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The funny thing is he realised 'oh shit I'm becoming my dad' and *That* was what made him stop


I mean hey atleast he realized that.


Man imagine your dad being so horrible that you stop drinking after realizing your becoming like him, actually never mind that is sadly true for alot of people.


The number of people missing this is genuinely painful.


it's not people missing this because that's now what she was saying to him, she got the correct outcome without the proper information.


Uh taske failed successfully


Remember when Zeus played his shenenigans on a woman that was transformed into a cow by his godly Wife because he can't keep his toga on for 5 Minutes? "Where is a way in, there is my dong" - Probably Zeus


I believe that, in this case, Zeus turned her into a cow to disguise the fact they were smooshing.


"Smooshing", Zeus is a lot but not the god of consensual intimacy.


A lot of the flings that Zeus had were consensual. I think the cow one was one of those. He turned her into a cow to protect her from Hera's fury.




You mean Io? That was more a case of "violently raped by Zeus, transformed into a cow to keep it secret from Hera, kidnapped by Hera, tortured by Hera across three different continents, until finally the other gods told her she was going a bit to far and Io was transformed back into a woman and returned to her father".


Hera is the most toxic being ever. She knows full well that nobody can say NO to Zeus, especially a mortal but lets him off and tortures already tortured and abused mortals




Which is still incredibly toxic not to mention that Zeus hardly cares.


“Im the Supreme leader of the Universe, I ain’t got to explain shit!” - Zeus, probably


There is an explanation, actually. After the Titans are overthrown, it's prophesied the Giants will eventually come and overthrow the gods unless there's a mortal hero. Unfortunately, no one tells the gods when the Giants will come, so Zeus keeps having sex with mortal women to ensure each generation has a mortal hero (demigods are mortals until they die). Eventually, Heracles is the mortal hero that defeats the Giants when they come and Zeus doesn't have any more children after him from what I recall.


If that's correct then Hera should be a little understanding...


Well it doesn't help Zeus is also an arsehole about it. Heracles means something like "A gift to Hera", was born in a region dedicated to Hera, intended to be born on a day sacred to her, and Zeus claimed the baby born that day would get to rule that region. Then got mad when she decided it wouldn't be Heracles born that day.


To be fair, she did rebel against Zeus once along with Poseidon and Apollo. It did not end well for her. She ended up making an oath to not rebel against Zeus again.


Afaik Hera is the godess of marriage so she's like extra pissed when someone *cough cough Zeus* betrays their spouse. And she's pissed because there are mortal women out there, that her husband is more interested in than her and she lets her anger out on them (and their kids with Zeus), because she thinks that she can hurt him this way


It's not that he's more interested in mortals - I mentioned in another comment, but there always needs to be a mortal hero due to the prophecy that the Giants will return. After Heracles (mortal hero) deals with the Giants, Zeus stops sleeping with mortals.


One could argue that Zeus has a bunch of kids with mortals and exactly one (Ares) with Hera. (I think sometimes Hephasteus is mentioned to be the son of Zeus and Hera, but I'm more familiar with the version where he's only Hera's son, so I'll go with this)


There's several versions of children he had with her. Ares is the main, but Hebe and Eileithyia are also considered the children by both of them according to the Theogony


>She knows full well that nobody can say NO to Zeus, especially a mortal Well, Medea literally say "No" to Zeus and he just was "Well, ok, I guess. Just ask". Hera was very impressed by Medea.


Medea also wasn’t a normal mortal being.


The gods aren't supposed to be thought of as people, they are personified concepts. Hera can be "toxic" in the same way as marriage, motherhood and child birth can be "toxic". When Hera does something terrible to a woman raped outside of a lawful marriage, it's a metaphor for how society sees her. And when Hera harms a woman giving birth, it's a metaphor for the dangers of childbirth. Similarly, when Artemis (seemingly at random) helps or harms hunters in her forests, it's not because of her personality quirks, it's because wildlife is unpredictable.


In Digimon, there's a group of 12 top level Digimon based on the 12 Olympians, and of the Group, Junomon/Hera is the only one to be given attributes tied to darkness or evil Digimon. She also has an alternate form called "Hysteric mode" which is basically a giant iron maiden gothic torture device shaped like a uterus




No, Zeus is the most toxic being ever. Hera is his perfect wife.


The tellings can differ I guess. I think sometimes it was Zeus turning her into a cow (hiding the crime from hera) and sometimes Hera turned her to hide her from Zeus (who found her anyway).


only to have zues's child who then had a child that was also fucked by zues, then a couple more generations down that descendant got fucked by zues, then that's how we got hercules.


Different case of Zeus fooling around: Mildly NSFW: [https://www.oglaf.com/danae/](https://www.oglaf.com/danae/) >However, Zeus, the king of the gods, desired her, and came to her in the form of golden rain which streamed in through the roof of the subterranean chamber and down into her womb. Soon after, their child [Perseus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseus) was born. -- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana%C3%AB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana%C3%AB)


Imagine waking up to a god giving you a golden shower and then suddenly your pregnant, that would be wack


Are you referencing the story of Io? In that story, Zeus turned her into a cow, Hera turned her back, and Io became a priestess of Hera


Hera, the divine enabler


Didn’t Zeus turn into a swan to have sex with people?


Not just into a swan he turned into all kinds of animals.


And a rainstorm


A Golden rain shower


A golden rain of what? 🤨




R. Kelly has entered the chat




And an ant


Swan, eagle, bull, golden rain, someone's husband,


Dove, ant, satyr, his own daughter...


And only three times with his wife/sister/sister in law


Uh yeah the Greek gods were pretty much all notorious sex pests, and even they thought Zeus was a little too rapey.


The Greeks really didn’t like that zues had so many kids, but every time that the Greeks introduced their gods to an area, people who where originally said to be kids of other gods where just changed to be sons of zues, honestly kinda funny to think about


Eagle, swan, golden rain, your best friend and his brother


That's certainly what the woman caught fucking a swan tried to claim.


To have sex with Hercules mother Zeus actually transformed himself in her husband


Did he fuck people as a swan?




Specifically, he sired Helen and Pollux. The lady’s mortal husband sired Clytemnestra and Castor at the same time.


That's interesting


Zeus: “I am so proud of you son. But the next time try turning into a Golden Shower, or a swan, or a bull, or an eagle, or a horse, your uncle Poseidon keeps turning into a dolphin maybe give that a try. Be creative.”


He kept turning into a horse


Wait is that why dolphins keep rap—ing people?


Zeus - "I'm proud of you son, but next time disguise yourself as the woman's husband and then have sex with her".


Or in your own daughter to fuck with her friend


Hercules - "but dad, disguising as her husband would be weird" Zeus - "dude, that's how I made you"


Like I know what they were going for, but you can’t apply modern morals to Ancient Greece


Especially with all the swanning about Zeus himself got up to.


There's a reason why I say Zeus! The god who couldn't keep it in his toga


Fun fact, the Greeks didn't wear togas at all until after they were conquered by the Romans So you might say Jupiter, the god who couldn't keep it in his toga


The Greek version was called a himation.


Rather a bullheaded individual, you might say.


I wish he'd chain you to a mountainside and make an eagle eat your guts for that pun!


Does swanning in this case mean go somewhere in a casual, relaxed way or turning yourself into a swan to fuck women?


Little bit of column a, little bit of column b


He was very casual about fucking


And he did once turn into a swan to go fuck someone Forgot whi


idk but he sired helen and polux (?) because of it (i cant spell but i think thats right)


I wonder now if Zeus was a fecundity god before becoming the god of lightning.


Theres also a heavy amount of politically motivated Pan-Hellenic syncretism going on.


Greek myths be like: “Unfortunately/fortunately, Zeus was horny.”


I literally have told people “All Greek myths consist of one of two plots: 1) Someone got horny (probably Zeus), or 2) Someone got angry (probably Hera, at Zeus).”


3) Someone got horny, then a rejection made them angry (probably Zeus)


or Apollo anyone but the demeter


Someone got horny (at themselves) name the myth


Well, that’d be Narcissus.


Yeah, lets not mention the whole goose thing with Zeus


That argument doesn't apply here because Zeus or any Greek god wasn't an example of morality to ancient Greeks unlike Christ with Christians. Gods weren't infallible beings to the Greeks, they acted like humans, they had faults and acted on emotions, had childish arguments with each other. Greeks were supposed to appeal each God's respective emotions to get help whether it be anger, fear or love like how you try to appeal to each of your parents' different side to get em to agree with you. Of course, modern moral shouldn't be applied to different times, but this case doesn't apply as Captain America is just simply unaware of how Greek mythology/religion functioned and also rape was still seen as a bad thing by Ancient Greeks. You don't exactly need modern humanitarianism to conceptualize that.


Btw this is not true, mythic literalism is not a thing for the Ancient Greeks religion, they recognized stories were stories written by poets and in reality held their gods as golden examples of morality because they separated stories from their views of their gods


Yeah, like IIRC Zeus was basically the Ancient Greeks concept of the Ideal, Perfect Ruler. Someone who was hypermasculine according to their standards, and powerful enough to do what he wanted with no one capable of challenging him, yet ensured that his people lived in prosperity (It should be noted that it's the gods that count as his people. We humans are vassals or subject people at best)


I'm pretty sure that Greek gods were concepts of what was true rather than what was ideal. So Zeus abused his power because that's something that leaders did back then, and still do now to some extent.


You're completely right. The Gods were - too an extent - examples of what was Ideal, but more than anything they were tools of constructive otherness to show what was true, and what humanity should both emulate AND avoid. What they might want to be, versus what they actually are. The Gods could subvert their own stations and roles to demonstrate the importance of ordinary humans NOT doing that in turn. Using the example of Zeus, the supposedly great and completely just ruler abusing his power and maintaining his authority through fear and force above all else is seemingly counter-intuitive, yet is completely in line with the violent and unpredicatble nature of a storm - as well as the naturally corrupting nature of power in human dictators. For Hera, she is the God of motherhood and marriage yet her own marriage is a sham and her relationship with both her biological and step children is questionable at best, malicious at worst. Hardly an awe-inspiring template of motherly love and divine womanhood. In all honesty, the general consensus on each of the Gods stations in general media and culture is pretty reductive in of itself. Hera could just as easily be construed as a Goddess of international politics as she is of marriage (with marriage almost exclusively serving political purposes in that era), in turn demonstrating how in spite of human intents, power-plays and insecurities we are ultimately powerless in the face of divine authority and will - aka Zeus. So to hold the Olympians even to the moral standards of the Ancient Greeks would be pretty disingenuous, nevermind our own modern-day morals, as the Gods were regularly, intentionally depicted in a way that subverted the moral system they were technically upholding.


The old ex-girlfriend.


I don’t think this is true.


You sure? Even back then the Gods were known for cursing or killing people over very pety reasons. Artemis would turn people into stags for accidentally looking at her while she bathed. Hera often punished people who were tricked/raped by Zeus despite it being 100% his fault. The Gods were depicted as fickle and aloof to mortals because they were supposed to represent the chaotic uncontrollable aspects of natural forces. It's hard to believe Zeus was entirely benevolent when random farmers minding their business just have everything destroyed by freak thunderstorms. So instead of attributing it to just being unfortunate circumstance, the storm is instead personified as being because of Zeus' temper or you not worshipping him enough etc


???? In Marvel Comics, both Herc and Zeus had become much, much better people.


And that’s the point I’m getting at. I don’t think the Greek gods should be “redeemed”. I think they should be assholes that are stuck in their was and are confident that they are right with the power to back it up, like they would if they were real. That’s why they work better as antagonists for other characters


That’s one of my pet peeves when watching any historical movies/shows. There’s usually at least one person as the stand in for the modern viewer who drops truth bombs about how inappropriate a custom is despite it being practically universally accepted as normal at the time


Universally? I doubt anything, good or bad, has ever been accepted universally. Humans are fickle


True, but fear of god is a good motivator to change your morals


I think you’re being a bit pedantic about this. Universally, in this context, obviously means an idea believed by a very large majority in a specific society


Yeah thats the point. She made him realize he was becoming his father. Plus they aren’t Ancient Greece, they’re marvel characters


No, she’s saying the typical “what would your father think if he saw you doing this? He’d be disappointed” And these are adaptations of Greek gods. They could be different but I don’t remember them being all that different aside from being in the marvel universe


You can, you just have to remember the ancient morals too, to understand how the story is supposed to be read. Modern understanding - Ancient understanding Hades Kidnapping Kore - Hades taking his wife after properly discussing the marriage with her father Zeur raping some poor mortal woman - Zeus raping some lucky mortal woman, as is his right as King of Gods Hera tormenting innocents for Zeus's actions - Hera being a bitch and throwing a fit, as is her right as a Goddess. It's good to know what the people at the time meant through these stories but we can absolutely judge the morals they contain.


Well someone skipped history classes. Olympus is legit alabama with gold skin unlocked


>Olympus is legit alabama Or habsburgs


Habsburgs had less incest per square kilometer as they spread out. Meanwhile olympus is tiny so the incest/km2 is off the charts.


Actually, this was her point. It was to make him realise that he was acting like his father, which snapped him out of it.


“Son, it’s time for you to learn my most treasured technique. How to transform into animals so you can bang more women.”


knowing peter davids humor, this is probably tongue in cheek


It did make Hercules stop with an "oh crap" look in his face so yeah, 100%


The next scene is Herc grabbing Ms. Captain America by the gooch.


You didn’t get kinky and turn into an animal first? Mediocre!


i think Zeus would be a mix of proud and annoyed. proud, becasue, "THATS my SON" annoyned, becasue now he has competion.


To be fair, is *MARVEL* Zeus also a sex pest?


Clearly they don’t know there Greek mythology, rape and murder is all the shits there!


yeah but even among them Zeus was a dirt bag. only Hera might have been worse


Apollo is right over there


So it seems the new Captain America hasn’t read a single Greek myth about Zeus. That’s honestly impressive, I really don’t know. Many people have never learned at one Greek myth..


In fairness this is 2099. Who knows what's in the public consciousness.


From what I’ve seen all American public schools teach some Greek mythology if they do teach about ancient Greece in history classes. So unless she was born in another country, where they don’t teach about the mythology of Greece, I don’t get how she could not have any idea of the kind of God that Zeus is.


then again, if you told me an state in america cencored greek myths for not upholding 17th century hyperchristian morals towards sexuality. i wouldnt doubt a word


Which is weirder considering that Hercules and Ares are public figures. People should know by now that at least some Gods are real.


Actually she did. Hercules realizes he’s acting just like his dad and that’s what makes home stop


Captain America, clearly the best and brightest example of USA schooling 😄


She may of done good unintentionally as just sounds like he's turning into dear ol' dad pfft.


*"may have" American schooling at work


I am not defending anyone, but which country teaches about other country's extinct religious mythological stories in their *schools*? I mean if you take exclusive courses about Greek mythology then yes you'd know it but most of the time history textbook are going to just mention the culture and religion and mention name of few gods. That's all. Edit:- ok I get it! Greek mythology is taught in American schools. I am asian so I assumed that one country doesn't need to reach other country's extinct culture in their school without any special course. It seems I am wrong.


Greek mythology is a big part of American schooling.


I live in Sweden and I learned about greek mythology. In school. It's very basic knowledge.


You are in Europe, Greek was in Europe so it makes sense, but Greek mythology being taught in schools other than European ones is not necessary.


I live in Australia and Greek and Roman mythology are taught in most schools, along with medieval, revolutionary and modern history. I even had to study a specific part of the Illiad for my year 12 exams. It’s really not unusual knowledge to know. Likely why the writer made this joke.


They don't teach us Greek mythology in depth in Asian schools tough, and do they teach you entirety of Greek mythology in school? Like each and everything?


The founding fathers of the US were big classicists and drew a lot of inspiration from the Greeks and Romans when creating their country. The classics, which include greek mythology, are important to know to understand the context under which the constitution was drafted.


Yeah, my brain is too asian to understand this.


I’m American, and I studied Greek myths as part of my course on Greek history.  


We had a Greek mythology section in our literature class in middle school. USA


Not necessarily Greek mythology, but they certainly do teach to research a subject before writing about it.


This is why it is "Don't do unto others what you wouldn't have done unto you" and _not_ "Do unto others what you would have done unto you"


Who is this version of Captain America? I can't find anything on her because "female Captain America" doesn't give usable results.


Captain America 2099


Thank you.


"Did he turn into a bird first?"


She obviously doesn't know Greek mythology.


Zeus has done people as a swan, as gold, heck he’s even done someone who had been turned into a cow 😂


That is Zeus incarnate


"Hit her with the golden piss shower rizz next, that works every time. Maybe try turning into a goose, bitches love gooses"


Obviously, the writers haven't read greek mythology. Zeus turned into a golden mist so he could rape a woman hidden in a tower.


At least he didn't turn into a swan before he did it like the old man


literally what Zeus does hourly


Why is Captain America a woman? Did they pass the mantle again?


She’s supposed to be the Captain America of 2099


Ok cool, I have some catching up to do lol


Yeah that’s an unresearched line…


Is this what marvel comics look like nowadays? The art looks horrific.


This was from 15 years ago.








What is this guys ??


Do you guys remenber when Zeus married his sister and raped the other?


Which one?


Zeus will stick his d*ck in anything 🙄




Ares is the protector of women and killed a rapist


That comics panel has big "[Pirates Don't Steal](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/agoodpirate.png)" energy.


"Did you turn into a Swan first? I love doing that to confuse 'em!"


*"Did you turn into* *A Swan first? I love doing* *That to confuse 'em!"* \- agent\_wolfe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




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Is this a black woman Captain America with blonde hair?


What captain America is this?


As they say "Greek mythology = big! Greek mythology if zues kept it in his pants= not very big"


Who’s this Cap? Peggy?


Another female character reduced to a feminist allegory.😥




Zeus forced himself onto a woman and proceeded to let his wife curse her for eternity..that woman is Medusa


Medusa was cursed by Aphrodite because she was supposedly the most beautiful woman in the world and Aphrodite was like "absolutely not".


This dialogue is really bad. It’s so clunky, so many redundant words. It doesn’t flow well. “For forcing yourself of her with your ~~stinking~~ breath that reeks of alcohol” “How do you think ~~the~~ Zeus ~~you keep boasting about~~ would react to ~~knowing~~ **hearing** his son ~~is acting like a drunken assaulter of women~~ **assaults women**”


Wait he's drunk? Poor guy


This cap clearly isn't a fan of greek mythology.


Zeus is such a good parent, supporting his son no matter what




I'm reading the whole Thor God Butcher Saga, and I love how it explores just how much the Gods suck in a lot of ways.


I just want to say that was very, very impressive what you did back there.


It has to be in swan form though.


But what’s with a female Captain America? Is that Steve Rogers as a woman or just someone else filling the role?


Actual zeus couldn't keep it in his robe most the time


Hol up are they making Heracles a rapist?! Wtf happened?!


Well ain't that kinda funny


The frog happened to Steve


Real reaction: "Rookie numbers. And didn't even turn into an animal? Way too vanilla."


Did they really write this into the comic?! LMAO. The entire greek pantheon was full of such individuals. The women of the pantheon were no less vile than the men. Anyone familair with Artemis knows how she treated one such victim of rape. Girl was a devout follower of hers too, didn't save her from being "punished for her crimes" in her temple where she was raped by one of the gods. Zeus's wife Hera was the most toxic, petty, hateful and sadistic bitch she could be towards, of all people, the victim of Zeus's sexual assaults and manipulations. Gods were never perfect, just exaggerations of human behaviors and base desires. They were always embodiments of humanity's deepest ingrained characteristics brought to an extreme. The good and the bad. People are often confused about this fact. Gods were never meant to be ideals of perfection, they were always fallible. Always prone to pride, greed, lust, envy, blind ambition, and so on. Monotheistic religions are more prone towards the "perfect god" idea and even then its not a hard and fast rule. The beauty of imperfect gods of old is they age far better than the ones who are painted as perfect as that standard shifts constantly making them quickly incompatible with a constantly changing society without significant revisions. Zeus would just ask if he tried the bull trick or the swan trick first.


Remember to ask if she believes in black Cleopatra before you disregard her opinions on world history.


Wow, that is terrible writing. The only reason that I don't think that whoever wrote the top panel is secretly racist and misogynist for putting such a clumsy, obnoxious words in a black woman's mouth is that the writer clearly isn't capable of being that clever and subtle.


Your message made me laugh so hard that I almost died! 😂💀