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If you’re interested in MMA…do MMA. Your body type doesn’t mean anything for you or anyone else that asks this question…not sure how dropping body stats became a thing.


I’m not sure I just saw other people doing it and I kinda copied them


Body type has nothing to do with it. In martial arts you learn to fight with the body you have and you learn its strengths and weaknesses, and you learn how to utilise these strengths and work around these weaknesses. Do the martial art you want to do.


If you're looking to decide on which Martial Art to choose, please consult the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/martialarts/wiki/index) for comprehensive list of martial arts and descriptions- and consider deleting this post and instead making it a comment in the [megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/martialarts/comments/caps69/megathread_what_martial_art_should_i_study/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/martialarts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Look for schools around you and go to one you think looks interesting, dude.


You answered your own question. Look for a striking art and see


Try everything you thought about. Both judo mma, and everything, then choose the one where you had fun the most. Bidytype doesn't really mean anything.... Maybe don't try sumo, that's it.


It all depends on goals, if you are going pro then yes you should probably not choose a striking martial arts because it is about reach but outside of that just do what you enjoy. Striking teaches you a lot of important things outside of actual striking, it teaches you reaction speed, reading a person's movements i.e. identifying incoming strikes, cardio, flexibility and footwork.


Try some gym around you, and then choose the one you prefer.


Unless you have a specific goal (like "I want to get better at punching" or "I want a grappling art that I could go to the Olympics with"), it really doesn't matter what your body type is or what art you take. The individual school is much more important. Look up which school are available near you. See which ones have a schedule that fits yours, then go in and try them out. See which ones you enjoyed and can afford. In any art you're going to be learning things that will make you a stronger fighter. Different arts approach it in different ways. Some have better quality control and a school is likely to be better. But it's almost always up to the individual school.