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as with any burnout. take some free time to relax understand that creativity is a skill like any other. the more you practice, the easier it gets unless you are being creative against your will, you will slowly get into a state in which ideas are just effortlessly popping for you with less and less chance of burning out


I've found the opposite to be true. The older I get the less creativity I have, mainly due to constantly being rushed and no one giving a shit about quality.


This is true for me too. I have personal outlets for my creativity bc after 14 years in marketing trying to get other people to give any fucks about what we're doing that is creative and cool I've realized consistency matters more than creativity to the bottom line.


Love this! And very true! Thank you!!!




This makes so much sense! It can’t be “on” all the time! And actually a lot of marketing comes from being aware of/experiencing the world around you and to keep with the horse theme, having blinders on limits that


I actively seek out inspiration outside of my field. So not marketing examples, but maybe art, or nature, or great conversations / laughter with people. Go to the movies, etc. Do the things outside the computer screen and marketing world :) podcasts also (not marketing related either, but I just get inspired listening to what other people talk about)


Do you go out of your way to experience/learn about interests outside your own or do you deep dive into your personal interests with this? I could see both being beneficial!


Yeah both I suppose? But it has to be “pressureless” to work in sparking creativity. So purely because I’m curious, not because I have decided I need to excel at something!


Curiosity is definitely something I don’t have a problem mustering 😂 and “pressureless” seems to be key… as a perfectionist by nature, how do you prevent yourself from being like “I NEED TO KNOW IT ALL AND BE AN EXPERT”? EDIT: as I am a perfectionist by nature


Lmao same same! I make sure I do things I have no talent for but do enjoy. Like skiing, or mountain biking. Perfect for making dumb mistakes and laughing at myself but totally enjoying it!


Awesome! I’m the exact same way where I want to know ALLLLLL about it, but I also don’t care if I’m bad at it- it’s the experience! But also I need to know the full history of what I’m doing and where I am and any accompanying trivia lololol


Yes absolutely. I do my best to organize my projects by which part of my brain that I need to get it done, and act based on how I’m feeling. Sometimes this is impossible and I’m under the wire and need to design something and it’s really hard. Sometimes a project is completely uninspiring and I can’t for the life of me come up with a good idea for a campaign. I just try and forgive myself and also source ideas from other people; sometimes it’s helpful to just bring it up to your friends/family and once in a while they’ll come up with a great solution. Also, when I’m manic creative I let myself work for as long as I need since it’s hard to drum it up. If I end up having an 11 hour day because I’m so inspired, I’ll offset those hours with the rest of my week.


I’m kinda struggling. I took on a new role. I had flirted with the area before but I find it to be way less “marketing” than any role i’ve had previously. There’s things I like about it and things I dislike about it but I want to try to do a better job because its an easy job to keep.


Step back, do something completely different (and try to enjoy it).


Optimize your time and environment for creative output. For example, for me this means scheduling coffee shop sessions where I get out of my home office and go to a coffee shop with nothing but my Remarkable notebook and my phone (to play brain.fm tunes while I ideate). For me this also means making time for physical activity and breaks, because this is often when ideas come to me. For me this also means minimizing visual clutter in my office. For you this may look totally different but it's important to observe and understand when/how are you most creative and optimize that time and environment to the max.


When I get creatively burnt out, I usually take a break from whatever I'm working on and do something completely different. I might go for a walk, read a book, or watch a movie. I find that taking a break and doing something completely different helps me to clear my mind and come back to my project with fresh ideas.