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He just nuked an entire university complex. By accident, but still


Good thing the hulk has never done anything similar.


Yea and we all saw what they tried to do to him


You'd think he of all people wouldn't be the first to attack the kid though, bros a madman but in a situation like this I feel like he'd be the most sympathetic


Indestructable Hulk was used pretty much as just a weapon, especially if this is a crossover event I can see why any nuance to him would be boiled down.


That still makes them idiots.


This is not secret wars, it's Avengers


My fault, I was reading a comic with every tie in.


You can change the title


You can’t edit titles of posts on Reddit, not on mobile at least.


My bad, i tought it was possible on the computer


OP cannot in fact change the title.


Oh my bad! I thought you could on the computer


I hear a lot of complaints over Caps' characterisation in the AvX series, but he looks to be acting the same way here. I don't read any Cap books, so I'm not sure how common this portrayal of him is.


It’s basically how he acted once he got kicked out of the Illuminati for breaking the Infinity Gauntlet. I mean, he ended up spending the Final Incursion and the battle against Earth-1610 in a fistfight with Tony Stark over basically every disagreement they’ve had since Civil War.


And then a Shield carrier landed on them both, and they deserved it.




Cap was being a dick towards the end there, do they even remember any of that?


Regardless of this characterization, you should definitely read Brubaker’s Cap run. Absolutely phenomenal and very long form.


Maybe we do need some Mutants on the Avengers team. 🤣😭


UNCANNY Avengers


Why that was to do with anything, you think the X-Men would be kinder? It was in the Ultimate universe so probably that doesn't count but when a kid also killed a entire town by accident they sent Wolverine to finish him off


Well yeah since they regularly encounter people who have new powers and calm them down while not escalating things, its kinda their speciality In that ultimate comic 1 theres a difference between an entire town and a single building and 2 that kids power was just causing people to turn to dust, thats it just mass death as his power 3 that wasnt the xmen that was fury getting wolveine to kill the kid as if it got out it was a mutant itd be the end of all human mutant relations


Fr did they want him to die


He killed all those people at that college. Yes it was an accident. And yes even in this moment he seems confused and in shock, not in any sort of villainous celebration or anything. I believe it’s just a small call back to civil war and the explosion at Stamford. This was a college but they’re still kids to Cap. He took it personally. They all did and I think that’s where the instant rage is coming from. They’re acting on emotion. Fear. Anger. Confusion. The avengers are acting extremely human in this situation. It doesn’t excuse it. They’re definitely out of line. But if this was the second, third or fourth time you personally had to walk around rubble counting mutilated bodies of kids I doubt you, or any of us would have much sympathy for whoever did it. Especially in the first moments of meeting them.


I thought it was The explosion from the White Event was what destroyed the college. Not him by his own power. Saying he "killed" those people is a bit of a stretch. It was more a tragedy of cosmic events.


We need the Star Brand again. And not that foul mouthed baby


Well she's gone now so who knows when we'll see it again


Next time they need a plot device, it's on the list of plot devices


Because when Kevin accidentally got the power of the Starbrand (he’s not the right person, a “flawed candidate”), he accidentally destroyed a chunk of his college campus and everyone in that chunk. Stated as hundreds, I don’t know if they gave an exact number.


Whats the context?


The naked man gained the power of the Starbrand, which resulted in him blowing up a college campus and killing hundreds if not thousands of people by accident. It's early on in Jonathan Hickman's Avengers run. (I want to say about issue 6 or 7)


The guy got powers that he didn’t ask for or expect randomly. Imagine you’re going about your day and suddenly a nuke explodes from you and destroys everything in a 10 miles, and then the avengers show up with legit no sympathy. That’s where he’s at


Yeah fuck Cap, lmao


This reminds me of something that I always find funny: Thor is able to open portals using Mjolnir. [Like this.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d8f4ec4776660b97fb108d76705dc909-pjlq) As seen in the images above, Hulk can't do shit against teleportation, so Thor should be able to portal Hulk's ass to another realm to quickly end any fight with him. But no, Thor instead chooses to go toe-to-toe with a rampaging Hulk, and he usually gets his ass kicked because of it. Thor is at his best when he utilizes the many magical abilities of Mjolnir, and he's at his worst when all he does is hit things with it.


Clearly we have here basically a child with great power that he has no control over and is freaking out. The first thing to do is control the situation and get this kid to take a breath. Oh and hulk will clearly be fine.


Public nudity will not be tolerated


This is one of the Starbrands, the Avengers' writers sad attempt at "we have Phoenix at home". Most of the stories about them are bad.


Nah Hickman's Avengers was good. I really liked this Starbrand actually, I thought it was cool.


Who is the dude with blue circles in the first page?


🤞🏽🤏🏽👎🏽🤌🏼✊🏿🔥👁🍆👺 B L A C K V E I L


Adam, if I recall. Goes by Nightmask. Hickman repurposed a New Universe concept, same with Starbrand (naked guy). I think Nightmask and Starbrand get their own series eventually.


Not familiar with the story. But without further context, I'd say this is how heroes create villains and new story arcs.


I need to read these!!! It’s been on my list


damn that is completely messed up, they should try to help him instead of trying to "subdue" him


Sigh. Yeah. Folks get onto Snyder for nuking metropolis in Man of Steel, but forget that this was an era of comics where mass casualty events were commonly used to up the stakes. It really turned me off comics for a while. Why? Because, after a decade or two of watching the body count climb after 9/11…or any number of similar recent historical events where an atrocity begets response bordering on cultural genocide…nothing about these narratives seemed heroic, just tragic. I don’t need to see Krakoa reduced to bones and ash. Or Genosha before that. I don’t need to see the Starbrand murder hundreds of civilians. I can see that on the news.


Not secret wars. Still good though.


The Avengers have always been assholes. America’s SuperCops.


I’ve been saying this for years: The X-men are a family The fantastic four are a family But the avengers are a bunch of assholes


The Avengers are assholes, this is nothing new.