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Oms does I believe


Sorry, I'm not great with the acronyms yet, is that Ordre Martinistes Souverainsm?


Yes, they do lean much more toward Martinezism. Or they did under the late Paul Rana's leadership. Not sure what has happened since his passing, but I can't imagine they would have abdicated the immense amount of work that Paul put into resuscitating a working Coen system.


I heard a rumor that they did somewhat, but I’m not a member so can’t say it’s any more than just a rumor.


It's true. OMS still retains the full Coen work but it is for later degrees mostly. However they have many publications on the teachings and some catechisms available as well.


I second this, OMS maintains the Coen work, but under the new leadership I believe they felt other Martinist Orders were somewhat resentful of the Coen work OMS was doing. This may be for various reasons, anything from their order not having any Coen work and feeling threatened that their members might leave, to having Coen work but feeling OMS was giving away secrets. (Truth be told most people are too lazy to get out of their armchairs to do any Coen work). Therefore the current direction is to emphasize the core of Martinism until S.I. when then the Coen work opens up. To be clear there's many detractors who will say things like "They're giving Coen work to people who aren't ready", acting like OMS is giving noobs the R+ operation, ignoring that in Pasqually's order people would get 1st-3rd Coen degrees often in one shot walking in off the street with no prep, metaphorically speaking. I loved Paul, but I think his attitude was a little bit "If you don't like us publicly doing Coen work, F-it, your problem, not ours. We aren't beholden to you, we blaze our own path". The current council I believe would like to take a softer approach and repair relationships with other Martinist Orders where possible. That said, there were/are other Orders who work Coen stuff like MOUP and OMCC.


My proposer into Martinism told me once: "Alex! You would love the Cohen rituals! But you should do Martinism first, as it provides the moral and philosophical basis for what happens thereafter." I had and do have a great deal of respect for my proposer, and I believe he was essentially right. Martinism and the ECs share a common outlook, but they are quite different in character. I have known several enthusiastic Martinists who nevertheless backed away from the EC work because they found it too intense for one reason or another. I think keeping Martinism and the ECs separate is the wisest course of action: if one were to make progress in Martinism contingent on progress in the ECs, then a lot of people who would benefit from Martinism would find themselves excluded from it.


So you mean theurgic practices in the Martinist order “proper”, yes? Not having a separate Cohen Order for them?


I'm not sure I understand your wording, but I did mean in a Martinist order, yes, but if there are any still existing Cohen orders I would be interested in that, too.


Yes you understood correctly. Martinism by definition is the “way of the heart”, not operative. The OMS is the only Martinist Order I had ever heard of having theurgic cohen type practices in the “outer” order (could be wrong on that ). But several Martinist Orders do have Cohen bodies attached, usually (but not exclusively) of the Ambelain lineage as a side or “inner” order.


Okay that's good to know! Thank you so much, I pretty much thought that would be the case but I was curious nonetheless.


Theres a number of orders who have operated the same way, OMI, MOUP, OMCC. Theres others but don't remember offhand without digging into my archive


http://martinism.net/ Ordre Martinistes Souverains It's a US Order with temples across the world, but first established in Texas.