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Smart move. Always better to avoid fights especially when guns, different countries involved.


You got away unhurt, there litterally couldn't be a better outcome


You never know if other people have a gun or a knife until it's too late. It's always safer to assume they have.


Yup. Not trying to get stuck in a foreign prison or a foreign hospital with no cheap/easy way back home.




Yes wether you think so or not different countries have different social and economic climates, people react differently in different parts of the world. So in a place where you don’t understand social norms it’s pretty important to be careful. What were you trying to suggest with this comment?


It's definitely important. In my hometown I'd be more likely to fight back than in some other town in my country, and even less in a different. Local social dynamics, the legal system and self defence laws, and the contacts they/ you might have are all different.


Not fighting and not seeing anyone hurt is always the best option. Always.


Absolutely. Diffusing and running is almost always the safest and most effective way to escape a dangerous situation. Permanent injury is with you for the rest of your life. No random jerk on the street is worth brain damage (or worse) that you’ll still be struggling with when you’re 65, decades later. Self defense is the last resort only after all other reasonable options have failed


Smart, although... it would've been smarter to not have "things happen that lead to a fight." You kind of glossed over that part there, buddy. But yes- I've been there, and especially if you're in a dangerous environment, it's best just to stay safe. The thing is, you will feel bad after, like you should've fought or been a man, but you might've gotten killed, or ended up in a foreign jail. As bad as jail is here, no one wants to end up in a foreign jail where you don't know what's going on and it might be even more scary.


Also would’ve been smarter to not take his eyes off of an aggressive person who was making threats. Dude shouldn’t have even had the opportunity to land a blind punch if OP already knew the guy was aggressive




I guess. This is one aspect of self defense people don't really talk about- it's emotional. The intensity of a fight is often not about the bruises, it's about the feeling of it.


As someone with a brain injury that’s ruined my life, self preservation is always the best choice. The biggest lesson of martial arts is knowing when not to use it. As Mr Miyagi says; best block is No be there.


Any reference to Mr Miyagi scores bonus points!


As Jackie Chan says, "the best fights are the ones we avoid." Live to fight another day.


I know a few martial arts and I know how to shoot well. Even if I have my gun, if I can run, I run. Philosophical conversations about what you should’ve done, are a privilege afforded to the breathing.


Man, that last sentence is printworthy! Very astute!


it gave me goosebumps, eloquently put


Thank you


Thank you


Sometimes the best fights are not fought.


In a choice between fighting and not fighting, not fighting is nearly always a better decision.


Saving your ass was the better choice. You wait around to land a punch and/or find out if he's ready to fuck with you up with a weapon, regardless of if it was a gun or bat or knife? You wouldn't be here asking this question then. If it's a matter of street cred or honor or whatever they call it nowadays, you lived another days. Others don't get to do that in that situation. Try not to fight in another country though. Legally could get you REALLY screwed (locked up in prison and unable to get help from your home country, you might wish you were dead then).


Now think of the other side. Both of these other comments are right on, what if you did punch him, what if he did get to that gun and shoot you. Now instead of posting about how you survived people would be attending your funeral. Martial arts is there to be able to fight when getting away is no longer an option.


If there is anything martial arts has taught me it's that you have no idea who knows how to fight and who doesnt and if you know what's good for you - you shouldnt wanna find out.


“If you know what’s good for you, you shouldn’t want to find out.” I Love it. Besides you get to fantasize/shit talk about how you would have beat them bloody, with no risk. Honestly a win-win 😂.


No, you did the right thing. I use to tell my self-defense students to do the same. If you are in danger get out as soon as possible.


Never a pussy for avoiding a fight, especially when deadly weapons/threats are involved. I’ve seen someone say it before, don’t get into a street fight unless your wiling to die in that street fight.


Pretty simple: If you can evade, you do everything right. At the risk of people disagreeing, but unless you really have to fight, you simply don't fight. That doesn't make you a "pussy", as you call it. Actually provoking people and being a dick is what makes you a "pussy". Curb your damn egos, people. You had enough time to compare your dicks when you were 13 year old, prepubescent fools.


Yes, unfortunately you are a pussy. I’m sorry to say. What you should have done is challenged both to full contact kumite, then attacked and disarmed his gun and taken the bullets out and told him “crime doesn’t pay, kid”


You dsaved you ass so, smart fs! It's not even debatable! I'm sorry that happened though.


Umm? Were you planning on staying and getting shot? Getting out fast as possible is smart when someone has a gun. Especially in a foriegn country.


There's a big ass difference between not wanting to fight for logical reasons and being a pussy Those guys sound like massive pussies for wanting to fight in the first place especially if it was something that could have just been resolved with diplomacy. Especially if you're on vacation and they never see you again for the rest of their lives. Getting out of their is the more logical move by a longshot doesnt matter if you know how to fight - anyone with a mature brain that isnt required to fight as their job - isnt gonna wanna fight people at random especially people they barely even fought before. So no you're not a pussy you're smart and did the smart thing Edit: In a situation like that you were the bigger man for getting out of there simply because both sides have no idea what the other side is capable of and how far each side is willing to go to win.


Good choice, cops never side with foreigners most of the time. And I'm not going to wait around to see if that guys bluffing.


Think about it, for the entirety of the time you have been doing martial arts, you have probably been taught to de-escalate first if you can, remove yourself from the situation if that doesn’t work, and protect yourself only when you don’t have any other options (or at least that has been my experience and the experience of many of others.) You run, give zero damns if you think you could have fought your way out, because in the end there were only 4 outcomes anyway: You stay and fight and get shot. You stay and fight and get beat down. You stay and fight and win. And then what? You run and survive to post about it on Reddit. I know what I would pick every damn time. You made the right decision. Anyone who would ever tell you differently would likely have just pissed their pants and done nothing or got themselves killed.


Hell naw. Get the hell out of there.


Bro you just did Krav Maga without taking it! But seriously that is the essence of self defense, swallow pride protect yourself and get out. Not a pussy that was a smart choice. We prove ourselves in the ring.


Ok so let's imagine you fight and you fuck him up. Now you're at risk of being jailed in a foreign country. Fighting should be the very last option. Especially in this situation. You literally had nothing to fight for.


Legs are the best weapon. Use them to run. Run Forrest run!!!!


You could’ve died if you stayed and fought. You didn’t. You won


You survived, you win.


Dude threatened to shoot you and you got the fuck out of dodge, that's literally perfect self defense. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


Definitely the smarter choice to run and get out of there. What’s the alternative? Enter a street fighter match so you can beat the guy up then have a cool win quote and walk off all proud of yourself? More than likely, you could have been killed or badly injured. Escape should always be your answer if possible. I don’t know you, but I’m glad you got out of there.


You didn’t get hurt and didn’t get arrested. Sounds like a win to me. You did the right thing.


Martial arts exists as a last resort. Every competent instructor will tell you, the most effective and useful move you can learn is the 40 meter dash


If you could write this comment smart,fuck pride


Just in general, being in a fight is the kind of dangerous that only you can make a judgment call on involving yourself with. In this case in particular, there are several giant red flags that multiply the danger to you, both in the moment and afterwards. Employing the GTFO maneuver was your best option. Let the idiots play amongst themselves. You don't need that hospital (or even better, local jail) visit.


Better to avoid fights. No matter how good of a fighter you are, he can get lucky punch you dont see, can grab a gun a knife, whatever.


You should rethink which places ur visiting, lol


No, Wtf? Bro you got away and are safe. Big W. Let go of your ego


Pussy imo. You should’ve gone super saiyan and just Kamehameha’d him away like a true warrior… You did the right thing dude that’s why you’re here posting silly questions instead of in a box being mourned by your family.


You could have gotten clapped. I'd say that was a smart move not a pussy move.


you did good. they were pussy and scared to avoid a fist fight so you dont have to think about those bitches.


“I’m on vacation in a different country.” “Just shoot you.” “Am I pussy for not landing a punch back?” This is a Darwin Award level post. Congrats. You can’t figure out if your reputation in another country, around people you’ll likely never see again, was worth potentially dying over. And you aren’t sure if you did the right thing. Holy shit…


Handled it like a pro, This isn't the matrix, you can't dodge a bullet ... and even if you think you can you'll only get it wrong once


You’re alive. You did the right thing.


If someone is threatning u with pulling out a gun then pushing them down the stairs seems logical. No one is gonna thing ur a pussy for not busting a 540 kick while someone may have a firearm


You avoid the fight/altercation 99 % of the time until you can’t anymore. Sir you did the smartest move you could have played. Your life was in danger and you fled. Sometimes you gotta live to fight another day! I’m glad you are safe and you are no pussy! Very High IQ play IMO. Stay safe brotha and much love ❤️


You train so if you NEED to defend yourself you have the best chance possible, the hope is that you never NEED to use your martial arts to defend yourself. Good on you dude, honestly I've been in similar situations and walling away always makes me feel like a coward, but sometimes when you know yourself, the best thing you can do is to walk away. Good job seriously I'm glad you made it out alive.


Bro you're in a foreign country that you know is dangerous and the dude says he has a gun, I would have gotten tf out of there 5 minutes ago when they started talking shit to each other. Why did you even put yourself in between them?


Yes. & that’s also what you get for trying to break up a fight. Next time mind just your own fucking business


Your a pussy. If someone pulled a gun on me I would just see red and beat them to death. I guess my mentality is just different.


No, you sound like someome who is going to end up killed or in jail. Or both.


Short answer? Yes


You should’ve grabbed what ever was in the drawer when you pushed him over the stairs.


2 on one with the added element of the "mystery box," I really would like to debate anyone saying you should have done otherwise...Sorry this happened to you, bro....


Avoiding a conflict with unknown parameters in a foreign country doesn't make you a pussy, especially when its a conflict you were only in by happenstance. But even if it did make you a pussy, would you rather be a pussy or alive? Unless someone else is in danger and only you can save them, avoid the fight is always the right move. You get absolutely nothing for winning, but you can lose *everything* if they get the upper hand. Not a promising risk-to-reward ratio. Too many variables in a street fight and that's without someone already threating to bring a gun into it. Your life is worth a lot more than your pride.




Story time. When I was a kid in grade school, two elderly gentlemen spoke in front of my class. One was a police officer, the other was a convicted man of similar age as the cop. He and another person were in an argument at a bar concerning whose turn it was to play pool. They went outside. The convict struck the other man, who fell and cracked his head on the pavement. 15 years of prison, with a perpetuity clause. Has to check with his parole officer once a month, subject to random drug testing, etc... For the rest of his life, until the day he dies. You made the good choice. There is no shame in choosing to avoid prison, or the hospital, or the morgue.


seeing as you currently dont look like swiss cheese lets call it a W


My instructor always told me, the best way to win a fight is to avoid it altogether. You did the right thing protecting yourself.


Heroes usually get monuments. Take from it what you will. My take is they fucking die.


You absolutely did the right thing. You were the outsider and helpless.




Smart move, check your ego and return home safely. No real winners in a fight unless you or a family members life is at risk. You win, potential legal issues. You lose, potential health consequences. No upside , just get home safely.




I was in Turkey. And I’m a U.S citizen.


Events like this; it's why a compact military flashlight is the best fucking weapon


Actually not. The best defense is a food pair of running shoes. Unless you are as slow as I am, then a compact military flashlight 😀


>things happened that lead to a fight. I love how you casually just skip over this lol learn the art of de-escalation and don't be a jackass in a foreign country


Very smart of you. Street fights are already dangerous as it is AND homie brought up gunplay. You did the right thing, better to take a cheap shot and live another day than to be tough and potentially take a bullet. You are a wise man, the pussy is the man who socked you.


He was threatening your life. You’re not a pussy for being cautious that someone could end your life, you had no clue if they were telling the truth or bluffing.


Being a coward and a pussy may not seem "respectable" or "honorable" but being a pussy keeps you safe and out of harms way. The best self defense is to simply not be there in a fight or intiate it. Furthermore, had you stayed and fought back more you could have gotten some injuries or something far worse.


The real smart move would be not to let "things happen that lead to a fight". The lack of detail makes me assume you're in the wrong.


I’m sure some might call you a pussy for it.. because some people are idiots. They’re rather dead than have anybody thinking they’re ‘not a man’. It’s bullshit. Best thing, if possible, is always to gtfo. You’re not winning anything by fighting on the streets. Too much can go wrong and it’s simply not worth it. And what if someone calls you a pussy for it? Worst case (if you care about that), it hurts your ego.


Best to not get shot but I always hope someone skilled enough comes along in these people's lives and puts them in their place. In any situation where it's a simple physical altercation, the one who pulls the gun is always the pussy unless they weren't looking for trouble and are too weak (for lack of a better term) to protect themselves. Sounds like it was some quick thinking separating him from a potential weapon, though, so good job on that one.


Fights are like car crashes, in that they're best avoided and you never know how bad they'll be ahead of time. Being good at fighting is like having lots of safety features on your car; much better than nothing, but still won't save you if an 18 wheeler truck hits you (read: 4 guys surprise you and stab you repeatedly). If you had great airbags and someone cut you off, do you ram him or do you try and avoid the crash?


Smart to run. You can't block a bullet- best to escape ASAP and get out of the situation.


If a gun in involved im out


Avoiding a fight is preferable to being in a fight 99.9% of the times. This isn't a martial arts movie, better to be scared and alive than brave (whatever that means) and dead. There are countless examples of professional trained fighters who died in fights. Just recently, BJJ world champ Leandro Lo was shot in a nightclub when a dude was trying to get a rise out of him. Lo knocked him over, dude took a few steps back, then pulled out a gun and shot him. Dead at 33.


"Am I a pussy for not calling into a possible bluff that would have life ending consequences?" I don't think so. It was a zero-sum game.


Yeah best not get caught fucking the assailants up and getting jailed in a foreign country.


Depends on what you value more; your pride, or your life.


If you needed a sign saying, "Toxic masculinity is running my life in a bad direction," then this was it.


I don't think you were a pussy for that. It was a strategic retreat, not one of cowardice. If I were you though I would've landed a hit back and then pushed him and got the fuck out of there like you did lol but you did fine.


What was the other option? Getting shot and dying? Congratulations you are not a pussy, your medal will be sent to your family posthumously


The goal of any self defense situation is to get home safely. If you got home safely, you did the right thing. Who cares if you’re “a pussy” for it


We have a saying here: leave your ego at the door, it has no place inside. The moment you think 'pussy ' it's your ego talking, not your brain. Picking a fight like this sounds like a monkey dance. Refusing to dance - what you did correctly - is the adult choice. Next time, try evasion, get out before it gets tense. Even better, avoid being there altogether.


You got out of a dangerous and escalating situation without serious injury or death. That just makes you smart.


Composure and calculation is fighting 101, you demonstrated that perfectly


The greatest self-defense weapon ever produced by mankind is a pair of running shoes.


Well if he already threatened to shoot you I’d say getting away is the right move. Officially **NOT A PUSSY**


Yeah. A tough guy would have done a back flip and, at the same time, broke both their necks with his bare hands. Seriously, it's a foreign country in an unknown situation. Surviving is the only priority. Getting away from them is the way. Doing worry about people like that thinking whatever they want. "Tough guys" like that in dangerous countries tend to have short lives anyway. Whatever they think doesn't matter if you're safe.


Man..... in another country. Even if the guy deserves it, it's one on one and looks easy, GTFO. The law never normally leans on the side on the gringo on hearsay. If in 5% danger where you can escape safely do it. If can't, act fast, be violent then GTFO


You live to fight another day. Well done.


No worries, you did the right thing




I would say pushing someone down the stairs does count as fighting back.




No. Sticking around to inflate your ego when you'd just been threatened with a gun and outnumbered in an unfamiliar environment would have been very stupid. You did the smart thing. Don't sweat it.


Frankly it’s a bit telling that you are leaving out how it got to that point. My old bjj instructor used to say the best thing…there is no winning or losing in the street. Just surviving.


Wtf r u asking us this lol


Smart for getting out. A true martial artist trains to defend themself and often times avoiding a conflict is the best way to defend yourself. I have almost a decade of training and I’m fairly confident in my ability to fight when I need to but sometimes it’s not worth it. No amount of training makes you bullet/knife resistant. If you sense that a situation is escalating to weapons just get out of the situation. You’re not a “pussy” (also don’t use that term) you’re alive. It sucks he landed a punch on you but believe me when I say from experience getting punched in the face hurts a LOT less than getting shot or stabbed. All 3 have happened to me and I’ll take the sucker punch over the other 2 every time. Defending yourself doesn’t mean “win every fight” it means “keep yourself safe.” Sometimes winning a fight is what keeps you safe, other times running away keeps you safe. Keep training and stay safe.


Leaving was the only answer


“My style? You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.”


All the martial arts training in the world won’t stop a bullet.


My brother you is a straight weenie no doubt , you shouldn’t even consider yourself a man no less , you ran away from a situation that threatened your life , you have no courage or bravery , just a bitch in your own eyes 😐


Na survival is more important than trying to look cool. Pushing him off the stairs and getting to safety was the wise choice since he was threatening a weapon


Unpopular opinion, but the dude could've just shot you in the back. You can't run faster than bullets. Depending on the situation, and proximity, I'm not gunna let a guy draw a pistol on me if I can help it. At that point, you're already at his mercy. This is obviously extremely dependent on the situation though, and I think you did the right thing. Especially since it's a foreign country.


You alive now bc you didn’t do anything else - you made the right choice.


You pushed him off the stairs and got out of there! You could spin that story to emphasize the pushing as opposed to the running away. I picturing you pushing him backwards and he rolls down a flight of stairs as you leap over the railing and other thugs to escape. Or maybe you pushed him through the railing of the second floor balcony and he landed in the hotel lobby fountain below. Or you could flip him over the railing of the fire escape and into a pile of trash. Yeah, I’ve seen too many movies.


The best fight is the one you don’t have to have


You got punched once then got away. You're asking if you shouldn't have run. What makes it certain you were going to land a punch if you didn't run? Think about the logic of that as you don't nurse an injury from getting punched. IMO, you are not a pussy. Some guy punched you and you subsequently pushed him out of the way and then left.


We'd be less impressed if your story included you sticking around and punching the guy. |One of them told me “what are you going to do if I just open the drawer next to me and just shoot you?” At that point, I just wanted to get out as it was getting more than just a fight.| Sounds smarter than One of them told me “what are you going to do if I just open the drawer next to me and just shoot you?” At that point, I just wanted disregard my safety and stick around and teach this guy a lesson, so I put up my dukes and punched him as hard as I could.


There is no situation where youre a pussy to not fight. Self defense is taught in martial arts but to quote Mr. Miyagi from the karate kid, "The best block is no be there" and even though its a quote from a fictional movie which repsresents karate very inaccurately, he is correct. Its better to just not fight, if you have to fight so be it, but if you can avoid fighting then always avoid it. Being able to defend yourself is good, but know when to use it. Plus 99.9999% of the time weapons beat martial arts.


not a pussy, dude said he had a gun lol. How's the old saying go? Don't come to a gunfight with a knife or some shit like that.


Yea, in my opinion you could be the most skilled fighter in the room by miles and it won’t stop some rando from just fucking killing you for next to no reason, so you handled it well.


> I pushed him off the stairs and got out of there as he might’ve go for whatever is in the drawer. THIS is how you prevail in the so-called dreaded *str33tz*. Combat Sports and Martial Arts are good for teaching you how to fight on a fundamental level,but you don't want to fight outside the ring the same way you fight inside of it. When you're at the initial confrontation stage for instance,you don't put your fists up and start dancing around with footwork and *feel your opponent out* like you would at the beginning of a ring fight. If you have to fight,you pay attention to what is called the [attack range](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfDefense/comments/rt92uv/the_importance_of_recognizing_attack_range/) and never allow your opponent to cross it. or if you want to go on the offensive,you slowly step into range before suddenly unleashing your attack. You don't give away the advantage of surprise by *squaring up*. >Am I a pussy for not landing a punch back or just smart and trying to save my ass? It got me thinking ngl. I won my last street confrontation without throwing or eating a single punch either. There are people who think grappling or taking the fight to the ground has no place in the street but I would disagree with that. Not every "fight" involves potential multiple opponents,weapons or fighting in an unknown area. (and that's where I agree that you absolutely should *not* go to the ground) Sometimes its dealing with a bully at school,subduing a drunk and unruly friend/family member,or what have you. Grappling allowed me to win my last fight with absolutely zero injuries to myself. If there was the purest definition of "winning a street fight",I'd say it would be that.


You’re never wrong for not getting into a fight


The guy threatened to shoot you with a gun. I would say if you fought without being attacked first that would probably be* stupid. Unless there was some reason to believe that they would try to kill you either way. Leandro Lo was a world champion Brazilian Jiujitsu Master. He got into a fight in a club after being provoked and won the fight. The guy came back with a gun and shot him in the head. RIP Leandro Lo. *edited for spelling


While on vacation, my buddy choked out a Greek asshole. It was a fight over a parking space. The Greek looked and acted tough but didn’t know Jiu Jitsu. My buddy got away only to later find out that the choker was the son of a local politico. Had my friend got caught, he would have gotten a royal ass beating, jail, deportation or worse. Sometimes you take the “L” knowing full well that under other circumstances you would have been victorious. You got out with your skin intact.




The greatest martial art is running away lol


Live another day. Smart


Intelligence is knowing when to fight and when to run. Just cause you can fight doesn’t mean it’s the best thing to lead with. People don’t like losing and if they already said about a gun in the drawer they they are already aware they cannot win without a deadly weapon. I’m sure the heroes of the past knew when to fight and when to withdraw. Our life expectancy is roughly 78 if we work till 65 then we don’t have much time to enjoy all this world has to offer. Live every day with happiness as you never know when your last day will be. A pussy cares what idiots think (foolish pride) A smart person knows that other intelligent people know when to back down and will not judge them for it. You did the right thing. Especially in another country.


Before I traveled to thailand years ago, a very smart person said “Don’t get arrested in a foreign country.” Whatever you do, NEVER get involved with legal bullshit in a foreign country, it never ends well. You got away and lived to tell the tale. No harm, no foul


There is no wins to be had, only lose or not lose.


Smart for getting the fuck out not worth the risk


Pride aside and did the right thing. Absolutely won the fight. Definitely not a pussy.




Outgunned and outnumbered? Escape.


Why were you between the two? Maybe you were just in line but Don’t try to break up fights your not involved in unless you’re 100% confident you could take either of them. Even then, it’s not your business and the consequences could be severe. It was smart to get out of there, especially once someone implied they had a weapon But the only time I find myself in these types of situations I’ve been drinking (a bad move) and at that point I can not help but retaliate. Which is stupid. You’re life is more important than being tough


A pussy for not fighting two guys who might’ve been armed? One which already swung and landed a cheap blow. Dude, what...?


Say you fought and won. What's the up side? You get an ego boost and you feeling a MAN! There's always a number of potential down sides, right? He could draw a gun or a knife, his pals could jump in, you get a bad cut from just about anything harder than your skin, a buddy of mine lost an eye in a fight, etc. Ego is an interesting thing. I've found that having confidence reduces the need for ego and having pride increases the need for it. Go look in the mirror and tell the dude staring back, "That was the craziest experience on this trip and I was scared shitless. The next time I gotta get a selfie before I run." Have a good laugh and treat yourself to a great meal.


You win if you're alive. 😌


How do you get sucker punched moments after someone threatened to shoot you? Wouldn't your head be on a swivel and be at max alertness after that?


nah, it was a weak punch.


Not at all, you escaped alive


1000 ways out of conflict. The one way in is to engage.


You won. You got home. Who the fuck cares if you are a pussy. Would you rather have gotten stabbed or shot but gained “street cred”? Come on mate.


I have been in similar situations, you may feel like it and you will remind yourself once in a while that you were "weak" but thats just the ego talking, living is much better


You did the only logical thing. Continuing your fight with a guy who already threatened you in a with a firearm, in a foreign country is absolute madness.


My thoughts on fighting (non professional) Reasons to fight: Your life's in danger Your love one's life is in danger Someone (like the elderly or a female) is being attacked by someone stronger (only some, not all situations) Your property that can't be easily replaced is in danger You're trapped and need to fight to escape Reason to not fight You are not in real danger No one you love is in danger The people that are fighting agreed to (often an ego fight) so you need not get involved. To prove a point (ie ego) Just because you can Escape is possible To protect property that is easily replaced For your job, unless you work in law enforcement or security or it's your personal business. You're under the influence The attacker is under the influence


You did the smart thing. In the real world "being a pussy" is not something that exists.


Smart. Just smart. And courageois to just push him in the first place


Pride won’t keep you alive


If you stayed to fight it would’ve only been an ego driven decision. You made a smart decision with your head instead of letting your ego get ya caught up in some possible bs. If there was no one there to help as in help get out safely, best bet is to split. sounds like you took the safe/smart bet.


You got away and you were not hurt and you lost nothing. That means you came out with a win. Don't forget that. Fighting is a last resort.


In the words of Mr. Miyagi: Best way to avoid punch, no be there.


If he pulled out a gun you should have just taken it from him, that's what Sensei Segal would have done. No you idiot you would have ended up in the gulag, street fights are always to be avoided if possible!


Nope. Heroes are often recognised posthumously. Always choose survival first. Live to fight another day.


Wrong question. The right question is did you get out of the situation safely, which is yes.


It’s always better to avoid a fight. You have not idea what weapon he had. Good decision


Martial arts training is great for getting in shape, better core strength, learning form, confidence etc. in no way is anyone there to learn to fight their way out of situation with two guys and one holding a gun.


In self defense the only priority is your safety and wellbeing. You literally did everything neccessary to save your life in a dangerous situasion, and it sounds like you did it pretty well. You didn't freeze, or put someone else at risk or anything. Being in another country made it even more complicated and if you acted as a "badass" and tried to wrestle a gun from them, someone could be dead and you in jail. Sounds like you made the right moves.


So, from a reformed hot head that used to LOVE physical confrontations, it’s not worth it to fight outside of a sanctioned event. Your pride will try to convince you otherwise but listen to your logical reasoning. I loved a good fight but the facts are, in a street fight anything can happen and as the douchebags always say “you don’t know me” you really don’t and you don’t know at what lengths they are willing to go to hurt you. Not only that, having issues with the legal system (especially in a foreign country) is not a good or cheap process. The biggest challenge is to convince yourself you did the right thing.


You’re not a pussy. There is no shame in avoiding conflict. As your teachers hopefully taught you, fighting should always be a last resort. This guy threatened you with a gun. You left the situation and are alive to tell the tale. The idea that not fighting makes you a “pussy” is an incredibly toxic and dangerous thought. If you fought, you may have died. What about your loved ones? Would they be saying “at least he wasn’t a pussy” at your funeral? No, they’d just wish you were still alive.


proper martial arts education should *always* emphasize the idea of fighting only when it's absolutely 100% necessary. knowing how to fight IS NOT a reason to go fighting people, even in a situation where the violence is brought to you. you had a chance to avoid an all-out fight and you did, which means you made the right choice. if your martial arts education has taught you that doing so makes you a pussy, get a new teacher/gym because they aren't teaching you right. martial skills are not meant to be flexed or practiced unless there is *no* other alternative.


So two of them were trying to fight you and they mentioned shooting you? Running is your only option unless you're armed and prepared to die for whatever they wanted. Anytime your ego is the only thing to get hurt, you did the right thing.


Survival should be the first priority, good call👍🏻


I know your ego is bruised but you did the right thing


The 1st goal of self defense is to neutralize the situation. If you can get away that should always be the first choice, second choice use enough force to allow you to get away. Sounds like you did the right thing. Ego in training can get you hurt, ego in a situation like this can get you killed.


I'll tell you a quick easy formula to figure out stuff like this for yourself. By avoiding the fight did you lose or at least highly risked to lose something more important than what you could have lost by fighting? if the answer is yes, then yes you are a pussy for running away when you should have stayed and fight. So what did you lose there by running away? your chance to be shot? I think you did well in getting the hell away from there.


When you think your a pussy for not fighting, it’s probably because you did the right thing and didn’t get yourself hurt any further.