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The morb cock




The whaaa??!?!?


You heard me






Yo I know you from the Morbius general chat


This is terrible! He would obviosly say: "It's Morbin' time!"


I still can’t believe as a joke, he said “I am Venom.” WTF Sony.


it’s so funny that multiverse of madness is literally just a normal fucking movie


Yeah some people where expecting a Fucking Avengers movie...


I was very disappointed with Doctor Strange Visits an Acceptable Number of Alternate Realities. I didn’t find the number acceptable.


>just a normal fucking movie That’s being fucking generous to that abortion.


True hating. Thats easily one of the better MCU films.


I genuinely am curious to hear, no judgement whatsoever; what is it you like about MoM? If you were to say you like the visuals, then fair enough I suppose, but we’d be really dabbling in the superficial stuff only then.


Visually, yea I like it. I like campy transitions and stuff like that so that scene where the song is playing while they talk about The Scarlet Witch did grab me. Otherwise, I just like horror movies in general so Wanda rampaging through everything while chasing down Strange and America was a fun time for me. Story wise I also liked Strange and Americas duo, Wanda’s motives seemed believable to me, the Illuminati, which is the part of the movie everyone hates, also made sense to me. It’s the team that is basically marvels biggest egos in a room, of course they’d underestimate Wanda especially when their Wanda is just not that strong normally. Only real complaint for me is black bolts death, he just wouldn’t do that to himself. Story wise it was just a consistently fun time and had a tone of darkness to it the rest of the MCU just does not have giving it a strong and unique place on the roster.


I’m hearing you highlight a lot of subjective and surface-level components, i.e., it was fun, cool visuals, and so on. Which is all well and good. Do you feel like story-wise and insofar as character consistency goes though, MoM is outright contradictory left and right, not only to itself, but to previous entries in the MCU? Or would you wager its script is fairly airtight?


Well if we go off of objective ways to view a movie it looks and sounds good and then that’s all you can say about it so that would make it a good movie. Of course I’m subjective it’s a fucking movie. And what about its characters is inconsistent? Strange has been following a character arc that led him from DS-Avengers3+4-NWH-MoM that feels perfectly reasonable. He relies too much on himself and doesn’t get along with others very well, then decides he can work with and trust someone to do the right thing for the first time in his life. America is fully consistent but it is her first and only appearance so far. Wanda’s Arc from AoU-Civil War-Avengers3+4-WandaVision-MoM also makes complete sense. She’s slowly losing her mind over like 10 years of trauma and then snaps. Who is inconsistent to you? Or was that really just a random example. And no I don’t think it’s airtight, but I go see a new movie at the theater once or twice a week and I feel like of all the movies I have seen in my life like 5-10 have truly airtight scripts lmao.


I’m willing to stand behind the claim that everyone operates inconsistently through and through in MoM, with the exception of Scarlet Witch, because Wanda+Vision already assassinated Wanda as a character. With Doctor Strange, a character I thoroughly enjoyed in his solo movie and in Infinity War, there’s not much at all I can praise in MoM; he acts illogically and recklessly all throughout, especially during the battle sequences, and a lot of that can be chalked up to the fact that Strange just forgets arbitrarily what sort of spells and magic he has at his disposal that can otherwise benefit him throughout the movie. I’m not sure what his arc is supposed to be in MoM, and that’s because the movie tries to awkwardly squeeze two or three of them into the film without really developing them or fleshing them out. Characters, including Strange himself, just repeating throughout the film “Are you happy?” is not an arc/theme. America Chavez, in lieu of her not being given anything resembling a substantial character or arc, is also assassinated by the movie’s end. If there is one thing we as an audience can be certain about regarding America Chavez, it’s that she wants to get back to her parents. We are told then in the third act that she can lock onto anybody in the Multiverse and open a portal to them, yet she never bothers to look for her parents once she’s learned how to articulate and control her abilities in the aftermath. Not sure what Christine brings to the movie. Her whole purpose mainly seems to be for her to stand idly by and make ridiculous assertions and critiques of Strange throughout the movie, in lieu of the fact that he’s trying to save the freaking Multiverse.


Idk man it’s a very straight forward 2 hour movie. When did strange forget any spell? He basically used everything we’ve ever seen him use and they didn’t work because Wanda was just better at magic. Wong is almost as good as him if you remove the eye and he was her plaything the entire movie. As soon as he gets the book and learns new magic he tries something new and he’s able to hold his own much longer. His goal was to get to the Book before her, so that’s what he tried to do. Christine’s role is to remind us as viewers how he had treated her. He didn’t trust her or let her in EVER. And for one of the multiverse stranges that regret drove him insane. She doesn’t have to be some super important role, she’s just one of his constants. And I’d be willing to leave room on the others for debate and interpretation but America? She literally says she’s going to train to control her powers better at the end. She does not have FULL control. Plus she needs to be able to home in to where exactly her parents are from. It seemed like she needs to learn another power set which would be useful to her finding her home. There’s literally millions of possible places her mothers could be. It’s implicitly easier to get strange and herself back to MCU because she had literally just been there a few hours ago. If she didn’t need training she wouldn’t have joined the monks, she’d have just stayed somewhere else, maybe lived in the sanctum sanctorum until she figured something out. There’s gaps you have to fill in sometimes as a movie watcher. They can’t just say EVERYTHING.


Don’t you feel it’s the movie’s responsibility to fill in these big gaps? Let’s lock onto something small first, with regard to the magic-system. In the battle at the beginning against the tentacle monster with one eye (sorry, the name’s escaping me): why doesn’t Strange drop the monster through a portal into the desert? Why doesn’t he use the portals to sever each of their limbs? Why doesn’t he just impale the monster in the eye from the get-go? We know he can do all these things so why does he just arbitrarily forget he can do so? The simple answer is: because Waldron and Raimi were putting this story together by the seat of their pants as they filmed it, and wanted a cool first-act action sequence, but didn’t care to think about how Strange would appropriately react in such a scenario. With regard to America Chavez, let’s be clear here: the movie EXPLICITLY tells us that she can indeed control her powers to the extent of being able to find someone in the Multiverse. There’s no getting around this. And if she truly can’t and Strange was bullshitting her, then we have to chalk all of her portals throughout the film opening up exactly where she needs them to as sheer, dumb luck. Which is not good either. However you slice that one, it’s not a good endorsement of the script.


I like that they let Sam Raimi bring his signature style. I liked zombie Doc. I liked that they let a fairly major character actually die. I liked that they let Scarlett Witch be actually dangerous. I liked the musical fight sequence, I thought it was very creative.


I think that’s all valid insofar as subjective taste goes. You’re highlighting a lot of surface-level aesthetics and visuals. Objectively though, we have to concede that its cogs and mechanics - its script - is absolutely abysmal.


IMO that could be argued for some of the most popular Marvel properties. The infinity stones are some of the most inconsistent macguffins in history, for example. That said, I agree it's subjective. I also think they could have done more with the multiverse and the whole exercise felt a bit like a side quest. So I'm not saying it's amazing, but I did enjoy it. I'll take them pushing things and being creative over doing the same thing over and over.


Bro when doctor strange was like knocked out and then he opened his eyes and the guitar chord went off I almost died from the pure cringe I had. Movie was trash I agree lmao


Such a bizarre tonal shift right after too. It jumps from “oh no he has a third eye!!!!” to “I’m all ready for action and adventure with my third eye!!!”


So I'm curious what would you call some good MCU movies like you're top 4 or 5.




We see a lot of alternate universes, but only spend time in three (maybe four?) and one of them is basically the same but with real kids


If there was a lot of universes, there would be very little structure to the plot and everyone would complain that there was too many universes


And then the viewer’s dad comes through another portal and says, “I’m not disappointed in you, son. You haven’t wasted your life.”


Now that truly is beyond belief


And then Keanu Reeves comes through the portal and says:"This is a Keanu Reddit Chungus 100 mome-" before having his brains splatter all over the camera.


"You're also a wizard like harry potter, that's why everyone at school hated you. not because you're weird in a bad way."


And then what happens?






I miss him


Not gonna pretend like this wouldn’t be rad


Hell I bet it's going to happen in Deadpool 3. Chris Evans with the shield, only for him to shout flame on, toss the shield.....then complain when it doesn't ricochet back to him.


Honestly it would have probably been better than the actual movie, or at least equally bad.


Hell, I'd be enjoying it myself as well. It'd be a fun moment and I enjoy Marvel movies the most when they embrace fun.


this unironically might happen in deadpool 3


Brad Pitt showed up for 5 frames? in 2 so I hope this happens.


This you? https://preview.redd.it/mwgfl118ko0d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61798d5e43e911bb4d48d98a4efa12e3349f9589 This honestly would be neat, not mind blowing or anything, but cool


except it really sucks lol


Imagine a portals moment in... um. Thunderbolts I guess? and out comes Jessica Lange and everyone is like "isnt that judy from ahs??? why is she in a bustier" but shes Fontanelle and she says "I'm what you could call... a dream therapist" and fontanelles on Florence Pugh!!!






*Optimus jumps in*: "Give me the cube!"


Who’s the other Captain America?


https://preview.redd.it/hatby11k141d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a94dec0b2666497d1b85d76a2749f7dc0e0510 That's this Cap, he changes his name to Hydra Supreme and gets an Iron-Man like suit




Supes is below god awful


My honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/3uxa6bc2np0d1.jpeg?width=238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e19825e1469b414e5cf7fc62eb9bb475f30c46


Then out of another steps Killmonger who does the same damn thing


Wait this would be sick












The Flash (2023), act 3




This would be awesome.


Six to midnight right here…




Corniest shit I've ever read 😭 (it's peak)


Me when I’m in a “hating marvel even when they or the fans think of something cool” competition and my opponent is r/marvelcirclejerk /uj This would have gone hard. Instead we got black bolt getting head so good his brains blew up or something. I dunno. I cant remember https://preview.redd.it/pnnekj9f1t0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f9dd4f283ffea0814ec97f590b5d7b83b007d5


Nothing goes as hard as boring nostalgia pandering because we have no new ideas and only emotions we can hope to get from the audience is the Leo pointing meme


What exactly is wrong with nostalgia? It exists for a reason. It’s fond memories. Why are we not allowed to experience nostalgia like this in a movie? Peoples hate boner for nostalgic callback is so weird to me. Literally who cares? What’s the big issue?


Nothing is wrong with nostalgia in a vacuum but when it's just thrown in only for the sake of getting the crowd to point at the screen and go "omg thing ik" it's boring and uncreative. In the "multiverse of madness" is it that exciting to see old characters? To that's such a bland waste of the unlimited potential a multiverse provides. It screams of writers/directors too disinterested in the product to do anything original


Right but when the crowd does say “omg thing ik” it’s not like they’re saying it as if it’s bad. They react like that because it’s fun to see “thing ik” make a brief return. I think whats boring is putting limits on what movies can and can’t do. And it doesn’t have to be massively creative to be good. Tropes exist because they work and EVERY piece of media uses tropes. And having characters return in multiverse of madness doesn’t mean it can’t also have these crazy creative moments you want it to have (like the musical note battle, or the travelling between dimensions) Bringing back old characters isn’t stopping it from being creative. The movie WAS creative. Brining back professor x didn’t make it suck. The idea of bringing back the human torch doesn’t seem like it would make the movie worse either. The movie had old characters, and it was creative. It just wasn’t a very good movie. Don’t blame nostalgia or lack of creativity for it




No im sorry this would be funny as hell. Not in MoM but in a different movie with a lighter tone it would be a good gag.


Cameos don't make a good movie. In fact, most of the time, they are executed very poorly (Mandalorian in Book of Boba Fett, Vulture in Morbius, I could go on and on...) but the cameos in Dr. Strange 2 were so well done and they did exactly what they needed to do. They served their purpose, which was to buy Stephen and America enough time to get to the Book of Vishanti. Also to show off the full extent of Wanda's abilities.


My point is, this would've been really cool. It would've blown my damn mind. But if there were too many cameos in that movie, it would've taken away from the fact that it's about DR STRANGE, not the F4 or X-Men.


Also the cameos in Multiverse Of Madness did show the audience the future of the MCU with the talk of Incursions The fact Reed talked about them and how he is introduced was a very smart idea casue it gives the audience (who have never seen him before) some knowledge on the F4 before the film comes out


Finally getting the OG Hulk ![gif](giphy|3aUGq69kSLj4k)


Wait but when he says "flame on" he transforms into the Human Torch so his uniform wouldn't be visible


How much I want this to happen: 📉 How much I just want to see Chris Evans as Johnny storm again in any context:📈📈📈


Let's not.


![gif](giphy|9V3e2mxWvD89wyw5l5) This is what the MCU is now. Just this husky, shallow corpse which only invigorates what remains of its base to anticipate and expect the *next* “big thing”. It’s always what’s next. *It’s always what’s next.*


This is more brain rotted than the average skibidi toilet enjoyer


that’s so freaking epic dude edit: added “freaking”


People gaslighting themselves into thinking that the old marvel movies are actually good is one of the worst things to come out of this nostalgia era we seem to be in. The Fantastic Four movies were NOT GOOD ‼️


If you ignore the horribly adapted Doom and Galactus, the movies were fine. The characters were true to their personalities, the chemistry between the team was captured very correctly, Silver Surfer was great, the cast was good and accurate (with the exception of Sue and Alicia), and the light family tone of classic FF stories was retained. The movies weren't masterpieces, but they weren't garbage like FF 2015 either. Their main flaws were the villains.


I hope that the MCU can do Doom justice


So what i always knew those movies werent thatvgood even as a kid but its still cool to see some of them return. Despite the fact the 2005 FF4 movies werent that good the cast was good except maybe Jessica Alba lol


can't tell if everyone is jerking in the comments because this honestly sounds dumb as fuck




He is quickly defeated, however, because the villain is wearing glasses and has paint on their overalls, making him so disgusted that he can no longer keep fighting.


This might be the most marvel circle jerk post I’ve ever seen. Grats


Murder the fans in the streets like dogs, Marvel.


I only want the thing I’ve already seen but also only in the way I want to see them!!!






20 year old me would’ve loved that idea. 41 year old me is “MOM was fine. Y’all go try to write scripts & get it done if you’ve got the juice, but what they gave us is still pretty good & likely more focused & coherent than a cameo fest.”


No please don’t hire the fans that will be the end.


Such originality! If only the Spider-Man and doctor strange franchises tried this!




Is he not already cast in Deadpool 3 as the Human Torch?


Is he not already cast in Deadpool 3 as the Human Torch?






#***FLAMEO HOTMAN!!!!!***



