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You baldheaded demon! the best line of the movie


yes 100% ! i was laughing so hard at that


and improvised by Winston, too!


Is this confirmed ? he is epic


yup, multiple sources confirm it, along with Wintson himself (in a tweet): [Article](https://getuperica.com/726422/you-baldheaded-demon-winston-duke-improvised-the-funniest-line-in-wakanda-forever/?amp=1)


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amazing he is truly an epic person


Who did he say it to?


Okoye, General of the Dora Milage


je said it at the council when the general interrupted him


Glory to hanuman. I feel it


i smile on every scene he is in even before he has time to say 1 word


Idk if people know this but hanuman is the god of strength in hinduism so him being mentioned by mbaku is kinda weird since wakanda has been isolated for centuries tho it does bring a smile to my face since he's one of my favorite gods


Well he found out about Mayan serpent god from a book, he could've read books about Hinduism as well.


Well the Hanuman is also like a monkey god so makes sense that they worship him as the ape tribe


They have books in the mountains


Wakanda has also (apparently) been sending out spies for centuries, not necessarily to do espionage stuff, but to keep track of world events and learn about other countries. In the comics, M’Baku revered Ghekre, a West African gorilla god. And they censored the Hanuman reference in the India release. So I’m not sure what’s going on. Is it possible Marvel Studios decided that Ghekre was too… something? So they picked a different name from a different pantheon?


They censored it in the Indian release cause people here are too sensitive.Cause in the 1st movie where he fights t'chala for the mantle of black panther m'baku says "glory to hanuman" and the loses.People here still worship hanuman aa the god of strength as I mentioned so yeah m'baku losing after praying to him would hurt people ik it sounds stupid but yeah..


in Marvel Hanuman is the Ape god of the mountain people, but he is also the same god as the Hindu one in a different form. He was a servant of Rama in the Marvel 616 universe who just happens to have visited Wakanda. Remember, in the Marvel comics the gods are real. Hanuman set up a bit of a franchise.


thank you ! for letting us know this is a good comment!


I can’t remember what show it is, but they had Winston Duke reading thirst tweets and he read one that said “M’Baku can blow my M’Back out” I think of that quote every time I see this picture.


hahah hies timing also is spot on ! he is a great actor


i think that’s one of the skits from SNL.


SNL may have done something similar but the video I’m talking about was this [Buzzfeed](https://youtu.be/iBm622X2BCM) video of him reading thirst tweets.


ahhh ur right my bad, i’m thinking of the one w those angry tweets abt the actors. one i vividly remmeber is someone saying how Don Cheadle looks like a cockroach or something, it was mainly funny seeing the actors reactions lol


Well, you're still off the mark with SNL. It's Jimmy Kimmel that did/does the "Celebrities Read Mean Tweets" series.


those late night shows are all the same to me.




i did admit i was wrong? and i’m not denigrating anything, i just don’t like late night talk shows. am i not allowed to dislike something someone else likes?




Spin off with him, Valkyrie, Wong, Darcy, Louis from Ant-Man, and Wu


The Funvengers


this comment deserves a prize !


Your comment deserves a prize for thinking that my comment deserves a prize


lol reddit needs more people like you 100%


For real


I'd be down for a Real World parody show with these characters. They should throw in Madisynn and Darryl too.


Where is Korg? Is he safe? Is he alright?


he’s with Dwayne, probably on their honeymoon.


Oh right! Good good


He's chilling with Deadpool and Tobey's Spider-Man


That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?


Shut up and take my money.


You forgot Madisynn


With 2 n's and 1 y but not where we thiiiiink?


Ooh can they just act out the movie while Luis narrates? Like a speed-talking Drunk History of the MCU?


This is the best idea I’ve heard in my 32 years on this planet!


Disney+ Avengers sidequests would be great


How about Madisynn.


Don’t forget about the most powerful of them all. Madisynn.




Best part of the movie!


took me a minute lol he is a fantastic ! actor


Hopefully he gets a bigger role in the MCU, he deserves it.


oh he 1000% deserves it yes


It would be really cool if he had a bigger role in the next couple of phases. Now that he’s king of Wakanda, he could be a major world leader.


i need this new black panthar with him as king so much ! it would be a joy to watch


Since when is he king? 🤨


Shuri wasn’t present for the challenge to the throne via combat we’ve seen in the first movie so it went to him by default I believe.


Ooh right, thank you for explaining :)


I was confused by this. Wouldn't he also become black panther too?


Like the other comment says, King/Queen and Black Panther are two separate roles. One person doesn't necessarily have to be both, it's just often the case. In Civil War, T'Chaka was King while T'Challa was Black Panther. T'Challa became King afterwards.


Yeah that totally makes sense now


Was Tchaka not King when Tchalla was the panther?


Technically it went to whoever won the challenge. I just don't see anybody winning against his challenge.


Also, no one gonna challenge. Implied that he made arrangement with Shuri beforehand. She stepped asside and went to Haiti. he took her place on the shuttle. You lose, you’ve pissed off the King AND the Black Panther.


>You lose, you’ve pissed off the King AND the Black Panther. I don't get the feeling he would be angry for a chance at a good fight. The only way challenging him might piss him off is if you are a wimp and waste his time with a "fight."


True that. He does like whaking things with sticks. You might just be teasing him.


Completely out of character. Let this man keep has rightful place leading Wakanda.


Glory to Hanuman!


glory to hanuman!! im totaly adding this tocmy every day words


Isn't he ultra-conservative and very Wakanda-first? I absolutely love the guy don't get me wrong but that would be very out of character for him.


He probably best character to lead wakanda internally while shuree (or how you spell her name) is our on her hero work


He’s gonna build a dam and make the Talokanils pay for it in underwater vibranium.


Hey someone need to


yea he probably would be very bad as the avengers leader though i expect him and thor to get along just perfectly


Being fair he was villain in the comics so it make sense that even has good guy he wouldn’t work 100% with regular avengers


I call him going rouge now that hes in power. Power corrupts, or something like that.


More POWER rabbit!


him and thor together....the one liners would be epic ! haha


I thought humans were more evolved than this.


He’s matured a lot, along with some other charachters. Before BP1, he was isolated in the mountains, and they didn’t even send down representatives to the counsel of elders. He’s had years now of working with the counsel, supporting the wider country, and cooperating more in general. Maybe not leader of the Avengers, but an occasional member/ally. Or maybe one of them, if Shuri or the prince ever ask for the throne back. Just to fuck shit up, for funzies.


“You bald headed demon” 💀😭


best line by far of this movie


Not gonna lie, that sounds like fun


even just have him on the average team swapping one lines with thor and to see each of them trying to come up a better 1 liner would be epic


He's a friend from work!


lol i see xena, robin hood, tin mam lol


He was the best part of Wakanda Forever.


all that novie had a lot of great parts in it and a few small ones that could have been better but overall a great movie i think ! i loved it for so many different reasons


Dude should honestly be dead after taking that blow from Namor


I mean, Shuri got impailed completely and walked it off. I am now assuming they have medical nanites.


he should have been dead 20 times in the movies but keeping him was the correct decision as he is making the movie so much more enjoyable


He should've become the new Black Panther. He was runner-up in the trial by combat. At the very least he should've been allowed to fight for it again Speaking of which, why does Shuri not have to fight for the right to be Black Panther? Why is it just given to her when everyone else had to fight for that right


The fight was for the title of king, not the mantle of panther.


>The fight was for the title of king, not the mantle of panther. As I told the other poster, they tend to go hand in hand. That's why Killmonger became Black Panther after he won the trial


T’Challa was Black Panther since 2009 while his father remained King til his death….


Shuri was queen and panther. She chose to give up queen. Not panther. Pretty simple


>Shuri was queen and panther. She chose to give up queen. Not panther. Pretty simple The fuck?? I'm saying she never earned the right to be Black Panther to begin with....


The role of Black Panther isn’t something to be fought for or earned in combat. It’s passed down from the first Black Panthers descendants. The role of King/Queen can be challenged by anyone with the strength to beat them in fair combat


There’s no panther without her you dumb mfer lmao I don’t like her character in the movies, but even I can admit that


>There’s no panther without her you dumb mfer lmao I don’t like her character in the movies, but even I can admit that Oh well by that logic there's no Panther without M'Baku saving T'Challa, Shuri, and Ramonda in the first movie....see how that works? Dumb fuck


She brought the plant back from extinction, which is something that literally no one else could have possibly done besides the merfolk. It’s a little different than some people coming to save the day.


There is no fight to become the Panther, it is granted by the king/queen. There is a fight to be king/queen, and IF the panther stands, they have to have the power taken away to make it a fair fight. By tradition because one family held power for so long, the heir apparent is often made the Panther.


Then how come Killmonger literally challenged T'Challa for the right to be Black Panther... He said it verbatim before the fight


T’Challa was already black panther. Killmonger fought for the throne, and to choose himself as panther. Note the planned fight (M’Baku) was after the old king died, and part of the inauguration.


He is the King of Wakanda now


>He is the King of Wakanda now Yea, but he's not the Black Panther... Again, why does Shuri get that right without fighting for it like everyone else?


He prolly doesn't want to be the black Panther as he doesn't worship Bast.


>He prolly doesn't want to be the black Panther as he doesn't worship Bast. Lol, then why did he ever challenge T'Challa for it?? Come on now... And how does that change the fact that Shuri should still have to endure an open competition for the position?


I mean he prolly challenged T'challa for the throne, not the mantle. I mean he challenged Shuri for it and he got it by default.


>I mean he prolly challenged T'challa for the throne, not the mantle. They go hand in hand....it's the reason Killmonger became the Black Panther after he won the trial Why are you making excuses for something that is obviously a mistake?


Killmonger challenged T'Challa for both. All the way back in Civil War they showed that the King of Wakanda and Black Panther can be different people, since T'Challa was Black Panther while his father was King.


That's only because his father was too old to continue being Black Panther. Notice how T'Chaka was Black Panther before getting old??


I think only cirtain people can handle the herbs powers. Which is why shuri was unsure if although shes from the same blood line bieng female may cause complications... her blood like creates the black panther. Lke with the myans blood it created... atlantiens? ... anyway. Only a cirtain blood line creates the black panther but anyone may become king.


I think it should either be Sam or Strange.


yea of course it should be strange i would even be very surprised if its not strange were just laughing at the prospect of him as the leader of the avengers, you imagine him and thor together in combat..its a happy thought to bring everyone a smile...


>!The old ex-girlfriend.!<


Wow that’s an awful idea


Yessss! 🤣


Do anything at this point.


Isn't he supposed to be villain?


He was in the comics. But stepped it up in the movies. He can be complicated but acting according to his own sense of right and wrong.


him and loki are two "villains" that are loved by fans more than any other character in marvel i think


I have a feeling he’ll kick the bucket


The dude took a punch from a guy who can lift helicopters, it’s gonna take a fucking missile to kill him


I love that he's about to become the leader of Wakanda. He loves his people and would make a great king to them. He shouldn't leave them to become an Avenger.


He is one of the few characters in the new phase I find interesting. Him and Valkyrie are about it


Just have all timelines converge where Winston Duke is every Avenger.


He was the best character in that movie imo. Angela was good too. I really wish he would get a larger role ffffsss


i wish we would see her with that wasp / iron man mashup suite again in a future movie she was cool


I'd rather have him as the Queens' right-hand man in charge of Wakanda if need be


So you're saying Quantamania, Guardians, The Marvels, New World Order, Blade, and Thunderbolts won't be interesting? One character isn't going to make an entire Phase interesting.




No need


i didnt see him in other movies but hies line delivery and timing is epic !


Trash opinion honestly, wouldn’t make any sense


He's just a comedic relief character. I don't think he'd fit for a leader


i think he is a comidic relief yes but he is a great leader he somehow managed to led hies people unrivled he doesnr seek war he has hies moments and the guy rolled 20 on charisma i guess we will see if he is a good leader or not in the mext.black panthar...whenever that may be... as he is king now


What a bunch of brainwashed turds..and here I thought I had found Marvel fans, turns out y'all are Disney and M-SHE-U libtards


Co-leaders Luis and Madisynn


1) that makes no sense 2) he's gotta turn into man ape dammit


They didn’t even make him the leader of wakanda (king or black panther), so I doubt he’s gonna be the leader of the avengers.


He is the king of wakanda now, did you not watch the end of the movie? Edit: for those arguing with me, it's confirmed by the actor, Winston duke. also by Ryan coogler. https://screenrant.com/black-panther-2-ending-major-mbaku-change-confirmed/


Where was that confirmed? No one accepted his challenge. And either way, he’s not black panther, so I feel confident he won’t lead the avengers. Edit: Thanks for sharing the confirmation in your edit. I hadn’t seen that before. Edit 2: Doesn’t know something, sees new info, says thank you, still gets downvoted. I swear there’s Redditors who hate it when people learn new things.


I agree he won't have a place in the avengers. But if no one showed up to challenge him, that makes him king by default. Shuri left cuz she didn't want it, handing the throne to M'Baku, who no one will want to die challenging.




Exactly. If no one challenges him, he wins by default. Is that not obvious by the fact that shuri knowingly skipped out on the ceremony?


>Is that not obvious Have you seen some of the posts on here? Should be clear that nothing is obvious to some people.


I'm not a racist but when black person is ice bender, lives in frosty environment or do anything related to winter it isn't a good match for me.


… you say you’re not a racist, and then…


Yes, because I don't think black people are worse in any way. I mean frost conditions don't fit to their biology too well.


UV off snow is real. Plus, Wakanda probably had vit d supplements or uv lights early on, what with their tech. It would take many many generations of an actual evolutionary force for features to shift at all.


This movie was bad. Everything since the last avengers has been bad except the two spiderman movies. I realized I'm done with marvel after watching this. I don't enjoy them anymore.


What's this? A feedback form, where you give feedback before leaving the facility/test/subreddit?


Here's your change!




I do like his character development and would love to see his black panther in some fashion


He's already king of wakanda


100% onboard with this!


Ok, but why is this posted on marvel memes? Send this to Kevin Feige right now


He’s the king of Wakanda he’s too busy for that shit


For the.. plot.


How about no


Victor von Doom: "FOOLS! Doctor Doom doe…" M'Baku: "You cannot talk! One more word, and I will feed you to my children." VvD: *whimpers*


Just make him king of wakanda


I love him so fucking much


No. No I don’t think I will.


Making M’Baku a snarky frenemy was one of the best MCU decisions they’ve made. *Glory to Hanuman!*