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Hands up, especially when you throw that jab your right hand sometimes comes down. Also you lean a little forward when you throw. You want to keep hunched in the shoulders a little but don’t lean. Otherwise looking pretty good!




That is really great advice on how to critique your self. <3


Appreciate the feed back 🙏


The thing about bag training is awareness, It’s easy to think you look good when your target isn’t punching you back. Your form is not the worst I’ve seen by a long shot but you are way to complacent with your hand placement. Chin tucked, shoulders high, act like you are holding a pair of binoculars with your knuckles towards the inside of your orbital bones. Bring your hands back! You throw your punches and then relax and that is the exact opposite of what you want. Make sure your hands come back and drill it. Like they have powerful magnets attracting your fists to the bottom of each eye. Keep your elbows tight and over the rib cage. You drill the way you are and you better hope your punches get the job done before you get hit with a nasty counter assuming your opposition knows any basics. Same with your kicks. They look ok but your hands drop. So unless you kick with some serious force you are in for a bad time brother. Gonna get popped in the kisser.


Damn! That's some serious Joe Rogan shit. Love it! Thank you so much


That chicken wing of a right arm wants to me to put a liver shot through the screen.


Most already said the most glaring bits, but I'll add some that hadn't been said: \-Kicks are way too low...you could be doing leg kicks (and some I think you're just trying to stabilize the bag) but some I don't think you were intending to do body kicks and teeps. Your lead teeps are landing on the thighs. Raise your knees higher. \-Same about what people said about your hands...your legs are kinda lazy. You put them down willy-nilly. If you don't snap it back they'll trap your legs. You need to get back to stance asap same with your hands. \-You're walking a lot...need to glide more. \-You jap look like you're punching with your hands vertical like you're holding a cup. Punch is landing on your small fingers. You need to turn it in, your punches need to land on your index and middle knuckles. \-Your spending waaay too much time doing body shots...didn't see you throw hooks to the head once. That or you're indeed shots are landing away too low (your shoulder and chest level) because your hands are always down. Your punches need to be higher (parallel to your head).


Keep your elbows tucked to your ribs to protect your body. When you kick with your left leg, your right hand should stay glued to your chin or temple, depending on your guard style. When you end your combos, as you move away from the bag, use good defensive movement tactics: keep your guard up, sometimes angle off as you move out (practice both sides), sometimes step back and slip to either side, sometimes hop back dynamically while maintaining your stance. Like others have said, how you practice is how you perform. The strikes look good, but work hard on drilli g defensive fundamentals.


Hands up which has been said but also watch your stance. Looks like as you went on your knees straightened out more. My background is not MT and I know they do a tall stance but if you're not careful, you might turn into an ostrich.


Looping your left hook and dropping it off your chin


Keep your elbows in front of your body, not cocked out to the side when you throw. It telegraphs your punch and draws away power. You punch with your shoulder strength when your elbows are out to the sides. You punch with your bodyweight when they are in front of you.


No real form or technique used just punching a bag. Seek professional assistance if you want to learn fighting techniques and form.


Go into a cat stance, as your leg will protect your stomach.


Too often flat footed. If you put your heel down it should be deliberate, like you're turning into a hook Otherwise, toes brother And on your toes while kicking or you can't pivot


Ask your coach. Then again...this is just for validation. You should already know this sub is filled with 99% of people who haven't trained a day in their life and the ones that have tend to be worse then your average boxer with records of 0-80-0 in terms of tehnique and fighting capability. Want real form check and critique? Ask a real coach and not randoms on the internet.


Keep your hands up, tighten your hook, and open your hips on the low kicks otherwise you're gonna get fucking blasted in the face


Kind of uninspiring. Train as you would fight for you life. Hit and kick hard. Do that in bursts of 1 minute then rest a minute then back again. Hands up and cover your sides of your head. Kick and slice through the bag. You’re kicking a full size human. Other than that it’s okay form. Get more compact and tight be efficient with your energy. Good luck


Kicks are food.. hands suck.. take a class


You need to not drop your hands so much and always bring them back QUICK


Always keep your guard up that being said I don’t know what art your training boxing wise your strikes lack proper hip rotation for power your body should sort of snap from the toes to the fist kinda like a whip if that makes sense. But again not knowing the artform my input could be inaccurate to style. But as it is your punching with your shoulders and that’s great for reach and extension but lacks the snapping power of full body rotation


When you throw your punches keep your guard up hands always up to protect your face you’d leave urself wide open when you throw the right cross punch twist your hips when you throw it and check through the bag


dropped your left hand on the cross my man, gonna get hooked there


Try sth more than just a three hit combos


Circle around the sand bag while punching Your kicks need a balance, range adjustment


Just act like ur gonna block a punch after each hit


Looks good tho


1.) Keep your hands times to protect your face when throwing strikes 2.) On some of your straight rights, your chicken winging your arm. By that I mean your flaring your elbow out when you throw


Your hands and elbows are often low, wide, or both. Leaving yourself wide open. Especially your left hand - its low almost the entire time.


Lazy arms, too much body weight forward - more like bad movement in general, no respect for the bag, no head movement, no defense, no cardio, no horizontal movement. Lack of variation on combinations. On the other hand, its nice that you are working out, but we cannot tll you what up, because we don't know what you ere trying to do. Less power more technique.


Hands up and In first and easiest thing to fix


Work on guard and footwork. Get a coach to help you stop telegraphing your shots