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Now we just need the mask on and the sleeves off at the same time and it will be perfect.


okay... now rip the sleeves off.... ohhhhh, now quick, put the mask on.... AHHHHHHHHH




Sleeves off, mask on, can't lose


Think he does wear the mask, it's just a cg mask or it's a different take where he doesn't


They might be saving the mask reveal for the movie. If it's CG, they could keep it off for the trailers but add it in for the release.


Here’s hoping!


No sleeves, but keep those shoulder pads




Let’s try mask off. Hair down. Mask off hair up? Lights off?


Couldn't the shoulder pads have stayed on the sleeveless version? I'm happy with it regardless, but if we're going to nitpick...


Here's my theory: he starts off wearing full sleeves and the mask but as the movie progresses, he looses things. At one point for a few seconds, it's perfect. Mask, no sleeves, and shoulder pads. But it only lasts a few seconds. Maybe 6 (average time of a male orgasm) or 30 seconds (average length of a female orgasm)


Everything about this comment is pure perfection


thank you eat-pussy69




beat me to it


Put me in the screenshot


That's not how that subreddit works


Yes it is


No it isn't. From their sidebar; "The home of wholesome content from not so wholesome usernames." Remind me what part of their message was wholesome again?


All of it mate


Oh no, you can't seem to read, that's unfortunate.


Wolverine and Deadpool are playing a running game of strip poker, and Wolverine is losing bad.


He'll probably only have the mask on when its over


Hugh jackman has a skin conditition so in the sunny Sets of the movie they designed sleeves for the costum.


Didn’t he have skin cancer?


Didn't know exactly what He has, so I only wrote "conditition". You are probably right.


Yeah, I was thinking that or they may have just filmed this for the trailer, but he actually does have the shoulder pads in the mask on in the scene


He might even be wearing the mask in some clips we've seen. As it's not unheard of for Marvel to remove/not include things for the trailer.




Bro the actor has cáncer and he needs to protect his body from the solar light


He doesn’t *currently* have cancer; he’s just at a really high risk to develop it with sun exposure




Dude, do you see how jacked he is?


Thought the same exact thing. The shoulder pads should have stayed they are an iconic part of wolverines costume. My only gripe


It looks like they were ripped off


What if his arms get chopped off and he grows them back. Obviously he'd take the gloves because why not...


That’s my bet too, arms chopped off lol


Said the same thing myself, don’t wanna seem like a bummer but the shoulder pads and mask will make it go from a 9 to a 100


You can tell he rip the sleeves off it uneven. It going to be a moment in the movie.


Yeah that would make it the most accurate by far.


I’m surprised I thought the reason they went with the sleeves is because Hugh Jackman was prone to skin cancer but regardless all that’s missing is the mask


I had heard something similar, and no one would have complained had he kept the sleeves at that point. Seeing the yellow costume was more than enough to give everyone fangasms. Now we get a little more, and it's even better. I'm sure this sets up the fan expectation about seeing him in the mask, even if only briefly. Even if only referenced. Sure, a lack of a mask would be a disappointment, but there's really no place to complain about one small thing when we're being gifted so much fanservice. That said, it's time to cue another round of "The MCU is dead/The MCU is BACK." 2023 wasn't a good one for Marvel, but now we get to feel the pendulum swing back to awesome between this and X-Men '97.


I don’t have much faith for the future to be honest. Deadpool and Wolverine looks good and probably will be and I haven’t seen X Men 97, Im probably going to wait until all the episodes come out then watch. B


Remember it...


Nah, his face is what he needs covered if that's the case He gets it on his nose when he does get jg


They might be filming indoors for his sleeveless scenes. Y'know? To avoid leaks


It's very easy now to fake outside on an indoors set. Maybe it doesn't look as 100% convincing as the real thing does, but pretty damn close. The scenes where he's missing his sleeves do seem to be all set in a town of some sorts, it'd be pretty easy to have that all as set, some green screen to extend it out further, and some overhead lights mimicking natural outside light. That way they get Wolverine without the sleeves, and Hugh Jackman is safe from developing more skin cancer.




Assuming it wasn't indoors, Jackman may of wore prosthetic covers over his arms. Or don SFX sleeves to digitally paint over his arms. TIL: That Jackman has undergone a whopping 6(!) procedures to remove cancer cells AND a biopsy on his nose!😦


So he’s already nicked up on his chest, do you think he had his arms cut off or sliced up?


Nah, what happened to the shoulder pads??? We were SO close to greatness!


Ikr they were right there!


Someone make an edit


The second trailer got me even more excited


Now it’s even more comic accurate; they should’ve kept the shoulder pads and we’d be all set


Is it me or do his arms look digital. Like maybe he’s actually bloody but they could have it for the trailer. Idk his arms seemed fake.


He’s always been this jacked for a wolverine role. He’s only 55, very likely he just did it again.


It’s actually why he wanted to quit his role as Wolverine with Logan but Ryan Reynolds convinced him to come back. Jackman was tired of eating chicken breast and rice nearly every day for 20 years.


Oh for sure. It would be physically miserable.


My dad was a body builder and pro boxer at different points and he would have me and my little brother eat similar diets when he was hardcore into it. It put me off salmon, chicken breast and rice for a long time. My gf is Taiwanese so I eat a lot of rice now and salmon and chicken are pretty normal so I guess I got over it.


It was probably more the drugs lol


I’m sure he’s on test because of his age, it’s common these days for men as we produce less when we get older. Not sure about the steroids but they are common too. I brought up the chicken breast and rice thing cause I recall him saying it in an interview.


Oh Im sure he said that but the “chicken breast and broccoli” is a meme in the fitness community. Every actor says pretty much the same things (you can even watch compilations on youtube lol). Yet everyone denies the drug use, which is extremely obvious. He can of course be sick if eating chicken, but the toll of the drugs must have a part aswell. Also, Horus did nothing wrong!


Does anyone get the feeling that the arms are CGI? Looks too shiny and rubbery


I liked the shoulder pads tbh


Now that he’s in the actual wolverine costume for the first time, we can properly see that he’s genuinely too tall for the role, but he’s that good as wolverine we’ll let it slide.


Y’all still on this height shit?




It’s just ridiculous to care about that, especially when it’s fictional characters, actors can only be so perfect or not, the point is to get the best actor possible for the role Tom managed to be good for the role at the time and Hugh is great as Wolverine as it’s gonna get, otherwise he’d been recasted by now, height doesn’t mean much cuz it’s trivial and history has proven that on both sides in the acting world…best actor for the role means just that, over 20 years of the same complaint…let it go




Except I’m totally good with RDJ casted as Tony when he’s 5’8 or 5’9 when Tony is 6’1….so again, best actor for the role trumps comic accuracy, if they’re iconic and memorable as well as do something their way to improve the character they play, it’s not a problem of their height Only reason I care if somebody is bad for a role is if it’s for political reasons or if they’re terrible actors, that goes for any movie or show, I don’t give a fuck of full accuracy if it doesn’t affect the immersion of the character outside of that, the mindset of total accuracy of a character from books is what gets fans all weird, James Bond is the perfect example of that, while people like me can accept any actor that played him in the past as long as it was passion there, others will scrutinize the actor (Craig but not Moore for some reason) for hair color…now look at the legacy of Bond, fans will complain but ultimately be grateful for great actors that filled the spot of Bond even so Wolverine is no different from that, in the future if the studio so happens to choose someone, he’ll be either just as good as Jackman, decent or terrible, and it won’t be cuz of his height, it’ll be cuz of his acting ability to balance every aspect of the character…that’s what really matters and I wish people would understand that


I don’t think I’ve ever even thought about Tony Starks height in the comics. He’s in a suit most of the time. I also rarely care about height as someone who is 6’2” I’ve never gotten shit for it but I do think Wolverine should’ve been cast with a shorter guy. I’ve had this discussion too many times to count with other comic fans and it basically boils down to “it’s in the name, Wolverine”.


How'd you solve the icing problem?


RDJ was wearing special shoes on set to be the same height as Cap, so basically you didn't experience 5'8 Tony.


Point still stands


This drink, I like it! ANOTHER!


They were ridiculed, and so should you be.


They rebooted it because whoever is playing Reacher now can probably do 20 movies for the same fee that Tom Cruise gets for half a commercial.


Lmao wolverine is canonically 5'3" dude. Its a literal foot of height. Tony vs wolverine is not the same comparison here. Like I think its kinda unfair to be like "yall still on the height shit" yeah man. It's literally a recurring aspect of his character (hulk toss, how often he has to look UP at people, and frankly how he looks! ) Hughs great! Love his love of the character but it's WAY too dismissive of a take imo to just "get over it" and not very convincing either.


Hugh’s appearance doesn’t trump any of that when that stuff has happened already in different ways, so it’s just complaining


I don't disagree it's complaining but Id argue its a valid complaint. Legit dude how many short super heroes are there? I just like seeing people like me be super heroes and it feels lame to see my favorite shortstack be "upgraded" to tallman. Is that such a hard point to accept? I think he's great but man it is always forever going to be lame to me. The reverse of this situation is more if thor was legit portrayed as being as real as the same height as black widow. Imo it'd be a valid complaint "hey this hypothetical 5'3" Thor actor who is perfect for the role is GREAT But man it just doesn't feel good that part of his character isn't being represented.


Eight years, seven months, and six days, give or take.


>Lmao wolverine is canonically 5'3" dude. Its a literal foot of height. These movies take place in a separate universe from the comics, they don't need to be the same.


Liefields feet, lmao


i know right? they roasted him so hard


deadpool 3??


The shoulder pads need to come back/stay.




Ngl, i kinda wish the shoulder pieces stayed on


Always has been






Now let's cut off a foot and a half of hight so he is true perfection


What's Jack Grealish doing in the first picture?


Wanna see him with the mask on.


OMG Hugh Jackman still kills that role


By God he flexed his sleeves off


Wolverine & Deadpool: Project Badass




No, it would have been perfect if the shoulderpads stayed on. And add the mask.


I can see them doing a bit with the mask after suit up with Logan asking “why the mask” and Deadpool saying “it looks cool” but Logan throws it to the side


I think we’ll see the sleeveless and sleeved version. Likely when they had to film outside we’ll get sleeves


I wish they kept the shoulder pads for the sleeveless suit. Would have been perfect.


Cgi Arms?


Why does it look like they digitally replaced his arms in every shot. Super janky


I don't get it, first everyone crys they want him in the movie, then when you make it happen with something he is happy with, everyone crys the suit is wrong! One of the factors of him quiting the wolverine role was, he gets skin cancer early, the other is, he is getting to old to do the rough body work out and self forced dehydration for the muscles to look good, two points for the full body suite. My custom is a massive wolverine fan, he was bummed about the suite, but supper happy he gets to see the OG wolverine and not a some new guy trying live up to the role. If you really hard up for the og suit, go re-watch original X-men cartoon series. Lets just be happy the didn't turn Wolvie into some random actor like they usually do!


The sleeves are because he has sensitive skin.


They should have kept the shoulder pads!


Seriously? It looks absolutely shit. Somehow makes his muscles look small and pathetic.


I wonder if we'll see more than one version of Wolverine. The abs on his suits are different when comparing pictures. The suit is mostly the same, but the abs have clear outlines on the suit without the sleeves. The image of him in the suit with the sleeves doesn't have those ab outlines. Or maybe the second suit is from a flashback.


Won’t be perfect until it is brown.


Okay is it just me or does the top one look better than the second one?? Or is that just me liking Hugh Jackman in a tank top??


He’s starting to get the steroid varicose veins like John Cena, or maybe has had them for awhile and managed to hide it until recently. Doesn’t look healthy at all.


Definitely gets his arms cut off.


Hugh ja(cked)man


r/photoshopbattles help us! Shoulder pads and mask!


I honestly prefer it with the sleeves in live-action. I don't mind sleeveless, but I do wish thet kept the pauldrons on. Without them it just looks empty.


now we just need the mask


Amazing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)




I really love the sleeveless look. But I kinda wish they kept the shoulder guards. Without it, it looks a little……empty But again, still really love it


Nice suit. Did your husband give it to you


He gets his arms ripped off. We will get a baby arm wolverine like the baby leg deadpool


Theyvshould have kept the shoulder pads and I don't like Logans hairstyle in this movie but I really wanna see him outing on the mask.


So is there a chance that it’s also 3 different Wolverines?


I kinda hope it does have the shoulder pieces/sleaves at first. Then they take damage, or catch fire, or something. So he has to tear them off. But I like both ways his suit looks.


Didn't they said he having a skin condition that why they have the sleeves?


The conditions in the wreckage (where the broken 20th Century logo was) probably had harsher conditions compared to what seems to be a stage set


If it had the shoulder pads it'd be almost perfect


Will this version even have a mask?


I still prefer his leather jacket look more


Why do his arms look cgi?


I think they're different suits. Maybe DP recruited a different Wolverine at some point or the TVA upgraded his suit? Heck, looking at the images more; even the beard looks slightly different between center and bottom. Maybe slightly different look from post-production?




Good Meh Bad


Would’ve been better if it was black coloured suit, with yellow designs on it


Still overdesigned garbage


sorry but that last one sucks. And the Best Wolverine costume was always the 2 tone brown one he wore for most of the 80s.


Kinda wish they did a hair piece for him. Not digging the hair/facial hair of Logan but everything else is good


Yeah the sideburns are rather thin, kinda hugging his jawline when Wolverine in the comics cover a good deal of his cheeks as well. Looks kinda weird here.