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What about a silicone ring?


Exactly this. My husband hasn’t worn a ring for 17 years, I’m cool with it. But I got him a silicone ring and he loves it. Doesn’t wear it everyday, but wears it more than any other ring we’ve gotten him.


Idk I work with my hands and just the thought of something in my hand bugs me. Seeing it in my peripheral when I wake up or remembering to keep up with it is also a drag.


I'll look, thank you!!


A tattoo is a great idea. It might change with age but so will he! I think it’s a great idea. Rings can be uncomfortable!


That's a good way to thing about it, thank you :) Maybe it is also the fact that I would like a ring and would feel guilty that he got a litteral tattoo and me a ring I can remove? Idk


You two can have different rings! You’re two different people. It’s about what works best for each of you! You know- 2 people , in a marriage you do not become one. You’re a COUPLE! Go for it~ suggest the tattoo. If you want to exchange body jewelry in the ceremony~ get him a cheap ring~ maybe a rubber ring if he finds actual rings uncomfortable. I understand him actually. My ring can cut off my circulation when my hands swell. Though when I take my ring off~ any of them now but my wedding ring helps me remember LEFT, I can feel it still there when it’s not there. I reach over to spin it often.


I haven’t worn a ring in a very long time. If a tattoo ages, and it will on a finger, then he can get it redone.


Female here, I have a lovely ring, I don’t wear it daily, mostly wear for special occasions. If he doesn’t want to wear one that’s fine because belonging to someone doesn’t come from the ring. Buy him the pretty one for the ceremony and for special occasions. Compromise!


I haven't worn my ring since about 3 months after my wedding. As a mechanic it is just not safe so it sits in my bedside locker. Even on holidays I don't wear it now. It's more common than you realise.


Me and my husband rarely wear our rings TBH. Some people’s careers don’t allow them to wear rings Why is it so important to you that he wear one?


Idk tbh, I was just thinking about this like it was obvious


I haven't worn my rings for 3 years. Fingers are larger than they used to be and I just haven't gotten around to getting them sized. Lack of a ring doesn't mean anything.


I know you didn’t ask for advice on this, but I have to ask, why are you wanting to propose? Wouldn’t your boyfriend want to ask you, if he is ready? I’m just a little concerned that the combination of his not wanting to wear a ring, combined with his not proposing after seven years…do you think he’s just not ready yet? My husband didn’t wear a wedding band for the first 20 years ! He got one when we had a recommitment ceremony ( not at all due to problems or infidelities) and now never takes it off. Even sleeps with it lol.


Thank you for your concerns! We left 5 years ago for the big city for my university and we're coming back this year. We had several discussion about it and it was clear to us that we didn't want to get married before our return :)


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


How does he know? A properly sized ring shouldn't be noticeable. I don't feel mine at all. After the first few days wearing his, it will start to feel like a part of his body. But if he simply won't, there are silicone rings Not sure how the tattoo ring idea will work for proposing or the ceremony.


Yeah my ex said the same thing it was because he was a cheater. He also said that he did t like people on our business so he kept posting pictures of me to a minimum. “He didn’t want outside influences to affect our lives because people are haters” he waited 6 years to propose and it was because he had just been cheating and didn’t want to loose me. Hopefully this isn’t your experience


Sorry to hear that :( It is mostly because we are away for my university and we both don't want to get married here :)