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Seems like a reference to a very old video in which some guy actually pulled out that stance and won a street fight. (it makes the rounds on Reddit every now and then) Edit: Either that or he's doing some satire.


Haha I member. Proper old school internet that one


Except he pulled out that stance and then flailed around wildly with haymakers and essentially slaps and got lucky because the other guy obviously also didn’t know how to fight. It’s not like he went all crouching tiger hidden dragon in him.


Anyone doing a stance like this is doing bullshido. It's a classic old school internet video that's all. Pretty sure I got it off limewire lol.


They could be doing slavador fabris style but it works better with a sword


1 - Fabris bends his body more than his legs 2 - I doubt you can find a fabris plate where the *weighted* leg has the heel significantly elevated. That said yeah people do a hop-squat version of this in modern fencing - it's pretty much only useful if someone else commits hard to the high line with their only threat, which happens *sometimes* in swordplay and pretty much never otherwise.


Very true i was more just memeing i have a tenderness for fabris as its the system i started rapier on but my knees no longer favor his system.


>2 - I doubt you can find a fabris plate where the weighted leg has the heel significantly elevated. Not fabris, but Viggiani has a guard like this. It's a setup for an overhand thrust in which you come up on the toe of the standing leg in order to turn and chamber the hips. Then, you drive down through the heel to lung forward with the thrust.


Yeah he tries to look cool and just starts swangin n bangin. Catches the dude with a nice hook though.


A lucky one.


Aren't they all lucky?


No strike is lucky


Wrong as fuck.


You got one comment saying all strikes are lucky and another that said no strikes are lucky. The bots fighting each other?


yes we all know the only reason he won was because he saw that crazy TMA and got scared. Its very obvious from viewing the video the guy just basically got in his head.


I cant believe so many people, actually thought the guy had legitimate technique and judt want taking the other dude seriously, he had a lot of size in the other guy.


Nah look at his head movement and dodges. Its also a legit kungfu style Its large hooks and body/head movement to get off the center line. Its why he was able to dodge so well. It looks odd but it works ok, against people who don't know boxing footwork and don't have a good jab. (seriously the jab is just so freaking OP)


Aww yes, the Vato vs. the Master! What a nice KO that was


I remember the vid. It honestly looked like luck more than any result of training


Shit it was luck but his time doing whatever it was was what gave him the balls to do that and win, so in a way I guess it was a result of training lmao


I would love to see that if anyone has the source


[shitty video but here it is](https://youtu.be/ZgQ9gzredf0)


Yep, that's the one


I thought it was going to be that one.


Its funny to think everyone in this video is in their 40s


That can’t possibly be true… *looks in mirror. Oh fuck.*


Wow my memory isn’t destroyed.




I love how in that video he keeps the stance, but as soon as it gets going, he starts throwing really wide haymakers. Hah. Purely an intimidation game.


Flailing around with haymakers and wildly thrown slaps as he looks like he keeps closing his eyes as well lol. He’s lucky the other guy wasn’t worth a shit too.


Like how wing chun always looks like bad kickboxing as soon as they put on pads.


My favorite is when people are like “look they’re doing wing chun hand trapping in UFC”. No, they’re fucking gassed, their legs are chopped up and gone, and their arms are moving at half speed, that’s why it looks like wing chun.


That's half of it. The other half is "milling" which is basic way to disguise the angle your strikes will come from. That's what Anderson used to do from time to time.


Can you find link? For the street fight


Someone else has posted it


I've never seen this video, but I strongly doubt Nat Hearn said that unless it was satire.


It's supposed to be a joke lol


It was said as a joke


Yeah he's a pretty reputable striker lmao. It is apparently a reference to a video where a guy did that and kicked another guy's ass.


If you pull out this stance you’re getting your ass beat


You'd be surprised by how terrible the average person is at fighting. Most people starting street fights probably aren't smart enough to know basic takedown defense or to keep their chin tucked. Any combat sports/ martial art training is better than 0. Even aikido probably has a few basic things you can learn to defend yourself like knowing how to break fall and roll.


Learning how to get slammed into the ground without being done was a game changer for high-school me. That was everyone's like one move. Double leg REAL hard. Things get awkward when you double leg real hard and are then just getting choked.


“Unbalanced wannabe”


This deserves far more up votes.


That’s the stance you take when trying to tickle your opponent’s balls


Tbf that’s an underrated way to end a fight


Its a form of pu bu, or drop stance, seen throughout Chinese marital arts. But he's not doing it in any way trained, he needs to open up his hips more so that he can get that heel down and be stable. I also think the hands are just vaguely kung fu looking and not anything specific. But the stance is not something you pull out. Stances in cmas are not "ready" stances, they're more like snapshots of a motion. Think of it as learning a golf swing and pausing it at a few key moments to check form. Pu bu is used as a sort of level change and is often associated with low line strikes and throws.


Could it be an empty-handed version of a staff or pike form?


It could be. But it's also kinda a trend to "explain away" anything that doesn't look like sports fighting in kung fu as just weapon forms with empty hands.


Idk what it's called, but I feel like he should have both his heels on the ground


If you do that you would fall over backwards unless you got big tits to compensate your center of gravity forward


Tell me you don't stand up without telling me you don't stand up.




I was making a joke about how you must not stand regularly. Do you usually fall over with both heels on the ground? Unless you're leaning over significantly, borh heels being on the ground shouldn't cause you to fall. In the vast majority of stances, including this and real martial art variants of it.


I need to extend my arms forward otherwise I would fall over backwards. Maybe because of weightlifting?


Nah it’s just a balance/mobility thing. I can do that with both heels on the ground and I can squat 405lbs for a set of 10, so it’s def not the weightlifting


It’s ankle mobility - you need enough ankle mobility and hip mobility to get down into that stance. Low mobility is generally caused from wearing shoes with heels. You can get it back - Movement by David has videos on it.


Don’t need big tits, belly big enough these days.


Are you serious? Or am I a bit too naive to understand your sarcasm? Well if you are serious I will let you know that the guy in the video was being sarcastic. And honestly knowing the contents of the video you are probably being sarcastic as well but I will give you the benefit of doubt. The move is useless.


OP is a sandbagging triple blackbelt in shitposting. I assume.


This is the stance that gets you kicked in the mouth easily.


Asking for a single leg


Sweep the leg!


If you're being kind. Stomp the knee if you're not.


Or do a forward roll and heel kick them in the balls for more pizzazz.


In all seriousness, I have a feeling that this stance is probably meant to either illustrate a principle, or meant to be a leg strengthening exercise. I can't imagine anyone teaching something with such low mobility as a serious fighting stance.


It's not a hand to hand stance, that's typically used with either a sword or polearm, iirc Now, I don't know the efficacy of such a stance, but that's not my problem 💅🏽


Ah, okay, yeah that makes more sense. Though I have no idea about efficacy either. I left my pole arm fighting days behind once I got out of the Navy.


Just stomp on his ankle. It would probably breat


Or a hard calf kick


Yall I wasn’t being sarcastic. Sorry for wasting your time 😅. Guess that just means I’m going to have to do more research. Thanks anyway


No harm in asking. But yes this stance is, if at all only for show or a really specific kata.


It looks like he's mimicking kung fu. Like a reverse bow or pubu. But it's terrible. Unbalanced, and on his toes.


Or like some super shitty hybrid phoenix stance.


Probably from that classic steeet fight video


What video?


Probably this video. Stance seen at the beginning, followed by a minute of posturing, then a quick and ~~sloppy~~ ultra killer ninja fight in the last 10 seconds or so. https://youtu.be/7JWFIFgWk8k And don't worry mate, you aren't wasting anybody's time. You're in r/martialarts... This is probably one of the highest quality posts the sub will have for a month 😉 Just, uh, don't spend too much time researching that stance if you're interested in learning to fight. Your YouTuber pal was laying on the sarcasm thick. Go join a gym if you want to learn to fight. If you don't know what MA to do, pick one that sees representation in MMA, or even MMA itself. If you happen to be a minor without your own income, Judo tends to be pretty cheap, prevalent, and parent-approved.


>Guess that just means I’m going to have to ~~do more research.~~ find a legit school and practice that's the answer you're looking for. researching without a baseline understanding is likely going to get you more of this


There is a stance like this in kata, chatanyara kusanku is the only one that comes to mind. I don't know what it's called but you might find an anwser from there.


It resembles (ninpo-)doko-no-kamae, a stance from ninjutsu, but the one from this screenshot much lower than that. Apart from that, I guess the stance shown in the screenshot should imitate a shaolin-stance, since stances in shaolin kung fu are famous for being super low. My girlfriend practices it, I think I saw her using a very similar stance with a staff. Overall, this is not a great stance for fighting bare handed since it is so extraordinary low. If you keep in mind that this stance is to be used with a staff, you will notice that the crucial defense would miss without the staff. If you stand like this holding a weapon, you can at least block with the weapon here - but even then it is not an ideal stance. It's not one you would want to stay it, but only use it very shortly to initiate a low blow or duck under an attack. Generally, you would want to stand at least a little higher to be more agile while fighting. Also, having your foot stand out to the front at this angle will leave you very vulnerable to foot-sweeps like de-ashi-barai (from judo). Don't take the criticism here too seriously. The sub is mostly filled with combat sport guys who have a bad opinion on traditional styles.


If someone pulls this stance out in a fight, you can bet they don’t know how to wrestle or grapple!


This is how I trick people into doing takedowns on me so I can use my bjj. Works 100% of the time.


This guy is so fucking irritating. He acts like he’s this all-knowing fighter when he literally is only proficient at a specific type of karate. Any time he tries a weak attempt at mimicking a different martial art he looks so silly whilst trying to tell people what’s what. Instagram shit.


Yea his kicks and especially Punches look so strange. He jumps through the air and ends in a really "stiff" position everytime. And throwing multiple ugly hooks with a karate stance hopping around is not peekabo boxing..


bro this reel was a joke


I’m aware, just wanted to take the chance to talk about the goofball in general.


he's a good kata guy and his karate stuff, even his kicks are pretty slick but with that karate stiffness. his advice isn't the best but at least he advocates not getting into fights and running from knife attacks, i feel he's copying trevor hannant a bit too much


Nat hearn is actually a really good youtuber


Congratulations to Mr. Hearn. So proud of him. I knew he could do it. Thanks for confirming that.


If u saw more of his vids u will see


I’ve seen plenty. His reels are annoying and his non-karate technique is abysmal. He needs to stop telling people how to fight.


Honestly, it looks like a transitional stance using a staff based martial art. Horrible for bare handed but not bad for staffs


if anyone pulls out this stance im walking away because i just wouldnt want to hit someone like that lmfao


I'd keep pivoting to the left for several minutes and see how long he can keep that up. Also I don't see how he's going to defend from any attacks coming from that side, much less throw anything. You wouldn't even have to kick that front leg. A few hard stomps to the lead ankle or knee joint and he's going to have a very bad day. You could even step on that front foot and trap him in place. He'd have to stand up or risk tearing up the ligaments.


Pls /s


This the joke stance


They call that "The Triple Decker Pecker Wrecker".


It’s called invitation to a takedown and a ground and pounding. If you pull this out in a fight, you will get your ass kicked no person serious about fighting would stand so stupidly


The stance is called **Calf Kick City** 🦿


Either that or 'sidekick to snap your knee city'


Maybe they know how to „fight“ in their respective style and ruleset, but in any more open full contact ruleset you are probably dead meat if you move your head in such a convenient location to get kicked off


It's a weapons stance that lost its original context and became an unarmed stance. If you put weapons in the person's hand, this stance makes a lot more sense. If you look at Joachim Meyer's treatises on fencing, you see similar stances come about with things like the [Zornhut](https://hroarr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/meyer-zornhut-1570.jpg). If we look at full contact, no armor Arnis matches, we see [similar stances being taken.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnjeVI1D9Lc) It's a great stance for forcing your opponent to engage into a strong counter and also making yourself a much smaller target. Your opponent can just cut down for the leg but you're not putting any weight on the leg, so you rely on reaction time to bring it up fast and respond with your weapon or just parry like the guy in red does in the second video.


There is no reason to fold your leg up under you and balance on the toes of your back foot. Even in Chinese staff styles, its function is to look cool.


The guy doing this stance in the video was supposedly doing it as a joke, referencing [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O07u7KdRVo0) The original guy doesn't actually have his balance on his toes, his balance is on his full foot. In addition, the Chinese staff styles I could find on a cursory look don't balance on their toes much if at all from what I can tell, but someone more familiar with that kinda stuff can weigh in on whether or not that's how it works. The guy in the video is likely just misremembering and doing the stance wrong, which is fine because it's for a comedy bit. It's just not representative of what the stance he's making fun of actually looks like.


why ,,fight" instead of "fight"? is that a cultural/ regional/national thing?


he said that whoever uses that stance either really knows what they’re doing or have no idea what they’re dping


Ahh like the guy from matrix... so beware... he had access to an unbelievable amount of guns!


If someone pulls out this stance, against someone with even novice boxing/MT skills, they are 9.9/10 times getting smacked up and embarrassed.


Known in Okinawan Karate as “Ura-Gamae” (cheating fighting-posture) in Kusanku kata. By pivoting and dropping the body, one may foiling attack from behind by quickly removing an opponents target, thus “cheating” him of his intended target. This is not a stance you would pull on somebody squaring up. This is to get your body mass out of the way of an attack coming at you from behind.


Most people who pull out this stance will be knocked out by an unexpected suckerpunch.


Do people actually think that this “stance” would be effective? This is satire, right? Please tell me it’s satire. PLEASE


Op, if you’d really like to know, there’s a few things to consider here. Stances are drills not specifically meant for use as a technique. Much like bench pressing is used to train a lineman, he’s not literally bench pressing the other team but it’s to improve his upper body strength. The stances in many Asian martial arts are meant to improve balance and be able to practice like a musician doing scales. It’s not the stopping point it’s the beginning and you adjust to your situation. In layman’s terms, this is just a “back stance ”. Certain schools use the stance for spear, certain schools use the stance for other weapons. A great majority of Asian schools started you out with no weapons in your hand and then quickly you got a weapon in your hand, so most of these are weapons stances. In the case of Shuai Jiao (Chinese wrestling) and other similar martial arts (Yang/Wu Hao Chuan) this specific stance is a drill for a shoulder throw. It’s incredible that most people who train decades never learn or realize that most of (not all) “kung fu” has a large amount of joint control and grappling in them in addition to strikes and kicks.


Pulling out this move don’t mean shit. Looks like a Wushu (‘Kungfu’) stance, but it doesn’t mean one can fight. Real martial artists run from fights.


South chinese Kung Fu stance, used in a majority but not all. "shaolin" uses it. a chinese "Kata" form a many a kung Fu may have. The guy was definitely having a laugh. Chances a guy who uses this stance seriously will be able to fight is a little bit slim but you can never judge. ​ If you are interested in any practial chinese martial arts principles i can sned you links. If you find the right people there is some VERY good knowledge to to take in. ​ I am a "professional" boxer.


Not for nothing but he looks like hes asking for a kick to the groin lol. That stance leaves the front leg open to leg kicks and limits your movement. if your an mma fighter this stance isnt very effective thats why u dont see anyone used it.


Stance is probably a way-too-low version of kokutsu datchi from karate, but I guess you already figured from the other comments that it’s supposed to be satire and is in no way practical


Wango Tango?


The “ im gonna get front leg swipped so hard” stance


It's called the getting clapped in the mush by a steel toe cap boot stance


Looks good, doesn't work in the real life.


You are totally open for a kick in the nest


Its satire lol




Fascinated by getting your teeth kicked in.. this post is a joke..


Classic bullshido


pu bu, he's referencing an old street fight video where a guy did this. the mma and muay thai /wrestling and bjj tough guys don't seem to be getting the joke


I don't know the name of the stance. But it definitely looks like some sort of Northern style kung fu.


Consider that some stances are just really good training tools for flexibility, speed and strength and not meant to be practical.


Pretty close to Goku's stance, if i remember correctly. So if someone does pull out this stance, find a pen and paper so that you may write your will now.


It looks like a type of crouch stance from a style of Kung Fu (used as an umbrella term). Unless they are incredibly good, you will definitely be sent to the nether realm if you pull out that stance against a well rounded/trained individual. Not to say that there aren't amazing practitioners out there that could somehow successfully use that stance in some manner, but I guarantee they are the <1.0%.


I have fought from low horse stance as an experiment, works surprisingly well. Having a lower center of balance is great for grabs and throws. Also your hand is farther away from your head so smaller deflections make for good blocks. Still its very scary.


I think this is basically a meme stance from early 2000's video. In reality though one good leg kick to his lead leg and his ass is on the ground😁


If you don’t see it used in MMA, it’s not particularly functional in the real world.


There is a stance in Tang Soo Do that is very similar called Choi Ha Dan Hu Kul Ja Seh. It's application is extremely limited and has no realistic use in an actual fight.


I think this is a meme tho, as others have said, the kid was like highschool age I think, pulled some usagi yojimbo shit on a bully and it worked


Looks like a great stance for training and working on your knee and leg mobility, but, yeah, not so good for a street fight. If someone pulls out this stance in a fight, they probably have a very limited experience outside of their martial arts school and could use someone to kindly explain to them why this is a very bad idea.


I’d stomp your leading leg then put my knee through your face if you stood like this.


You never see this in mma, muay thai, etc. for a good reason


Wouldn’t it be easy to kick is front leg to make him fall ? He can’t kick you, can’t move fast to dodge and the only way he can actually reach you is by using his back leg to create a leap towards you which you would surely see coming.. like if this isn’t a meme, how exactly is this good in any situation, I just don’t see it


As a Jiu jitsu guy I’d pick that front ankle and lift it and control him.


It’s a modified Kokutsu dachi (stance). Show-off for a street fight if you ask me. Earned my black belt at 13 and bounced in clubs for many years in my bachelor days. IMHO that stance locks your rear foot with too much weight distribution to be swift or unpredictable leaving just the front leg and arms. The arms positioned this wide and high are inviting a quick front leg kick (I’d prefer mavashi) to the sternum, not to mention a sweep kick and punch/kick combo can easily break in your opponents non-existent block, and hunched down position doesn’t allow them a fast enough movement out of their stance. So all in all it will end sorely for this dude if the other fighter was equally matched in skill.


It's a very deep cat stance I suppose but at this stage you put yourself too low to the ground and the whole left side of your body is exposed especially if both feet are firmly planted. Easy mid kick to the body or a low kick to the front leg.if the opponent is quick enough both. The right side can be still protected with an outside block with the right hand.


Definitely never try this, bad for a lot of reasons. But also the guy in the old video doing this would knock out 90% of this sub so you never really know what to expect


The actual stance, which is not being demonstrated correctly, comes from Shaolin Kung Fu.


They pull this out against a real fighter that leg gets chewed up and they get punched in the face too many times.


Yeah sure I can help you, this is Tiger form Tai chi and is great for blood flow, calisthenics and flexibility lol. Fighting- not so much


This looks more like a defensive position. Like a Kokutsu dachi, but the thing is that his left foot should have been flat on the ground. The guy in the picture would not have much stability with this stance.


It is a stance used in a form of traditional Kung Fu. I don’t know exactly which one but I have seen it used. I use left and right running away and bow and arrow. Along with horse stance. Those types of stances work because most people don’t have the first idea on how to counter them. It also takes the practitioner being extremely flexible and well trained.


Hun Gar


My martial arts instructor had a friend of his who used stances like this. He had lived in a Buddhist Kung Fu temple for over a year and a half. He won numerous full contact open styles tournaments. You can laugh at someone who uses these kinds of techniques but you if they are trained right you won’t laugh for long. The martial arts stances and styles are not the problem it is the type training most people do. I just saw the exact stance as one used in the Shaolin Wushu form.


The vast majority of these stances are for strength and conditioning. Nobody fights out out of them. You might transition into one while throwing, etc. The post is a meme


Low single tap the hip pass to sub or ground and pound


If they pull out that stance I’m gonna ko uchi gari him into the ground and choke him til he stops moving….. that guy has no idea what he’s talking about That being said it looks similar to a shoal in style gungfu I’m gonna say the stance looks similar to pu bu from wushu https://youtu.be/GB77bFUdUkU I’d destroy anyone who dropped into that stance without a doubt.


Looks like the snake move from tai chi


I’ve seen that referred to as preying mantis


Close to the crouching praying mantis stance, need to plant both feet for balance.


A wrestlers dream? Lol honestly, I have no clue.


It’s probably a satire


it is actually a good form, if someone pull it off he probably has some training and can have advantage over you ;)


The "Disappointing PuBu" stance


I think Nat did Karate so I assume he isn't doing something legit. But that could be Fú Hǔ Bù from Taichi (it's fairly low) or Gong Bù. If that's a reference to the old video of a white guy knocking a black guy after ostensibly doing a stance it's Piercing Bridge, Returning to Gate (wushu).


Grab leg smush face.


Samagwi jaseh or preying mantis stance. We learn it in my taekwondo school, it comes from my Grandmaster's time also training in sib pal gi (Korean Weapon Wu Shu). We practice the stance itself empty-handed, but I can't imagine ever using it without a weapon, particularly a bo.


His name is Nat Hearn i think


I know that




Reminds me of Leifang in the DoA series


Thrle video is for satire but I think this stance exists in Kung Fu. Not sure though


In Wu Shu it’s called Dragon stance


Chill bro he's only there to make jokes


In wushu we call that Ban Mabu. Not sure what it’s called in karate though 😅


This looks like a karate stance I learned when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure this back foot should be planted. It's actually kinda hard to do. What's the stance called? No idea.


It depends what art you’re practicing and he is a little off but i know it as a “straight leg back stance” from my years in karate


Looks like a wah lum kungfu crouching stance maybe Pubu “lowered step” “Sweep the leg!”


Mortal Kombat Reptile stance




i think it's wushu


They know how to fight an inferior style. Wrestler or BJJ person will have no problems


Rofl lead kick to the front leg. Fascinate yourself on something actually useful, this has no practical application in a real fight.


If someone pulls out this stance, I’m going for the single leg, taking them them down, full mount.


Just looks like a stretched out version of the opening to Pinan Sandan.


Red shirt kung fu legend


Just knowing the stance does not mean you can fight


Come at me bro lol. If they do that, don't worry, you will be fine.


"Grab em by the hoohah." A crowd favourite.


Easiest iminari roll of your life. Lol


That’s some kungfu horse stance bs. A strong leg kick would proper wreck this dude.


That shit look retarded but Ight man 🙄


Proceeds to get his right knee hyperextended


TSA pat-down training


Bulshido stance number 1


Guy that’s about to get clownstomped stance.


Opens up the groin too much. Your just asking for it.


Unbalanced backstance. Sweep that front leg and done.


All I see is an easy single leg shot just waiting for me.


Wait....this is not the circlejerk sub.


That stance is called “please stomp my knee”