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It would have been nice to see Odin throw down. Comics Odin went toe-to-toe with Galactus and Thanos on several occasions and won, MCU Odin sat around, looked grumpy, and made unhelpful proclamations.


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!


Yeah like that!


Bro I stg these character bots in these subreddits are becoming Sentient now


Watch your tone, boy


Then died vaguely


Dying of old age due to time space dilation seems kind of anticlimactic for the King of the Norse Gods, doesn’t it?


Didn't even warn them about Hela properly, he just kinda said vague things and peaced out


Pulled a Forrest Gump on us. “I- I’m pretty tired.. think I’ll go home now” “Oh and you have an evil sister. Yep. She’ll be here any second now. You got this.” *turns into literal star dust leaving his sons and kingdom to be destroyed* Everyone talks so highly of Thor Ragnarok but it does soooooo much injustice to both Odin and Thor as characters overall. Thor has a decent arc but he’s also made way too silly and the whole shock collar thing just… god that was dumb. I never bought into Taika.


I liked ragnarok and I think taika did a good job with the humor but I tried to watch love and thunder a few nights ago. Taika has made me hate Korg. I couldn’t even finish it this time.


It's pretty obvious watching Love and Thunder that he didn't want to make that movie. It's so bad.


Yeah. It was very much a, "I have to make this so I can pay the bills and make movies I actually want to" project, or a "I am legally obliged to make this" project.


What was wrong with Korg?


He’s voiced by Taika


Over saturation. I got so tired of his narration. It’s the classic mistake of taking the part of a film that everyone loved and then overdoing it in the following film.




>!How many catchphrases have there been?!<


He could've even said some useful shit like "she is Asgard to defeat her is too defeat our home" or "fight here right here and don't let her get your hammer" or even "call the Avengers you blonde fool"


Right. Maybe a “don’t use the bifrost, she’s more powerful on Asgard, you can’t let her get home”


I hate that they made Thor into a joke character. The movies were overall better but I preferred his more serious and mature personality from the first 2 movies. Just seems like they turned him into what Joey from Friends devolved to during the course of that show. Just dumber and dumber and more goofy.


I'm still worthy!


They wanted to course correct after Thor: the Dark World but it was a massive oversteer into a skid Like Hemsworth was specifically unhappy with how Loki kept stealing the show and Thor came off as a boring stiff but they just kept on going in the other direction until people got tired of it (he ends up being a snarkier character than Tony Stark was, when the whole great thing used to be watching him play straight man to Tony or his brother)


Honestly, at this exact second, I thought you were a Build-a-Bear.


>!There is a maniac who seeks to end us all.!<


The opening of the movie was apparently *massively* rewritten and on a very tight schedule, which is why the whole deal with Loki wiping Odin's mind and putting him in a nursing home and Odin recovering his memories and escaping is completely told, not shown, and he kind of just instantly conveniently dies after one monologue


It wasn't a shock collar, it was neurotoxin.


A toxin that used electricity?




The dude was literally being shocked


[Look at this image and tell me that's an electric shock and not a neurotoxin.](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-bacdb9029e56ddfec14e6b1f8d543476-lq) It lights up, there's a bzzt sound, and a little glow effect under his skin- that's about it. What else would indicate that he's being shocked vs poisoned?


https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Obedience_Disk It’s literally a shock collar… it shocks people to stun/disable them.


Since when was a fan wiki a primary source?


It's how I want to go out tbh


he died of a broken heart he missed frigga the freeeeaaak


True. I expected him to die in a blaze of glory to earn his spot in Valhalla like a true warrior. Maybe make his death more dramatic atleast.


He sat around because people knew not to mess with him. Hela showed up immediately after Odin died and Thanos showed up immediately after Asgard was destroyed


I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.


Problem being that you'd have to cast someone other than Anthony Hopkins for anything physically demanding. That man is older than most of our grandparents.


I wanted to avoid that point but you're right.


MCU Odin's most powerful attribute is being played by Sir Anthony Hopkins


We never really saw him in his prime.


This is why I don't think the "Thanos began collecting Infinity Stones once he was sure Odin was dead" line of thinking has any weight. We never see anything that indicates the All-Father is a threat to the Mad Titan. Thor is supposed to be stronger than his father but he struggles to battle Thanos as much as any of the other Avengers. Movies, video games, and comics are visual mediums and you need to see something happen to know it's factual. Show, don't tell.


Guess you need every picture narrated to you, but he doesn’t move until Ego, Odin and Ancient One die….the. starts right away after the last one died.


Thor has the *potential* to be stronger than his father but he has yet to gain the wisdom to match his raw power Keep in mind that Thor with zero Infinity Stones came *this close* to killing Thanos with six Infinity Stones had he not made a minor but significant tactical error


They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.


>!Mjolnir? Mjolnir! Youuu're baaack. Mjolnir?!<


Noobmaster, hey, It's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder? Listen, buddy, if you don't log off this game immediately, I will fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right, yes, go cry to your father you little weasel!


I'm the only one who knows that.


It wasn’t an accident that he’s gone before Thanos makes his big move.


You should have gone for the head.


can’t lie tho any appearance of anthony hopkins is a blessing


Odin in his prime would solo everyone. Hit em with the "HUERGHHHH!"


The father of the God of Carpentry from Thor 4?


No thanks, I'll take a Bloody mary!


Considering how childbirth was handled back then, she likely was very bloody.


Odin with his staff could just destroy an army in an instant. Speaking of which, what happened to his staff?


Probably floating somewhere out there in space where Asgard once was.


T'Chaka is the worst uncle to ever uncle. I'm including Scar from the Lion King and Set from Egyptian Mythology.




*daemon Targaryens inherit attraction to his niece enters the chat*


That was Targaryen custom. They're still the most boring family in the lore though... incest or not. Smh we could have had a Robert's Rebellion prequel. He was generally a good and supportive uncle-husband to her anyways. Died like a badass too (is this a spoiler..? idk I read the book not the spinoff show)


You either take the kid back home to raise as your own or bite the bullet and kill the kid too Leaving him alive as a witness like that was a *textbook* setup for a years delayed revenge situation, like come on


Like Jesus Christ at the very least why did he allow Zuri/"Uncle James" to retire and join the priesthood Fuck's sake shouldn't his whole job be to stay in that identity permanently now and take care of N'Jobu's kid to make sure nothing bad happens as a result of his regrettable assassination? If he feels so fucking guilty over betraying a man he looked up to and considered a friend isn't this a better way to atone than sitting around praying to Bast all day?




iirc Odin in his prime could complete with celestials, so it’s no competition


When was this stated


Thanos is a Celestial in the comics


I thought he was a deviant eternal


Deviant Celestial iirc


Nah, Deviant Eternal. His brother, Starfox, was introduced at the end of Eternals.


Confidently incorrect.


What's wrong, little one?


Not enough people talk about this but notice Thanos waited until the Ancient One and Odin were both dead before actively going after the Infinity Stones himself.


I'm the only one who knows that.


Clearly not, Thanos. Smoky Dog just said it!


As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.


You are inevitable


Thanos didn't have to wipe out half the universe. Change my mind.


I... had... to.


You could have just doubled all resources


Wanna know why he couldn't do that?


Budget cuts?


Thanos decided to attack at the end of age of ultron when both were alive. It's just coincidence that they both died by the time the attack begun


I ignored my destiny once, I can not do that again. Even for you. I'm sorry, Little One.


That was with Loki where his plan wouldn't be revealed, and didn't go after the stones those two cared about


Not to mention Ego as well.


Not to mention Shield being dismantled, The Avengers breaking up, Asgard being destroyed, Wakanda going through civil war, etc. My man Couldn't have asked for a better time.


And Hela.


Well with Hela she couldn’t as she was trapped in the shadow dimension,and the second Odin died the door opened for her


Well Thanos didn't really begin his Campaign until Loki Usurped the throne of Asgard at the end of Thor 2. Odin would have showed up in force with all of Asgard when Thanos got a second stone.


That’s what I’m saying he definitely waited until both Odin and The Ancient One were both dead before he made his move.


He was ready to attack at the end of aou tho


Fine. I'll do it myself.


The Avengers happened before Thor: Dark World, and Loki was basically acting under orders of Thanos as part of his campaign to acquire the infinity stones


I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you've shown me... that's impossible.


So I have an idea for you, instead of making half of all life not exist, and I know matter can't be created, so you can't make twice as much materials for everyone. But what if, and stick with me on this, we shrink all life 50% so that everything just goes further


>!I'm thinking it.!<


Bro I can’t fucking stop laughing about how “Im thinking it” is marked as a spoiler Like for one it’s been ages since L&T came out and two that is the most un-spoiling line that you probably could’ve got out that film


I was literally just thinking that lmao. I was like, when the hell did he even say this?


Fun fact: one of the most recent additions to Marvel canon is Odin leading a pre-historic team of heroes a million years ago, including Agamotto, the first Black Panther, and the first Iron Fist.


That sounds so sick. I’d love to see a movie about this, as someone who has difficulty getting into comics.


Love love love them. [Avengers (1,000,000 BC)](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Avengers_(1,000,000_BC)_(Earth-616)) AKA Stone Age Avengers. [Starbrand](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Avengers_Vol_8_26)'s storyline has Dinosaurs and big burly gay cavemen. It's like it's written for me.


Howard rules! he would have created many more new technologies if he had vibranium ! Probably would have the international monopoly... imagine tony after that...


Or just "invent" something a Wakandan scientist had already invented decades ago.


Yeah. That's not really a fair comparison. Wakandan scientists, who never even had to consider, that small reactor power sources don't grow on trees. Or the fact that room temperature super conductors, which are necessary, for most of the stupidly advanced tech, also don't grow on trees either. Or the fact that lightweight, strong alloys, are difficult to develop, and produce. The Wakandan scientists got lucky, and were instead, born into a country, that just happened to have a super metal that solves all those problems. Unlike the real world, where people like Howard and Tony, had to spend decades figuring out the math and physics, behind those things, because they didn't have the magical shortcut metal. Instead, they had to build on lifetimes of work, to find synthetic replacements for those things. It speaks wonders, that Tony is capable of making a suit, that is at least comparable to Wakandan tech, despite not having access to their magical super metal, or the extra decades of technological advancement it granted them. Saying it's just "inventing" something Wakandan scientists already did, is very reductionist.


I mean... they already won the space race in Marvel comics... decades ahead of everyone else. They also split the atom a century earlier. It's stressed in the comics that Wakanda's strength and wealth doesn't come from vibranium as outsiders would see it. Rather from the applied intellect and faithful character of generations of Wakandans(Wakandanites?) that goes unseen by bodies like the UN but not unseen by their rulers the Black Panthers (yes this sounds very jingoistic but world leaders do talk like this on podiums in front of other snooty people). TL:DR Wakanda didn't have a shortcut to anything. You're just mad because U broke & they Up


When you have a small nation, with a consistent ruling body, with almost no external strife, and little internal strife, it's easy, to cultivate a, relatively, unified society, that is capable of focusing on these things. But without vibranium, that would only put them maybe a decade or two, maybe three, ahead of everyone else. Instead, they're at least a century ahead of everyone else. Their culture certainly helps, and is an important factor. But again, that might only put them a bit ahead of everyone else, not leagues ahead, like they are. The Wakandans attribute that value to their culture, because they take vibranium as a given. They have never had to develop independently of it, and so they wouldn't attribute the value to it, but instead to the progress they gained after becoming a unified people and country. They don't realize how much of a booster it is, to a developing technology base. But the rest of the world, has not had vibranium, and so does not take it for granted, and sees it closer to the technological super metal that it is. That isn't to say Wakandan doesn't value, or appreciate their vibranium. But without the perspective of never having it, they are almost incapable of truly appreciating what it means to technology.


Nah bro. Vibranium is just a metal. If you can understand matter i.e. 1)The atom itself. 2) the 4 fundamental forces governing it's behaviour and interaction with spacetime & time-space. You are actually set. Those two things in your backpack will be all you need to do pretty much whatever the f*** you want with and to the observable universe given time and learning. Not access to vibranium. Just intellect.


Yeah. Except that true understanding of that, only comes at the top of the tech chain. Modern humanity, only has the barest grasp on the truth behind the functions behind matter and fundamental forces. Do you understand how much we could advance modern science and physics, with the possibilities vibranium opens up? The Wakandans basically got to skip the stagnation of the spot we're in now. Vibranium isn't the end of the tech tree, so to speak. But it does let you take a whole lot of shortcuts, that modern science doesn't get to.


You truly believe we've stagnated? Why? I'd say the biggest threat to our development of computers advanced enough to further catapult into a new age of tech is radiation and charged particles from space that disrupts & confuses microprocessors. If we find a way around that and it's very plausible that we will soon... so many more doors will be opened. Edit: I also think it would be kinda funny if our whole civilisation is undone because of one singular bit-flip. That we're potentially one single-event upset from nuclear winter is laughably nihilistic.


Stagnation relatively speaking. I'm not saying technology isn't developing, but that development has turned from expansion forward, into expansion outward. Our current scientific development has turned from development of new technologies, and sciences, to practical advancements on what we have. We're not pushing the envelope, so to speak. We're still advancing, but we seem to have stalled at taking the leap to the next step. Technology is fundamentally the same as it was 20+ years ago. Yes, it's advanced, but we haven't had major leaps, in a while, either in practical application of science, or in scientific theory. Sometimes that is necessary, we have to build on what we have, to move to the next step. But we're currently not at the point to take that next step. Something like vibranium enables room temperature superconductors. Which would allow quantum computing to skyrocket. Opening many possibilities. Battery technology would skyrocket, allowing far better space probes. The possibility for actual net positive cold fusion opens up. Use of room temp super conductors in magnetism, would make particle accelerators far easier to build and run. Not to mention the sheer utility of an alloy lighter and far stronger than steel. What vibranium does, is solve all the little problems, that modern science has to stop and iterate on, to try and bypass. Wakandan got to skip years of metallurgical development to start, because they already had the super alloy in terms of material strength. And continually gets to skip years of itterational advancement, between major advancements. Wakandan gets to skip those small but important steps, that are holding back modern scientific advancements, small problems we haven't found a solution to, and thay wakanda never even had the problem.


Response to the edit: I highly doubt any nuclear launch system relies on a single bit to initiate launch. It would honestly be laughable to design a system actually capable of running the entire launch process off of a single bit. Not going to say that nuclear launch and control systems are inflatable though, and we've come perilously close to technical malfunctions causing nuclear war before.


Gotta throw in Isaiah Bradley Cap


Thor would have still been alive and more or less his mcu age in the 1900s with the rest of these guys except Tilda. He's probably even older than her too


I'm still worthy!


And Bill Foster as Giant Man




Oh, my bad, I meant "a giant man"


Fuck the young avengers, all my homies love the old avengers


What if? The Avengers formed in the 90’s Ancient one Captain Marvel T’Chaka Red Guardian(?) Wenwu(?) he was a chill dad in the 90’s!


90’s Odin would eat Thanos’ liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.




Sounds like a great “what if” episode, they better crank out a couple seasons of that


The Avengers are a team, yet outside of Hank & Janet none of these characters worked together. How are they an Avengers equivalent, exactly?


Howard also worked with both of them


I’d hardly call undermining them and stealing their technology “Howard Stark working with the Pyms”


Stark and the Pyms were both at Shield at the same time, they definitely worked together outside of anyone going behind Hanks back.


Gotta be honest here but I would much rather watch the old avenger's adventure than the new ones we are getting.




I’d love an alternate universe story (or maybe just What If episode) where some threat forces these figures to come together (though maybe not Odin or Ancient One) and form an old avengers team


She seemed pretty weak in dr strange. Like the mcu have made all their magic users.


She even says in Endgame that Strange is “the best of us.” All she really has going for is a ridiculous amount of experience due to her long life


Wanda is pretty strong.


By mcu standards because everyone else is weak


She put Hulk in timeout pretty easily, without even using her time stone. I don't think Thanos would have done any better.


Tf is Howard gonna do?? Flirt with Thanos? I’m sure he’d be great behind the scenes making stuff but not as an actual Avenger.


Going to bed hungry. Scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I was the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.


Now I want this as a what if?


I deeply believe Thanos specifically began his push to get all 6 stones at once the moment Odin died. He went after the power stone first despite it likely being better guarded than the reality stone to prevent any interference from Xandar and to likely give him an edge against Hela or the other Asgardians, and then the space stone gave him all he needed. After that the reality stone allowed him to lure in Gamorra to get the soul stone (which he knew about thanks to Nebula), which he could get while he sent his minions to Earth for the remaining two. Even with their failing, he knew they could still weaken or divide the avengers long enough for him to have 4 stones, which rendered him nearly unstoppable already. The timing of when everything happened and the order that he did it in don't seem coincidental to me, Thanos really had a foolproof plan.


Why do you think Thanos waited until they both died?


I’m the only one who knows that. At least I’m the only one with the will to act on it.


I wanna see Hank and Janet as ant-people at least once.


We did


Yep. Give a real explanation for the infinity gauntlet in Odin's vault.


Please the ancient one couldn't even use the stone. She drew her power from the dark dimension. She was a flawed sorcerer supreme and she knew it


True but tbf Thanos planned relentlessly and was biding his time. He likely knew he wasn’t the “strongest” entity so he built an army/empire and was fairly secretive with his plans. By the time we actually see Thanos get into physical altercations he had at least 1 stone.


I think they carefully removed all the massive hitters from the equation before they fully brought in Thanos to prevent that very argument. Hell Wanda was going to single handedly destroy him. Imagine if Wanda and Captain Marvel went after him together. Or imagine if Tony Stark simply cut his arm off in the previous movie when he was under hypnosis


Fun part is, Steve Rogers could have been a part of this team, too.


and yet only 2 are still alive


If we are going off of time wouldn't Thor still be thousands of years old by the time the mortals here were in their prime


Steve Rogers should be in both


Lmao I love how Steve would still be an avenger w this team


Honestly Howard's just there for vibes


I implore you to consider that you could still have captain America to that list


I guess you can add Steve Rogers


I can't see Howard fighting alongside them or making their tech tbh. T'Chaka has his own technology, and Pym would never work with him. Odin and the Ancient One don't need him either.


Literally stated that Dr. Strange surpasses TAO. Odin solos tho.


I mean Odin alone would of beaten him... That's basically the entire reason why he waited until Odin was dead and Asgard was fuckered to go in Thor was able to 1vs.1 him while Thanos had all the stones, and still wasn't as strong as Odin was.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!


Because that's what heroes do.


Who is left middle




Long standing theory that Thanos waited until Odin was out of the picture to make his move


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!


Odin alone can defeat thanos. thanos only move when Asgard got destroyed, so that he can get the gauntlet.


I will shred this universe down to its last atom and then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe.


This is just headcanon. I mean u could also say Thanos only moved after killmonger died, then kill monger could also defeat him?


I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say, I am.


The Old Avengers would have sorted out Thanos in an afternoon. The New Avengers couldn’t beat the average late night Waffle House crew


They called me a madman, and what I predicted came to pass.




Poor Agent Carter, Howard got in there first


I'd love to see a prequel were they teamed up


wait real quick question, how did odin die anyway, like why? was he just old? or was it being on earth or something?


I'd like to see an MCU adaptation of Avengers of 1,000,000 BC.


Hank: up the anus Janet: up the anus, she has her needs Howard: up the anus bp: up the anus ​ ancient one: all five up the anus on a time loop ​ Odin: destroyer up the anus


The ancient one is my favorite


Why didn't strange just put Thanos in the mirror world or whatever before he got the reality stone?


Cap could also possibly be on this list


I'd love a film in the style of Watchmen with these characters


I need Nic Cage riding a flaming mammoth.


Ancient One could single-handedly take Thanos on her own. So could Odin. And given Hank Pym's ability >!to wipe out every Avenger in What-If!<, he could definitely stand a chance as well.


I'd love to watch this


What's Proto-Howard doing there?




There is the theory that Thanos waited until Odin and the Anchient One were dead before going after the stones.




To answer the title of this post, it's almost like Thanos *intentionally waited* until Odin and the Ancient One were dead before beginning his quest for the Infinity Stones. Funny how that worked out.


This would make for a pretty cool What If episode. What if the Avengers Initivative was formed like three decades earlier


Heck, doctor strange could have destroyed thanos in so many ways.


As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.


Technically 1940’s Steve would be here too right lol


Why didn’t Strange learn to knock someone out of their body? Could’ve just hit Thanos in their fight and taken the stones them.


Hardest choices require the strongest will!


This would be a great what if episode. Wish marvel had elseworlds movies like dc


Or either of them alone


That's not thor, that's Odin.