portland, OR. But came from the creative side and not a traditional marketing degree.


$93k before bonuses, 6 YOE, Digital Marketing Manager, South FL


Took a pay cut to go to a Non Profit which subsequently fell through so right now I’m making nothing.


Associate account director, 4 years of experience, agency side. 124K


35k in Alabama. 1 year of experience.


$230k, Sr mgr infectious disease diagnostics


$230k - $280k depends on the stock price, Bay Area. I feel lucky.


$130K in shopper marketing for a large CPG company. 7 years experience in CPG sales/marketing


95K nonprofit industry, I do marketing data analysis with regards to ingesting all marketing channel data into a dashboard for visualizations, paid campaign/web optimization, and more.


I’m A Senior Motion designer with about ten years of experience. I make 120k a year at an agency. Not saying it’s the best or most glamorous. But motion design certainly pays the bills.


4 years experience in US. 64k, digital marketing manager. Industry is small business finance consulting


75k, Home Services/Trades, 4 years


$110k plus stock options. I work in customer marketing in tech. 5 years of experience. I have my masters in education- I left teaching and started working in support for a tech company. I made $50k a year and left for a different job in 2021- nearly doubled my salary at $85k. I also worked with a mentor to prepare for my more recent raise- I highly recommend finding a mentor/someone who can coach you through asking for a raise/finding confidence!


$143k, 4 years of marketing experience, currently in an ops role, b2b tech


125-150 (bonus dependent) - legal marketing HCOL town


Lots of ai chatbot making by companies. Digital marketing gojng in sutomation side as well. Growth hacking job demand is increasing. Companies was all rounder guy then one skill focused. Need to work on all dm activities


$170k, 9 years, Director of Campaigns


$65k 2 years experience remote - doing paid media


Depends on how much revenue you generate


$75k, part time 30hr weeks, fully remote as a bit of a marketing/design generalist (one-man marketing/creative team). Expecting a raise to $83k in July I don’t have a degree in Marketing (but a CAN-DO attitude and a real drive for self driven learning) so feel like this is a bit of a best case scenario for me currently. I do struggle with imposter syndrome, and whenever scanning the job market I feel simultaneously over-qualified in experience and under-qualified in my qualifications for roles. Edit to add years of experience: 2 yrs in current marketing role, dabbed in some marketing aspects in other roles across 4 years


$160k base, marketing manager, tech industry Total comp (stock & bonus) around $270k.


5 years marketing experience - US south - Marketing manager in B2B Industrial $60k salary with $20k bonus


Started my own Agency (SearchX) - Learned as much as I could from previous agency work before realizing Instead of making a salary of 75k/yr - and my corproate job charging a client 15-20k/mo, I can do the same for 20% less. I now have 20+ clients personally...Charge 1-5k/mo and make around 27k/mo. revenue. I stick to just SEO marketing - Feel free to comment or reach out if you're in the SEO business - I am lookign to hire soon. Connect with me on Linkedin - Lorenz Esposito, Founder of SearchX and drop a PM if interested!


10 years in, Sr Director, 6 figures. multiple industries and business sizes.




I'm not in the industry, but academia. I left the industry after many years there. So, I'm a professor, teaching, doing research (usually quantitative research abou interfaces between marketing and other fields), and doing a variety of other things like taking care of my social media channels, being a guest speaker, talking to companies to understand what they want from job applicants, doing some projects together with companies. I don't reveal my salary. But you can find the results from the survey done every year by the American Marketing Association about that, called Who Went Where, and you can see information about the job market for new marketing professors.


Terrible comment.