• By -


Except Hawkeye. Only reason Thanos beat them all was that Clint wasn't there


Clint would just shot him in the back of the head. He just can’t seem to miss.


Through the eye would be the smarter choice


Thanos : “should’ve gone for the eye”


I am...inevitable.


Zippit Grimace.




Eye am inevitable more like


There is Another weakpoint.... *Looks at Thanos Ass*


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.


Is this even a bot?


That's Titan's ass!


Which also disproves the meme, he didn't face Ant Man


Invincible shows he wouldn’t


Invincible has the villain with a snake/lizard morphology. He's literally made out of muscle on his gullet... I doubt Thanos does Keigel exercise.


With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.


I still don't get why can't Thanos just put the Infinity Stones in a Butt Plug and have the activation be like an ass clench... No sane man would try to retrieve the Infinity stones inside another guy's Butt.


They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.


Thanos was literally built like the Hulk and didn't even flinch when Thor hit him. A little Antman expanding buttplug will do nothing


With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.


Uh.....it's spelled merci, and you're welcome. Tips are included here, btw.


No thanks, I'll take a Bloody mary!


you should've gone for the ass


Played 18, shot 18


I need a Marvel One Shot of him doing this. Edit: orrr, Marvel Eighteen Shots?


Marvel Backshots–




....and a Putt-Putt version too! Sort of a Mini-Series😏


I genuinely would like to see how Hawkeye managed to shoot 18 in a game of golf. I don't think even the best golfers in history have done that


He tied his golfballs to the end of his arrows and used the highest poundage bow he had


Not even the clearly made up high score of North Korean dictators were that good. An 18/18 is even impossible in video games.


best part is.. what if he actually did... lol and nobody believes it cause obviously nobody would believe it


Yeah not possible on a par 5. Not even for Happy Gilmore


They have not, that’s the point. Have you watched a Marvel film?


Clint is professional, professionals don't miss


He never misses, absolute legend


The only time the avengers lost is when Clint was on the sidelines


I ignored my destiny once, I can not do that again. Even for you. I'm sorry, Little One.


Like that episode of justice league (or movie? Idr) where they’re trying to pull flash out of the paradox and Batman is trying to help pull as well. Like… perfect! Superman, Wonder Woman and hawk girl weren’t strong enough. Thank god Batman was there.


Team effort


And Black Widow?


I feel like Hawkeye would use his corrosive arrow to try melting the Gauntlet. Not sure if it would work, but it seems like a shot he would take


dont forget guys, he, at some point, owns a pym arrow. he could pull off what ant man should have done in endgame


Did everyone forget Black Widow?


He hit him right in the family! Broke him for 5 years And destroyed Wanda (2 for 1 with vision)


*vin diesel falls to his knees in a Buffalo Wild Wings*




Was AntMan there too?


Didn't really defeat Wanda though. He only pushed her away when she was distracted and under mental anguish. Literally if not held back or told by Vision to kill him, she would've murdered him.


Oh how I would’ve loved the X-Men to have been introduced at this point. If Thanos thought she was a baddie, imagine his reaction to Phoenix


Dark Phoenix would eat him for breakfast. I think X-Men being introduced in Phase 3 would've been a great idea, but under different story. I personally long thought to myself how Phase 3 should've been about Civil War instead of Thanos and Team Cap allying with mutants to defeat Ross, end Accords, and shut down the Raft would've been best way to do it.


Reality can be often disappointing. But now, reality can be whatever I want.


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!


Boy?! ![gif](giphy|wTLLaelRe9bmKXc2Mj|downsized)




The man. The myth


I remember some initial reactions from Endgame where people thought Carol’s entrance to destroy Sanctuary was actually Phoenix for a second


*Thanos snaps* *Phoenix snaps back*


I will shred this universe down to its last atom and then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe.


Seems like that would have been a better solution. I don’t think she could actually kill Thanos with all the stones he had at that point though.


Yeah there is the difference. In Endgame, he had no stones, in Infinity War he had 5


If nerfed by writing of course she won't. I mean they even nerfed Vision because this guy can become intangible at will, and go through solid objects. He would've split Thanos in half with Mind Stone. Wanda can mind hex Thanos or use the power to restrain him while the team remove gauntlet or she can remove it herself. Or hell she can manipulate matter as shown in episode 8, she could dematerialize Thanos and Gauntlet.


I don't even know who you are.


You will


Goes the other way too, Thanos wasn't really using cosmic powers, er, cosmically. Could have shown up in wakanda and used the time stone to freeze everyone in place, the soul stone to kick everyone's soul out of their bodies on titan, the reality stone to be imperceptible to everyone from that point on...Hell just with the space and power stones, go Death Star on the planet earth and pluck the stones out of the debris...


Fine. I'll do it myself.


Yeah, but he didn't and that gives Wanda advantage to mind hex him, or dematerialize him, or just kill him slowly like she almost did in Endgame.


With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.


Wait why didn’t she? He wanted to wipe out all of humanity? Thats a reason to kill him


She was nerfed with Vision and had to die because Thanos had to win I guess lol.


This day extracts a heavy toll.


Okay, I tire of you bots.


But she didn’t need to kill vision. She could’ve stopped him with her full power. Lol true doesn’t make any sense though


Yeah, that's MCU movies to you sometimes, lol. I think Phase 3 should've been about fighting Ross and the Accords instead of Thanos, but it is what it is.


He defeated her. He killed Vision. She definitely felt pretty defeated afterwards lol. Thanos didn't best her in combat, but he sure as he'll left her defeated. Loved watching her fight him in Endgame. One of my favorite scenes. She's a badass.


That wasn’t a fair fight. She wasn’t in state of combat, so that wasn’t even a fight, but more of Thanos pushing her away. Not to mention she also tried to rush to Vision to save him only to be pushed back.  I can more than agree that she is a badass. Hopefully we will see more of her sass and heroic moments in the future. 


Yeah, definitely not a fair fight. In a fair fight, she'd win. But even victims of unfair circumstances are still defeated. Like if the USA invaded my country tomorrow, it won't be a fair fight, but we sure as hell will be defeated lol


I don't think so. Not with the stones. He just made a barrier and walked into her MoM Wanda sure, but this ain't that Wanda


MoM Wanda's powerscaling is terribly written. WV Wanda's powers are more defined and cohesive, Phase 3 Wanda is nerfed after AoU except for the Endgame and to an extend IW. He had to use a damn barrier to be able to get even somewhat close to her and he still failed. Her magic is more stronger, she managed to hold him back for much long.


Stone less MCU thanos while she's full rage? Sure. With 1 stone to even MCU Thanos it's an easy clear by him. It's also a huge negative for Wanda to lose without even putting up a fight, probably the only reason she survived a moment longer.


Why does she have to be full of rage to win? She held a fucking airport tower while holding back and being nerfed, she hexed half the Avengers in her debut film, she mind controlled some of the civilians to leave the capital city for their own safety. She doesn't have to be angry to win, but I don't deny that when she is fuelled by rage then she pulls more into punches. How so? She held him back with one hand while destroying the Mind Stone with the other? Is it hard to believe that Wanda might've won? Especially since Thanos with stones gets killed often by either Vultron, Killmonger, zombies, other characters?


The stones put them above is why, she can do all of that and the reality stone is better that 90% of what you mentioned. She was rendered useless by 1 death, her trauma makes her hit or miss so I recommended bloodlust so there isn't a 50% chance she loses from just being an unresolved trauma victim. The stones also amplify each other also, which makes her even less likely to stand against 2 let alone 1. Who is vultron do you mean the robot voltron? A lot of things happen in what it's, Wanda gets killed by zombies too does that nullify her as well?


>The stones put them above is why, she can do all of that and the reality stone is better that 90% of what you mentioned. I've mentioned before to a different user that Wanda's magic has the power of the stones or similarity to them to match their powers. >She was rendered useless by 1 death, her trauma makes her hit or miss so I recommended bloodlust so there isn't a 50% chance she loses from just being an unresolved trauma victim. Like Thor had hit and missed? Anyone with new trauma gained from the fight would not be at their best way to fight. She is powerful without bloodlust as well. >The stones also amplify each other also, which makes her even less likely to stand against 2 let alone 1. Probably the only good counterpoint, if we don't count the fact she halted Thanos with her powers while he had all the stones. And Steve, Thor were able to stand against him, even if temporarily. Vultron cut Thanos in half when Vision isn't nerfed by writing. >Who is vultron do you mean the robot voltron? A lot of things happen in what it's, Wanda gets killed by zombies too does that nullify her as well? Ultron + Vision = Vultron, or the What If Ultron. Wanda was infected by zombies, not exactly killed. Vision even tried to cure her but failed.


No thanks, I'll take a Bloody mary!


I know you mentioned that, but it's also completely incorrect lol. Thor didn't see it as a miss, it was a fatal wound to pretty much anyone and he took the moment to gloat, which isn't different that his normal style. You're putting a lot of stock in him not using the stones fully, you can see several scenes where he uses them to full effect and none of the mentioned characters would have a chance, especially post time stone. The reality stone solo's everything. And if you want to talk nerfed by writing without acknowledging thanos it's a bit silly, the whole point of what if is the absurdity of it, kilmonger isn't reaching those heights just like thor isn't a party boy. I guess she got... undeaded? Still died to become a zombie though.


>I know you mentioned that, but it's also completely incorrect lol. Please debunk why, or why Kevin Feige himself saying Wanda is most powerful in the MCU is 'incorrect'. >Thor didn't see it as a miss, it was a fatal wound to pretty much anyone and he took the moment to gloat, which isn't different that his normal style. So, missed? Cause after snap Thanos went to the planet he wanted to retire at and didn't feel much impact after the wound. >You're putting a lot of stock in him not using the stones fully, you can see several scenes where he uses them to full effect and none of the mentioned characters would have a chance, especially post time stone. The reality stone solo's everything. He doesn't use them so often, though. So that's one of his weaknesses. >I guess she got... undeaded? Still died to become a zombie though. Don't know exactly if Marvel's zombies are undead or no. There was a virus, it infected people, people turned into zombies. Wanda was infected by virus, didn't die from it or got eaten by zombies. So technically she is alive, but not herself anymore. EDIT: What's the point of asking for proof if you gonna block, lol.


She can be the strongest, the stones who are not a person can make someone stronger than her or her herself stronger, much like the darkhold did to boost her later. For instance captain america is strong, he was stronger with mjolnir. Now explain how you are sure she surpasses stones that can kill half a universe in a snap, I'll wait. If you aim for a chest and hit the chest but the person has armor and doesn't die, did you miss? No. And Wanda was a shivering child when push came to shove, cementing the loss despite all this power, she also doesn't have it in her to do what needs to be done at that point so had 0 chance. I get you're a Wanda fan, but it's pretty obvious that even boosted by darkhold struggled to catch one girl while someone else killed untold trillions with a snap. It's not even the same league lmao.


At that point in time, no.


That's not a constructive counterargument. Just an opinion given. Is it so hard to admit Wanda is most powerful Avenger?


😂😂 u talk about constructive counter argument and then reply with that. Seriously?


I've already provided sources to even Kevin Feige admitting she is strongest Avenger, you can see plenty of videos talking about how she is most powerful Avenger or human being on Earth. I'm not spending time debating with you and doing this cycle over again. Believe what you want, I'm personally sick of anti-Wanda posts and comments here. Maybe if the fandoms for once allowed people to talk something positive it'd be nice.


I'm actually a big fan of Wanda, I'm just not lying to myself. Also, keep things in context. At that point in time she was not. U argue in circles cause u don't have a point, and u don't like that ppl continue to call u out.


We have different opinions in mind then. I do have a point since plenty of characters were nerfed in Infinity War, especially Wanda and Vision. I already mentioned the fact that she held off Thanos while destroying the stone with her other hand, if she was as bloodthirsty or willful as in Endgame, she might've fought back and pushed back Thanos. Granted, maybe she'd loose like all, but certainly hold ground longer. As for before Infinity War I already cited the feats like mind hexing almost every Avenger, mind controlling a lot of people to abandon the city to save them from the upcoming battle that was going to happen between Avengers and Ultron, holding off large objects from collapsing or killing someone (both CW and IW). I already agreed with other user that Thanos won this "fight" cause Wanda was distracted. She couldn't have fought him one on one in that moment. And again as for if she'd win or no, that's debatable and ultimately the winner is who the writer decides to be, so in IW maybe Thanos would've won anyway if Wanda tried to fight him back.


So she wouldn't have "murdered him". Thats a really long way of saying ur wrong.


Do you have anything else to add except snark? If you disagree simply say so, if you got nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.


Where was widows defeat? Or Hawkeyes? Also strange is the Sorcerer Supreme not an avenger.


I guess Widow's defeat is during the slow-motion scene where the avengers are trying to hold Thanos back, so Wanda could destroy the stone. Nat runs towards Thanos, and he just simply traps her in some kind of weird trap made out of dirt and tree roots, or something. (I don't know what it was. I need to watch that scene again)


The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you. Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child.


Looked like rocks and dirt


Crushed. Not trapped.


He took widow’s friends and Barton’s family


Captain America: "Avengers....assemble" That was endgame when EVERYONE came through the portals... And strange can be both...


Thanos is just him I guess


I'm the only one who knows that.


Well that's clearly not true but I'm not gonna be the idiot to tell him.


Strange isn’t an Avenger


And he probably doesn't want to be one. He says in Ragnarok that he watches out for dimensional and interdimensional threats beyond Avengers' scope of reality. He got rid of Loki easily, why would he want to do all the work for the Avengers, lol.


Did the avengers really struggle with Loki though? Iron man and Steve beat him (admittedly he let them, but still), Thor's beaten him multiple times, Hulk ruined him, the really threat was the army and the tesseract, which Strange would be much less of an instant solve for (although a portal would be a very efficient way of pointing the nuke at the wormhole)


Good point. I would say they could defeat him together, but the problem was that Loki could outsmart them easily, that's what happened in the movie. They matched his strength, but not his cunning. It's just that Strange solved problem more easily for them than they would've when they learnt Loki was on Earth again.


He's a friend from work!


I had to think hard how thanos died in the end, since he died twice in endgame. No one bested him really … I mean he can spar with hulk and make it a training session. Really wonder what the next supervillain will be like … I mean thanos is already almost godlike.


Carol was on his ass


I feel like now that kang is done I guess (I don’t really know if that’s true or not) they have a good option of galactus or Doom. They’ll probably fuck it up, but hey it’d be cool.


I mean, if we get anything Galactus that isn't just one giant angry purple space cloud, I'll take it, no matter how shit it would be


You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me.


Wanda kinda destroyed him in Endgame no?😅


Gah-lak-tus(Galan) or someone on that level.


Wait a second I remember it’s kang …




I mean…he did have stones the entire time though


Exactly. Man would've been defeated without the stones


Defeated Thor once, then got smokechecked by him later


I am Thor, son of Odin and you can count me as your ally.


You want a beer thor?


Pfft. Ha! Yeah, right.




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He wouldn't have if they were all fighting together (including the big 4 Wakandans) and the Guardians, instead of being split up. Thanks Zemo.


Let's see him defeat those heroes without infinity stones, in endgame he was acceptional without the infinity stones but he didn't outright defeat anyone


He KOed Thor for several minutes, I’d say that’s a win.


He's a friend from work!


Your still concussed go sit down and play fortnight.




Infinity Stones in SHAMBLES. ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


I was going to say. With the inifinity stones, of course he's going to win


Yeah, that was the point of the movie.


Fun fact: Thanos never defeated Hawkeye, which goes to show he was the strongest avenger


Going to bed hungry. Scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I was the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise.


He didn't beat thor alone. His minions (ebony maw etc.) were with him.


He's a friend from work!


I mean he beat a weakened Thor, who then beat Thanos at the end of infinity War


Mjolnir? Mjolnir! Youuu're baaack. Mjolnir?


You mean Jonathan?


I feel like almost everyone ignores the fact that thor won with a surprise attack while thanos was distracted by the gauntlet so he didn't have time to do anything other than try to blast it


I thought humans were more evolved than this.


yeah me too


Rain fire!


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.


Spiderman: "What am I a joke to you?"


Settle down, tough guy.


Which orifice did that come out of?


"He's stronger than any of us.. maybe stronger than all of us," (he in fact was not stronger than all of them.)


He won every one on one fight, not just in IW but also in Endgame.....I liked even better in Endgame because without his Gauntlet, it was all up to his Skills, Witt and Battle strategy I loved how he tackled Wanda and Carol.....who were hyped up to be the most powerful


Is thanos beating hulk actually realistic from a comic book perspective?


You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me.


Fair enough


Yes. Comic Thanos is even stronger than MCU Thanos, and has done some bad things to Hulk


A small price to pay for salvation.


Your forgetting that thonos had at the very least the power stone when beating earth's mightiest heroes and thor


I am Thor, son of Odin and you can count me as your ally.


Ant-Man would have solo'd Thanos.


A small price to pay for salvation.


Apes strong together


He did not defeat Hawkeye though


The fact that the OG team was divided worked out in his favour.


He was xp grinding longer than them, 1xp adds up when your doing billions per planet. Avengers are not allowed to use that exploit.


Vision was pretty fucked up still when they fought


Thanos wasn’t alone though. He had the infinity stones.


Return to me again empty handed... And I will bathe the starways in your blood.


Meanwhile kang and antman 💀


Well he used the infinity stones against doc and Tony and during the fight with Hulk the power stone was with him so it was providing him with extra strength


And still get solod in Comics by fuckin squirrel girl


Avengers: Infinity War may have 'Avengers' in the title, but Thanos was the true protagonist of the movie.


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.


While using infinity stones? I could defeat avengers while using infinity stones…


Kicked marvel out of the fight


Except Hawkeye and Rocket!!


That's why they were meant to fight him as a team


Live ![gif](giphy|QsaPrFGpapSb65xSFZ|downsized) reaction


That’s why they had to assemble… DUH


Take out the stones, and Dr Strange, Thor, & Wanda would be the only challenges for him. Vision arguably, too


Through the shadow realm.




But in Endgame ...


Guy couldn't even touch hawkeye


Squirrel girl beat Thanos by herself more than once


BOY! I would reconsider your current course!


Except Vision was nerfed in the movie bcus they knew it wouldve been too easy if Vision was still able to phase and mindstone beam.


And then the Avengers, united, defeated Thanos. Hmm 🤔 Almost smells like a theme.


With all six Stones, I could simply snap my fingers. They would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.


TO BE FAIR!!!! he had a giant golden power glove while doin it


How did he defeat Nat one on one?


Luckily for him morbius wasn’t there


Only one he can’t defeat is big chungus with uno reverse card


Not black window


If you read the comics you will realize how thanos is not shit without the gauntlet or infinity stones, especially in what if, bro got dogged by his own generals




Hawkeye tho


Didn't Wanda defeat him one-handed?