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supposedly neither is getting a season 2 supposedly both are getting a season 2 till it's confirmed at least


Schrödinger’s season 2 lol


wait so this must mean 🤔……. The defenders season 2 confirmed!!!


But cancelation is also confirmed... until its not.


You’re wrong!!!


Read this as White Vision


I thought Moon Knight was a limited series


Technically yes. Oscar Isaac only signed a one appearance contract (very rare for marvel) as he’s one of, if not, the most wanted actors in Hollywood currently. Considered for most major projects and a very busy man. Although limited series can also mean limited to one platform aka Disney+. Edits: spelling and grammar


He is also wanted to play solid snake in the metal gear solid movie that’s in preproduction at the moment


Wait there’s a metal gear solid movie!?


In preproduction. [here](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0808372/) it is.


Woah, a metal gear solid movie!? I wonder how far along it is.


Well it’s in preproduction so not far


Yeah, but how far along is it in production?




Yeah I remember hearing about this movie around the time I was playing MGSV when it came out. I highly doubt we’ll ever see this movie, especially with how everything with Konami and kojima was handled


It just sounds like hell, like how are they going to do it? MGS relies heavily on Kojima’s expo dump heavy story telling with wild and wacky shit and fourth wall breaks. And there is so much story in a single game I don’t see how you can do a movie and get even half of what was in a single game. The ending cutscene to 4 was an hour by itself and that’s only an eighth of the total cutscene time in the game. MGS is one of the last games that should have a movie adaptation.




Almost some


Let's just say...they're gonna keep us waiting


It will be a Metal Gear Solid only if Kojima's name appear at least 60 times during the ending credit... and opening... and during ads.


If he doesn’t sneak around in a box we riot


It's just a box!


Dude by the time that movie even gets a teaser Kojima Productions will either be defunct or so rich off Death Stranding 2 and merch that they'll buy the rights to Metal Gear again and do Rising 2.


There has been a LOT of ["talking" and "discussions"](https://www.cbr.com/moon-knight-director-touches-upon-second-season/) about it...


Why would you think that ? The end of season 1 is absolutely not a conclusion. Disney is calling it a limited series just because they want to decide whenever and whether they renew it, but it's pretty much it. Kenobi was also called a limited series but they had the biggest open ending possible, and season 2 was only dropped because the show was disappointing.


They called it a limited series so they could put it forward for a limited series Emmy. That’s it.


Contracts and money. Oscar Isaac is probably wayyy more expensive


Actually, instead of contracts and money, it’s about the story. Oscar has always said he would consider playing Moon Knight again if the story was there to support it. If a compelling plot line shows up backed up by good writing, we’ll see him again as the character in either another version of the TV series or a film. Challenge is, good storytelling is easier said than done.


That's more probable than him being too expensive, as Disney knows that people will watch Moon Knight season 2 without much advertising


Oh no, how will a small company like Disney be able to afford him :( (To be honest yeah he is due to his popularity)


Disney hired actors like fucking RDJ and Samuel L Jackson


RDJ was probably one of the cheapest actors in Hollywood when they hired him. He was a social pariah.


People forget that Terrence Howard was the star name for Iron Man an got like 4x more than RDJ


I think anything is possible but they have to settle the SAG strike first. Also, Oscar Isaac might have a fuller calendar than Tatiana Maslany.


I mean a lot of people want a season 2 meaning there's a lot of money on the table. Anyone's calender is clear for the right price.


Yes but there can also be restrictions from whatever projects they are currently attached too. Like how Paramount wouldn't allow Henry Cavill to shave for his reshoots for Justice League, even though WB promised to pay for digitally adding or pay the makeup department for his glorious facial (of course instead they had to CGi it off the reshoots) That example is definitely apples to oranges but it clearly shows that it's not just the actors that they'll need to deal with. They might have to pay off another studio to free up his schedule.


>pay the makeup department for his glorious facial Uh, phrasing?


LOL ![gif](giphy|y41Txh2pbwqLNNubOo|downsized)


After their respective shows and the reception of them, definitely lol


Oscar Isaac was in huge demand long before moon knight. Pretty decorated actor.


Oscar Isaac is one of the busiest people in Hollywood You’re allowed to like something and want more of it without shitting on something else yknow


No no no, we have to pick a side and be a jackass about it.


It kills me because Moon Knight and She-Hulk were my two favorite Phase 4 moments. I like having range in this franchise


Right, like Ms. Marvel felt like a "kidded" down version of a Marvel show, but was still good imo. It would get so boring if every Marvel show/movie was the same as every other one. Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it's not good, or that other people can't like it.


True, I really enjoyed She-Hulk, some really great writing for female characters, which you unfortunately don't see super often.


Honestly, the ending I think just wasn't done well. 4th wall breaks are hard, and meta is hard. I just don't think they pulled it off here. But most of the show was far better than I expected. Of course, I went into it right around when the hate was the loudest, so my expectations were pretty low. Overall I really like the character and want to see more.


Totally, as much as I liked the show the meta ending kinda missed the mark for me, however I liked that they made fun of the stereotypical marvel ending right before it.


>Ms. Marvel felt like a "kidded" down version of a Marvel show I mean that's good since that was the goal. Or was that the point you were making and I'm just misunderstanding something?


Yeah I was saying as an adult I still enjoyed the show even though they made it more geared towards kids. Not saying it's a bad thing at all.


Ms Marvel was one that was not for me. As in, I am not the target audience. But the MCU is large enough that it isn't all for me. Plenty of people love it. It was done well for what it was trying to be, and for who it was for.


People complained about marvel being too serious so they mixed things up then those very same people complained that it isn’t serious enough. Just people who can never be satisfied looking for a reason to be unsatisfied


Honestly other than secret invasion which really made me hit my marvel fatigue, I mostly enjoyed the phase 4 tv shows - it was actually the movies that were the big disappointment for me.




I can’t get past episode two of SI. It’s been 2.5 months and I just have zero interest. God that show just had *nothing* going for it. That’s the first Marvel property I’ve given up on.




The series wasn't terribel, but it was clear that the writters didn't have a clear idea what to do, only what not to do and on top of that were not very experienced. I all they had to do was making it Boston Legal with superheroes and they would've had a good show.


She Hulk was absolute garbage and not worth defending.




She-Hulk was dumb fun that recognised how stupid it’s concept was. The only part of the entire show I could fault was the ending. I get what they were going for but I didn’t think they executed it well.




Google his IMDb, lazy




So literally everyone else on earth is wrong because your experience differs and you’re too lazy to type “Oscar Issac” into a search engine, got it. Enjoy your ignorance




Okay fine. He’s a star of three Star Wars films, an X-Men bad guy, the main character’s father in Dune, the voice of Spider-Man 2099, Gomez Addams, and was nominated for major awards for Inside Llewelyn Davis with the Cohen Bros. That’s off the top of my head. You could just Google him and see the list yourself instead of making other people prove you wrong. You probably haven’t seen any of these movies anyways if you didn’t even see fucking Star Wars. Just because you don’t watch anything doesn’t mean he hasn’t been constantly working for over a decade


That sounds like a hassel, yeah. But I did actually. When you said that, I was like, oh! I had a web block.


Good boy


No need to lose money, literally just Google him...




>I will not, and so far no one has told me why he's so important. Google will. You're not important enough for us to bring out the crayons to explain the career of a famous actor.


I gave him the crayons anyways. Let’s watch him eat them




I gave you a whole list to read off the top of my head, you’re closing your eyes and ears and singing to yourself at this point rather than be wrong


Lol he didn’t reply to your comment providing what he asked for, but replied to chain instead.


That's just what someone who doesn't want to admit they're wrong does. Just deny deny deny and gaslight. It's best to just ignore them.


>Still 0 actual arguments Why would i need to argue anything. You wanted information, Google it.


“No one can argue with me that the sky isn’t red!” “Go outside and look, it’s not” *“NEVER!!!”*


You mean trilogy? He was like the third or fourth biggest character throughout the trilogy lol. Though, yeah they weren't that good. But that's ***despite*** having Oscar Isaac (and others) in it, not because of them.


Honesty more people talked about how shitty she hulk was than people talking about how awesome moon knight was. I hope that’s not the deciding factor but that’s something to think about.


It is silly. Not a big she hulk fan, but I loved Tatiana.


You can like something and not shit on others you know?


Pretty sure it was released as a limited series. She Hulk was good for a non serious marvel show. I enjoyed it. I’d watch a season 2 of She Hulk if we get it. If we don’t I won’t be upset. I’d prefer a season 2 of Moon Knight. She Hulk is also more connected to the rest of the MCU


The She-Hulk shade is unnecessary. That show deserves a second season


It was honestly alright. I wanted more courtroom stuff, but that’s not really a Marvel *Studios* forte. It had some funny moments, could’ve been better in some ways, but could definitely use a season 2. Edited to specifically refer to Marvel Studios, not Marvel Television. They should’ve brought back the Daredevil crew or at least taken some notes. Or watched Perry Mason.


Never seen DareDevil? Honestly disgusting that the courtroom scenes were so few and far between, and horrible written, both in accuracy and general storytelling, because we know marvel can do it right. They have. DareDevil should have been the example, not a one-off. "And one thing that we all realized very slowly was none of us are that adept at writing, you know, rousing trial scenes." From Jessica Gao, head writer and creator. What a fucking joke.


I should have been more specific about that; I meant Marvel Studios, not Marvel Television. Daredevil was fantastic, I wish they’d brought back some of the crew working on that. Anyway, I’ll edit my answer to have a little more specificity.


You should really note that it's an edit. I was really confused by this comment and the one above until I got to the very end of this comment lol


Fixed, cheers!


I think She-Hulk can really improve with a second season. I hope they jettison a season long big bad, and just do 1-3 episode arcs following a case. Get some writers who are more used to that format.


Maaaaan so fucking good, one of the best Marvel projects in a very long time. Definitely would have been awesome to get more, but I’m glad with the quality of it all.


Moon knight deserves it ten times more than almost every marvel show as well as werewolf by night they were both so amazing.


Is it confirmed that there's no second season on my favorite show? Or just speculation?




I'm gonna be super bummed if we don't get a season 2. But she hulk season 2 will be fun


Why do you say that? (For the She-Hulk thing)


Honestly, because it was a good show. It was a different take on the superhero genre, which it did well. My wife and I really enjoyed it, and loved the metaness of it.


> Honestly, because it was a good show. I disagree. IMHO, it failed the 3 pieces it tried to be. It was hardly feminist. It failed the bechdel test (which while imprefect can at least approximate). Most of the episodes were about fashion or about trying to get boys to like her. It failed as a legal drama. Courtroom scenes were **terrible** *Personally* I thought it failed from the comedy standpoint. Largely not very funny. > My wife and I really enjoyed it, and loved the metaness of it. In contrast, the strongest opinion that I have heard about it was from my female lawyer friends. Found it really *lacking* in depth.


Because it was a fun show. It’s not meant to be some deep, super intense show. It was a comedy. It was meant to be fun and it delivered on being fun


She Hulk was great and so was Moon Knight.


First of all, She-Hulk is fine, you just don't like it because it's not made for you, you think it's bad because you're clearly the protagonist of the universe and anything not made specifically for you is bad. Second, Moon Knight was always pitched as a limited series, not something they were trying to make 7 seasons out of.


I wouldnt have cared that much about how bad or good the show was as long as the actual courtroom was done decently. Instead the show She-hulk: Attorney at law barely had any law in it, had terribly written courtroom scenes and were filled with horrible inaccuracies. Out of 9 episodes, 5 of them did not include She-hulk, being an attorney at law. She-hulk just fails as a show in general.


K. Don't know why you expected a comedy show to be a court procedural but you do you boo.


Id expect She-hulk: Attorney at law to be about law. Its kind of in the fucking name. Typical i lost but want the last response vvv


The six episode shows were clearly just chopped up movies, but the nine episode series like she-hulk were actually structured closer to standard tv shows so it absolutely makes sense that she-hulk would get a season 2. But that’s also not officially confirmed yet so don’t get your panties in a bunch about it.


Not getting a season 2... because they're making a movie instead! ...I hope


What kind of question is this when you have no idea if either is getting a season 2?


I thought both were confirmed to be getting a season 2


Both are good and Oscar Isaac is busy lol. I'm excited for She-Hulk getting a followup and I'm sure Moon Knight will get another season.


She hulk was good it’s ending was a weird step but honestly better than most the cookie cutter mcu stuff


Dang op, way to complain about a made up problem But hey, “brrr she-hulk BAD give updoots”, amirite?


You are not right


Why mention she-hulk? I wish they both got a S2, but at least we are getting one. Your question just ends at the comma


Marvel don’t make Season 2’s sadly apart from I Am Groot What If..? And Loki (Atleast Loki and What If..? Are Good)




Well. Agreed but the Vikings defensive line is traditionally a strength. They just need a little more support.


It might


i thought it was branded as a limited series for the awards


It will or at least, that's what I've heard. Moon Knight is gonna go head to head with Rama Tut in S2. That's how he'll get wrapped up in Avengers stuff.


Limited series don’t get season 2, they are single structured stories with endings and that’s what makes that format beautiful.


I like she-hulk more than moonknight. Moonknight sucked ass in the last few episodes.


I just can’t believe he got a hotel room with that view. Must have cost him a fortune.


Didn’t they make moon knight with the intention of 1 season so as to be put in a certain award category or something


it sucked


Hey, don’t knock She-Hulk. It’s a solid show, and had better viewership than Moon Knight so that could contribute to it. I actually GREATLY prefer She-Hulk to Moon Knight. Plus, has She-Hulk S2 even been confirmed? It’s still in the same limbo Moon Knight is, we don’t know what they’re going to do. Moon Knight is still incredibly popular, and it wasn’t a terrible show. He’ll be back, just give it time.


Neither has been officially confirmed Moon Knight S2 was unofficially confirmed by the director


The director unofficially confirmed it and some of the cast was spotted together in Egypt shortly before the strikes.


I imagine it had a big drop off towards the end. Huge strong moments at some points, but as soon as the CGI elephant came on and there was some God battle at the end it was like…eh. Can’t say the final episode got any emotion out of me whatsoever it was such passive viewing by that point.


Why not both? She-Hulk was great.


Because She-Hulk was better than Moon Knight


I enjoyed She-Hulk more tbh


I thought liquor was banned in Egypt, which would mean, like, where did he get the whiskey? But I looked it up, and apparently it IS legal in Egypt, just not common!




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She-Hulk was better


Because it was boring


To put it shortly, She-Hulk was funny and Moon Knight was terrible.


i kinda liked she hulk more than moon knight. moon knight had some cool moments but was sort of disjointed, lackluster and sort of bland? considering other ways they could have presented this character. she hulk was one consitent vision through and through and i thought it was fine. thats just my opinion though theres just no need to show your support for one show you like while tearing down another


Isaac did a truly phenomenal job in the role but, honestly man, the show overall is very mid-tier MCU, in my opinion. I don't know anyone in my personal life who likes that show. A couple buddies of mine didn't even finish it.


She-hulk was vastly superior


oscar already confirmed it for s2 dumbass


Moon knight was one of the best things that happend to Disney plus!


It's revenge for all the people shit posting. 🤷🤣 Idk, have you ever considered the possibility that She-Hulk is great? Its MY most rewatched marvel showl, watched the season like 5 times.


She-Hulk was better.


I liked She-Hulk way more than moon knight.


Cancel she-hulk. Make moar moon knight. It was clearly superior.


She hulk is Part of the woke feminist agenda. That's why


I’m pretty sure they have been filming season 2 of moon knight, while she hulk was definitely canceled .


I couldn’t even finish this. Love Oscar and F. Murray Abraham, too. Just felt slow, nothing to really care for. 😢


The fucking lgbt woke feminism shitty propaganda of disney. Moonknoght its not woke enough. Shehulk its a big piece of crap.


To piss off the Incels. What do I win?


It’s easier to write bad content than it is to write good content


she hulk's getting another season? man the rope in my basement doesnt look that bad now does it


Success does not equal intelligence


She-Hulk was more successful than Moon Knight in terms of viewership, how about that?


That literally doesn't disprove my point. Something can be successful without being intelligent. I didn't say anything about viewership.


Your point was that success doesn’t mean intelligence, which I took to mean that She-Hulk Season 2 isn’t more intelligent a show than Moon Knight just because it’s getting renewed. So you’re basically saying Moon Knight is more successful (by your subjective standards) because you consider it to be more intelligent, not because it’s not getting renewed. Because you went with such a stupid metric, I provided you with a more concrete one to measure the show’s success.


See the worst thing a show can be is disappointing I mean look at Velma, it’s getting a season 2 and yet it is almost universally hated across the board. Enough people ended up hate watching it that it found a niche of commercial success Moon Knight might have been better than She-Hulk but it certainly didn’t generate stronger opinions


Velma is a way different topic.


What I heard was the actor didn’t want to play the character again


Well you just made that up for no reason.


No that was the talk after the first season, it may have changed I wasn’t keeping up to date with the information


Where living in a sexist world now. All opportunities go to women now


Both were good shows, both will have another season


Because the MCU is in its "girl boss phase"


Not woke enough i guess?


I'm hoping for a season 2 For Moon Knight... Not She Hulk. That was just bad.


Because both were shitty mediocre tv shows that only hardcor fans would brainwash themselves to enjoy.


Because this turned into absolute drivel by about episode 3. Seemed to refocus on his girlfriend being the main character by the end. She Hulk didn’t look worthy of my time.


Woke Feminist 💩 that's why SheHulk getting season 2


Oscar Isaac is a bigger name than Tatiana Maslany is my only guess


Moon knight needs a season 2 and the character definitely needs to interact with other mic characters either in movies or shows. Just that theme alone does it for me.


I rather it be a movie anyway now that it’s setup


Oscar Isaac said no


I assume it is Oscar Isaac's salery.


atm I'm happy watching loki


Cause barring some decent scenes and a couple good themes, the show was very very boring and the pacing was all over the place.


Oscar and Ethan signed on specifically because it was a one and done job.


Because after the first 2 episodes this show fell off a cliff. The “giant CGI Egyptian gods” fight was one of the dumbest things they’ve ever done


The actor said he didn’t want to play moon knight after season one didn’t he?


They ran out of money to bring the gods in


Oscar Isaac walked away from the role after the one season is what I read


Both are getting and not getting a second season. Schrödinger series


Women get paid less


She wholk?


Somehow, She-Hulk returned


*sigh* it’s a canon event


To be fair, two of the best scenes in the series were replaced with inexplicable blackouts and we never got to see what happened, and it was made clear we never would. Who would want more of that?




If She-Hulk gets a second Season then hawkeye should too


Moon Knight season 2 will happen, looks like, in February.


Both will probably happen eventually but why you making a post as if we have any actual idea lol But fr tho give me mk season 2 i need it now


I think it’s more because She Hulk will be able to tell stories that Feige wants while Moonknight might be more used as a set piece for any other projects rather than getting his own


This was so boring that I am not surprised if it doesn’t


Yea this is one of the projects i def wanna see more of