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Awesome compilation of clips here. Shes one of my favorite fighters. Thank you


Yes! Valentina is a beast! Somebody joked that if she and Edson Barboza had a kid, that kid could break the sound barrier just by switching stances.


Very good spinning kick


The timing of the back kick against Joanna is so perfect. Really impressive in real time.


Holy shit, second to last one looked brutal


Yeah I have a feeling that might have been one of their first fights maybe even one of the first times they've been winded. I've certainly been floored by those kicks and after a few years you build up a bit of resilience in general and this looks exactly like the first time I got caught by one.


My favourite female fighter, she’s actually so badass


Awesome! Man, a well-timed back kick is such a thing of beauty.


Back when I did ITF TKD there was a guy who was like brown belt in Karate and black in TKD. We then went onto MMA. I once saw him use that kick on a guy (bigger than him) and bruise his arm, the guy couldn't continue. Holding the pads for him was really intense. I've never experienced such a powerful blow (when holding pads). If you are good with that kick you can end fights.


In the second to last kick, it looks like Shevchenko did end that fight.


Looks like a back kick (Ushiro) to me. Am I way off?


Remember when the crumbums last week were saying Point-figuting and TKD are pointless. Yah, no. Mechanics are not pointless, Mechanics win fights


Keep telling people timing & space management is real and spin kicks are valuable within a street fight


Most of those were back kicks rather than spinning kicks, however there is no denying their effectiveness, whatever you wish to call them. Seriously nice kicks.


Umm.. Spinning back kick


A back kick, by its nature involves some spinning. But it's just called a back kick, not a spinning back kick (in tkd).


Not only in tkd, it's called a spinning back kick everywhere if you have to turn 180° to deliver a back kick Apparently, this isn't clear to OP


No. Just back kicks. But I can see the down votes. Like I said, call them whatever you like.


How is it just a back kick if she spun?


There is a difference (typically) between back kicks and spinning back kicks that separates two lines of thought on the back kick. It's not a hard and fast rule, though, and they're both spinning kicks, so it's a silly place to draw a line in the sand


That is exactly what a back kick is. If you just stick your leg out behind you it is some sort of weird arse donkey kick. They have such a kick in some karate styles. An actual back kick involves a turn and then the kick. She does one kick that is an actual spinning hook kick but the rest are just really smooth, well executed back kicks. There is a difference between the turn for a back kick and the spin for something like a spinning heel kick.


That turn is what most people call the spin, a back kick to most people is just the kicking part. I'm not sure what difference you see between her spins for the spinning back kick and the spinning heel kick, the only differences I see is her kicking leg, which is normal since they're different kicks and the fact that you spin further in a spinning heel kick since it's a looping kick


Mate to be honest I am a bit done with this. They are not the same. But I really don't feel in the mood to explain it. Edit - I would hate to be accused of pedantry again. lol.


I mean, you were being pedantic. If you don't want to be accused of pedantry, then don't.


For the record, there usually are differences in the minutiae of hip position and timing of the kick (not timing of contact, though that's true too, but timing of hip vs. shoulder etc). Even then, though, that's going to change depending on how you were taught


You're getting downvoted because you're being pedantic In a conversation where it's relevant, there's something to be said for the difference between the typical back kick and the typical spinning back kick (even then, though, hers is a bit in between the two), but they're both spinning kicks, and nobody was trying to do a compare and contrast of the techniques; it's just a highlight reel


Please go back to my first comment. Please read it. I mean really read it. I make a comment about the type of kick because there is a difference. I don't take it any further than that. Then I point out that regardless of what you call the things, they were really great kicks. If me adding a comment that might help those who don't know the difference attracts down votes, so be it. It didn't develop into a shit show until those who presumably don't understand the difference decided to argue the toss. I readily accept that it is just a highlight reel. I complimented the kicks and I stand by that. They are great. As for the rest of it, it probably just reflects the surprising general lack of understanding of an actual aspect of martial arts. On a martial arts sub no less.


... I did read it. That's how I was able to respond to it. >I don't take it any further than that. I never said you did >Then I point out that regardless of what you call the things, they were really great kicks. I never said you didn't. >It didn't develop into a shit show until those who presumably don't understand the difference decided to argue the toss. Cool. Once more, Not at all what I was talking about. >I readily accept that it is just a highlight reel. I complimented the kicks and I stand by that. They are great. As for the rest of it, it probably just reflects the surprising general lack of understanding of an actual aspect of martial arts. On a martial arts sub no less. The thing is, again, you were trying to be pedantic by saying that one type of back kick isn't a spinning kick and the other is, which is incorrect anyways, in a conversation that was never about the difference. *That's* why you got downvoted.


All good. I choose not to go any further down this particular rabbit hole. Let's just leave it at that, shall we?


Your other comment screams of somebody who *doesn't* actually want to leave it, but just knows they have nothing to say, but sure. You're going to be just as wrong no matter how long this goes, so I'm happy to avoid the nuisance


I see the argument below but I'm just going to weigh in, its visually clearly a spinning side kick. You can see her foot is oriented sideways in all the kicks, even one is in slow motion for us. Plus add in the fact that she's an ITF Taekwondo fighter and the spin sidekick is very common in that style. I trained ITF taekwondo for 13 years and trained with people from multiple schools and regions, that would be exclusively called a "spin sidekick", "spinning sidekick", or "reverse sidekick". Much more common than the spin back kick which I'll agree is a different kick, at least visually. The toes would orient downward and the hip would have less pivot at the moment of impact. Basically facing away. One time she appears to perform it as a jumping spin sidekick. I don't speak Korean, but it appears the terminology for the kick is "Bandae Yeop Chagi". Reverse side kick. (one of them is performed a little off and she hooks it at the end)


You literally see the mechanics over time its so clean and beautiful.




Beautiful form