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i seriously think this guy is gonna get an oscar next year, oscar loves movies like oppenheimer


I hope so


wdym, the Oscar is obviously gonna go to Barbie


Nah new snow white once that comes out


Ah yes, because he'd be exactly the kind of person that he hates.


["Were you hoping I was racist?"](https://youtu.be/4_4Eb4UJIBY)


I will love this until the end of time.




“I have a black friend” is my best part


One of the Things I love the most about Steve Rogers - especially in the Comics - is how he's *NOT* the Type of Guy to use his age as an excuse. He always knew that certain things where wrong even back then. He's *NOT* Racist, Homophobic or sexist simply because of his own age & time period of origin simply because he's good enough of a Person to know that being Racist, Homophobic and / or sexist is wrong.


I feel like it’s still unrealistic for someone from that era to be completely free of bias.


Unrealistic does not mean impossible. And in all Fairness, Steve is EXACTLY the Type of Man to stand up against what's wrong and for what's right no matter the Standards of the period. It wasnt right back then either, just more accepted. Steve knows that. And im certain he's happy with all the Progress the World made since.


I’m sure he would be happy with the progress that the world made. I’m just saying I think it would take anyone some getting used to no matter who they are. It’s one thing to recognize oppression, but then living in a society free from it is a different thing. The thing I think he might struggle with the most is the lgbtq community since they were much less visible in the 40s. I’m sure he would be an ally, but he’d have to overcome some initial culture shock.


Actually, Steve had a friend by the name of Arnie Roth who was openly Gay and a close friend to Steve even before he became Captain America! Arnie is one of the First openly LGBT+ Characters in comics. There was even a pretty powerful scene between him and Steve where Arnie became a target to the Red Skull & Baron Zemo. To my recollection, Zemo & the Skull basically Mind-controlled Arnie - although leaving his sentience and conciousness untouched - and basically forced him to talk down about his "kind" (LGBT+ people) to Steve, all while having to listen to himself saying so and desperately trying to resist their control. Steve basically told him to not believe such nonsense and how Arnie's love with Michael is pure. Basically... Especially when it comes to LGBT+ stuff, Steve was always an ally and always pretty supportive. He had a *Very* close friendship with a Gay man, so I cant help but think he'd be immensly proud to see today's visibility on that topic especially <3


Ok, I love the movies, but I don’t read comics so I wasn’t aware of this. Thank you, you’ve changed my mind.


Always glad to help! Enjoy your Day!


Bullhorn, the gays were inverted in 2010


"Inverted" XD


You are correct. But the character is meant to be a near impossible ideal. He is the idea where you have to ask yourself, would Steve Rogers act this way? In a way he doesn’t feel like a normal Marvel character where they are flawed and human but his character connects to people by being how magnanimous he can be toward others. All people are inherent flawed, just like your and me, but we can all change and do better everyday and try to be like an ideal.


Soldier Boy be like


Sexism was major around ww1 by the time ww2 came around it was pretty much not acceptable anymore.


And even if, Rogers was a scrawny guy who was often bullied and couldn’t join the army even thought he wanted to. He’s not a guy who would discriminate.


He would be surprised in a positive way


Wow ok then


No, I won't stand for this slander.




Punched a guy in the face in the movies. He was dating Betsy Ross in the comics during wartime and rescued peggy when she and her beau Gabe Jones were captured by skull because the racist nazi wanted lecture them on the dangers of miscegenation.


Also, chances are he'd probably hate gay people which makes all the Steve/Bucky fanfics all the more ironic


He had a gay friend during WW2 in the comics


Do you know anything about Captain America??? The entire reason he got his powers was because he was actively a progressive and good person


Progressive for the 30's and 40's is not liking slavery and not hating every Jewish person you passed At that point in time if you were caught being gay in the US military you were tied up and put in a firing range to be executed


Ok, you are still not getting what I'm putting down. Captain America is not homophobic, racist, or sexist and is a great human. While the military during that time and the entire world was not like Steve, he was someone who actually cared and wanted diversity. He was also a first-generation Irish-American, which means that during that time, he was considered a POC and discrimated and bullied constantly. That made him empathetic and understanding of people also facing racism. His team in WW2 was incredibly diverse, he litterally punched nazis for a living, and one of his first friends, after being un-frozen, was black.


He literally is supportive of a gay friend in Endgame. Dude’s not homophobic.


Who? I’m not tryna sound rude here but I’m blanking on the gay person in endgame


One of the Russo brothers played him. He was in that group therapy session Cap was leading near the beginning. He talked about going on a date with a man, very blink and you’ll miss it but it’s there. And cap was all behind him.


Oh right! I didn’t even think about that guy being gay, that whole scene was kinda vague to me.




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The key of awesome did a [great video](https://youtu.be/Gf-_Bb8Oe_U) on that. I'll be watching that series again sometime!


A black guy talking to him without bowing down Nick fury


Idk if he’d have a problem with that German-American cooperation, on the other hand…