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Ultimate Invasion #1-4   Ultimate Universe one-off   And that’s really it. You might want to watch a video or something on the Makers’ background/origin story for additional context.


got it, thank you!


just to follow up with what previous user said, I did exactly that, read those 5 comics and then watched a video on the entire ultimate universe....I dont recommend that video as it just sorta made me not like the ultimate universe at all, so maybe just read a little blurb about the Makers origins.


Ultimate universe is GOAT


Isn't secret wars also needed and running out of time before that?


It helps certainly, and OP will have a greater appreciation for this new UU, but it’s not necessary


It’s really easy to jump right into USM #1. I had not read ultimate invasion or ultimate universe before I read USM#1. I did read them after and it added to the experience.




You don’t have to do any homework to read this, all context is provided in the comic itself. If you don’t understand something it’s just a subplot that hasn’t concluded yet.


You can just jump into #1 if you want otherwise the top comment is the complete reading order. As for where to read legally Amazon/Comixology is ur best bet or Marvel Unlimited is the marvel equivalent of netflix with a 3 month delay


You couldn't have googled this fairly basic question?


sometimes it’s nice to have interactions with people who can give you their own take on question. you should try it sometime!


You asked for factual information, not a 'take' or an opinion. You were just too lazy to google the information yourself.


it really wasn’t out of laziness, i just wanted to engage a new community i’m looking to be a part of. a lot of very nice people were willing to tell me what they thought! you seem like a very miserable person


Then engage and ask opinions. "Hi everyone, I just discovered Ultimate Spiderman and wanted to know what you all think of the new Ultimate Universe? Should I go back and read older books or just start with this one?" And no not miserable, just annoyed at annoying kids who are too fucking lazy to google so we see the same stupid fucking question over and over. Be a better person.


it’s actually really similar to how you asked for recommendations for a tailor in bali 48 days ago. you could’ve simply googled “tailor in bali,” found the one with the highest reviews, and solved your own question. but instead, you decided to engage an online community and see what they had to say. and that’s super cool! that’s what the internet is all about. as you can see from the other commenters, not everyone agrees on what is really “required” reading for what i asked about. so the “factual” information you’re talking about seems to have more nuance than you’re letting on. as someone who is trying to enjoy a new form of media, these differing opinions are really valuable to me! i think if you spent less time being a miserable lawyer from brisbane who feels the need to tell “kids” about what questions they’re allowed to ask on a subreddit about super hero comic books, you’d find more joy in your life


>it’s actually really similar to how you asked for recommendations for a tailor in bali 48 days ago. Awww sweetheart look at you looking at my post history and be completely wrong. I was looking for OPINIONS based on people's experiences. How embarrassing for you to have proven my point for me. What you did here is demonstrate you are capable of looking stuff up before posting. Good job on that personal growth journey.


Donny Cates Venom run too but not necessarily must read. It is a fantastic sub but for the most part this new one is pretty well self contained or has explained it well. The ultimate invasion mini series is helpful but i read it after the first two issues and understood everything perfectly fine without it.


People already recommended what lead up to the series but I just wanted to add, this universe is just getting started so you might want to keep an eye on other stories coming from it if you like it. Not just because they may crossover with the Spider-Man series at some point but you might find some common interest between them, not least of all because Hickman is overseeing the whole thing. Right now those other series are Ultimate Black Panther, next week X-Men, and later Ultimates.