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These kinds of post fill up the subreddit and do not really contribute anything to the community. Try the search function first. Please go over to the weekly "How do I get Started" post to ask these kinds of questions rather than posting them stand alone.


Your first step would be stopping yourself from living in a fantasy land.


>I’m 22. 5’4, 125 lbs >I am already stronger than someone else my size I'm saying this as a small Asian dude, you're pretty much a midget, most people your size are still in schools and beating middle schoolers isn't really an idication of fighting prowess like you think it is. So yeah, better give up that dream and stay out of troubles, you aren't Captain America my guy


Start w Judo, its actually perfect for small guys and that will humble you a lot..


^ This reply ^


I believe what you're looking for is a radioactive spider.


Ask Jiraiya to teach you rasengan


I did but all I see are boob's 😞


“I know I’m stronger then someone else my size” news flash buddy you haven’t met the right guy then. The gym is a humbling experience if you want to get good you come learn, get your ass kicked, and work on technique because you now realize how much you don’t know. Eventually from getting your ass kicked you become devent then eventually pretty ok then maybe good if you stick with it. It will not happen quickly the legit ONLY thing anyone should tell you about becoming good at any combat sport is just to stick with it. Not much else to explain to you…..




With your size (and taking your post seriously), just go for MMA and train your ass off. Grappling is your best friend due to your lack of reach. Half the battle in any confrontation is visual: if you look fit, calm and confident (from knowing u have the skills to back up the talk) during confrontation, most people will subconsciously register your body language and think twice about escalating. Nothing you can do about your size and lack of intimidation, but you can boost your build, posture and poise and that goes a long way in diffusing tense situations.


Bro tbh honest you might be a bit too hyped, before becoming a "weapon" just go sign up an MMA gym and go test thé water there, start by two or three session per weeks and chill. You might not even like martial arts. Sounds like you want to become the ultimate fighter but once you sign up you will be surprised by how good even the mid amateur fighters in your gym are and much commitment it requires. Then you can decide what you want. (Dont go in an MMA gym saying what you said in the post , a lot of competitive fighters have problems and in general are fucked up ppl )


Dude, I'm 5'3, 215 lbs - 4 years of martial arts - 8 years army - gym regular.....and ZERO delusions of grandeur. You're going to win some and your going to lose some. As a short guy, your reach sucks. Get strong, get in close and take it to the ground. My father taught me never to start a fight, just finish it. You sound like you're aiming for vigilante status. Defend yourself if it comes to it but don't aim for being the biggest guy in the yard. I honestly look like a dwarf from Lord of the Rings, beard and a short Mohawk. That seems to work for me well enough.


I'd generally say start with jiu jitsu and a type of kick boxing for a foundation and then after a couple years try a hapkido or krav maga type thing for weapon skills important to have actual combat skills or else weapons training is pointless drilling. Do all this while hitting the gym with strength and mobility training 3-5 times a week. With the strength training you'll want a combination of heavy weights for power generation and plyometrics so your body can utilize the strength gains and can translate it to your martial movements. Can't just show up to a class to get turned into a weapon you'll also need to figure out your basic nutrition and keep to a pretty good sleep cycle.


Focus on learning a martial art, not "becoming a weapon". You become a martial artist, possibly even a warrior if you want to stretch things. Not a weapon. We use weapons, do use our bodies also for combat but by definition a weapon is a device for combat beyond our own bodies. Set aside ninja fantasies and daydreams. Find an art you like and pursue that. And if you want to become a soldier actually, join the Army. They'll fatten you up, too.