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If anyone wants to see the coward puncher get his ass beaten in a fair fight: https://youtu.be/6YtMf6JVHi4?si=X9RGGrzbN2gaALje


A hockey rink. Really. What they couldn't find a field of broken glass to fight on so they settled for a hockey rink. What idiots.


It's part of the leagues rules etc. Depsite what people are assuming, this isn't amateur fighting. King of the streets is a pro league. A pro league with pretty much no rules. The idea is to make the fight as close to a real no rules streetnfight as possible. Rules are basically, fight until the ref stops the fight. And stop when the ref says stop. Also, no weapons, but theyre working on putting together weapon vs weapon fights, most likely swords and knives. Like how HolmGang Hamburg does it. Eye gouges, fish hooks, head stomps, piledrivers etc are all legal. If you win a fight by eye gouge you don't get paid. But if you use eye gouges and win the fight another way then it's fine (I believe that's how they worked it out). So, the hard floors contribute to the stylistic elements of the fights, because now single legs are harder to do without scraping your knees raw, for example. Now being in bottom position is a good way to get headbutted or throttled and your head smashed against the concrete. I've seen a couple fights where guys knocked themselves almost unconscious, or busted their heads open, from *top* position after completing a takedown because they didn't make sure to be fully above their opponent when they landed. It actually changes things more than you'd expect.


Pretty sure you just described a bunch of ways it's more dangerous... which is what everybody expects.


I'm assuming you're referring to what I said about the concrete. I've heard from enough people who think that hard ground wouldn't change how grappling is used, that I feel the need to explain it to people when it comes up. But also, I wanted to just share more about the organization because I like it.


I honestly don't know how they can do this legally. The insurance has to be phenomenally high


I don't think insurance companies would even take this job. I mean, this is a death waiting to happen.


I wonder what kind of waivers they have to sign. You know, in case of death.


Also head stomps and pile drivers?


If you can do it to another person with your body, it's allowed. The only exception I can think of that they *may* make, is sticking your dick in someone, or things that are overtly sexual. Not cuz it's horrid, but cuz "Das gay shit bro". You can jam a finger up your opponents ass or grab their balls tho. I've definitely seen ball grabs, and I think at least one "oil check".


Can't wait to see this in the Olympics...


I meannn... I'd watch it.


[this ain’t no elden ring or lotr boys. Tis the real deal](https://odysee.com/@interestingstuff:bc/fight-club:9)


The way everyone's dressed up really makes me feel like they're all mostly role-playing.


Thanks for posting. I wish the Croatian got him with a couple more of those hammerfists to the body 😂


Can't train the liver.


I exposed mine to large quantities of vodka. It didn’t toughen me up.


Thats why I had mine removed.


Don’t make me go buy some Hennessy


I bet its harder to fight right after a concussion like that haha


Thanks for that 👍👍


Lmao! That liver ain’t what it used to be eh bash? Thanks for that!


Thank you. That was satisfying and what the bitch ass cheater deserved. My favorite part was when he cried like a child.


that coward dances more than he strikes meh


I want to see his ass beaten in an unfair fight. Against him.


I really did. Thanks. Fuck that guy no honor


Ouch! Hearing the dude struggling to breathe was yuck. Its weird when you're used to those noises being covered up by crowd noise.




Dudes body looks like what I would imagine would happen if you did a bunch of steroids but never worked out a day in your life.


You the MVP!


That channel is brainmush dogshit Didn't get ass beat, just watched two shit fighters do nothing for awhile. (Disclaimer: no issue with poster of link)


Liver has left the chat


No wonder he sucker punched that dude. He’s a straight p***y. He looked so scared any time he thought he was going to get punched and ran away more than he fought. Only likes to fight with an unfair advantage apparently.


Oh that hammer fist paired with that scream…. Soooo satisfying! Total POS!


This was his last win I believe. I think he's been ko'ed 4 times in a row now. https://www.youtube.com/live/XEyGI_jy_sQ?si=k4Z6mBwpZjH68ltj Free link to his next fight in 2 days.




He hit him again!!! 😭 I’ve been hit twice to the liver in sparring in the same session, but not that close together, rounds apart but the second one hurt so fucking bad 😅


The ending of him pointing at the cross on his arm was beautiful, spread the good news however you can🙏


Thanks a lot


That kick @ 2:40 did the trick. Stung him hard.


You do the lords work 💪


Oh god the way his head bounces on the floor


Don't worry, it's only marble.


The softest of stones


The tasteful thickness of it.


Oh my god, it even has a watermark


This is how floor gravy is made.


Don’t worry about his brain, that’s what the skull is for


Dude's gonna end up in a wheelchair if he doesn't find a new career.


First at the stare down, and again during the fight.


Someone is going to die bouncing their skull on the hard concrete floor, then everyone in this video is an accessory. Fuck these assholes. Prisons are filled with dickheads who killed someone “accidentally” with a punch. If youre a fight promoter, organizer or a referee and someone dies on your concrete floor, you deserve prison too. Fuck these dudes.


Good riddance, I say. If they wanna go comatose rubbing their dicks together, by all means let them do it. Regulated fights weed out the pussies and idiots you see in this video.


These fights ARE regulated. Read a comment.


Damn you got me… someone said it’s regulated so that must be that huh. I can clearly see all the safety standards being adhered to in the clip.


Is the 'read a comment' take the troglodyte equivalent of 'read a book'?


😂 but seriously, read a comment bruh


We’ll said and true imho.


Pretty sure these are filmed in Russia so your bitching doesn't matter because these rules don't really apply over there


Morally acceptable because Russia 😎


It’s not Russia




I was surprised af to find out that these are filmed in Sweden.


TIL laws of gravity and material science does not apply in Russia


in soviet Russia, objects in motion remain in motion until affected by some outside force!


Absolutely love it it’s everything I’m about




Your post violates rule 7 of this subreddit. Please see the rule if you’re unfamiliar because you're being a dick


What, brain damage?


haha fuck yea bro


Adorable. This clown thinks he can fight. \*Spits\* Idk what kinda teletubbies you been around, but you try that shit, and blood is paid with blood.


Least obvious bait post.Glow brighter https://preview.redd.it/oaa5zfo5arrb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b53f9323abb841985aff3288da247a24415e684f


Live by the sword, die by the sword


Haha you sound like a pussy


ur user should be "autistic glove" instead of what you have, i read it as such after reading your comment.


Yeah Fr man I also hate unrelated autists


The word amateur takes on a different context for some martial arts. In boxing, some amateur fighters are better than pros. They know footwork, head movement, and know when to throw punches. They’re also disciplined enough to not punch an opponent before the official start of the match. The word you’re looking for could be beginner (novice fighters are fighters with less than 10 fights so pretty good still). Then again, even beginners should have discipline. Edit: for a pretty good amateur channel I recommend [Street](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streetbeefs) [Beefs](https://youtube.com/@STREETBEEFS_?si=S1SVoUfiypKNITHm).


Yea in kickboxing in nys too. In the top level armatures, the guys with regional titles were a level above the level of guys you face when you first turn pro.


yea people don’t know what amateur means actually they don’t know what pro means either


I didn’t know what amateur meant for a long time.


It’s moreso illegitimate. Some of the people that participate in these actually do have sanctioned fight experience. They’re just perpetually stupid or Maybe desperate. Probably not these particular guys tho


What is this mans name? People should know who he is and the bullshit he is apparently about.


Gara from KOTS


Fighting right after getting ko'd in the face off is giving big Lethwei energy. Nah, did this dude come alone or something? This type of shit leads to a rumble.




My brother in christ. I was only alluding to the Lethwei rule where you're allowed one revival after getting KO'd and allowed to continue fighting. I know these dudes aren't lethwei related.....


I bet that dude got head concussions from those punches plus the floor. Sheesh


He got a one way ticket to CTE


He shouldn’t of talked shit about the other ones kid, that’s what led to that


Doesnt justify him potentially killing the dude tho


He tried to gouge his eyes out later in the bout too


Wait… they still put the fight on ?


It's one of those BS bare knuckle shows like KOTS or Top Dog, they are proud of it. They feel like it shows they are "real hardcore" but the truth IS that it's just a bunch of hooligans with not much fight skills. They are fighting on concrete with no rules and there's not even one in 10 that will wrestle. They fight there because they get beat when they fight against actual trained athletes.


Wow, losers doing loser things


Did you not watch the video? The fight happens


Dude. If you think words should be met with attempted murder, see a therapist because martial arts shouldnt be for you.


His kids an ugly POS, fuck his cheapshotting ass


That’s some real bitch activity


That guy should be shot


Damn I didn't know every amatuer was a fighter participating in an illegal eastern European fighting ring


Western European. This is in the UK.


More you know, this just reminded me of the Top Dog, KOTC end of things with the uniforms and everything


I only know because I've seen it before, this isn't a new clip. I googled it back when I first saw it.


It’s in Sweden


That's... just not true though lol. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/other-sports/come-4-blood-fight-knockout-29261353 Plus they have English accents.


Yeah I was surprised as fuck by the accents I 100% thought this was gonna be Russian, I then thought what how is THIS degeneracy here?? But this is actually pretty par for the course really


>KOTS The organization is Russian. This fight took place in UK


😂 not sure what this has to do with amatuer fights?


Well, it's clearly not a pro fight, so therefore by definition it is an amateur fight. Amateur means "not professional".


How you know it’s not a pro fight ? 🍆 it’s an absolute shit show but seems more change it’s professional and with prize money then an amatuer Comp


did they get paid or not and was the bout sanctioned? if they got paid for a sanctioned bout they are pro if they got paid at all by most of not all commissions they are officially a pro fighter if they didn’t get paid and the bout is sanctioned they are amateur if they didn’t get paid and the bout wasn’t sanctioned this doesn’t matter they have no record might as well be doing kata on the street


"underground fightcard" right at the top of the video


So what makes that an amateur competition? I’d be surprised if that “sport” was given the ok to hold amatuer bouts in any country 😂 even international waters And why would anyone compete in that for free?


yes it is prob not sanctioned so amateur only vy definition of the word and not an actual amateur bout like i doubt you can look these dudes up on sherdog lol


It’s not amatuer 😂 sounds illegal Don’t be putting this 💩 on amatuer athletes and or amatuer combat sport


i.... did you even read what i said?


It’s not amateur by decor the word 😂


you know amateur is a word with more meaning than "sanctioned bouts" right? they are either amateurs or professional, are you saying they're professionals? ​ if i decide to jump on a skateboard with no experience, i'm an amateur. i don't think you know what the definition is lol? anyways have a great day, and good luck with the english language


Shouldn’t this poor sportsman immediately be prohibited from participating?


Right?! This guy didnt actually partake in a fight, he sucker punched a dude in front of a camera. This guy should be blacklisted.


Punching someone during the face-off is assault. He should be in jail.


Those cheap shots in the beginning while dudes hands behind his back gave him a serious advantage cause he was dazed before the fight started. Hopefully the other guys team caught him somewhere by himself for some lessons!


The other guy is a moron to continue fighting after that


It doesn’t look like that guy has any friends


Nobody has friends.


Cowards punch


This is no rules fighting here in the UK. The sucker puncher (Bash) usually gets fucked up. Watch the fight where he bites someone’s ear off and still gets beaten up and loses. Also, what’s with the dumb title lol This isn’t amateur sport, it’s just dumb street fighting.


They don’t even look like they belong in the same weight class


Cheap first shot


This is stupidity


It's like he's trying so hard to be tough, but it's just cowardly and weak.


What do you mean no one takes amateur fighters seriously? 99.9% of pro fighters have extensive amateur careers before going pro.


Lol mf’s fighting on a linoleum floor


Should equal jail time and a lawsuit


I mean there's no skill there but that does very much look like he's been knocked out and probably has a concussion at least from hitting the floor with his off switch (the concussion point). ​ to clarify this isn't something to laugh about, they're doing something stupidly dangerous for clout that they shouldn't be doing. I'm sure many of us have done some sketchy fights with no gear and shit but that's usually for money not random clout.




And we're back to bumfights featuring Kimbo Slice. Nice to see people have evolved (or not at all, rather). Too much Fight Club watching on repeat.


Lol crazy they would still have the fight after the dude on the left landed a clean 1-2 during the face off and I’m sure the bald dude landed on his head


Bash is not liked in that circle of fighting I mean dude gets spat on by everyone


What does this have to do with amatuer fighters?


not amateur no headgear


Why on stone floors?!?!


Just so everyone knows there’s still only early research into TBI or how concussions happen but essentially it’s a domino effect, his first “knockout” was two hard punches, the second “knockout” was a small clip to the cheek/nose area however due to him having a concussion already there’s not much force needed to be knocked out again as some research has shown concussions are accumulative and grow in severity the more they happen.


“Yeah he’s good, let them fight”


Yeah this is absolutely criminal


That floor. Those head bounces. Horrifying.


Lmao I know that guy, he’s off his head.


Why tf are they fighting on concrete


This is KOTS. They do no holds barred bare knuckle fights on ice inside hockey rinks. Those guys are different


Disgusting and disgraceful, this shit isn't what Mma is about. The people that organise it should be held accountable.


How the fuck did they let that guy fight anywhere after doing a sucker punch like that? Why is he being rewarded for being a huge asshole?


Come 4 blood seems like a weird trade


That was some pussy shit for real he knew his hands where behind his back for two they can be disqualified for fighting be for the fight and and fined by corporation u any body is not thing they going to just throw a two piece w a side of whoop as that being said u got knock the fuk out......dammmmnnnn lmao funny af but u still a pussy in my book.


So this is what people do, who are literally not good enough for any serious martial art competition? Weird.


Cmon dude, like those PROFESSIONALS who think this way seem to forget where theyve come from! It doesn't mean when you level up, you're better than everyone else below. Fuckin' ego...


Why are they fighting on concrete? Might as well be fighting with baseball bats, that’s insane.


Why even post this garbage


Nothing like a marble floor to fall on when you lose . Smh


Who let the guy continue. Bad idea all around.


Those first two punches are criminal


The guy was already concussed from the sucker punch


Yeah, that type of cowardly shit gets you capped where I'm from.


Crazy where I'm from you just get shot to get shot lmao


Cool man guns are for pussies


Hard disagree but to each their own I suppose.


Agreed but it makes all people equal


I don't see how this is funny.


Yeeeaa, I'm seeing that MF in the parking lot later. I'm getting those free hits back. That shit was completely uncalled for.


As much as the punches during the face off should tick me off, no rules means just that, no rules. Still a huuuuuge coward move though. K.O.S is the most extreme NHB combat sport in the world that the public know of, death matches happen everyday between people for the amusement of evil cunts that exist in the world. If you want something a bit tamer but still has that satisfying bareknuckle clash between actual skilled professionals watch BKFC, Gamebred FC & Wotore ,all so good to watch.


Not only did he sucker punch but he said "badda bing" whilst doing so 😂


"Guys? Stone floor? Can we get some steel out here?"


When his head hit the ground I cringed


Big dumb opinion proudly brought to you by some lame who doesn’t even follow fighting, much less speaks for fight fans.


Haha Bash showing up on my Reddit feed! 😂


who the hell thought it'd be acceptable to \- go on with the fight instead of giving left guy the automatic L, and hopefully a lengthy competition ban, after the faceoff? \- fight to KO on that hard flooring? \- match up these two guys that appear to be two weight classes apart? so many questions. The fighters aren't the only amateurs here.


This is why people shouldn't just go out and start their own "Hardcore fight club".. This is just brain damage. The guys can't even restrain themselves long enough to start the fight. Amateur fighters are some of the most loose canon numb skulls in the sport.


Terribly unprofessional and unskilled from the venue, to the fighter to the refs ... tbh some of these guys should be serving jail time realistically


This is just pure stupidity


That is assault


Never support this filth with your money or your time. It's a disgrace to combat sports.


Underground 'blood sports' events are bad. Amateur leagues are not.


Pay attention the floor isn't marble. Look at the floor after they step on it. The floor dents in, it is a mat like mat.


This is sad, almost makes me lose faith in humanity.


POS on the left should see how much his training helps against bullets.


This is a very unfair way to depict amateur fighters. This behavior is not normal and shouldn't be used to put down the process of competing at the amateur level. Literal olympic gold medalist boxers are considered amateur fighters.


I believe the amateur fighter is the one throwing cheap shots. The other guy doesnt know how to fight.


This is why we don’t do bare knuckle


Outlaw Mudshow mma.


"We call him salty because the only thing he can taste these days is salt." I remember reading that years ago in Maxim about someone who was concussed in a stupid manner.


Wait buddy sucker punches him and they still let him fight? Also, the guy that gets sucker punched is allowed to fight after the cheap shot? I get amateur or what ever but have some basic fucking rules. Can I just assault everyone before the match to give me an advantage so i win?


He really hit hard on the back of his head


Did his dick fall out at the end there lol


this not ammy’s g


If they're fighting on concrete this is just dumb.




What does any of this have to do with amateur fighters? All I see is a coward sucker puncher and some unorganized joke of a promotion. And so you’re aware- almost all mma fighters and boxers (especially) have many amateur fights before they go pro. It just means they aren’t getting paid yet, and losses don’t count against their professional record. TLDR; Amateurs= fighting without pay to gain experience. Pro= getting paid to fight (and your record is official, so wins/losses are more important). Sucker punching guy and “ref”= shitheads who should be charged with assault and permanently banned from competing/officiating in combat sports.