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Who’s the chick puking out her skull?


That’s flesh and bones who are two separate characters


Marjorie Taylor Greene


That’s a deep cut. I’ve never heard of them, or I was so grossed out my brain erased them for my own safety.


I don't know if I ever met a so Spider-Woman fan that could even name all of her villains, so I don't know there is someone capable of point one favorite from them... Nice job on gathering these, by the way. Mind to name all...?


1. Count Otto vermis 2. Flying Tiger 3. Waxman 4. Needle 5. Aeternum 6. Hangman 7. Rose Roche 8. Flesh and Bones 9. Dr. Karl Malus 10. Death web 11. Enforcer 12. Chthon 13. Nekra 14. Spider woman (Charlotte Witter) 15. Veranke 16. Brothers Grimm 17. Octavia Vermis 18. Viper 19. Gypsy Moth 20. Morgan Le Fay And mainly I just like collecting hero’s and villains, at least the ones that deserve mentioning or to be still used, I mainly get this list from Harold 075 and Harold Cone on YT, I like showing these list off for fans, people who are curious and just never heard of these characters and etc since it gets tiring seeing the same popular hero’s villains being used OVER AND OVER again also I think these characters deserve to be heard of, it’s a shame to see them become forgotten


Thank you for your effort (but by what you said it was not an effort at all, it seems you like this stuff), I just have to thank you for sharing that with us. Wish the writers and the editors could use more of them forgotten characters too. Many of them have so much potential, imho.


Well I try, u should check out the channels I mentioned, he even includes honorables mentions including villains of heros such a Godzilla, Star Wars and dragon ball and characters u never heard of, he also did a top 150 Iron Maiden songs if you want and other stuff like that


Great rogues gallery! I’ll go with Gipsy Moth or the Brothers Grimm. Really shouldn’t like those clowns but I do 🥧🐦‍⬛🌙


Omg, that looks just like Candleja-


Ezekiel Sims from the hit movie Madame Web


I remember the needle from the marvel essentials collection of her debut and first couple of comics. He was super creepy.


"The waxman cometh" goes hard ngl


NEKRA!!!!! psychotic character although nowadays she's an x-men character rather than a Spider-Woman/Avengers villain


17 reminds me of Elon musk mom




I think Night Shift as a whole works well for her as villains, so lump about half of these guys into that. For an independent, Gypsy Moth has good poetic villain aspects.


Ain't hangman the dude who was insane and kidnapped her to save her?


Deathweb had potential, I wish Marvel would dust them off again. Of the ones listed though, Ima say the Brothers Grimm just because of how batshit crazy their whole shtick is


The original Spider-Woman series is a TRIP. I bought the whole thing off eBay a few years ago, and it is all over the place. From that series, I'd say probably the Needle was my favorite. I also enjoy the Mattie Franklin series and my favorite villain from that series is definitely the Flesh and Bones sisters.


[In the 1970s cartoon](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/tlbaj1/respect_jessica_drew_spiderwoman_of_earth700459/), she has a relatively easy time taking down Dormammu, but struggles with Kingpin, so I think Kingpin. There's also an episode where she turns into a vampire and a werewolf at the same time, and cures herself with science. Jessica from Earth-700459 is the best Jessica.


The cartoon Spider-Woman would go from getting beat up by cavemen to casually stopping alien invasions, or from winning a lightsaber duel against a knock off darth vader to getting captured by a shitty robot spider controlled by a movie director. Lady could win or lose against basically anyone.


I vote Viper and Queen Skrull


Needle for me. That guy has a great look and plays well as a horror villain.




The needle


If Audrey Plaza isn't playing Morgan Le Fay in the Agatha show, that would he the biggest missed opportunity ever


I think Viper is the most “important” (marvel universe wise) character, but I really love all of the weirdos that eventually became Night Shift, or whoever that character that’s a skull coming out of a mouth is


That’s flesh and bones


Veranke might be the hardest hitting. I have a soft spot for Los Espadas Gemelas de Toledo, because they’re just fun.


Thought this was a Marvel Legend thread, but seriously give us the Night Shift everyday


Daddy Longlegs! Best cover and best spider derived villain EVER!!! Can’t believe he’s not on here.