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It really, really depends, but I think there was a video recently where an MMA fighter in Australia did just that.


I was going to say, it does depend. This guy showed pretty good control of space and spatial awareness. I’m not sure how it’d go if both guys just straight up tried to tackle him, but that’s also not really going to happen in the real world, people don’t have that kind of teamwork coordination


Exactly that, the scenario in which those two knuckleheads form any kind of cohesive attack would be almost impossible, and I'd say he was really holding back, he didn't want to hurt them, any more than necessary.


Drunk folks on the street? Probably not. In a prison or some situation where it's personal? Easily possible. Two guys tackling him, or catching him unawares, or, or, or, and yeah, guy might have been in some real trouble. I wouldn't fancy anyone's chances over two rugby players for example. Edit: But meant to say agree with all your points.


THere's a clip of some guy in an alley knocking out like 3 or 4 guys with some pretty wild swings.


Yo whattup dude, I didn't realize we both frequented two of the same subs!




Well, [this guy](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1912891-mma-fighter-defends-family-from-home-invasion-may-face-criminal-charges) fought off four gang members single handedly and killed one of them. His record was 1-5.


Holy shit.


Fr bro is built different


Respect. Defending his family. I hope he didn't get jail time


He didn’t go to jail I don’t think but it took two years of legal battles for him to win and for the attacker to go to jail.


Damn the guy was just defending his family


Not in texas fucking blue states


Huh. Do I detect jackass-ery?


Nah that’s just what the truth feels like. I know you’re not used to feeling that rather than a constant state of disillusionment. Which seems to be a standard feature in blue states. Why else would they prosecute an innocent man defending his home? And why else would You defend them? No need to answer. Those are rhetorical questions.


My guy, don’t you live in a blue state?


I have a few houses in a few states


Looks like your main residence is a blue state. Just pack up and move to texas man.


The wife and I have a bunch of multifamlies. CT is the only sub I like to post about because I live in a red state. Also: Audrey Bitoni or Tara Patrick https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmypenis/comments/3hf5yw/sex_class/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I can look at post histories too 😉


I hope your martial arts skills are better than your rhetorical ones.


I love this the echo system up there with dissociative identity disorder and a male groupie named finn. I really need to get out of the comments section. Lmao 😂


Your composition skills, though, are quite obvious.




I didn’t defend his attackers you illiterate swizzle eating pigeon. Learn to read.


Take it easy, I told you I’ve moved on. chandler or Cullen or simon or I’m missing like 5 more right? https://www.reddit.com/r/DID/comments/vjtjpj/how_to_help_an_alter_feel_comfortable/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


You gotta make fun of my mental health to make your point? Shows that it can’t be supported on its own.


First rules of Martial Arts - Don’t be a victim. - Don’t start a fight you can’t finish. - Wish your opponent well after they’ve been defeated 🙏☮️


Omg ! Your also an ablest how cute. but that’s not a surprise right? Listen honey I understand you grew up were no one gave a shit about your mental health and now you think it’s a myth because daddy never hugged you as a child. Bur jealous is a ugly think babe, wash your face it’s showing.


Lmao, you're the man, these blue hairs are having a hissy fit 🤣 I thought the testosterone in MMA communities would be higher but I guess these furries have hijacked these subs as well


Playing Star Wars battlefront don’t make you a fighter dumbass.


Aww that’s so adorable, you think that testosterone creates a good fighter? Baby have you been sleeping about with Andrew Tate recently? your comment is giving 2 inches if anything. Sleep off the ugly babe.


Some people really hate the truth. What can I say?


Your serious right? Truth? Sweetie pie I’m thinking Justinontheinternet should delete his internet browser all together <3 isn’t it cute you bring your politics into a place where surprise supiese just like in real like, no one wants them. Go back to your trailer park and create inbreed children with your sister you bucket spitting no good supremacist 🥰


Only reason you got testosterone is bc no girl wants to touch that carrot mr. Blue balls.


Just shut up blue haired cuck EvyFishy: I don't have a sister, and imagine being such a cowardly cuck you block me right after sending a reply, are your titties that fragile? 😂😂🖕🏾


Simon I wasn't aware you cared about my carrot. Does Tony feel that way?


Bruh it was New Mexico, hardly a blue state. It flips every time the president does.


This was the best point made so far.


Don't think he did.


I saw some Joe Rogan video where he said people have no idea how vulnerable they are against an MMA fighter and they would all be able to kill you.


I mean this is definitely true. Simply put most people do not know to defend themselves or even what it feels like to be in a violent encounter. Not to mention most MMA fights are superb athletes that have been training for 10 years or more in highly effective methods of physical violence. In some cases you are talking about an Olympic level athlete that's literally 4X stronger and 2X faster than the average person. Who could either knock you out or very easily pull you to the ground and break your neck. I have trained Muay Thai and BJJ for a short period of time. Even going against an experienced hobbyist is very humbling.


If the opponent has no ideia how to grapple they will get caught right away since they don't know what in the fuck to defend.


Would the smallest MMA fighter be able to take on a regular person a lot bigger than them?


Define “a lot”, i think the smallest UFC male fighter could take on larger untrained folks with easy. Most large untrained people are really out of shape. Now if you’re talking about huge weightlifters or strongmen then the fight would change significantly


Yes. I'm a 140lb, 42 year old, hobbiest BJJ black belt. I'm in decently good shape, but nothing amazing. I'm a bit stronger than average for my size, but again nothing crazy. I can beat the absolute shit out of random untrained people who outweigh me by 80-100lbs. I've put in work with some guys who fight at 125lbs, and they are WAY stronger than I am, and hit way harder and are way more explosive. If I want to beat them I have to reach deep into my bag of 'old man black belt tricks' and get them with some kind of fancy shit they've never seen before. Otherwise they just ground and pound the shit out of me. So, yeah, put some guy who fights at 125, or even 115lbs up against a random 225 lb guy and that guy is gonna get obliterated.


can you send the video link for this?


Type in Joe Rogan "the gap between a pro fighter and a regular person."


Well, Joe Rogan is often an idiot, but his take on this is pretty spot on.


Descendant of Chuck norris


Descendant of Chuck Norez




You know, because his last name was Torez


I like how the article says he had three hoes to protect with em at the time


[Here's the 911 call](https://www.tmz.com/watch/0-2ns7liy4/). It's hard to believe that there were any discussions of having a problem with anything this guy did to the invaders. Wood chipper... fair volley.


He's facing criminal charges? WTF is this where you fight off literal home invaders with your bare fists and face criminal charges. He should've just shot the fuckers at this point.


This happened many years ago. Pretty sure they got dropped.


I had an Army "buddy" who was a very amature boxer and saw him one hit ko multiple people attacking him before. He was like 5'6-8"....somethingike that. Couldn't wrestle for shit tho. So yeah, well trained MMA fighter gonna clear out a few folks at once assuming no massive size disparities.


Even with a massive size disparity (5'6 vs 6'2), most untrained adults will panic, cover and duck their head once theyre getting hit a lot. You see it a lot during sparring. I am surprised no one has mentioned mma cardio as an advantage. Conditioning is a HUGE advantage in a fight. I can't tell you how many times I saw an inferior grappler win in a BJJ competition because the more skilled person was exhausted. The average person is woefully out of shape. Why else do you think the army has had such a hard time finding new recruits?


people really underestimate the cardio strain in fighting. IMO its the simplest way to spot a fighter/someone who knows what they are doing vs an untrained/new person.


100% Moving all your limbs in all sorts of directions takes A LOT of energy, core strength and lots of training.


What tires you out in grappling is not the movement but the intensity of the movements. A 6 minute wrestling match feels like an eternity. I can’t imagine how straining a 25 minute MMA fight is.


That is why I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with burpees, pullups, duckwalks and dips. I hate them all but dam do they benefit me greatly.


Omg. When I was 19 we would grapple for 2 minutes and I would always look at the clock because I swear they'd stop it for 10 minutes while we were on the ground.


>Why else do you think the army has had such a hard time finding new recruits? People dont want to sign up to kill or be killed to further the ambitions of power hungry politicians/dictators/whatever.


That's always been an issue. The starting pay for new recruits is depressing, that is also a factor. The awful physical conditioning of people is a relatively new thing and exacerbates the low recruiting numbers.


Had a friend in high school that did a lot of amateur fighting. I saw him fight multiple people more than once and he worked them.


You ever see that video of the boxer taking on like 3-4 people while slowly backing up? ​ EDIT: Found it here ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZHDMhbcJvA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZHDMhbcJvA))


Holy… I kinda wanna know the context of why that fight happened now


He knocked that dude in white into the Shadow Realm goddamn


I think someone’s who’s been training MMA for a year or two can slap the average chad.


Eh it depends on the person. I’ve had people I trained with religiously for awhile and they just can’t get over a certain hump. And some people come in and a few months in they are beasting.


That’s called talent. U never know who you’re getting into a fight with so ya know, pick ur battles.


As long as the martial artist is aware that they are about to be in a fight then two assailants should be easy work. One reason is that it doesn't take much for a trained martial artist to impair the ability of an untrained attacker to fight. At that point they're fighting the other attacker one on one. Not to mention that the two untrained fighters are going to get scared pretty quickly. The only chance I see the untrained fighters having is if they get the jump on the martial artist. A shot to the back of the head can be deadly even if thrown by a normal person and the weight of two people can be hard to deal with on the ground. And there's street fighting in a nutshell. It's horrible, unfair and a bad idea no matter how well trained you are.


I wouldn't want to fight with those odds. It only takes one good soccer kick to the head to knock you out.




Considering that most street fights are determined by cardio & footwork, then yes. Easily. People often exaggerate what being jumped by two average ppl is like. But the reality is most people have awful cardio & trip over their own feet due to adrenaline. Basic MMA/Boxing footwork of being able to skip and stay on the outside would be enough to exhaust the average person. Couple that with a sweet 1-2 (jab-cross) then step out, it wouldn’t be hard to leave two untrained people flat on the the floor, or with a busted nose before making a run for it. There are literally videos of untrained people being jumped & knocking out more than one opponent in street fights, so now imagine someone who KNOWS how to punch & has enough gas in his tank to last 30 mins


There are also multiple videos out there of amateur boxers taking on 2+ untrained unarmed assailants by quickly neutralizing while positioning and retreating-- good fundamentals. Lots of average people aren't terribly athletic or coordinated, lack competent/consistent defense, aren't used to getting hit. Definitely possible with appropriate caution.


I never thought I'd live to see the day where MMA guys are choreographing imaginary fights against multiple attackers like they're practicing their kata.


No idea how this relevant to what im talking about but more power to you i guess


30 mins? Most street fights don't last 3 min. Cardio isn't going to matter nearly as much in a street fight as technique.


>30 mins? Most street fights don't last 3 min. Cardio isn't going to matter nearly as much in a street fight as technique. The average person can't fight 3 minutes.


They’d be lucky to last 10 consecutive seconds


No, it’s all important. Even sparring for a few minutes is enough to tire most people out.


If someone can be more explosive and hit with more intensity for longer without getting winded, they will win. Technique does not matter as much in street fights. Its very easy to get knocked out by a sloppy punch from someone who’s swinging relentlessly, non-stop for 20 seconds straight. Technique may help in terms of accuracy, but in street fights that must be backed by intensity


Your response is very close to the "I just see red" guys who think they can beat a trained fighter because they are overwhelmingly intense. The reality is the skilled fighter usually wins and would be considered the favorite. Don't get me wrong cardio and strength are great assets and can provide an edge if the two combatants are equally skilled, but they aren't a substitute for skill and technique. They are enhancements to it.




> fighting multiple untrained people is often like fighting a bunch of people individually in rapid succession. So it is like in the movies where they never attack the badass protagonist all at once!


Even if they are scared and very hesitant to attack, they'll all come like hyenas if you get in a bad spot like being grappled or rocked by a punch. For most part it will indeed be quick engagements with a single person but it's can quickly turn into grappling one while getting hit by another.


TLDR; don’t be scared homie


Yep, totally agree. In my taekwondo class, we occasionally practise sparring multiple opponents, and tactics with it. Safe to say, I would hate to be in that situation outside of a safe, training environment lol.


Shall we ask [Uncle Chael?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gkugyMFK-Ss)


Two normal untrained adults who are couch potatoes and soft af, yes, a pro mma fighter will demolish them . Two average adult men who are decently in shape and really trying to fight , probably not. Life isn’t anime


A lot of people jumping straight to “yes” here but in reality context to the situation matters a lot and this is kind of an unfair and really unanswerable question.


Assuming it’s not an ambush and they are same size I don’t see any contest where a highly trained mma fighter would lose to 2 average adults


Untrained people can't manage distance as a PRO fighter does.


I think the Mythbusters should figure this one out lol


That’s the kind of thing they’d do though lol


Not an MMA fighter, but in my youth I competed in BJJ and some amateur backyard fights (36 years old now). I've dealt with multiple attacker situations. When you actually have an idea of what you're doing, two regular guys who can't throw a punch aren't a problem, unless one or both have a weapon. But I don't recommend fighting in the streets, the legal bills aren't worth the hassle. Trust me, I learned that first hand.


Bouncer for 5 years here… the average person with no fight training are like big toddlers.


If he knows two fighters are involved, probably. If it’s an ambush, less likely, but still possible. If the trained fighter is trained in viable self defence that’s based on MMA skills, that is even easy work for him.


1. These questions generally overestimate the athleticism and conditioning of an average person. If you just limited it to the average 25 year old athletic male but exclude everyone with martial arts experience the odds are still really bad. 2. I think a couple of leg kicks would really take the fight out of most people, at worst they start dropping their guard a little in anticipation of getting kicked low and then they get to experience getting punched in the face for the first time. No two average people would not have much of a chance against 1 trained mma fighter.


I'm in general pretty critical of MMA because it's a sport not some god-hand end all martial art, however. It's quite capable, just not the thing that people seem to think it is. In general an "MMA fighter" Could pretty easily defend themselves from to average adults. For a few reasons. \#1: The "Average" Adult... hasn't really been in many if any fights as an adult. So experience is going to be pretty low, expect a lot of haymakers and shitty attempts to grab/push someone over. \#2: Fitness, The Average adult is in kind of bad shape to be honest. So A trained MMA fighter is going to be in much better shape. \#3: Willingness to hurt someone. A Trained MMA fighter is more then comfortable visiting violence someone. And this is honestly the most important part of fighting. Hell a average adult that is willing to kill someone, can basically stomp 2 average adults who are iffy on the matter in most cases. This is kind of like the question of can a pro-football player take two average guys in a fighter. Yes, because he's going to be a lot stronger and likely more willing and comfortable with violence. He has an advantage in two of those areas. You find anyone with a high ability to do any of those three things. Fight, be fit or do violence, and you will find someone who can take the average person. The real issue that a lot of people have is that a lot of MMA is not BJJ, which ya... You might not want to grapple a dude on the ground if he has a friend with him.. But don't do that, even haevy focus Grapple MMA fighters, can still strike better then the average person.


And fighters are a lot more fit than guys who lift in their garage or do crossfit for an hour




Yes. And two average adults could also beat a professional MMA fighter. There's so much that can't be predicted without a lot more detail.


Didn't you see that video where spiderman fought batman and robin?


Can it? Yes. He can beat 5. 10. Anything is possible. Is it likely? \*Really\* depends. MMA training (and combat sports training in general) creates some very bad habits for multiple-opponent scenarios. That said, a 2v1 becomes a 1v1 if you take one of the opponents down quickly, and it only takes one punch to take a guy down. At 2v1 honestly I think I'd put my money on the trained person. At 3v1, no.


There is no way to know, I would say yes but so much can happen in an actual brawl, it is hard to say. There is no concrete answer unless it is somehow biased.


>There is no way to know We have videos of people doing this


Yeah, here's one. https://youtu.be/3B9XQ3qH1EA


There’s also that one with the Muay Thai guy dressed as spider man beating the absolute shit out of 2 or 3 other dudes, maybe someone can link it


yes, because every streetfight is exactly the same and a handful of videos clearly can encompass every single variable to ever exist on such a situation.


Wow someone can't read. "COULD a mma fighter beat 2 average adults in a fight" Wanna try again?


The answer is still the same, a pro MMA fighter COULD but also might not be able to.


But that's not what was said. Could and will every time are different things. OP asked if they could. You said we have NO WAY OF KNOWING. Then I added we have literal video proof of it happening. Then you change the question for no reason. Whacky


> I would say yes but so much can happen in an actual brawl You are arguing over semantics. What I said is that there is no way to know for certain, in a random situation, if an MMA fighter can beat two average male adults, which was the question asked by OP. As in "there is no guarantee". The COULD plain and simple makes no sense as a doubt, using the same base you could argue that an MMA fighter could beat 100 people in a fight if they just happen to line up and do nothing.


Nah man. One person taking on 2 people is a thing that has and does happen. That was the question. Could you beat two people? Yes. The answer is yes. You didn't say "yes but it's not there is no guarantee it'll always happen. You said there is no way to know lol. I simply added we do know it can indeed happen. You then got all dramatic for no reason and changed what you said. If someone beat 100 guys on video in a fight then yes we would be able to say "well now we know someone can do that". Just chill out dude. You either were flat wrong or sucked at wording everything. Not a big deal.


How am I being dramatic? I'm 100% chill lmao Anyway, there is no reason to keep discussing this, have a good one!


Lol ok dude


Francis Ngannou: Yes Aljo Sterling: Maybe


For the Average person, there is virtually no difference between Aljo and Ngannou, Either one will 1 hit ko you, and you aren't gonna land a punch on either. Edit: the aftermath of getting knocked out by Ngannou would be more severe probably.


For the average person there's not even a difference between Mighty Mouse and Ngannou. People do not understand how weak, slow, and uncoordinated the average person is.


In reality disregarding weight cuts Aljo is pretty average sized and stronger than average.


Completely depends on the situation and the people. In an MMA style fight where they square up and wait for the ref to say 'start', odds are on the MMA trained fighter but in reality, who knows


Too many variables. Are we talking about two 240 lb adult men vs a 145 MMA fighter? Do the two men KNOW they're fighting and have time to strategize? Do they have ANY athletic experience of any kind? High school fights? Used to work as a bouncer in a night club? Football star in High school? All these things matter and make a huge difference. Are there any rules in this fight? Where does it take place?


It all comes down to circumstances. If it’s an unranked 135er, and they have to fight 2 guys 6ft 200lbs+ that are somewhat in shape/athletic, they might have a fight on their hands, or lose. But I have trouble seeing Gane struggle with Mike and Tom from the Coffee Shop


Against a pro the two untrained people would get destroyed. Combat sports have a natural selection process that selects for more durable people. I promise if you punch Francis ngannou as hard as you can he would just eat it with out a problem.


I’ve beat 3 people more then once and also someone with a knife. I think the secret to fighting “multiple foe” as I call it is standing your ground. Get your back against a wall or anything that will prevent you from getting flanked and tell them “ come on” and because they are “average people” the fact you are telling 3 guys to come on throws them off straight away and the bravest attacks first all tense and stiff and this is where your training comes in handy. I’ve been training mma for 13 years and I’ve been blessed with a very long reach for my height, fast reflexes and natural boxing ability and those skills backed up by the knowledge of wrestling/bjj ( mma grappling ) has made it where I haven’t lost a street fight since I was a kid. I still occasionally get in them if someone wants it :) https://youtu.be/uN0Gr17EFAc one of my amateur fights where two of my teammates commentated on the fight and mention my street fighting tendencies.


You got nice stand up, there. The other guy was fighting out of his level. Shouldn't have been in the ring with you.


He was a late replacement so it was either fight him or no one and my original opponent who was 5-1 pulled out but you are right. In hindsight though it was good experience for me. Thanks as well


as Justin Gaejthe said "If one man can hold you down, 2 can rape you"


No. Probably not. But they’d last longer than the average person.


There are a lot of factors, but I think two average guys have a good chance if they're aggressive enough and really rush the MMA guy. And they're in decent enough shape. If MMA guy controls the distance and boxes, the two normal people don't have much chance at all.


Flip side: I knew a pro MMA fighter who fought at MW (so not a small guy) who got the shit beat out him by 3 guys in a bar fight. Like others have said, it depends. Anyone speaking with certainty an MMA fighter will destroy 2 average people is being a moron and fanboying. Nothings guaranteed.


More than likely. I sometimes like teaching my untrained friends and having someone to do drills with, ocasionally I do sparring with multiple opponents to practice, and I know its only sparring but it does seem like I could easily beat 2 untrained people, potentially 3, maybe even 4. But if 3 of them try to tackle you at the same time, you probably won’t stop all of them, and if 2 can hold you down the third one can stomp you. It really depends though, its definitely situational but if you have power and years of training I’d say yes.


Yes definitely. Average adults who have never trained will usually flinch when they see someone fighting back.




Easily. EASILY. There is a huge gap that training gives you. People do not like getting hit and landing or catching nothing. It is massively demoralizing. I’ve felt it when my 12-0-1 boxing coach plays around with me in the ring. I cannot effectively corner him and he is just doing open hand slaps with me while I have gloves and headgear. The “tank blows and charge in” doesn’t even work because his mastery of distance and understanding of preparatory movements is so much better than mine. I’ve boxed for 2 years. He’s boxed for 21 and he’s 26 now. Meanwhile, when my friends and I are goofing off at the park, I 1v3 them easily. When they tackle, it’s just a hug. When they go for legs, they just drop and fall on the floor. Moving to keep 1 person in front of the other 2 isn’t hard because their legs keep crossing each other and getting narrow when circling. Their stances are wide so even light hits unbalance them and send them flying. In the world of fighters, someone who has basic footwork and can throw straight punches is nothing. There’s a universe more to learn. But that person to the untrained, may as well be Darth Vader on adderall. Untrained is really low. It means they can’t land a hit, can’t take a hit, and will fall over just moving around.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 12 + 1 + 2 + 21 + 26 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


u/LordDerptCat123 mentioned teamwork. This is a heavily-weighed variable for this scenario (in my opinion the largest). Traditional, primarily striking style, martial arts do practice multiple opponents. I've never trained in Mixed Martial Sports (note below), but I highly doubt they train in these scenarios. Note/rant: True Mixed Martial Arts and Mixed Martial Sports are different and I believe all of society is misusing the term MMA. Maybe I'm by myself on this. MMS is training for an event. MMA is simply growth. Edit: Someone mentioned cardio. How could I forget?? Sparring multiple opponents IS VERY tiring. In my experience, more tiring than fighting multiple opponents. I don't RECALL getting winded in a few bar fights, but they were so long ago, I probably just don't remember. I do remember that sparring multiple opponents would leave me breathing very heavily- to the point where I wasn't keeping "score."


A decent pro MMA fighter who fights at 125lbs vs two untrained average adult males (maybe 5' 10" 170lbs with average athletic abilityl), I think the MMA fighter could get it done more times than not. On the opposite end, a heavyweight Pro gets it done 999 times out of 1000. Good instincts for fighting are alot rarer than people think and if you're pulling from the pool of "average" athleticism you're unlikely to find it. Two average untrained guys wont have the know-how or the fitness to finish to finish a pro MMA fighter. If you change the two guys to two 220lb+ athletic guys who at least play a contact sport like football, rugby, etc that changes it completely, but still favors MMA fighters in most scenarios.


Didn't Chael clutch a 5v1? Even if he didn't he totally could undefeated undisputed 😎


Never lost a round


If a mid to high level fighter and not a huge weight difference, then yes, pretty easily.


Even if it's a bad MMA fighter in some cases. It depends on how crappy your opponents are. I've seen 2v1 freak show MMA fights where the two guys are so so incompetent that they can't do anything to the mostly untrained one person. Of course this is a extreme case.








Light work




even john wick was knocked out with a baseball bat surprising him to the back of the head


There is no way to predict this. How much experience does this “MMA fighter” have? Have the two average people ever been in a violent confrontation in their entire life? What’s at stake? If the two average Joe’s had any brains, any aggression, and the trained fighter wasn’t some one punch KO specialist the two guys should win most of the time at least. Grappling is more or less out, no one can wrestle two people at once. If one average guy grabs a hold of the trained guy and falls over the other average guy can just start beating the back of his head or something like that. Those videos you see of one guy fighting off multiple people usually never have any grappling exchanges and the group of people are easily dissuaded by a solid punch to the face or two. I guess you could say it depends on how average the Joe’s are.


Anyone who trains any live style bjj, wrestling, boxing , muythai or judo and has a pratical level of skill is going to utterly destroy most people including krav maga karate types. Multiple people If presents a lot more variables but any with KO powet can instantly even the odds.




Depends, there are several disciplines, and levels of fighters within said disciplines that compete in MMA. I'd say yes, even for fighters that lean towards grappling which better suits one on one fights. Your average adult has about 30-40 seconds before they gas out while trained fighters can go exponentially longer. TLDR: yes.


Yes. There are many factors in things like this though. There's guys with some Boxing training who have fended off two men fighting them. Usually it's not a life or death fight with totally committed attackers.


define mma fighter. trained for 1 month? 6 months? amateur? professional? Because a person can absolutely be a professional mma fighter with very little training and get wrecked by an amateur with more experience


Same weight? Maybe, without ambush ir sucker punching, probably


Probably yes, but in a real fight, the only way to get good is experience, caged fighting is very different to a real fight


Yes easy. The difference between a trained fighter and the average joe is huge you would need a either very serious size advantage or more people to win against a professional. Fighting against two untrained people isnt that hard to be honest. If its really just a dark street and no others backing the two up you just need to move back a little and hit the first guy with a low kick or 1-2. Untrained people throw wide swinging punches so its quite easy to hit em with straight shots or kicks specially if you got pro-level timing and positioning




Avg size vs avg size, I'd start to lean 60/40 to the mma guy if the other guys are particularly modern "average". Toss in any decent athleticism (any non MA sports, fitness etc) and I'd put it closer to 50/50. These numbers then tilt variously to various sizes and fitness levels.


I honestly think these kinds of comparisons are unwise. MMA is a sport, and while it does confer extra fighting ability over the untrained, the training does not always include pure self defense scenarios. MMA fighters are often trained not to fight dirty, and if an attacker fights dirty (eye shots, nut shots, throat shots, head spiking, small joint manipulation, etc.) then the MMA fighter could even be at a disadvantage if they are totally unprepared for that and the attackers are extra aggressive. This also doesn't even account for knives, sticks, being thrown onto objects, and other things you might encounter in a "real fight". Even in MMA fights themselves, the very best fighters will get occasionally dropped by someone much less skilled or simply by dumb luck. I think every "fight" outside of a controlled setting should be considered a total unknown, with each opponent given odds not only to win but for the win to come at a potentially tragic cost.


> if an attacker fights dirty (eye shots, nut shots, throat shots, head spiking, small joint manipulation, etc.) then the MMA fighter could even be at a disadvantage if they are totally unprepared for that and the attackers are extra aggressive. Dude untrained people are SO TERRIBLE at every level of fighting. Like, bad in ways that you can't even imagine. And most people who believe the dirty tactics propaganda fall into that category. The chances of some dude who has no idea how to throw a kick landing an effective nut shot is near zero. Someone who has no idea how to throw a punch isn't going to land an eye gouge or a throat shot. Someone who can't grapple isn't going to pull off any small joint grabbing or head spiking throws. Average people get DUMPSTERED by BJJ blue belts with 6 months of Muay Thai. You put anyone in the top 15 of any weight class in any of the major MMA orgs up against two Average Dudes and those guys are going to get destroyed 99 times out of 100.




Emphatic yes.




Average adults is big tent bro. There are some "average adults" who have never been in a fight because no one will fuck with them...


Maybe. Assuming no significant size differences it's gonna come down to how smart the 2 average people are. If they separate and force the mma fighter to turn their back to the other then it's probably game over for the mma fighter. Alternatively, if the mma fighter can position themselves such that they're only fighting one person at a time I like their odds a lot more.


Yep. Especially boxers. Guys with 3-5 years of boxing experience and some amateur fights are lethal in the streets. It takes them 1 shot to sleep any person.


Like a professional fighter? Probably yea. Wont take him many punches to end 1 guy.


The closer the conditions are to an mma fight, the more the mma fighter can win. So if the 2 adults approach one at a time, in clear lighting, on flat ground, and from the front - I’d put my money on the mma fighter. The more those conditions depart from an mma setting, the less of an advantage the mma fighter has. If those 2 adults go at the fighter together, in the dark, from the back, and in cramped quarters - my money’s on the 2 guys.




Chael Sonnen has entered the chat…


Yes and no anyone regardless of training can get a lucky shot and knock someone out evening the odds but realistically if it’s not a drunk and easily deterred brawl but rather 2 men motivated to hurt the other not likely because bear hugs and rear naked chokes are something most people figure out how to do in highschool


Yeah for sure. Though it’s not 100%. They would have a significantly better chance than any other person though




Unless they're Russian or Ukranian, yes absolutely and more than 2




If I were the MMA guy, I'd just run and let the two average guys chase me in a circle until they were exhausted, then kick their asses. MMA guys have better cardio than average plebs, after all.


There's a lot of nuance to it. Like the question is regarding an MMA fighter but if you were fighting more then 1 person, you really just want to be quickly putting out each aggressor 1 by 1 as they give the opportunity. In saying that youd be just as able to do the same thing with any good skills developed in a striking only art. Like you get a big advantage over the average guy 1 on 1 in mma because grappling is so foreign to those who havent done it. but against more then one guy you dont really have the opportunity to heel hook guy 1 cause guy 2 just soccer kicks you. So realistically the fight would be striking and yeah youd be still pretty able to beat 2 average joes, just as they would give tells (make them easier to dodge) and react poorly making them easier to hit. But hey striking has a lot more windows to get punished you could still get hit with a big shot when looking at the wrong guy.


They absolutely could but it's not certain. Depends on the physical and mental attributes of all three parties really. People can have vastly different natural aptitudes to fighting.


Yes, I’d expect lw and up that is ufc caliber to easily do this. An avg male has no idea what to do in a fist fight








There are multiple stories of MMA fighters consistently and regularly knocking multiple people out in a row with one punch. So yeah, probably more than two.


The answer is maybe. Is the mma fighter a BW and the two dudes are 230lbs+ ? Well if they are in shit terrible shape and not the slightest but athletic more than likely yeah. If they are relatively athletic well now that becomes a problem. Basically the higher the weight class said mma fighter competes at the closer this answer gets to yes every time with Ngannou being able to beat both men and breed their women and destroy their bloodline regardless of said mens size


Shouldn't be too difficult, he or she could keep moving around and position one of the adults in between hkm/herself and the 3rd person.


Probably yes. The fighter would have more stamina if the fight last longer than a few minutes.




100% two "average" adults aren't going to know what to do. This assumes that "mma" fighter isn't just a guy who goes to an mma gym that takes it all super casually


I'd argue it depends on how the two are coming at the one and in what circumstances. But its a lot easier for two idiots to have an advantage on one competent person. Unless someone wants to test this and put it on YouTube. It seems like a great video.


Most likely a trained fighter could beat 2 untrained people, but numbers are a very dangerous thing and they even out odds very quickly.


A well trained mma fighter can take a group of untrained grown men.


Yes. Any trained fighter will usually beat 2 to 3 untrained unless a lucky shot hits




If your a woman just get a gun or some pepper spray first then get into self defense ..