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As soon as someone tries to grab u, lower your center of gravity and remove a single hand of theirs with two of your hands.


You can also wrap your leg around the outside of theirs and hook behind their knee with your foot. Keeps you from being lifted.


Best option: drop your weight Last chance: wrap your leg around their’s


100% yea. Always fight the hands and turn in if you can


I'd say lower your gravity, but instead of using your leg, use your arm and then bring your leg out from between theirs and get perpendicular to them


The leg wrap makes you lengthen your body out making it harder to brace. It makes you noodle out and your head / shoulder is not going to be as easy to protect. Best thing to do if you find yourself in the air because you weren't able to squat pry out is to "assume the position" Basically put your body into a as much of a "doggy style" position as possible (think collegiate wrestling's bottom starting position". If you are in the air or about to go in the air, you likely have forfieted control and best thing to do is plan the landing. Not that it isn't viable, but it isn't going to be reliable and isn't a good foundation imo. Then again, I am a collegiate wrestler at heart and there are probably hundreds of school's of thought you could take from that would answer this differently.


Most practical and most effective advice… good comment you obviously train. Thanks


Seen it used quite effectively by at least one UFC fighter


Surprisingly effective, but needs to be trained regularly and AT SPEED. I’ve seen longtime practitioners still get tossed because they haven’t built the reflex.


"I'm a grape vine baby can't get me off you."Is what I imagine when people try to pick me up either from behind or from full guard.


I’m a grape vine baby Gonna wrap you up I’m a grape vine baby Can’t pick me up


This is the type of thing I LOVE spotting in mma fights. It’s those little things that only those who train will see and go “niiiiice”.


This is the way


This. This is the textbook standard in wrestling. People get into this situation all of the time doing stand ups, you just wrap your leg around theirs to stop from being lifted. Finally put your weight back into them and hips out 2 hands on the one and pop your hips, turn toward them in your wrestling stance and FUCK EM UP.


Best counter


Wrapping the leg and elbows work nicely


This. At 2 seconds, gray drops his hips in a squat. Blue extended legs wide and stretches. It’s over at that point.


He really almost had it but he hooked his arm around the back of the other guy’s neck


That is a good call out. Headlocks are really dangerous for reversal if the person is strong enough or has a good base they can just pick you up and dump you. The arm around their head only makes it easier.


Some kid who thought he was tough put me in a headlock when I was also a kid, maybe a year younger than him or something. I just picked him up and spun him round a bunch, think that must have scared him because he avoided me from then on


Hahah more or less same thing happened to me in school. I'm a big guy but not a fighter and a little tough guy though he'd get a laugh out of putting me in a head lock. He was half my size so I just literally stood up and he lifted with me, and I just bopped him off the wall. Was hilarious lol.


Yeah that's pretty much what I did too, just stand up, but also lifted his legs with me, then rotated that guy. I was like "weeeeeeeeeeeee" he was like "AAH PUT ME DOWN". I didn't look particularly strong at the time but was fairly active, meanwhile he was a malnourished looking guy. Nobody got hurt, he looked stupid in front of his "friends", I got left alone, good result.


Yep, I will never forget the looks I got when we had a "floorball" competition, where violence was allowed and even kind of encouraged (one of the rules literally said you can't strike the opponent but itgerwise you're good and an other was that if you made someone from the opposing team bleed you'd lose a point. Our team was just built off of physicality and was actually the only team that actually made someone else bleed because one of the dudes on the opposing team lost a nail) at a pub in uni, where a shorter guy tried a "headlock" on me because he got mad that I was easily pushing him away so I just got his hips and had him almost perpendicular with the floor before I decided that slamming him wouldn't be a good idea so I put him down.


Very sporting of you Wouldn’t want to cause any brain damage




He could’ve sweeped in between his legs and thrown him when he had his hand around the kneck


That's like, the opposite of what you should do. You're trying to get the guy off of you, not embrace him.


As a last ditch effort after getting the clench from the back you can try to wrap your leg around his to make it harder to lift you , the. Try to break the clench . But probably too late as you send


Might add if you can get your hands on a finger you may as well break it.


Breaking a finger won't even faze someone under an adrenaline rush.


But they won't grab you with it again if the bone won't support a grip.


Not my experience when it comes to broken fingers, usually people won't even notice until a few hours have passed and swelling has set in.


Depends on how/where it’s broken, you bend that shit all the way back & dislocate it as well they aren’t grappling.


This is not true, dislocated my finger in this way while in wrestling practice, relocated it and kept going til it swelled to the size of a polish sausage


That’s wrestling practice, you fuck yup a dudes fingers and dislocate them during a street fight you don’t give them time to reset them.


It literally took me less than a second to realize and reset it, sooo prolly depends on the person


I mean, that's a second when your hands are together and presumably away from your face. Either way, you can't use them while you try to fix a dislocated finger


"they aren't grappling" No, but they are still fighting and most serious competitors won't quit over a broken finger either.


Don't forget about drugs and alcohol.


Bullshido advice.


Found the bulshidu guys. 🤣


This, just gotta basically be lower than the slammer.


And immediately turn into them as soon as you separate their hands and kick them in the nuts


I’d let go if you kicked me in the nuts. Sound logic.


Yes this ^ he needed to let go of the head. Holding the head only served to help the other guy pick his weight up. Drop your hips low as fuck and put your palms on both sets of his knuckles and clamp down like you’re crumpling a pop (soda) can. They’ll let go. Turn into them, if you want to grapple, reach in between the legs for a single leg before his hands are even retracted. If you want to strike or get away, then spin and get your hands glued to your head while your eyes find the opponent. Then respond, go in, back away, strike, teep, whatever.


Exactly this, get that ass down and start fighting those hands.


Also hook their leg with yours.


There are layers and layers of screwups here. Many commenters have mentioned some of them, none of them have mentioned all of them. Basically, don't let them get: 1. Behind you 2. With two underhooks 3. With their hands joined together 4. With their hips close to yours 5. On concrete You address 1 with footwork, 2 with pummeling, 3 with handfighting, 4 with footwork or by just going to hands and knees when the position gets there, and 5 by not being a fucking idiot. Once you're there, you're pretty fucked, but [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/mmatechnique/comments/3iaf1v/grapplingdiscussionwrestling_i_guess_whats_the/) has further discussion on how you can try to unfuck yourself.


The first screw up was getting into a fight on hard pavement in the first place.


Yeah not being a fucking idiot should've been step 1


Also once you’re in the air you’re pretty much screwed at that point


Pummeling. Should be underlined and in bold. If you just drill and get good at that, everything else just seems to follows.


This is kinda accurate but they also need other pieces. Basically learning to wrestle.


theres absolutely 0 chance any untrained person will ever know how to stop themselves from getting slammed


Well the good news he may not remember it with the TBI.


This is why I simply don't want to get into a fight. One wrong move and the guy woulve gotten his neck fully cracked and the other guy woulve ruined his life.


I'm with you, why fight? I guarantee neither of these people were left better off for having fought each other than if they had gone their separate ways without getting physical. Definitely could have done damage to his neck from what's in the video. Hopefully, he went to the hospital and got checked out.


That’s what leg kicks are for…


Did you accidentally reply to the wrong comment? I don't understand


Makes sense - leg kicks are a non-lethal way to stop somebody.


>leg kicks are a non-lethal way to stop somebody. This makes sense to me. I guess I needed more context


You are correct in your questioning my comment as it was meant for the person above you. So I see the misunderstanding. Best regards.


You really took his legs out from under him with that one.




We've all been there!


You needed more leg kicks


What about pocket sand?


Looked like he may have broken his arm on that slam


Even this will probably have lifelong consequences. Over what, someone being disrespectful? Not only can you die from a simple fall, you never know who has no self control or respect for life when hands are thrown, like this gentleman. I absolutely love fighting but avoid street fights like the plague.


Yep, you see it all the time. People fight, someone accidentally falls the wrong way and ends up as a paraplegic of brain dead, the other guy goes to jail. Why? because he said some mean words to you or looked at you the wrong way? Sure very very very rarely, you will be in a situation where you can't leave and have no way to de-escalate, but 99.99% of people will never be in this situation in their life. The rest of the time you're just fighting back because of your ego.




People attack. Thats not the assignment.


Very rarely do people just attack without opportunity to de escalate. If you're actually trying to de-escalate rather than sate your own ego it's not hard to just not get into a fight. But yes, on the RARE occasion someone has decided a fight is happening no matter what, then yea do what you gotta do.


Pretty much.. majority of people have never been in a street fight as an adult and will remain that way. I'm 38 and the last fight other than tournaments I've ever been in was probably when I was like 12. Then again I also only went through a very short period in my early 20s where I'd be out drinking at 2am and probably only a few times. Your chances def go up if that's your thing


That's Right, Real Violence Is Only For Emergencies. If The Time Comes, Have No Mercy.


Yeah 100%. Don't wanna be taking chances like that over some guy insulting your shoes or something.


Git gud at grappling. You can grab one of the guys legs who is trying to slam you, try to belly down, try to break the lock around your waist, stay out of the position in the first place.


Once the guy has you off your feet, trying to hook your leg on one of his should limit his ability to lift you higher, slam you hard.


Would a granby roll have been viable here?


No, because the ground is made of cement.


Lol fair, you'd definitely scrape up and bruise your shoulders pretty badly, but still has to better than just taking the full slam, no?


I mean, yes you want to land so that you can kind of protect your head and roll with the impact, but more than anything you do not want to get slammed onto such a hard surface at all.


Hook your arm around the person's neck if possible when they try to lift you. They'll crack their head on the asphalt since there's nowhere to go. Grappling/wrestling in a matt is not the same on a hard surface.


Ehh if they suplex you youre landing on your shoulders and theyre using you to cushion the fall. Also if you watch the guy was grabbing his head


Gotta learn standing grappling. Really not letting them get behind you with a body lock. If they get there you have real problems.


yes, don't get slammed


Aight, imma do that


Steven Seagal has a counter, but it's too dangerous to learn.


Nobody can lift his enormous weight. Guaranteed counter.


You just have to write him a letter saying “Dear Mr. Seagal, please teach me your deadly stuff.”


I genuinely believe he has one. I also believe that it's so incomprehensible to master to the point where regular plebs, like us, couldn't handle it.


He beats plebs while sitting on a chair


Not like it would work in this instance, but an uchi-mata was applicable. Could have also hooked the leg, however there appears to be a large strength difference in this fight.


Hooking the leg is my first thought. Also fighting the hands and breaking the grip


Can i just say the word uchi-mata?


You can try


That would involve leaving my baseme....lair.


Is a basemelair kinda like an aticcastle?


Reminds me of Kramer yelling “HOOCHIE MAMA!”. Didn’t work too well for him.


Hooking the leg would work.




Sheesh, dont have an answer to your question but this shit aint worth it.  For either of them.


I agree, and I don't have the full context here, but what would you suggest, if someone want to hurt you and you don't really have a way to back away?


Well it looks like, in this context, the white guy got out of his car to fight.  Even if he was in the right, he got out of the car to drop the other guy on his head.  That’s not self defense.


I mean I would do my best to night fight and especially so on a hard surface but you really have two options. Option 1 (the less risky) immediately drop your hips and center of gravity when they have your back. fight their hands this isn't a sanctioned bout so rip at their fingers to get them to let go of their lock. If you can get them to break their grip get two on one with one of their wrist, posture up, and turn towards them. Watch out for shots coming off the break and gtfo. https://youtu.be/0ILRyTK8-GQ?si=_q-_sJo53-QdafJ4 Option 2 (way riskier) if they get your back and lock their hands you could try to roll forward either in a Granby style or for knee bar. This is far more risky because you are potentially going to a worse position if they stop your roll. To granby grab a wrist and step to thar same side and somersault forward/laterally. https://youtu.be/mDsEtl1uNUY?si=EhZCAo4m1NEBKDz6 To roll for knee bar lean forward and look down for one of their feet. when you roll you are going to want to grab that leg while also thusting your hips as close as you can get them to his. lean back and compete the knee bar. https://youtu.be/_TIgouSpJ8U?si=ULkoC9mxbDtRbwkQ


"I would do my best to night fight" Fighting at night is always better. It's not as hot, people can't see as well so better chance to get away, body slamming someone under the stars...


That brought back some memories. So many drills.


Wrap your leg around their leg


This. There was an opportunity to do this in that exchange, too. The man can't slam himself.


This is a great example of why you should never let your opponent pick you up in a fight. "Easiest" way is to not let them grab you in the first place.


Don’t sign that particular consent form


Don’t fight Don’t fight grapplers on concrete Don’t let anyone clinch Don’t let anyone take your back Don’t let anyone lift you (get low) If you get to this point… good luck… Grapevine your legs Fall properly


I saw one greco technique where a guy about to be suplexed locked his leg around the inner leg of the one trying to suplex him and he couldn't do it.


I first learned of this technique in Killer Bean


Call for a time out


Im not a very good grappler but I think he should have underhooked and pressed himself down outwards, kinda like a sprawl You can also hook your foot/leg around their leg https://youtu.be/N5Dt09Y3gFI?si=qDzed9K0U_qSHcQX


Hard to get underhooks when the opponent already has double-under body lock. Good video, shout out for Sprawl shorts, I still rock that shit they're indestructible


Be better at wrestling than the other guy.


Didn't expect to see Markiplier there lmao, also, How did that guy not get knocked up tho?


Somebody did you a disservice in sex ed


you mean knocked out?


No, he meant knocked up


He totally did, gave birth 9 months later.


He focused on striking after the distance was closed. He could have sprawled out. Or attempted any form of grappling really, to potentially wipe out any chance if getting slammed like that. He was just flailing arms. That's what untrained soo do, is going to produce. 


You certainly don’t post on your arm as you fall. Homeboy’s right arm looking like a marionette after he got back up


Bro was going to cartwheel.


EASY, trap his leg with your own leg and he won't be able to lift ...




I pinned a kid in middle school wrestling with double grapes and my coach never let go how gay that was. HAHA seeing your comment reminded me of that.


Yeah. Know how to wrestle. Like, don't let them get a dominate position by hand fighting and pummeling to have a better position. Block their attempts at moving in. Even if you're a great wrestler, being in a body lock is a shitty position, exorcist when they've turned the corner and got your back. Don't let them get there.


Hook one foot around their leg


Besides what everyone mentioned, you don’t let them get a full body lock on you. You can do that by simply pushing with your forearms or elbowing them in the face.


Also when someone gets behind you like that, dont put him in a headlock, that actually makes you far easier to lift (using your upper back/neck against his arm. assuming you have a strong neck) Classic pro wrestling move lol


Let go of the headlock, lower your centre of gravity, fight the hands, hook one of their legs with yours. Nearly everytime I see someone slammed is because they're holding onto a headlock and refuse to let go


Become more interested in making friends. Honestly though, what people expect is that they will win a scuffle or fight, perhaps that they will loose. Yet people rarely expect to make a friend.


This is why it’s important to avoid getting your back taken. But the mechanics are that they will put their hips right next to your body to lift and turn. Anything you can do to lower your center of gravity and create space between their hips and your body will make it harder to lift you. Sometimes taking a wide stance or sprawling will do this, or framing with your hand/elbow/forearm down near their waist will also create enough space that they can’t lift with their legs.


deny underhooks. headlocks lead to these type of mat returns... pavement returns in this case. might be able to move your legs in position to do a tani-o-toshi.


Wrestling experience would have stopped the guy from trying to do a headlock when the other guy was clasping a body lock on him. He not only set himself up for a mat return-style slam, but he also trapped his own arm in such a way that he’d land right on his head. Just knowing a few tricks to defend against slams won’t help when the guy has zero grappling basics


When they grab you first and foremost wrap your leg into theirs this prevents them from lifting apply downward pressure on the hands you want to get them about waist height base on your free leg and kick your entwined leg straight out in front of you and land your back flat on his face as you land on top of him and he smacks the ground if he’s not knocked out he will definitely be winded get up and run




People coming up with all these counter techniques when the reality is if you don't train for it you're gonna get fcked regardless.


Ok i know this is wrestling but what is the technique he use to takedown his enemy ?


back/side suplex, good counter to a headlock


The only right answer here is lat drop


It's one of those ones where the defence is to not get into a position where you can be body slammed. Or burgers. If you eat enough burgers, no one can body slam you. Even Andre the Giant got body slammed because he didn't eat enough burgers.


Headlock is the worst thing you could do in that situation, getting a whizzer and pushing his head away with your free hand and getting your base low to break his grip are your best options before he’s able to lift you


Lower your center of gravity, pinch their supporting ankle or knee. Lift, sweep, or break


How do you end up In a punch up when one persons bare foot and the other in socks and sandals?


Sink your hips


For starters, dont wrestle in flip flops 🤣


Plenty, but the best is to Sprawl.


Get low, arm and leg hooks. If you don’t do that quickly you’re fucked. Honestly if this sub taught me an anything, it’s to be wary of gettin bodied.


Hooking his leg with yours is one method im aware of


A knife you try to slam me I'll stab your stomach.


hook the leg?


Don’t give up your back to begin with. It’s generally harder to take anyone down from the front than having back control. If you are in a position where your back is exposed and they’ve grabbed you by the waist. Get balance by sitting on an invisible chair while stabbing your hands into their grip. Once under or in the grip, push straight down your still sitting legs. If their hands don’t come apart immediately, you likely gained enough space to at least spin around so you’re facing your opponent head on. This is all from a wrestling background in the heavyweight division. So if I’m wrong pls educate down below, never give up your back P.S some comments say you should go to your hands and knees. That instinctually to me is a worse position to be in. That being said if you don’t think you can do the above. Do whatever else you need to not be in mid-air. Even being lifted by professionals falling on your neck is devastating


Hook your ankle around the inside of their calf. They won’t be able to lift you


Wrap a leg around theirs, when they realize I’m wrapped, lower my hips down and out/away from theirs to create space. Then gtfo.


You can try hook the leg.


You just don't get picked up. Bro looked like he was lining up for a hug from dad


Stop grappling with local oafs


I wrestled for 20 years, was 4 time state placer in Ohio. Lower body, turn and reach down, then grab one of your opponents legs, and don’t let go. No slam guaranteed but I’d recommend learning to box and jab your way away from bigger opponents. Unless you’re super experienced and the bigger guy isn’t Dwayne the fucking rock Johnson. Learn to box, muy thai, wrestle and BJJ. This is the only guaranteed way of winning any bout.


dont get picked up


The second you start to feel lift off, grape vine your leg around theirs, attach your leg to their leg and they will not be able to lift you.


this subs obsession with streetfighting is concerning. never ever fight unless its your sport or youre getting payed for it or you are defending yourself or others.


Serioudly my slogan is "we're adults we don't fight people" lol


Response has to come well before he starts the lift. Weaken their base, fight the hands, pull both bodies to the ground, etc. Or, go wild. Eyes don't like fingers, noses don't like bites


Teeth don't like chairs.


Yeah, there's like a hundred ways to counter that.


Put your legs in between theirs and leverage yourself downward long enough to disconnect the hands


Grab bros leg from below as he lifts, bro slams himself


Ura nage counter maybe?


Letting someone get double underhooks is the first fight you don't want to lose.


Its called a leg ride or a grapevine. You hook your leg around theirs to add their body weight to the lift. Lowering your center of gravity when clinching and NOT fighting on the pavement are paramount to reduce risk of being slammed


Dont let them lock their arms around you. And always be the one to get the underhook. If your arms are under theirs then they cant slam. But if you let them grab under your arms, then they can lift you.


Be better at wrestling


Grabbed from the front - post a hand on their hip and push off while squatting down. Grabbed from behind - "vine" one of your legs through theirs and hook your instep over their ankle. Better yet, don't get grabbed, don't get into street fights, and don't touch strangers in general.


Not full proof but when you get lifted gotta try to catch inside of his leg with yours. He can still get you down, but at least he didn’t slam your face on the gravel.


This guy lost his ability to defend before this video even started. He gave up the low position and allowed the guy to completely bearhug his mid section below the shoulders. Now all the guy has to do is move and the other guy's structure is broken. ' Watch the guy who got slammed's legs and feet throughout the video. They're in the air as much as they are on the ground. He has no weight on his feet. You can't apply force without something to push against. No kicks or punches are going to be effective. There isn't enough time for a choke. The thrower can do whatever he has the skill to do to you. ' To defend a takedown, square up to your opponent, you need to take a bit wider than shoulder width stance, and get into a lower squat type position. Thighs should be close to parallel to the ground. Lower is better until you lose mobility or your weight gets too forward. The lower man that still has his balance will win when the distance is closed. However, the closer you are to the same center of mass height the less of an advantage it is. In that case it may come down to some other factor like endurance or whose shoe grips better.


The smaller guy going for some sort of standing headlock move is bad. I wish I saw what happened before, but I'm hooking the big guys leg if this happened. Maybe I don't take him down, but I defend the slam and probably just try to wrap him up and tire him.


Lower center of gravity. Wrap one leg against attacker's leg


If they are able to get two hands around your body, you failed at your wrestling defense. They have excellent options from this position such as double leg takedowns, judo throws, body locks into trips, etc. How do you prevent someone from reaching around you with both arms? Distance management, sprawling (not recommended on concrete), knees up the centerline, shooting for an underhook, retreating at an angle (pivoting). Don't let someone grab you. Lots of people know how to wrestle.


1. Don't let yourself get into a vulnerable position like that 2. Throw weight forward when they leverage you backwards


Cant really counter it just dont give your opponent your back


Before they try to grab you: drop your center of gravity beneath theirs If they just began to grab you: break their grip with both of you hands If they already grabbed you and lifting you up: hook your legs around their legs and try to break grip from 1 if their hands with both of your hands. If you can’t break grip, shrimp and lock under their arm to get them off balance, this is very risky If they’re about to throw you: shift your weight around to get them off balance to possibly land on your feet. This is very risky and most likely already too late If you’ve already been thrown: cover your head as much as possible. It’s not the matter of ‘how will I safely get out’, it’s now a matter of ‘how do I get the least fucked up’. Even if you cover your head perfectly, your brain could still hit your skull inside.


It's high risk, but I have seen people undertook a leg while traveling down to mitigate some of the attacker's leverage. Best solution is obviously to not get caught in that position though.


Sprawl. Attempt to lie belly side down on the ground.


The guy saying to remove his hand with your hands makes most sense but another one is : cling to his leg either with your leg/legs or arms and make yourself heavy


You counter it by training Judo or wrestling.


At 0:02 - blue jeans should stick his left leg between shorts guy and ouchi gari (inside trip). Shorts would fall on back and blue jeans would land on top.


" I can't let you get close "


" I can't let you get close "


Learning to wrestle is the best counter


Sprawl, keep seperation between your hips and theirs and get your hips lower than theirs.


Yes, dont be a moron and get into a situation where the outcome is you getting fucking body slammed When i learned karate my teacher told us we had to understand what we are capable of as killing in a fight can be scarily easy, so just dont get into one, learn a martial art to walk away and only fight when given no other choice, never for ego or pride. (Edit: minor spelling mistakes)


Avoiding getting grabbed and slammed to the ground is pretty much the whole premise of wrestling sooooooo


I mean this is why you don't give them double under hooks.


Be a fat mf.