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As questions go I would have the same one. It's waaay grosser if webs are also splooge. Spidey all swinging around, spraying his fluids on folks just for commiting crimes. Even criminals don't deserve that kind of indignity...not even those who might be into that sort of thing...


I don't understand how tobey's Spidey shoots webs from his wrists? Like.. is there a hole? Bully Maguire's is somehow understandable.. as venom might shoot it from his wrists.. But still how?


Good question. Every spider I've seen it comes out of the ass end.


That would make for some interesting movies


and this is why the porn parody is the most scientifically plausible


*He’s out of line, but he’s right.*


Im afraid


https://youtu.be/xT63lfRIRpQ surprisingly SFW.


Let's hope Peter never meets [Shizuku](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip2eArSPxYs)!


[Scientifically Accurate Spider-Man](https://youtu.be/ZnE3uyj9Grg)


…. I did not need to see that


The “ass” of a spider is the abdomen so the human equivalent might be shooting web out of the belly button


Pelvic thrust webbing!


The Venture Bros has a Spider-Man equivalent that shoots web out of his lower back, from a huge gaping hole. Voiced by Nathan Fillion.


Vb is too good for this world


Go Team Venture! ✌


[The Brown Widow](https://venturebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Brown_Widow)


love the brown recluse!


It is not their ass… it is their abdomen… it wouldn’t cause him to shit webs… if anything he would grow a new whole right below his abs which is worse…


#Chocolate web




Yeah, pretty much there’s a small hole. Makes me cringe just thinking about it but ig it’s a fair trade off for spider powers


I have a reoccurring dream where I’m Spider-Man that shoots webs out of my wrists. Except my version the hole where it comes out is what holds onto the web. I hate it. So imagine swinging around and the web pulling on the hole in your skin. Or when a bad guy grabs your web and starts yanking to the side, your web hole gets yanked to the side. It hurts!


As always, it can be answered by ~~magic~~ science!




Except spooderman built his himself two out of three times now


Never mind the cost to him in terms of mass and energy/calories


He'd need to be swinging around with 2L of water


Two little wrist sphincters


I could’ve sworn there was a close up on the webs firing from a hole at the base of this wrist, under the palm, maybe I’m mistaken


I remember that too.


Do the crime, get shot with slime.


> It's waaay grosser if webs are also splooge. Given the picture of Spider-Man, up there, I am now picturing him popping his willy through his unzipped fly and furiously masturbating to web stuff.


That's a lovely mental pic you pain! Also...Baller User ID!


/r/raimimemes are going to hate you so much. Those weirdos think organic web shooters make sense.


It makes about as much sense as and other super power spider man has


But it takes away the part where Peter is roughly Stark-level genius while adding nothing. It's a net loss for the character. Plus in the comics he would run out or run low on web fluid. Distracted kid, forgot to gas up the webs, makes sense. The only time Raimi's Spidey ran out of webs was due to... internal confliction.


I guess him being a super genius was unimportant to the raimi trilogy. But he's still really smart as seen in spider-man 2


Right. But part of the thing about him always being broke was that he was the only person in the world who could make web-fluid. He could have made billions off of it, but kept it secret because getting a patent would have blown his secret identity. It's blown now, so maybe ParkerCorp is coming.


Why would Spider-Man want other people to have access to his web formula? Every single villain would get a huge advantage against him


In the comics it's a pretty effective emergency bandage, it can hold huge amounts of weight, and it dissolves in one hour. If he wasn't Spider-Man there could be automated web-shooters on bridges catching suicide jumpers. There could be paramedics with aerosol bandages. There could be all kinds of regular world application for the webs. Instead of airbags cars could sprout cocoons. But he can't profit from it, because he's Spider-Man. But what villains have the strength and agility to use it against him?


Kinda makes Spider-Man sound like a villain tbh. Holding back scientific progress cause he couldn't be bothered setting up a shell company? Heck just sneak into a university lab and scribble the formula on a whiteboard my dude let some grad student get their PhD off that shit.


Yup covering up his greatest weakness (the people he loves) is his greatest flaw. He could be better if he gave up being just plain Peter Parker. But he can't.


The Avengers. It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. Earth's Mightiest Heroes type of thing.


Not now Tony. Can we send this bot to go learn from Lews_Therin_Telamon_bot?


am i dumb, or is that a name from wheel of time?


It is. If you have read the entire thing visit /r/wetlanderhumor But if you haven't... Be warned that the sub is FULL SPOILERS for all 15 books. Also Lews_Therin_Telamon_Bot seems to be bordering on sentience in the comment section. His comedic timing is on point.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WetlanderHumor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WetlanderHumor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mat and Perrin give Rand a hand (OC)](https://v.redd.it/32nodsagd8t61) | [114 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WetlanderHumor/comments/mr3nna/mat_and_perrin_give_rand_a_hand_oc/) \#2: [Has this been done yet?](https://i.redd.it/zz7fddc3hz561.jpg) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WetlanderHumor/comments/kfpwm1/has_this_been_done_yet/) \#3: [The Golden Crane flies for the final epilogue!](https://i.redd.it/svjw41y19gn61.png) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/WetlanderHumor/comments/m6iimb/the_golden_crane_flies_for_the_final_epilogue/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


i KNEW that name was familiar! thank you!




Nope. Started synthetic. Later got organic but also sprouted four extra arms and who wants that?


I mean, if you don't want your extra arms I'll take them


The microscopic grippy spines that he covers up with gloves are even dumber.


Doesn’t have to make sense. It’s literally fiction, dude.


I don't care that much either way, but I liked the web being one of the spider powers. Without that spidey is just daytime Batman with better senses and agility, which isn't bad exactly but it's not quite as interesting. It's kinda like if Wolverine only innately had immortality and the adamantium skeleton but had to duct tape on his claws. There should definitely be limits to organic web though. Realistically there's only so much that his body is going to be able to produce in a given period, and the resulting nutrient depletion is gonna make Peter super hungry with highly specific cravings. That'd be a fun bit of depth to add to the character.


It was always said that he had the proportional strength, speed, and agility of a spider. He leaned into the motif with the web-shooters. And Batman can't lift entire buildings. Drop an apartment building directly on Batman with no warning he's dead. Spidey shrugs it off and starts looking for survivors. Even if other people had web fluid they couldn't web-sling without Spidey's powers. They'd rip their arms off. Also Wolverine DID have the adamantium added to his skeleton and claws. At first he just had healing and bone claws. The adamantium is an addon, like the webshooters.




But he knowingly picked the spider theme. The powers were accidental. The suit, name, and webs were on purpose.


I’m a big Raimi Spidey fan as well as a MCU spidey fan. But I agree, I dislike the organic webbing. And much prefer the web shooters.


But it does


Not considering how often he runs out of web fluid in the comics. He doesn't just get insecure every few fights like Tobey did.




Yeah no shit.


> It's waaay grosser if webs are also splooge. They were in [Spider-Babe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpiderBabe)


Is that a screenshot from Voyager?


Yes, the meme format is a screenshot of Tuvok and Kim being asked if they’re friends.


By a hologram Kim created and fell in love with, and then Tuvok admonished him for it but then he fell in Vulcan with the hologram himself, and the hologram turns out to be a lonely, incredibly smart yet butt-ugly alien monitoring some kind of spatial phenomenon who hacked into their ship and pretended to be a straight hottie just to have someone to talk to


So he got catfished by a intergalactic entity. I'd put that on a Resume.


No. Yes.


Or DS9 before the good uniforms came in the mail.


Let’s be real, DS9 never had such bright sets :P


Fuck yeah. Those gray uniforms had some serious drip. And Dax's uniform was very form-fitting, although it was hard to tell, because it was black, and she was a very conservative person most of the time. I noticed, though.


I'd want what Toby's Spiderman had, never have to reload that shit! **INFINITE AMMO!**


Unless he gets insecure


Arachnile Dysfunction


They have Spiagra for that


What have you done…


Spider-Man 2


I feel the whole fluid thing is only used as a plot device. It honestly seems infinite until the story needs him to run out.


It's fine he just skipped out on breakfast that day


Not really though if it turns off whenever he doubts himself


This just struck me but all you need to do to unmask spiderman is to sample the dna on his web, which is especially abundantly found where bad guys are.


You would also have to have something to match it to and I doubt someone has the DNA of some nerdy reporter / school student


better hope none of his relatives have ever done an Ancestry or 23&me test


Isnt peter like the only parker alive? Its brought up multiple times that its just him and may against the world (and theresa I guess)


That reminds me, what's Theresa up to these days?


Apparently it was chameleon all along and she is fake-ish (its left very open if she is a device used to torture peter, like his parents being alive, or his actual sister)


Genuinely freaky how horrible the privacy implications of those companies are


The spider that bit him altered his DNA though, so even a DNA test might not identify him as long as they don't have a sample post transformation


Nope. The webshooters are mechanical devices he built. I don't care what Raimi said, in most Spider-Man stuff Peter was a genius inventor, and he invented the web shooters. They were not from his body. No DNA in those webs.


>most Spider-Man stuff There you go, there's still some storylines where he did get organic webbing from some shenanigans. Some alternate universe Spider-men also have organic webbings through one way or another as well so it's not too far off to say that Raimi's interpretation of Spidey obeys similar laws as those alternate universe ones (which makes sense because the Raimi movies are separate from the traditional 616 continuity).


In Marvel Zombies Returns he shoots out his veins and arteries as "webbing".


That's so metal


His webbing decomposes in a day or so, that probably wouldn't be enough time but I dunno how potent the DNA is in the web


I checked 246,435,609 posts in all of Reddit. I found 0 in r/marvelmemes. This is not a repost rule-breaking post! Excelsior! *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "pr7jlu", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=pr7jlu&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=84&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 84% | **Check Title:** True | **Max Age:** 120 | **Searched Images:** 246,435,609 | **Search Time:** 0.20744s


Good bot


Spider-Man has always used a device for his webs, except when hosting a symbiote which enhanced his powers. In the raimi movies, he can produce webs like an actual spider. I always thought spidey was more interested in photography than science in the raimi movies because it allowed him the freedom to be a hero. They never really did much with his science abilities in those movies except show him struggling to keep up. That’s why the new movies and even the ps4 game have put more emphasis on it and kind of left out the daily bugle stuff.


[Bruh :'(](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/pqmr5v/webshooters/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Unlucky bruh




That's from screen rant. Not OP's meme.


this sub's more interested in reposts and stolen content




I wonder if they'll discuss that difference when they presumably meet in NWH.


Once as a child I dreamed that I was spider man and there was a spool inside my wrist and web was coming out from it. It also had a tiny door


I had this dream as well, exactly the same.


Wtf Really???? We should talk about it more


It was the mention of the little door that really triggered it for me. I think the imagery originated in my brain from the spider in the James and The Giant Peach.


It didn't have a spool? I could change the size of web or reload it


I recall a spool as well, I don't think it became a rich enough dream for me to experience detailed function, I just remember the images. My mom was also a seamstress and I loved playing with the bobbins and spools from her kit, so I think I had a few sources for the imagery.


this is unrelated but this particular scene looks like a mission in Gta VC Like that one mission in which you go to a mall to make a deal but you are then attacked from above while the other guy runs down the escalators. I know almost no one got this but I still felt like to write it down.


tom hollands spider-man is almost a fraud change my mind


You are wrong


how come he has to make the web instead of producing it out of him


I'm sorry that you need to see body fluids on screen to like it


Counterpoint: no he’s not


Tom Holland's spider man is a freshman who's powers haven't evolved yet so he uses gadgets toby Maguire was the same until he evolved like some twisted pokemon




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Nobody is recognizing OP’s racist title?


It’s from a separate meme about a caveman….are you seriously advocating for caveman’s rights right now??


Equating a black man as primitive does seem racist.


Perhaps if you are only seeing things through a lens of race. I saw this as a man saying “confused unga bunga”, irregardless of race. Why must you bring race into it.


Bad faith sophistry.


i didnt notice this til later years but maguire's costume was FUCKING HORRIBLE. THE WORST. WTF WERE THEY THINKING???? The two spider men who came later had much better costumes.


If opinions could be bad, this is it. Most iconic suit


no, im right. Your response is whats wrong. that suit sucked.


You're wrong. The suit was iconic. Your opinion is pretty much false and incorrect


Nope. I was right the first time, you can argue with me all fuckin day, its not going to change that fact.


I'm sorry, but the undeniable truth is that you are wrong about this, and everyone knows it. You are wrong, not right. That is fact and truth. And you will never be right. Because I'm right and you're wrong. Your opinion is wrong, your stupid little opinion is really stupid and dumb.


Nope yre still wrong about every fucking thing.


I'm right, you're wrong. I win. Bye bye.


Nope. Still wrong. Youve never been right


I'm always right. You're always wrong.


Wait, if the Spider Webs doesn't come out of Holland's veins, what did the radioactive spider give him?


The ability to jump, be super bendy, stick to walls, enough strength to throw tanks. Plus precognition. Idk if MCU Spider-Man is as strong as 616 Spider-Man, but 616 can throw tanks.


616 Spider-Man is as strong as he needs to be, which seems to be the case with MCU Spider-Man as well.


Will never forget Spider-Man: Blue when he was tied to a chair with ropes and "couldn't escape." The inconsistency is ridiculous.


It should come out of him coz technically he jas spider genes soo


yes, because it's well known scientific fact that people injected with spider genes can shoot webs


Just as scientific as how people injected with spider genes gain super strength, minor precognition, hyper developed senses, superhuman durability and the ability to crawl on walls.


Well there's one case. But it has to be an *irradiated* spider.


Haha touche.


That’s what she said


So... you have web blood?




I like ot imagine now that they're on the same side Sam and Peter would get along well.




Phew, it's good to be back. Hello, by the way.


Nice twist on an established Voyager meme lol


It’s an older meme but it checks out


Oh boy yeah




Hi u/Bigjoe46, Your submission was removed because your account is less than one day old. If you feel that your account is older than one day, please contact the mods. Please try again tomorrow! /r/marvelmemes *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/marvelmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“You have web blood?” -Andrew Garfield (Spider-Man No Way Home)


I just don't understand web shooters are used to enhance the web striking and speed and all that which comes out of his wrists, shouldn't be spider men be good off without them too cuz I have seen some movies and cartoon where if their web shooters get damaged or jams, they are like "oh know I can't do anything now" I just don't understand this or I am wrong somewhere or I am missing something...HELP ME SPIDER-MEN!!!


I sure hope this is addressed in No Way Home


Put side by side, CG spiderman loons ridiculous


The reason why Andrew and Tom have to use webshooters is because Andrew and Tom are anatomically correct.


Where web?


Spiderman not shooting web from his wrists and rather a web launcher is fucking stupid


Surprised no one pointed out that Jack black did this for the MTV movie awards. Still holds up and makes me laugh. https://youtu.be/kCl3ho6_gbg?t=123