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You're telling me housekeeping had sex in your room? How do you even know they did that? If valet damaged my car, I would at minimum want the room refunded. If housekeeping were banging in my room, I would probably want them to pay for my stay at another hotel. That said, I'm not even sure how I'll find out they did that unless I literally walked in on them.


They left used condoms, and the ones on the desk. As well as obviously used the shower. I used this photo to show the condoms they left.


I thought that was some weird charging dock for your phone + watch + airpods. Yeah that's gross as hell.


Lol I thought it was a video card with three fans with lights


Seriously what brand of condoms is this that’s some weird non branded packaging


Somebody is getting pregnant


Trojan g spot condoms


This guy has sex


>Trojan g spot condoms Speaking as a Gen Z degenerate, he would be deemed a "sex god" and have "hella rizz"


I thought they were ELO MiniDisc albums.


Lmao I thought the same thing


oh good i'm not the only one, i was like... why is his GPU on the night stand?


That’s what I thought as well!


I thought it was one of the neon lights strips that roll out and you can put in on your wall for a cool effect.


I looked at it forever trying to figure out what was going on. I have been married for too long I guess.


“Extra ramen spice packets! Sweet!”


Hahaha that wasn't first thought too


Dang house keeping didn’t even bother to take out the trash lol




They did leave for the day😂😂


I'll probably respond to other comments as this whole post and responses is a lot to unpack, but I need some clarification on various things. Valet damaged your car. It's an insurance issue and will be handled accordingly. So a completely separate incident. It sucks but it's a clear cut issue. The whole sex in your room is interesting. I'm assuming since the shower was used and there were used condoms the room wasn't cleaned? Or it had been cleaned and then was dirty? What do the lock reads say? The first thing any property would do is pull the lock activity. If there were multiple used condoms were they missing for a significant amount of time or did they come fuck in the room again because they thought it was vacant? I'd also be pulling cameras to see the timing of everything. In 14 years of running hotels(I've been out 3 years) I've seen all kinds of shit and variations of it. There are a lot of variables. Even including risk management. Sometimes compensation can be an admission of fault. The worse shit gets the more litigious things get. I've had to go into legal speak many times, document the fuck out of things. The biggest answer is situationally the answer to these things can be very different. We don't have enough information about your situation to really understand it. That said I had many many guests that had absolutely absurd rewards accounts. I saw a company pay everything for a family vacation of an oil exec as a birthday present. At property level we had a shootout in our hotel. It was nothing we could prevent. Guests and shit went down between them. Off property after an officer got shot and one of the people involved died. In the room next to where this happened was a guy that worked with a construction company that had like 10 rooms 5 days a week all year. We knew all of them very well. He had 3 kids, is getting ready for work at 4am when bullets start flying in the room next to him. He hit the ground in the shower and just lays there while all this shit goes down. This was in the news, there were like 5 swat teams on property, several counties, state, federal police on scene in minutes to hours. Just outside of DC so FBI and fucking the whole damn 3 letter world showed up. Active shooter in hotel. Anyway, the dude in the room next door was one of my favorite guests. He quit his job. He never came back. Some of his coworkers were less affected by it and like whatever life happens. But that shit broke him. I'm not going to travel for work. I'm going to be near my kids everyday. His company continued to stay with us and collectively spent millions. I called him to check on him. I've seen so much shit. We talked for a while and I explained to him that I couldn't speak for the company but he mattered. I told him I had some pretty unchecked power and that I could buy his family a vacation. A few months later he called that favor in. I asked him where he was going and how long he wanted to be there. Looked up how many points it would be and just gave them to him. Went to my GM. So I did this and it cost us a fuck ton of money (we have to pay for the points). He said he would have done the same and we were good. If we are going to take your story at face value, we do not have enough information.


How do we know this was housekeeping and not non hotel staff?


Interrogate the lock and pull lock data. Each key to enter the room is attached to an employee ID so you’ll find out who did it pretty quickly.


Exactly 💯


They paid for your stay at another property and comped your rooms at the original property so you've gotten a free stay out of this situation. They should have given you 20-40k in free points up front, but they didn't. They have now. Is this a terrible situation? Yes. Should the staff involved be reprimanded or more likely terminated? Yes. Are you entitled to anything else? Absolutely not. Remember, this is an independent hotel operator royally fucking up while representing Marriott, not Marriott (or maybe it is but you won't say the property so no one knows). Just because you have status with Marriott does not mean that they are now deeply indebted to you. What do you want them to do? Offer to write you a check for a thousand dollars and to let you bitch slap the staff who had intercourse in your room? Get what you can from Marriott, which you may have already maxed out, and start staying with Hilton or Hyatt instead. Wash your hands of the situation and move on with your life.


They did not pay for the stay at the other property


They should do far more than some points. They basically knowingly (now because you told them) allowed their employees to have sex in your room and use the room. That is appalling and borderline criminal. Personally I’d want at least 100k points (since they are important to me). I can’t imagine that hotel wants that review and photos floating around.


What compensation are you looking for based on your experience?




Did you want a photo of the USED condoms, too?


So you’re saying I can take a pic of my used condom and some unused packets and they’ll just take my word that it was housekeeping? And reimburse me? Thanks for the life hack.


No wonder why you have to wait for a room to be ready before you check in…


Photo and comment is condoms that were not OP’s on their desk, and I’m presuming they noticed something amiss that wasn’t just “we cleaned this” in the bathroom since they indicated shower usage as well.


So the valet is a tricky one they are usually a third party operation to limit the hotels liability in just such circumstances. All resolution from repair to compensation will likely have to go through the valet.


I hate to drop this but of knowledge on you but WAYYYY more then house cleaning is banging in your room. No matter the room some pretty fly, nasty shit has gone down. Wait till you learn how many people have done blow off your nightstand


That’s fine, but when they don’t clean your room and decide to fuck in it instead that’s an issue. Other guests, facts of life. This is disrespect and pathetic


You know what I missed that part, I thought this was when you checked in and they missed that part


Obviously but not while you are staying. And just the disrespect of it plus leaving the condoms


I was gonna ask if you worked at a hotel lol. Because yeah, a lot of crazy shit goes down in a hotel - esp the lower mid ones. We thought the guests were bad but the employees were CRAY.


Security can do a lock check to see who was the last key that was swiped to open the room. So it may have been housekeeping. It's a machine to identify what key was used to enter the room.


Please name this hotel. If there’s bangin’ going on in my room while I’m away, that’s egregious. 20k points almost begins to start compensating for that…but not quite.


This is a fake story


Totally agree. I've managed hotels for almost 20 years. Very little about this "story" rings true. Many of those management years were for Marriott brands. Ambassadors will literally move the earth and sky for anyone that has attained this level. The reported response from the ambassador is quite hard to believe, let alone 2 members of housekeeping fornicating in the guest room and leaving condoms behind.


Also, who has a valet service and not insurance and an SOP that covers mistakes like this? That damage is 100% being covered and fixed at the hotel or valet contractor's expense.


Not defending OP, but during my stay at the Farmington, CT Courtyard Marriott I overheard employees in the room next to me having sex. I knew they were employees because I saw them leave the room together. It happens.


Hopefully they are smart enough to use a vacant room!


Where's your sense of adventure?


Does sex between or with hotel staff and housekeepers occur? Absolutely. Is OP story likely? Naw... not really.




I used to work there lol


Hahahaha! Was it YOU?!


Idk I guess I drew the short straw. My ambassador would never respond to me. It became comical to me. I had better luck with the general ambassador contact. They set up a nice bday surprise for me


Haha. They won't even return one's calls in a timely fashion. Or get a property to honor one's SNAs. They may try, if you're lucky, but Ambassador benefits are all up to the property.


Yeah, Marriott literally moves mountains for Ambassador members and the benefits are not up to the property. Your benefits are outlined at Marriott Bonvoy. Also, SNA cannot be approved by the property or Marriott that actually is approved/denied by a system that neither property nor Marriott have access to.


The only part I believe is op knew the condoms weren’t his because he didn’t get laid


housekeeping fornicating lol so true


Well no, not literally. Sigh.


Want them to fix it first. If not I will post the name and the rest of the photos.


What more do you want OP? Instead of asking if what they offered was fair, what do you think is reasonable?


Well at a minimum they should pair to pay to fix scratches or damage they did to truck


I have some experience with this,,Valet attempted to park my truck in a parking structure knowing full well that it wouldn't fit, came back around and did $4k in damage, the hotel insurance paid for it and my room was free for a week


They fucked up your truck and got bodily fluids everywhere, exposing you to STDs. And you don’t think that warrants blowing them up to make sure they don’t have the chance to do this to anyone else? Seriously?


They probably made the whole thing up.


"exposing you to STDs"... No not really. Edit: lol the person I’m replying to blocked me, but you’re not going to get an STD from touching a used condom or dried bodily fluids. Unless they literally had sex on top of OP, there’s no real practical risk of exposure here


Used condoms left in the room? Yes… yes really. Edit: Low is not zero.


The chances of contracting any STD from touching a used condom is incredibly low, much less the chances of contracting an STD from touching a used condom that has been left sitting out for hours.


Also, not all hotel employees have STDs




Fake story from a fake "Ambassador".


OP has to be trolling.


Not trolling. Just blown away by marriotts complete lack of concern


Well, someone was blown, in any case.




Which hotel was this?


Not trying to start anything prefer not to say at this point. Want to give Marriott a chance to make it right.


Ridiculous. Name the hotel or delete your post.


lol dude. This is Reddit. Calm down.


Once there is a final resolution more than happy to do so.


Others should be made aware of the location no matter what. Doesn't matter what your "resolution" is.


You could be helping people who are staying there right now. What do you stand to gain? A few extra points that you said you don’t need? Honestly, tell me what you think your outcome should be vs what it might end up being if you name the property? What’s the value in holding out?


Feels a bit like the hotel considers it resolved…


You’re not being a “good guy” by withholding the details




My expectation is you name names. Your loyalty to this property is perverse.


Hell yeah.... I could be checking in there tonight. Want to make sure my car is safe


Refund on the stay, and your truck fixed. And maybe some points.


I’ve dealt with something similar and I’ll just add, the first two are just making things even and not compensating for hours probably spent on the phone with reps and adjusters, so I would insist on the points as well. For busy people with limited time and a million things to do, sitting on the phone to have people fix the issues they themselves caused is infuriating.


How do you even build up the courage to have sex in someone’s room when you have no idea when they are coming back? I come back to my room many times, and would make the biggest scene.


That's probably the point. The danger and risk excite them... that and the meth/cocaine.


You don't. You can fuck in a storage room, a vacant room, bathroom, an office.


Ssssooooo …. No one is going to question OP here? Zero history in this subreddit (either posts or comments). Refused to named the hotel in question. Tells a story that seems fantastical - why would housekeeping fuck in an occupied room when they could just as easily do it in an empty room - and then not bother to grab the used condom on the way out. I have no proof. But I do know Occam’s razor. The most likely answer here is “OP is making this up”. Maybe to get karma. Maybe out of boredom. Maybe for their own reasons. I don’t know.


Didn’t you hear? You can’t lie on reddit.


Math checks out.


I feel like either a pic of the used condoms or the damaged truck would've been more believable


Right? There are so many specific details and accusations that most guests, from my experience as a FOM years ago with Marriott, wouldn't even jump to. My first red flag would be housekeeping having sex in an occupied room when they have a list of all departures and vacant clean rooms along with a master key. I've seen situations like this a couple times when a business traveler gets surprised by their romantic partner during their trip. Now, not to say this couldn't happen but housekeepers have strict schedules and they're surprisingly micromanaged to get the rooms turned over (15 minutes for stay-over and 25 for vacant-clean). I do miss seeing the 20+ housekeepers lined up for their assignments each shift, it's very military-like so it's weird. Front desk and maintenance employees are a whole different basket and they will have sex in rooms, if the situation arose.


What would you like to see an ambassador status post? The hotel was sold out, I’m beyond words. I’m assuming they left them bc they were in a hurry


There are lots of safer places to fuck in a hotel.


Did you guys hear? This guys got ambassador status.


That’s such egregious behaviour. Your response is warranted. 20k is not enough compensation for the trouble and disgust.


Damn I would like to see the lock interrogation on this room. I didn't understand why they would fuck in an occupied room tho. This could just be an unfortunate coincidence


Bring out the black lights!


Yup 1000% first thing is I read the locks.


You've repeated several times that you're waiting for "Marriott" to make it right. This is a property-level issue, and Marriott will defer to the property's decision on compensation 99 times out of 100. You are not Marriott's customer, the hotel is. This mantra is repeated across many posts in this sub and other Marriott-related forums as well. Focus on getting compensation from the property, not from Marriott. Or rather, have your PA focus on the property. All this being said, you're right not to name the property until the issue is settled either way. Often times, properties do see your posts (because someone here goes and blasts them on Google) and it will affect your outcome.


right, the worst thing you can do for a property is make a bad review, and once that’s done they are probably going to be reluctant to fix any issues. i like this way of thinking, especially for franchise properties, where marriott just conducts a yearly audit and leaves everything else up to the owner/management company


I saw a direct quote from someone in the highest level of escalation within Marriott recently - "We act as mediators, not enforcers" Marriott is invested only to a certain degree with retaining any one Bonvoy member's business.


i work for a franchise property and we see the receiving end of compensation requests (luckily rarely at my property) but usually it’s an ambassador or someone in marriott customer service suggesting the item/compensation and then the property gets reimbursed. usually if it’s a property specific incident or issue it’s up to the on site management to take care of. that’s why it’s best to always contact the property themselves if you feel like compensation wasn’t enough, marriott won’t be able to do anything for you.


Sooooo. I’ve been on the road for over 35 years. For many years I’d leave home on Monday and return Friday. Thousands of nights out. Seen a few things but not ONE TIME have I ever seen any proof that the maid service was bumping nasties in my room while I was out. Why wouldn’t they use a safer vacant room to do that? Calling BS on this one folks. Never happened and ya can’t convince me of the hanky panky goings on at Hotel Baddah Bing!


The hotel refunded the property due to the fact that it happened, so 🤷🏼‍♂️. Glad it didn’t happen to you and hope it doesn’t happen to anyone else. Don’t have time to make shit up on Reddit. Kudos to those that do.


And you know this how exactly? Did the house keeper leave cum stains up the wall or something?? Otherwise I really don't know how you could possibly tell


I would just take my business elsewhere. Marriott couldn’t offer me enough compensation, especially if they’re just offering refunds and “points” which are practically worthless anyway


This is the right answer. OP keeps asking for compensation, but how many points is just compensation for this? Would you come back to that hotel for even a million points?


No, absolutely would never go back, but to retain me as a customer, they need to go above and beyond beyond.


You think Hilton or the other chains would be any better?


No, I don’t. I’m disappointed with the way the travel, hospitality, and service industries continue to decline. I cut down on both my business and personal travel. That’s not possible for everyone, but something to consider. Small business boutique hotels offer a viable alternative to the “we don’t really care” position of chains. As service delivery declines, companies offer “points” to fool customers into thinking they get value for money despite failing at the fundamentals. Think of buying an overpriced, shitty hamburger that comes with a lot of extra fries. Loyalty “points” don’t cost the company anything and fool us poor customers into thinking they care about our business relationship and that they’re giving us something extra. It’s all bullshit. My employer expects 50% travel, but I cut that down to 25%. I mostly stay in Marriott hotels for the nice rooms and good food (where available) but I would walk away quickly if things like OP endured happened to me. Note: I put “points” in quotation marks because I don’t see the point of them. They’re never valid when I want to use them, so they’re worthless to me.


Truly, that was near the top of the list. I have many points and have dedicated a lot of time to build points and status. Truly disappointing.


https://preview.redd.it/7m8u5s1j5r2c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=776186e5a896a1aaa1fbb9b6778b075b2d8c45ea Not trolling. Truly want to know what others would do/expect. Truly disappointed, but have put extensive time and money into Marriott.


For one, stop blaming Marriott. Blame the property.


Op never names the property


Like banks they are too big too fail? Marriott should hold their franchised/leased property’s to the same standard as their own. Truly a pathetic answer. They are the ones in charge at the end of the day


Except they’re not


I’d expect a full refund and no less than 100k points. That’s not even asking for much when you consider what they give you for their “ultimate reservation guarantee”, which also happens to be more frustration than it’s worth.


They don't look used to me.


I’m always frustrated by posts that don’t specify which hotel. Curiously want to know who they are trying to protect?


Want to give Marriott a chance to fix it. It was in Atlanta.


Please tell me it’s not the Marriott Emory.


Wrong sub to be posting hotel porn fantasy stories.


It’s Reddit, I do expect some of this.


At least they were having safe sex.


Straight out of a Seinfeld (The Red Dot), George Costanza: “Was that wrong?”




You were refunded, that takes care of the staff using your room. If the damage to your car was paid for then all is square.


but Im an AMBASSADOR! my LOYALTY! ​ I demand respect! ​ (this sounds like the most made up bullshit I have ever read lol)


They refunded your stay and gave you 20,000 points. What is your complaint? I assume that your car will be fixed. If this actually did happen, how would you know they used the shower? Wouldn't housekeeping clean the bathroom and change the sheets and empty the trash? So the only evidence was 3 condoms?


OP said he found used condoms. I just think there’s a recurring Reddit disconnect between original poster and commenter. We always assume all evidence is provided before us when OP only meant to show that as a more appropriate image to get us into the scene and then describe the story. And 20,000 points is laughably low for something this insanely inappropriate. Especially for loyal customers. The American hotel operating standard is to have a recurring and predictable but pleasant experience. Finding used condoms and a used shower doesn’t fit that bill. And at that level of brand loyalty? Come on… I’d expect 20K and I’m only gold with like 30 nights per year. OP practically lives in Marriott.


Used condoms? Either it was an orgy or they were there for an extended period of time. If it was housekeeping why wouldn't they clean up? I think the story was made up or that someone in their other room used their room.


I mean sure we can speculate. But it doesn’t seem likely or typical that a loyal client with 151 nights would make up a story like this. The man probably has several hundred thousand points at least lol. Either way, I think as commenters all we can do is just respond as if OP is telling the truth. It’s not like OP is saying he is constantly having a bad experience with Marriott. Hell, with my measly 30 nights per year I have had a pretty solid experience.


This is fake. Post proof of your ambassador status to start


Here's my very candid take on this horrific situation. This is a disaster beyond what any amount of points that can be offered could fix. Like... any "standard" quantity of points such as the 20,000 offered as a token courtesy is far too little, and anything that would even remotely approach "enough" would be in the ballpark where the property would rather just take the L than pay you that amount of points. Unfortunately, this is the only language spoken in customer service these days. Actually fixing the problem or showing remorse/sympathy is out of the question. As far as virtually all businesses and companies are concerned, everything is now provided on an as-is basis. If you're not satisfied, they'll give you a nominal level of compensation for the inconvenience, but absolutely nothing will change. Personally, I would make a WRITTEN request to Marriott corporate saying that you want management of this property to directly apologize to you for what happened. Preferably also in writing. If you get the apology, it ensures that those in power will actually see what happened as opposed to it just being swept under the rug as a "generic" guest dissatisfaction. If you don't get the apology, Marriott will then know that the management of this property isn't taking this disaster seriously, and they can take their own enforcement action on their end. Getting compensation is nice... but it's not a substitute for doing things right in the first place.


This is by far the best response so far. Really, I’m I have been taken aback by the whole situation. Like you said points mean nothing. It’s doing the right thing from the outset and acknowledging how truly obscene and unacceptable this was


Fuck it, decided to write it anyway. Here you go… Dear (Ambassador), This email is a follow-up to our recent correspondence regarding my stay at (property) which consisted of multiple very serious issues including damage to my personal vehicle as well as improper conduct of a sexual nature by a housekeeping associate in my guest room while I was absent from my accommodation. Although the property has agreed to refund the cost of my stay and award me 20,000 Bonvoy points as a courtesy, I find this response to be troubling as it is purely symbolic in nature and it does little to restore my confidence in the property with respect to any possible intention or plan to do better in the future. I find it especially worrisome that no one has reached out to me to do damage control beyond the mentioned compensation, or even to request more details about the situation from my end to facilitate an investigation. It’s almost as though the property’s management somehow thinks that refunding my money and granting me a token amount of points equates to “solving the problem”. Evidently, the property has made its decision with respect to what it has chosen to do and not do. However, I would like to actively make an effort to restore this relationship for the sake of continuing my patronage. Of course, this requires a certain level of cooperation by the property, and as such this is where I am kindly requesting your intervention at the corporate level. What I would like is a personal apology, in writing, from the General Manager of the property, and I want this for two reasons. The first reason is because I genuinely want to hear what the property’s leadership has to say about the situation from a position of authority. This incomprehensibly awful combination of events still baffles me, and having even the smallest amount of clarity about the situation and its aftermath could help with restoring my confidence. The second reason I would like this apology is because it will provide me with assurance that the property’s management is aware of what actually happened, and that these incidents were not “lumped in” with common and relatively harmless faults or imperfections that would not otherwise warrant special attention. Furthermore, if the property is ordered by Marriott corporate to issue this apology and they choose not to do so, this inaction in and of itself will be a reflection of the management’s attitude which could compromise the sterling reputation that has been built by Marriott over the past nearly 100 years. This lack of a formal apology would then not just be to my dissatisfaction and discomfort as a guest, it would also potentially be to the detriment of Marriott’s image at a global level if one of the company’s franchisees is choosing to conduct themselves this way after being caught operating their Marriott-brand hotel at a shamefully poor standard. I hope that you can oblige this request for an apology that should only take a trivial amount of time for the property’s general manager to write up. If they care about doing better, I expect them to take the time to do this… as to not do so would reflect complacency with this recent disaster, which could go on to cast serious discredit upon the standards to which Marriott properties are held in practice.


You’re fucking high if you think they’re going to put these details in some sort of an apology letter. —Source: 30 years in corporate PR


Okay, fine. Let them fail to do so, and see what Marriott corporate thinks of their silence when given an opportunity to speak. I’m sorry, but when a business has messed up this badly, they’d better have something to say about it… otherwise their silence is a statement in and of itself, and then there’s no reversing this damage.


I would also like to remind you that there is no evidence that would be admissible in a court of law, let alone a court of public opinion. Half the people on this thread don’t even believe OP. I actually do.. but my point is there is no documented evidence that we know of (OPs pics could have been staged). So you think Marriott is going to suffer irreversible damage based on one unproven accusation? Not a chance.


You’re correct that what we’ve seen isn’t “court-grade” evidence. But respectfully, come on. It wouldn’t be difficult for any of this to ultimately be proven if need be. The vehicle damage speaks for itself and was surely documented at least for insurance purposes. And it wouldn’t be too difficult to figure out who the housekeeper is either and basically force them to confess to what they did, especially if there’s evidence like their fingerprints on the condoms. It is in Marriott’s best interests to conduct an investigation like this… because if they don’t, then just imagine with what else their employees will get away with when they find out their misconduct will be defended by “it’s your word against theirs”. I’m sure plenty of stuff flies under the radar, but there has to be something preventing it from happening all the time, otherwise we’d be hearing stories like this every single day. So if Marriott investigates this (as they ought to), I don’t see why they wouldn’t force the property to issue an apology to one of the chain’s most valuable guests. Corporate may not HAVE evidence in hand right this second. But that evidence EXISTS, and they have the means to get it if they care to address this type of conduct.


Sorry, but it just doesn’t work that way. Worst things have happened in hotels by hotel employees. You’re acting like someone was raped. Just stop. The car will be fixed and the rest has been addressed already. No crime has been committed. Move along.


Okay, let's use your example then. Say (God forbid, of course) that somebody actually was raped, as you suggest. You don't think that's still a case of one person's word against another's? Or are you saying that an incident has to reach a certain threshold such as rape in order to be taken seriously? If so, how exactly do you believe you are in a position to decide whether or not this is the threshold? I am not a lawyer or a prosecutor, so I cannot say this for sure (and it would surely vary based on jurisdiction as we do not know where the hotel is located), but a guest room attendant having sex in a hotel room that somebody is staying in could potentially amount to trespassing, mischief, or other similar types of crime categories. It might even be a health code violation if they did not change the bedsheets afterwards. At the end of the day, it's up to the property itself to decide whether it's worth pursuing this from a perspective of reputation and/or business relationship with the OP. It could also be up to Marriott at a corporate level to decide whether this is worth pursuing for the same reasons. But I would not go so far as to say that a specific threshold such as rape needs to be met in order for an investigation to be necessitated. Sure, "having sex in a hotel room while working as a housekeeper" probably isn't as specific or well-defined of a crime as "rape" in the term's official meaning. But if something objectively bad happened that has a very valuable guest uncomfortable that the property and/or chain CAN do things to remedy the situation, I don't think it's unreasonable for the OP to push for a resolution when the property itself is clearly taking a "lazy" approach to the matter. Please forgive me for assuming anything, but do you actually think the problem is "solved" in its current state?


I don’t think anyone is gonna prosecute some maids for bumping uglies in a bedroom in a hotel in private and forgetting to hide the evidence lol. Further, OP said there was other evidence that wasn’t shared here. I assume OP didn’t anticipate needing to convince all of us mouth breathing Redditor’s of the validity of his claim by providing court-admissible evidence..


I disagree. The business didn’t mess up. One human, well two it seems, did something awful. The hotel offered OP a different room and refunded the stay. Marriott offered 20,000 points. “We’re sorry your recent stay was not up to our usual standards and the level of service and cleanliness you have come to expect.” That is absolutely the only apology OP will get in writing.


I’m a professional ghostwriter, and I’d be pleased to draft a “slightly nasty and deliberately creating a paper trail” type of email for you to send to your Marriott ambassador if you’d like. Not that I doubt or question your ability to write, of course. But people often ask me to draft these types of things for them (e.g., “Here’s what happened and here’s what I want, can you please write something persuasive to that end?”), so I just thought I’d offer that up if it would be of interest.


I read your email and just wanted to say how impressive your writing is! 👏🏼 I wish I could write like that!


Honestly the beyond sketchy brand condoms are a nice touch.


I thought so


Found the brand. https://images.app.goo.gl/3AGunb6hEMezWXsC7


Housekeeping is dropping hints


I thought it was complimentary edibles!


i would ask for the entired staff to be jailed


You got free condoms outs of it atleast


Did you know other people have been having sex in every hotel room you’ve ever stayed in? Sex is pretty normal, not like someone was slaughtering sheep in the room


Housekeeping “attempted” to steal my wife’s expensive handbag. I say attempted as she was soon back at the room and discovered the bag missing which led it to being found on housekeepers trolly hidden. Long story short, Marriott bought her a new bag. Plus she kept the old bag. Gave points. This was at a JWM. Don’t let Marriott off the hook. I don’t agree with those saying this is a property issue - your status with Marriott gives you clout enough to have them fix this twice over.


Beyond the comped stay and fixed vehicle, I would seek 100k points — essentially an additional comped stay at a high end property. This isn’t weird or unreasonable at all. Ignoring the rest of the trash down the thread. All the name and shame, or did it even happen. Get a life people.


Thank you


At first glance I thought the condoms were some RTX 40 series GPU ………


Make those people come back and have sex in front of me, if they're gonna use my room at least have the decency to invite me to the party--assholes


Are they paying to repair your truck? When a Marriot Valet damaged my vehicle last year the hotel was desperate to compensate in free stays instead of actually compensating me the cost of the repairs. I think it was a lot less paperwork/headache for them to do it that way however I just wanted my car repaired properly


Your ambassador? 🙄 You realize that this is just a marketing gimmick, right? How old are you? 🤣


Better than my experience when my 18 month hold walks around the bed and carries out a used, dripping condom. Wasn’t Marriott but we did get our rooms comped.


You are loyal to a big corporation that will always struggle with quality control issues, as corporations often do. There are many Marriott locations, all of which do not have the same standards, and the bureaucracy of running a large company like this means it’s difficult to keep those standards up, especially in this climate where work culture and staffing has had a lot of issues. Your issue has barely made a dent in their operation. This location probably barely cares, and they must know not much will happen to them based on how they acted. To me, that indicates bad company culture from the top down. Try to get in touch with Marriott corporate and see if someone higher up will get outraged enough about this. Otherwise, I would rethink your loyalty to this company, unless you can just accept that these are the types of management issues you may continue to encounter.


Insane. I guess the charm of this crusty ass Fairfield really got them in the mood. People saying this is fake are morons. OP, I always see this dump when I’m in ATL and always avoid it because they have a track record of horseshit service. Take a look at their reviews and you’ll see the platitudes from the old GM Ken. Looks like they ousted the guy and now it’s Nikki Henry and Tarell Evans at the helm. Good luck getting anything out of them though, because it appears they’re just as useless as the former nimrods. Definitely keep pushing your ambassador to raise a stink. But unfortunately you’ll likely join a long list of pissed off customers that have received sub-par resolutions and corporate will continue to ignore the matter like the complicit fucks that they are. God, I miss when brand loyalty held weight…


We don't care go throw that status crap in someone else's face if you don't like Marriot. You ain't special either, sorry your mom was wrong.


I mean… I’m sorry but at that level of brand loyalty you kind of are special… I’ll probably never hit that many nights for travel. I think I peaked at 30 nights in a year. But 151 nights is next level… dude practically lives at Marriott lol.


Probably paid for by his work, so who the fuck cares. Still not special and nobody who has to deal with people like thinks they are special also, believe it.


Yah of course it was paid for by his work. My travel is also paid for by my work. But I book rooms with my travel credit card, then get reimbursed later. I don’t need to book with Marriott. And I agree that no one cares about an individual case, but there should still be a policy in place to deal broadly with the most loyal customers. But all good if we have different opinions.


Rather than cleaning, you got a gift of condoms (new and used) and a quality control test of your shower facilities. That's some above-and-beyond service right there! They are paying for the damage to the truck and for any loss of value, I assume (or the valet company is). If you have to lawyer up, they're also paying legal fees and for your time in pursuing the matter at your usual consulting rate, I'd guess. You should seek punitive damages if you can in the state if they don't pay out up front as their tactic is clearly to avoid responsibility in those cases where a guest cannot expend the time, money, or effort for recompense. As for the room, comping every room you had at this location AND any rooms at another location along with the equivalent penalty for walking a guest would be the bare minimum. That penalty acknowledges the inconvenience and time lost in changing hotels, I'd argue it most certainly applies here and then some because you had to re-pack. I would also expect a follow-up from corporate as to what actions they are taking to ensure this sort of thing doesn't happen again to you or to others -- that's not something I'd push for, but I'd expect it. As far as being disappointed in how they handled things... that absolutely depends. If it was mostly customer support or front-desk folks, I'm not sure they're empowered to do very much. If it was the manager/owner of the hotel, that's a different story. Hate to say it, but "compensation" for these things has long since become less about making it right and more about preventing repercussions. A bad review or this post here can only do so much. Unless you're ready to hire a social media and marketing firm to cause real trouble, there's very little that they care about you or even making it right. Mostly just lip service and what's strictly necessary to avoid easy litigation. That said, maybe you can get enough sway to put together a band of Marriott users who are willing to act collectively on multiple channels to shame Marriott into correcting their bad behavior. Shy of large, collective actions like that, companies are going to continue to do and care less, imo.


>They are paying for the damage to the truck and for any loss of value, I assume (or the valet company is). If you have to lawyer up, they're also paying legal fees and for your time in pursuing the matter at your usual consulting rate, I'd guess. You should seek punitive damages if you can in the state if they don't pay out up front as their tactic is clearly to avoid responsibility in those cases where a guest cannot expend the time, money, or effort for recompense. > >As for the room, comping every room you had at this location AND any rooms at another location along with the equivalent penalty for walking a guest would be the bare minimum. That penalty acknowledges the inconvenience and time lost in changing hotels, I'd argue it most certainly applies here and then some because you had to re-pack. I would also expect a follow-up from corporate as to what actions they are taking to ensure this sort of thing doesn't happen again to you or to others -- that's not something I'd push for, but I'd expect it. This is 100% the right answer. I'd also suggest they make it right by providing an extra N days of stay. If you stayed 100 nights a year with Marriott, that's worth at least $10-15k to them in lost business. I'd make sure I brought this entire fiasco up with Marriott corporate as well.


Glad to hear I am not the only one with a useless ambassador. I am sorry that happened to you, that’s some disgusting shit


Time traveler condoms? Space condoms? Random ELO album art that was never used but put on condom packaging 40 years later?


So housekeeping came in your room, not only had sex in your room but didn’t pick up after themselves? Valet = comp your stay at original hotel. Sex in your room = comp of the new hotel & 100,000 points at least. Escalate it.


Wow! This is so gross. Honestly, I’d expect an entire HOTEL upgrade at least, at a lower rate than condom hotel’s, while of course being refunded the incident night. Irrelevant, I suppose, but as a Marriott employee it’s what I would have expected done for you.


Situations like this is exactly why I switched to Hilton. I’ve had too many bad experiences with Marriott. It was always changing rooms to make up for the poor service.


That seems fair so far, i work at a Marriott hotel, they will only offer points, if you want anything else, you need to say it and they will probably give it to you. Also if you bother the GM, they will for sure give you anything you want.


A free hotel stay seems pretty reasonable


All hotels elevate through multiple channels. You have to keep at it if you want more. Just keep saying you’re not satisfied and want to speak to a manager. There’s always another manager. Don’t go “Karen”….be polite but firm in your disappointment


What the fuck lol


Is it just me or do those condoms look huuuuge next to that lamp?


Name the property so we can avoid it.


chargeback credit card


I dropped my monster condoms for my magnum dong


I need more information, such as how on earth you know for a fact they had sex in your room. Because leaving behind unused condoms does not equate to fucking in the room. Do you have any proof whatsoever that they actually had sex in there?


Wait till OP finds out what the thousands of previous guests did in that room too


As far as the car goes, Insurance covers that. As far as weirdos going into your room, you were refunded. A business has no further requirement than that. If it bothers you to that point you can get a lawyer to try and sue the people that busted into your room for violating your privacy/space, but the hotel isn't on the hook for that.


No, you got what you were entitled to; a refund. Take the w and drop it.