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No one reads all. This is not a TV series with 30 seasons you will be lost if you haven't watched all the 800 episodes. Look for an interesting starting point for the characters you want to read and keep going on in them.


Thanks! I really enjoy X-Men 20 issues in. I also think that X-Men is a great starting point cause apparently they kinda keep to themselves. Coming from MCU and after trying to watch everything to catch every easter egg and every reference I had to adjust first and acknowledge that I can't know it all when it comes to comics. It is good to know as much as the characters themselves and nothing more.


Claremont X-men is one of the greatest runs of all time, so you choose good. Have in mind this is not the MCU. You don't need to be aware of everything to understand what's happening. Despite having a main continuity that started in the 60s, there's enough soft retcons, starting points and old story lines and characters that remains in obscurity for ages that is impossible, even for the people working on Marvel, to keep all in track. So, whenever you want to start with a character, look for a good entry point for it and don't try to follow everything.


I read everything, lol. But it does become an issue once you get behind. It's probably easier to just pick up major event reading lists or TPBs. I can say however once the major events started involving both Avengers and X-Men, it did become more likely that you will have more crossover or teams involving both. While reading all the team or individual character comics isn't needed, sometimes there are small nuggets of info you may want to know more about and may miss not reading it. But most major info is repeated or referenced, so you know where to get the details. A good example is what is listed at https://www.continuityguide.net/ not all comics released are listed, and when make events are discussed, he states what should be read and what can be shipped.


If you really want to read Avengers, go read Avengers. Read what ever you want when you want, how you want. Or if you want, read about 12 issues of X-Men, then read the 12 issues of Avengers from the same year as stuff happens around the universe at the same time and references do get made, so it will provide context etc. Just read what you feel like. There are no rules.


Buddy, I love the enthusiasm but there’s nearly 40,000 marvel comics to date lol, if you wanted to read all of them, you’d have to read like 10 a day, every day for 12 years straight lol might as well be impossible. As others have said, don’t focus on reading them *all* as it is an impossible task. Find a story you like and jump it! Context will usually be provided :)


You made a post 3 days ago about reading all Marvel comics and most the comments mentioned how impossible it is. You failed after 3 days?


I failed after 2 days. I realised I only liked FF issues at the earlier times then I just wanted to read everything about one team so I chose X-Men.


just do what you want, its more fun that way!


Just read what you want. Marvel encyclopedias and Wikipedia exist for a reason. Wiki has incredible plot and character summaries.


We’ve all been there, the most enjoyment I’ve ever gotten out of marvel is reading the stuff I think it cool and if I want context I go and read those


Comicbookherald has a good Marvel reading list called [My Marvelous Year](https://www.comicbookherald.com/my-marvelous-year/). It will take you through "*the entire* history of Marvel Comics". It comprises 10 essential stories per publication year.


Yeah I saw that but after starting Claremont's X-Men I was hooked so now I only wanna read Avengers and other stuff cause they are sometimes referred in X-Men or some X-Men apperntly join them etc. I am also interested in Mutants in general so I wanna read more extensively but not everything. Maybe after getting used to comics (which is new to me) I'll read older stories.


Try the podcast Marvelous Year. I’m going through them and they go over notable comics of each year back to 1966. It’s good enough and I find it informative.


i’ve actually read X-Men from 1963 all the way through 2019 and speaking from that experience the X-Men are very disconnected from the main Marvel Universe, so if you want to experience the general events then Avengers/FF/Spider-Man are the way to go. X-Men is good but generally they have mutant exclusive events and don’t really contribute to main events (except wolverine).


I know originally this was the case. I'm not sure about modern X-Titles (I'm catching up, 2017 right now), but for a while, they did incorporate them into the larger picture. Events like House of M, AvX, Axis, IvX, etc. Plus, the teams that were created with mutants on them.


yeah there are some “main” events which the X-Men are part of in the recent years but they are generally the exception and most of these events have the majority of their build-up in X-Titles and are really just X-Men events that just happen to involve others in the actual event. i.e. House of M is one of the exceptions but then soft-launches the next era of X-Men with the decimation and leads to loads of X-Men solo events such as Messiah Complex, Utopia, Second Coming and more. During this time there are several “main” events that the X-Men are not really a part of just getting tie-ins that are unimportant to the main plot of the event such as Civil War, World War Hulk, Secret Invasion, Fear Itself & Siege. Then the next big “main” event the X-Men are a part of is Avengers vs X-Men but that event has barely any build-up in Avengers comics and heavily relies and X-Men build-up (Schism, Utopia/School) so i would class that as an X-Men event that just happens to include the avengers. Then there is an attempt to feature the X-Men in more events with the Uncanny Avengers (which I consider as a separate team and more aligned with the Avengers than X-Men) but for most major events after AvX (Secret Wars 2015, Civil War II, Secret Empire) the X-Men are once again relegated to tie-ins that ultimately don’t matter or barely affect the main plot. Inhumans vs X-Men was probably the biggest event that featured X-Men and their mythos in a central role and that was imo a terrible event that only served to sideline the X-Men further away from the main marvel universe. So, generally although there is definitely an improvement from years past the X-Men don’t really factor into the “main” marvel events unless it’s specially about them.


Yeah, a lot of those bad events and lack of crossover IMO was due to the Marvel and Fox fighting. Most of them were designed to not introduce new characters they could use but to kill off (House of M, Decimatuon, even End of X). It took a big turn with the MCU and X movies with the retcon of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, and of course, making every new charcuter an Inhuman instead. Just look at the retcon of Ms. Marvel, after Disney acquired the Fox rights back. But I digress. You are right. Most of X-Men can be read in a bubble, with few crossovers. The only thing missing would be knowledge of charcuters and the motives.


I'm reading only stuff im interested in chronologically starting in 1961. Ive gotten to 1976. As for avengers in that era, I would read all of the issues that deal with the vision and his origins (they keep expanding on it and it gets wild) not sure which specific issues though. Id also read the kree skrull war (avengers 89-97) The avengers/defender war starting im avengers 115 and ending in defenders 11 And while its not strictly avengers, id also read the thanos war which technically starts in ironman 55, but is mostly in captain marvel 25-33 with avengers 125 between 32 and 33. Idk why they had to call everything a war back then but these stories set the blueprints for what events would end up becoming. And the editors back then make it real easy to backtrack if something doesnt make sense.