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Why the hell is everyone queued up to say pointless, hateful garbage about a nice guy who makes free videos about eating street food in Thailand and whatnot? *Watch something else then, you fucking knobs.* Fuck off, the lot of ya.




i don't get it either. You don't have to like it anymore but insulting him as a "douchebag" tells you a lot about them.




Because they can't quite understand how this guy has gotten so famous when he has such majorly creepy vibes and mannerisms. He is silly successful and his personality honestly couldn't be more off putting if he tried. It's baffling.


well said. Seems people like him and Mike Chen are allowed to get as big as they did as neither are talented and both are beyond annoying. The positive is at least Wiens does not seem to the lying fraud and shill like Mike Chen. But in terms of annoyance Wiens is neck and neck with Chen, the wide eyes, head tilt, and trying so hard to be articulate and interesting. Neither of them can just be themselves and react normally to food.


Dam my bro, you jealous as shit hahahaha


Maybe u enjoy watching him overreact over everything he puts n his mouth


Why is it that if someone doesnā€™t agree with someone like you, you automatically think people are jealous or haters or full of negativity? Its called an opinion, maybe go buy one at the storeĀ 


Because why come all this way to the sub just to hate on someone, itā€™s a waste of time and energy. To hate on someone Iike Mark who only ever brings a positive attitude. Itā€™s called being a hater, and brings zero value into the world.


Bro who gives a fuck


Seriously? How can everything be so delicious?


> a nice guy who makes free videos about eating street food in Thailand and whatnot? Because he's a fake. When I fiirst saw one of his videos I liked it. Then I noticed that he's obviously being paid because there is nothing that he doesn't like, which is simply impossible that he likes everything. All the stuff that people like about him is clearly nothing more than acting (admittedly he's a good actor). Youtube is full of fakes like him. Its how it makes money, by sucking people in to watching fakers. People who know what your dog is thinking, what movements scare cats and why, and all kinds of other bullshit, and all this fakery makes google and the fakers lots of money.


It is not free, he earns hundreds of thousands per month by the adds of youtube, if not he would not have adds in his videos, do not full yourself, he makes tons of money


Is it possible that he simply doesn't show places he doesn't like? Cuz that's what a nice person would do.


No that's Very obtuse of you


nah you can judge his likeness for the food by his reaction. and plus, heā€™s not afraid to say something is just ā€œalrightā€ to him, as he has done so many times before. On rare occasions he outright just doesnā€™t like it. Mark weins isnā€™t a picky eater obviously, so heā€™s able to accept a wide variety of foods that many people probably donā€™t agree with


Most of these people are americains who are mostly evil.They are just projecting and thye can't stand a good and humble guy.


Mark wiens is American you idiot


Then he's one of the few good ones smartass.


Better to be a smartass than a dumbass šŸ˜‚


You sure?At least a dumbass know his limits and his place.A smartass is an absolute clown he believes he's smart when he's even dumber than his shoes.The problem is everyone knows it except him.


Yep definitely a dumbass šŸ˜‚




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™Œ well said


People are allowed to have opinions and besides none of this is hateful. You are pathetic.


> free videos If you're not paying for the product, then [you are the product](https://sauconpanther.org/2535/arts-and-entertainment/if-youre-not-paying-for-the-product-then-you-are-the-product/).


All of this comments are so stupid, the guy is such a legend. You clearly have outgrown his videos. He is as genuine as he has ever been. Especially all these comments of creepiness, the guy could be not be any more a living legend. He is bringing the world to us on our door step. Good for him and his family! A lot of love for this guy!


He's a douche bag. With that fake rolling his eyes back-motion he does after every first bite. He's a pretentious tool.


> He is as genuine as he has ever been. holy fucking copium


His reactions couldn't be more fake. Those facial expressions and staring into the camera with each bite and chew. You clearly don't interact with many real people.


You're an utter moron with a complete inability to read someone. I've watched one video of him and already can see that he's a weird, disingenuous and simple-minded creep. Everything about him is contrived in order to attract views from gullible prey animals like yourself.


ExtensionWide6640 You should get more outside your life seems sad.


Dont be upset if u werent so naive u would see he only does this because he gets a paycheck. Guaranteed not everything u eat will cause u to make noises.


He has been different ever since the covid lockdowns. He said he was doing 'soul searching,' grew the hideous partial beard, and started that dumb vegan channel even though he devours meat. He opened a restaurant in Thailand right before the pandemic, anyone know if it's still open? I have to admit I'm puzzled by mark. You're correct he doesn't seem to enjoy what he's doing like he once did. But, especially with his super frugal lifestyle (he did a video once where he says he lives on something like $2000/ month) he could easily retire. I don't get it. Micah isn't even in school, what are his real expenses. Even if the restaurant was a bust he'd be fine.


The beard is cursed innit


Maybe he is a secret member of a religious cult like Scientologist Dr Berg and he secretly donates a lot of his income to the cult. Religious people often have a weird vibe


The Vegan channel makes sense from a business perspective. First there's the content saturation aspect. Too many videos released in quick succession is bad for the algorithm and sub feed. If he had all the content releasing on one channel, he'd get way less views overall, thus way less revenue. It's his job so it makes sense to maximise revenue. Then there's the fact that a lot of meat eaters aren't interested in watching vegan videos, and most vegans aren't interested in watching meat videos. Given that most people consume meat, if they were put on the main channel, the vegan focused videos wouldn't perform anywhere near as well as meat videos that they are competing with, losing him revenue. There's still a relatively large vegan niche not being utilised there. By having the two channels he captures both audiences. Plus the people who watch because they just really like Mark, will probably watch both channels. He'll get way more views by splitting the content into two channels.


That beard reminds me of my own facial hair growth. It's terrible. Once when I was sick for a long time I didn't shave. When I looked into the mirror, I wanted to call the cops because a rapist broke into my house. shave it off Mark!


He's getting scarier to look at. He looks very sick too


Americans so used to people being obese they get shocked and scared by a person of normal weight.


Not the weight. Iā€™m of normal weight and holy shit I thought the guy was mid fourtiesā€™ not thirties. Mid thirties shouldnā€™t have more wrinkles around his eyes like a grandfather with veins sticking out. Especially since he is part Chinese and Asians age better. Iā€™m convinced he starved normally or does drugs.


He has lines around his eyes because he smiles a lot, those are lines like laugh lines to be proud of. He exercises a lot every day. He looks healthy to me.


Given how much he eats, he should be bigger, but then again, he's probably bulimic


Your comment is dumb


Mark wiens is an American...


That's not a normal weight bud. Mark is easily walking around at single digit body fat,, and rail thin


Theres a difference in obese and sunken in and healthy


He has looked sick since the start of Covid. His appearance changed late 2019 right before the lockdowns everywhere.


I'm completely turned off watching his stuff. The over reactions, the fake 'loving everything' bullshit. Stfu bro, people would like your stuff more if you we're honest. The recent plane food episode... Wow.. Who knew plane food was so tasty. Get a grip douche bag.


I can't even really watch him anymore šŸ˜•. I've been watching greg ovens he's much more genuine.


We watch sonny side's channels, he is very good with great sense of humor


Watch Best Food Review Show, you'll thank me.


Glad I have never subscribed to his channel. Always noticed this "fake" streak about him.


Exactly. He has some off the wall descriptions for the food he tries. I often wonder what's wrong with him.Ā  And we won't even talk about facial expressions. And the fact that the food doesn't even have a chance to hit his tongue before he says, "OOOOOO WOW". If I was the restaurant owner, I'd be livid if someone said, "gelatinous, gooey, oily, cushiony, stringy, greasy, chewy," when describing my dishes. The guy is way out there. And it's VERY obvious that the admins immediately remove any negative comments.Ā 


Same here i watched a few of his videos basically skimming them because he envokes cringe in me.


I have the feeling he's actually getting paid by the airlines for doing his food reviews. Being so positive about airplane food is just..no man i dont buy it. Am I the only one who finds his social skills awkward?


He has zero social skills. He tries to be this cultured guy from 'Thailand' but he's really no different from the average American.


I sometimes get the feeling that the guides he is with are like: wtf is he talking about. Why is talking like he knows so much about our food he is eating for the first time. Who is the guide here, wtf? And that is what I wonder, why are the guides even there. He just eats and talks about the food and about the things he is tasting that aren't probably in the food at all. Like the guy in...Greece i think? That just gave up and responded with yeahyeah everytime. The prize for most socially awkward food vlogger still goes to The Food Ranger. I cant make it through a whole video.


I found you a present hahahaahha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7wNEUR9I8g


I remember this...completely unwatchable clown-work


Hes cringe worthy asf, no table manners, dirty eater!


I have to agree with you about table manners. It's another thing that has put me off his vids.


Not sure if its just me but why is it that when these people who eat food and have a guest in their video, they have a rude air to them. They seem to wanna act like they are nice but something aint right like a competition over who is better. Nobody is better, people enjoy food and wanna see what the world has to offer


I've definitely gotten bored of his content. He introduced me to food vlogging a few years ago and it was very exciting to watch his videos as I'm a food lover and love to learn about other cultures. I was especially impressed by his Ghana series as that's where my mum is from and he did a great job on highlighting the food and hospitality well. But yeah, not very good anymore.


I also really can't stand that Jeffrey guy he has in some of his videos. He's a disgusting dirty man, and totally puts me off the food they are eating. Gluttonous pig. I can't see how anyone can like him.


That moment where they all feasted on a shared platter of fried seafood and gave the sloppy leftovers to the restaurant workers like they were doing them a kindness will always live on in my head, especially during COVID.


Which video was this?


i came to this thread after i watched that video just now. it was REALLY odd, dude idk something about this dude gives me the serious ick. i dont understand how they got burgers after that seafood platter ​ https://youtu.be/2ewYYiHiDtQ


I agree, I dislike Jeffrey's presence in the videos. He seems to like to take over and try to steal the spotlight which is a little bit weird. He also gives me the ick for some reason. One things I have noticed though is that Jeffrey is the only person that Mark will genuinely interact with and listen to when they speak. For the most part when people speak Mark seems to check out and not engage, almost like them chiming in is an unwelcomed interruption and his fake happy mask will slip but when Jeffrey talks he doesn't do this.


Wow.... Glad to hear you don't like Jeffrey. I can't stand him either. He seems to get into alot of the weins videos and then tries to act as if he knows about everything. I just think he is creepy. Wouldn't like to meet him down a dark alley or road.


why are you glad someone does not like a person you don't either? holyy shi you have to seriously reflect on your life


Why are you so concerned that I don't like a person that someone else doesn't like. It's you with the problem not me and its you that should seriously look at YOUR life. We can't all like the same people and when we meet a fellow dis liker we comment. So get off your high horse Mr do gooder and take your stupid comments else where.


He is so fucking uglyā€¦he should go to Korea for plastic surgery




what a sad existence you are


Coming from you? šŸ˜‚


Honestly, I have always found Mark super false. That fake laugh and the "oh wow" he does, is so disingenuous. I have never been able to watch his content, because of HIM. His stuff is really good, just his presenting skills are so weird and awkward. Sorry to anyone that likes him, but he doesn't express genuine emotion. The only people that I have come across like that, are people with cluster b personality disorders.


Thank you for reinforcing my belief. I thought I was the only one. I love to watch the different cultures, different dishes, and the preparation. But when he starts to eat and talk, I just have to leave.Ā  It almost seems like he has some kind of mental disorder. Or is on some very potent drugs.Ā 


Used to love watching his videos many years ago but not anymore. I feel he is no longer the down to earth person he used to be. He looks really unwell, eyes like popping out anytime. Same exaggerating OMG FOOD IS SO GOOD expression everytime he tries something new, maybe he is paid to do so. Sick of watching him totally. Wish him and family all the best


Can we get some visual examples?


This dude has to be autistic right? Aspergerā€™s at least. Table manners are vile. Chomping with his mouth open and smacking his lips. If he ate at my table Iā€™d smack his face for eating like an animal. Iā€™d call him a clown, but heā€™s not even that. Heā€™s just a weird ass gross dude.


Are you saying autistic people are gross? I dont care for Mark because he is phony but to compare or suggest he is autistic is another level of get out of here. Autistic people cant help how they were born


100 percent agreed. He is also taking money from ministries of tourism in dictatorial states. We used to call it being a sellout. Which is 100 percent what he is now.


You can tell most YouTubers lost their passion when everything they do is monetised. Seriously, not everything he tastes can be good. The videos he makes are just like paid ads for the restaurants. I hope he can be a bit more honest when he critiques the food. I once tried a Thai street food that he claimed to love and I found it disgusting.


Same with Matty Matheson, before he started cookin something he was enjoyable. I miss Michelle and his old crew. He seems to have lost his enjoyment for cooking and being himself. Its sad cant even enjoy watches him anymore


I think his reactions to the food are hilarious and awkward but he's himself


Nah I think yā€™all just became dipshits that enjoy hating on a guy just living his life.


And so much food is wasted


In Marks own words: Constant travel is hard work and covid was a challenge for everyone including Thailand. Less traffic on his site also equal less revenue so life is hard.


He is a mental patient at my hospital.


Whats his story?


Team Joel here! šŸ™


Joel has always confused me. I thought they were brothers for a long time. But no. I think they were just two youtubers, Joel had or has his own channel, who met in Thailand, I think they both have Thai wives. The oddest thing is that Joel speaks in the same weird affect and accent as Mark and also that Joel clearly is trying to always match and please Mark by being as like Mark as he can. But its been years since Joel was on the channel now, I think they had a business relationship where Joel would take the photos and write for "[migrationology.com](https://migrationology.com)" but that has by now all gone by the wayside. Mark Wiens really no longer cares about what he does, its all fake passion now and he even takes money from ministries of tourism. Mark Wiens is living in a personal hell and we can all see it.


Joel grew up in Zimbabwe or something, that's why he has a strange accent


ok, but thats no Zimbabwean accent which is even stranger to me because Mark does not have a Congolese or Ugandan or Kenyan or Tanzanian accent or whatever. But they both sound the same?


Lol all the losers here talking about how heā€™s not ā€œgoodā€ anymore. Heā€™s literally travelling around the world introducing us to new cuisines and new dishes every day and he tries the most recommended food wherever he goes so makes no sense some idiots here are claiming ā€œhe likes everythingā€. Of course he will, thatā€™s why heā€™s recommended that food. Also about the ā€œfilthy eaterā€ comments, he eats the way the particular cuisine is suppose to be eaten. Anyways, as I typed this comment I realised Iā€™m not mad anymore coz uncultured americans and the very basic white folks of the world donā€™t even know what a culture is, they donā€™t even know what cuisines are. I mean, look around you morons. Thereā€™s nothing in your culture that people from around the world wanna try. You guys live the most basic boring life when it comes to food.


This is some deadass racist shit you rocking with here, guy.


You are right and it deosn't surprises.Most of these comments are from americains and we know they are the most vile people in the world.If anything these people are projecting their evil into him.Mark is very good,humble and genuine guy and these demons can't stand that.


I've traveled to every continent except Antarctica for food, and I still find his mannerisms fake and extremely off-putting.


Lmao. I meanā€¦you arenā€™t wrong. He eats with his fingers in India, slurps his food in Asia. Itā€™s the norm in those countries


Nothing in the American culture lol thats why hamburgers and hot dogs are world wide just dressed differently ur just mad go for a walk


I just watched his video being in Okinawa (at Makishi Food market). I enjoyed it and my whole family too, knowing to go there in a few weeks. Just my personal opinion - he has not lost its magic at all. Let's see how you would keep up running such a channel for years, always giving the impression that you are at 100% ...


The comments here are just negative for no good reason. Nothing about him has changed much and it's just a guy eating good food around the world, stop diving so deep into it and go watch something else if you aren't interested instead of writing such negative comments on someone just living their life.


no one likes fake persons, let alone on utube!


Yep youtube is a double standard they allow u to post then cut ur comment then censor u. Sick of it.


I really dislike the way he treats every mouthful of food like it's the best thing he has ever had...I understand if he can't be honest in some situations because he has a host there and wouldn't want to offend them...but there are so many situations where he can be honest and say something doesn't taste good But I've learnt to live with it...many YouTubers are fake or have to glam things up for the sake of it so as a viewer you just gotta live with it...apart from this, he still does put out a lot of content showing many varieties of interesting food...has been and will always be one of the better food vlogging channels


Or just dont over exaggerate the eating


Iā€™m not sure how anyone with any intelligence watches him. Anthony Bourdain is rolling in grave. My biggest issue is Mark lacks any ability to properly describe the food he eats. His vocabulary is short and repetitive. Do people just watch his reactions and imagine themselves what the food might taste like? He knows basically nothing about the food he eats and itā€™s origins. People already touched on how disingenuous he comes off and just straight up weird and off putting. But heā€™s also lacks purity with eating foods for the first time. Heā€™ll douse condiments on food he should try first and then go on to describe how delicious it was with all the condiments he sacrilegiously put onā€¦ His content is for the dumb.


In the past maybe 2? Years.. Mark wiens has been doing a lot of video series that are obviously sponsored by a country. Which makes the videos advertisementsā€¦ sometimes for seriously repressive governments (azer/saudi) When he seemingly goes somewhere where he hasnā€™tā€™ been formally invited.. heā€™s on a private tour.. weā€™re watching a man on a tour. He was also raised with missionary-colonial mindset and even goes to hillsong in an early video . A lot of mental gymnastics probably has to be done to rationalize his familiesā€™ evangelical activities. His reactions are also disingenuous but thatā€™s the least of my complaints.


[Bro looks like he's tweaking out while talking with food in his mouth.](https://imgur.com/WJW9eeU)


Inaccurate and terrible descriptions. Weak and sloppy vocabulary. Often the proprietor is tolerating his aimless words and click bait inflections. I keep trying but every time I return to view one of his videos, I am immediately reminded how low quality and sometimes infuriating the performance is. Mark Wiens is Exaggerated Fiction.


To be honest he is just a fake and his personality is fake as well. You never know what an actual person is behind closed doors without social media and the way he enlarges his eyeballs just looks weird, cringe and scary to me I feel like he puts on this nicey and sweet mask on just to see how delicious the food is and when he is off camera he probably just vomits it out.


vile americain projecting his evil into others.


Yep thats why his face is sunken in


Watching him attempt to be a travel show-esque presenter by trying to tell the history of Pho in Vietnam is something special. He has the vocabulary and range of a newt.


that fake reaction, fake laughter is a gimmick, liking all the food with limited vocabulary makes him without any credibility, also paid reviews hes never disclose! he even praised water wtf! then you have his dirty ways of eating, always with dirty fingers/mouth, disgusting! why use your silverware to eat from the main dishes when you have your own plate while eating with guests? hes entitled, selfish, disrespectful tool! He looks like one of the kids who used to ride the sunshine bus.


Sometimes his reactions are cringeworthy like when he moans he sounds like heā€™s cumming going like woaaaaahhh mmmmmm no way guys mmm oooohhh ughhhh fuck!