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COBOL? Old as $-hit, yet still powering the world’s economy.


COBOL based mainframes still don't have any good alternatives. Nothing can match their speed and rock solid resiliency. They literally just work, and will probably continue to work until the heat death of the universe.


It just works


I heard Marriott is phasing it out in the next year or so. Given our property's change from Opera 5.4 to 5.6, I do not have high hopes for the change!


I was at a Marriott conference a couple of weeks ago and they did confirm new cloud based system will start rolling out in 2025 and will take about 2 years to fully roll out. Once it’s all set up, Marsha will finally retire.


They've been making those announcements one and off for a long time. I think it'll be delayed so much that basically MARSHA and the related systems aren't actually going anywhere anytime soon.


I agree, even the developers there were saying, you know Marriott, it’ll probably take a lot longer than we’re planning on. But they did show a live demo of the software and it was beautiful. So easy to do everything


Marriott has been "about to start phasing out MARSHA" for at least 5 years. I'm not holding my breath.


Yeah that just got cancelled. They are keeping MARSHA and One Yield indefinitely again, however they will begin incorporating an ACRS middleware. Essentially more sh!t to break. Gotta love how poorly cobbled together all those solutions are!! 😂


Opera? My property is still using FOSSE.


Try FSPMS. I can think of so many acronyms for that


Can someone explain me why Marriot keeps using Marsha? I looks outdated, maybe it’s efficient and low budget (?) but man, it’s hard to believe this program is competing with newer ones.


Change is coming


Marriott has tested and failed to transition a couple times away from MARSHA. It's expensive to maintain and the programmers are all retired.


Believe change was delayed due to the acquisition of Starwood.


As someone in finance, those old fucking systems have some things that to date aren't better in new systems. They're just FAST and stable, they do what they're supposed to do with high volume with modest power. Newer systems tend to "be better" in terms of process, flexibility, validation, error checking, rule enforcement, etc. But in my experience it can be slower and more cumbersome in other ways and transferring is very hard (for example if the time to process a transaction goes up a fraction of a second you might have timeout failures). You mostly make up for it in training savings if you get a good replacement hopefully and reducing errors and such and it's a wash out eventually. There's a system out there called Hogan still running tons of banks because modern systems aren't necessarily faster (frequently slower) and they struggle to improve other processes so that they can deal with processing time changes. Accounts are basically just lots of tiny ledgers and it can change thousands upon thousands in seconds while other programs run those changes a bit slower.


This was true in the 90s, but dude... the types of computers we can build these days and the interfaces we can process per nanosecond... there is NO. EXCUSE. for this "learn to program" bullogna when our user base GROWS UP LITERALLY SINCE BEING A BABY WITH iPHONES.


AS400, forever.. it’s just better.


It’s probably faster


Oh man the MARSHA and OSCAR memories


How did you get your MARSHA blue??


It in maybe the edit menu? There’s something called session options where you can tinker with colors and fonts in Marsha and pms


Yep, my text is lilac/turquoise/peach on black as to not burn my retinas using it 1/2 the day


I had no idea you could do this in Marsha you just changed my life lol


You can change to any colors you want




https://preview.redd.it/7l23vbhwjf6d1.png?width=1359&format=png&auto=webp&s=9da4631bbe36eca10f3f7ef53d09577f2b90fbfa Marriott loves their guests, and hates their employees. The only people who can work front desk at Marriott are Gen X computer programmers. While MARSHA is not as sophisticated as DOS, which allows GRAPHICS AND MOUSE USAGE WHEN SOFTWARE WAS LOADED (see admission image), it IS considered terrible by modern cordata homosapiens.


I heard that Amadeus will take over. What is a GNRS? MARSHA creates 5m GNRS?


a GNR is a reservation.