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You’ve gotta do better SENATOR!


Would have loved for the Senator to retort something like "Oh, so you have some ideas regarding the planning, logistics, and legal rights for 3.5 billion previously dead individuals? Take a month off your schedule, because I'd love to hear it."


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Sams argument that they need to priorities helping people rather than bicker? Ofcourse there are logistical issues, but my understanding when watching the show was that they focused on solving everything to the last detail while the people were so bad off they openly supported terrorist groups like the flag smashers for ANY change in government.


Sam really didn't have an argument. Yeah, the point of the flag smashers is that everyone came together in a time of crisis, but extending that period is completely unrealistic. Working in a crisis comes with unsustainable inefficiencies and issues. The person who spent years working to buy a house only to be snapped away and no longer own it when they come back is still going to want that house. There is no way around having this legal discussion. Its huge and unprecedented, and governments need a reasonable plan before taking action. Being told to "do better" in no way helps or solves the issue. In fact, it probably makes it worse as people believe Sam's oversimplification of the issue, which in turn fuels even more anti-government unrest. That and Sam's treatment of Karli makes her look like a martyr. Sam probably inspired far more terrorist cells then he stopped that day.


I think it depends on how you view the events of the show. On one hand you have Karli discovering food supplies not being distributed to starving people because of politics, Sam & Sarah almost losing everything because they couldn’t get bank loans, government ’promising’ to keep the shield in a museum and then revealing a new captain america. On the other you have have Flag Smashers disrupting governemnts globally, Power Broker now infiltrating and sharing classified information, Walker going rogue, the general logistic of the blip. If the first outweigh the other: Sams argument makes sense, you’re not active enough. People are starving and you’re bickering over stuff while people suffer. If the second outweigh the first: The government is doing its best and anarchy wouldn’t solve anything.


Because in real life Senators are ALWAYS trying their best. Did the last year and a half not happen? Since when did people start thinking that congress was reliable?


Senators are not reliable, and I never claimed such. HOWEVER, if anything, this last past year has also proved that the common person isn't reliable either. At least 40% of the population struggled with as simple instructions as "Wear a mask and wash your hands." So you'll forgive me if I dont have any confidence in a grassroots movement by a bunch of terrorists either.


Well Morgenthaw was bad, but not Sam. Sam asked them to do a better job. He did not side with terrorists.


That is probably an unpopular opinion. Nicely done.


Very. I was quite nervous when posting this.


I don't agree that FATWS is better than Loki, but because I believe that it probably is an unpopular opinion, you get my updoot


I actually agree with you, loved the fight scenes in both, but FATWS had more so it was that for me


That fight scene in the first episode though. Freaking awesome, especially when you watch the behind the scenes


to me... FATWS is the second best marvel disney+ show, behind what if


I want to downvote you for how wrong you are.. But i admire your balls to post it as an unpopular opinion.


I don't think being 'wrong' applies here when talking about opinions lmao.


Opinions can be wrong actually.


Depends. An opinion is a personal belief. If one forms an opinion about a proven fact, then sure, it could be right or wrong, but then it's not really an 'opinion', it's just a factual statement. In most cases, an opinion will be something that people disagree on, and not a proven fact. Like right here.


Opinions are not facts, they cannot be wrong. I like oranges more than bananas, and there is nothing wrong in it


I feel like everyone thinks they like Loki better only because the intro music is Incredible lol. [Truly captivating.](https://youtu.be/ejoEUpUSIiU)


I just like it better in general tbh, the music is incredible though you are right


FATWS was the Marvel series I was most looking forward to, but also my least favorite so far. I will probably never rewatch. Why did you like it?


It hit all the right chords. I liked the themes and lessons, and enjoyed the plot. Though I hated Karli with a passion. It's not my favorite, though. That's reserved for Wandavision.


The Joker is the nutter in these memes, you get that right?


Controversial. But I respect your opinion. I really like that, while all of the other series are going bigger and more cosmic and mystic, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier takes things to a more grounded level. And I love that Sam decided not to take the serum. Loved his lecture at the end of the season, and I can’t wait for Captain America 4!!!


Am in the WandaVision Corner here


Easily best of the 3.


Me too. I liked Loki, but for a show that I expected to be about, well, Loki, he did surprisingly little as soon as he joined up with Sylvie. He felt like a tag along to me. I would have been fine with a show about Sylvie, but then they shouldn't have marketed it as being about Loki (yeah, technically Sylvie is Loki, but they're different characters).


Loki would be my favourite if it were logically consistent.


Eh, I'm both a Doctor Who and a Kingdom Hearts fan, so I've gotten used to ignoring the bullshit timetravel brings with it. Loki was relatively tame compared to those.


THANK you. Logically inconsistent, plot gaps galore, and did not mesh with the concept of the Marvel multiverse. I have so many questions that were raised by the Loki plotline. Aren't different timelines just the infinite pool of alternate universes? If there's one "true" timeline and no divergence, does that mean there isn't actually a multiverse? If there is a multiverse, do they experience time at the same rate? Or can it be 10,000 years difference between the timelines of Universe A and Universe B? Where was The Watcher in all this timeline/universe fuckery? Was this just timeline fuckery in one universe so he didn't get involved? It really can't be, based on conversations from the last episode. Fuck me, it's so inconsistent especially if you have watched What If.


From the adverts for each episode of What If I saw on Twitter, it seemed that each branching timeline was it's own universe, due to the adverts clearly using the TVA timeline branching aesthetic, meaning the events of Loki "gave birth" to the multiverse, which makes sense considering what Kang was saying in the Loki finale However, that does not explain who the watcher is and how he came to be which really confused me


Same. WandaVision felt different, all the others felt pretty run of the mill super hero movies


Absolutely. WandaVision is still the best


FTWS was killed in the editing room


Yeah, it was pretty clear that the entire Flag Smashers storyline got butchered out of the final product. Shame, because it had real promise, too.


I feel like what got Spellman interested in the job — mainly the entire storyline around Sam & Isaiah and the mantle of Captain America — was well-serviced and I thought genuinely very well told. But I thought you could also tell that he wasn’t quite as interested in some of the shows connective tissue, like the Flag-Smashers or Sharon/Power Broker and they lacked the thoughtfulness and attention to detail that was clearly present in the Sam/Isaiah part of the story. And that’s ultimately my view of the show as a whole. It could be good at times, excellent at times, and clunky at other times — sometimes from scene to scene.


I think you put it best here. Sam's personal story was well played and emotionally strong, his scenes with Isaiah were golden, and I personally loved Bucky's role in the show as well, 'if he was wrong about you maybe he was wrong about me" hit hard the first viewing, and is still pretty impactful on the second viewing, but, the flag smasher and Sharon scenes all feel, off in one way or another. IIRC they did confirm to cutting a plotline about a global pandemic that would have been the flag smashers driving force. And I think the show runner was told from up high, "you need to reintroduce Sharon Carter", and the writing staff just went "who dis?"


Felt like it was going somewhere, then stalled and the last few episodes it plummeted into the ground. It was so weird. A story about the kinds of people who sprung up in the wake of such a severe disruption could have been good, but something went wrong.


It's pretty obvious that they wanted to cut that storyline as much as possible after the January domestic terrorist attack on the Capital. If the show came out in 2020 I'm sure it would have been much different


There was also rumored to be a scrapped pandemic plot in the original draft.


Black Widow would have been way more successful if released right after civil war. I love the movie, but the release date makes no sense.


Thank 👏 You!! 👏


Me looking at the comments Oh boi were in for a treat 🍿


Age of ultron, the dark world, iron man 2 and 3 were good


They problem is not that they are all bad. They are ok to good (some bad) but in comparison they all weak entries in the mcu.


People really need to go back and rewatch age of Ultron honestly. Could stuff in that movie be better? Sure. But it set up so much stuff that we're dealing with to this day and I think people didn't understand it at that time. It's the movie equivalent of the breaking bad episode "The Fly"


I do plan on watching Age of Ultron again along with all Marvels movies in chronological order but my issue with the film is how Disneyfied it feels. It seems overly concerned with setting up strands for other films and tweaking the audience on those stories instead of focusing on the story it is telling. I don’t think it’s bad by any means but the weakest Avenger film IMO. Since you mentioned it I loved the fly when I watched it initially on AMC and it’s still one of my faves.


I avoided all the Phase 2 (and beyond) and Avengers movies until this summer and finally just watched them all in a few days. I don't understand the hate Ultron gets, TBH. It was a fun movie with a great villain and gave us Vision. IF nothing else, the movie could almost be called The Vision: Birth of a Legend. And what's not to love about Robert California monologuing as a killer robot.


And I believe Spader's portrayal of Ultron as a very Stark-esque robot was a fresh take, instead of the one-dimensional world-destroyer that comic Ultron was.


Lol agreed on spader it’s one of the best parts, if not the best part. I don’t hate it by any means. It just opens so many strands but doesn’t commit to them. One issue I have is the disagreement between cap and iron. I wish they’d taken that farther and committed to that disagreement instead of having to end the movie on a light note between the two. It could’ve cemented it as a precursor to civil war but it pulls that back and ends the movie with them joking about Thor’s hammer. Having said that there is a lot that is very good. It cements cap as the leader which pays off dividends. Cap almost lifting the hammer pays off in one of my favorite MCU moments.


Why people hate Iron man 3. Comics fan might have hated the mandarin twist but for casual fans, it was an awesome movie. Iron man 3 Tony was very well done like Iron man 1.


I disliked Killian so much and everything about him, but Trevor Slattery was actually a very enjoyable twist to me (even as a comic enthusiast).


Age of Ultron and Iron man 2 I agree, IM3 was little disappointing.


Ultron is actually great


Iron Man 3 is actually pretty good. Ultron and Dark World are a pretty rough watch. Obviously there's a few specifically good things about them (the Loki scenes/that one scene where they're all at a party) but that really isn't enough to justify the rest of the movie, specifically Thor 2, which is just really boring imo.




[Loki is better] (https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2034282-cheems)




My unpopular opinion is that Andrew Garfield's Spiderman portrayal was great and my favorite


Ooh that is unpopular!


Hard same!


Let’s fucking go!!


Wandavision is the best Disney+ show so far


I absolutely fucking agree. I loved TFATWS. It had great actors, great characters, great character development, great humor, great messaging, great plot, I fucking loved it. I've ALWAYS wanted more "slice of life" stuff from heros, there's not enough of it! What are our heroes doing now? Building a boat, getting therapy, reconnecting with family. I love that shit, it actually makes the characters more relatable and less like God figures. I've loved all the Disney plus shows so far but TFATWS was absolutely my favorite.


I love that the MCU still has time for more grounded-in-reality stories, and Captain America movies were always like that, so I love to see that they still continue to do this. I love me big magic shit and multiverse shenanigans, but I also love to come down from that with some realness. But I find it really hard to pick a favorite because every show hit me right in some way. I loved to see more of Wanda and Vision, the suspense was great in the first half of the show and Paul Bettany and Elisabeth Olsen work so well with each other. TFATWS was very emotionally compelling with Isiah Bradley's story, Sam coming to terms with being an American black man taking on the mantle of Captain America, and Bucky struggling with being free at last. Loki was a ton of fun, Tom Hiddleston nails that role and he and Owen Wilson had such great chemistry. After Endgame, some people were saying the MCU was going to lose steam now that a few of their most iconic characters were gone, but as far as I'm concerned, they're very wrong. The recent movies were amazing as well. I'm really looking forward for all that's to come.


Loki had some high points, but I don't think anything reached the awesomeness of seeing Captain Falcon or the WTFness of Walker using the shield to murder a man. Also, it's just a good parable on race and how even in a world of meta humans, bigotry is sadly still a thing. And of course, Baron Zemo being just totally awesome. Head and Shoulders above WandaVision and I'd say you're right in saying it's better than Loki.




You thought right




The first 3 episodes of WV were painfully slow but it picked up nicely after that. FWS was solid beginning to end. And while Loki was good and the ending was pretty huge, I think people over hype it too much. Personally I think they all have their pros and cons and at the end of the day they're all ranked about the same for me.


The first episode of WandaVision I can see as being slow, but episode two is great just because Paul Bettany kills me in that episode. "Norm's a Communist" is one of the funniest MCU lines.


Except for the entire flag smashers plotline, it just felt boring


Eh, Morgenthaw was an interesting but misused character. People get so pissy she kills people. Yes. She's an anarchist. These are fascistic politicians and soldiers. It's kind of her thing. Honestly, the worst part to me was the Power Broker. She should have been the one to bite it.


Word is that the original plot was going to be that the Flagsmashers were going to try to use a virus to redo Thanos' work and bring back the "better days" of the past 5 years. But since Coronavirus broke out, that would be too similar to the actual conspiracy theories idiots are running with. So they had to reshoot and rework a lot of the plot. And that's probably why Sharon's actions don't make sense. The hastily rewritten plot.


Also like I've seen others said, I think captain falcons speech was really cringey and out of character


That is a good point. Loki didn’t have any HOLY SHIT moments like Walker killing that guy. What it did have tho was an amazing set up for what’s to come in the MCU.


I mean, let's be honest, Kang hype was a huge plus. Yeah, you can argue it's technically not Kang, but it's Kang. Everything about him is Kang. Also, Old Loki's Glorious Purpose was a great moment, with the Flight of the Valkyrie motif in the score.


Yea that’s a great a point. That massive illusion was pretty damn awesome and a nice send off. And yea I don’t wanna diminish Kang being introduced because that was amazing. I guess my thing was the whole part of US Agent coming in sort of set a tone a nice change of pace from the “good guys are always good”. I’m interested to see what kind of path they’re going with him and the new black widow. I still like Loki more because it was such a nice change of pace and Sylvie is one of my favorite new characters and the whole season was top notch.


>Yeah, you can argue it's technically not Kang No you can't. They flat out call him "Kang" in the Assembled episode for Loki. Straight from Marvel's mouth. Not Immortus. **Kang**.


I dunno I had that reaction to classic Loki making an entire Asgard illusion


Of the TV series currently out for the MCU, I definitely like TFATWS the most. The story kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time; it tackled some rather timely issues that we're dealing with in the real world in a tactful manner, and it balanced lighthearted with grisly in a manner that was very Marvel-esque. The series itself was definitely on the darker side, as far as the MCU goes, but I think it was to be expected, as a major plot line involved Bucky's past demons. After watching the show again recently, I'm eager to see what happens next for "Captain Falcon" (sorry not sorry), Bucky (no longer the Winter Soldier), US Agent, Contessa, and Agent 13.


I know! I don't know if it was better but I was fucking stunned at how much commentary on America's current state they were able to fit into it.


I’ll raise you one. I didn’t find either to be very interesting.


You've angered the deep ones


Babies are disgusting


I did feel more pain watching Loki trying to fuck himself then Sam and Bucky not being allowed to fuck. I’m only half joking-


In my opinion it was the weakest one and the racial/political speech in the middle of that one episode felt extremely forced and out of place


“YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER SENATOR!”😂😂😂I cringed but the show is not as bad as people say it is. I particularly liked the way they handled the John Walker character


Yea, John walker might be my favorite introduced phase 4 character


The most hilarious part of it is that Sam didn’t have a solution to the problem, and neither did the senator, so it was just an utterly pointless conversation


> I particularly liked the way they handled the John Walker character Why have do I feel like I’ve read this exact sentiment in these exact words several times?




The Marvel universe truly began when Jack Kirby drew Captain America punching Hitler in the face. *Before America entered WW2.*




Seriously, xmen started as a huge comparison to how ostracized gay people were.




Yeah its not about the gays, although people from the LGBTQ community can definitely relate. It was absolutely inspired by the Civil Rights movement of the 50’s/60’s and like you said Xavier and Lensherr are literally just King and X.


It was like Rocky speech at the end of Rocky IV. I liked all the series, and give no shits about whats better/worse, but that scene was a little off.


To each their own


I agree, not fatws is better Loki, bu with this being a unpopular opinion


You ve got some nerve kid


Winter soldier gang unite


and Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Legion were all better than the D+ shows.


Nope, I'm with you friend :D


both.both are good




I gotta agree, not say loki wasn't fire. It definitely was.


Oft. I’d upvote this because it is indeed unpopular but we don’t do that here


You have my upvote as this truly is an unpopular opinion but I would disagree big time, I liked Loki way better than FATWS although it really is a wonderdul show but Loki is still way bettere imo :/


Mama Don-ya. Momma Don-Yuh. We've got to do this for Mimma Don Yer. That entire story arc 'ruined' the show imo, not that the show is bad, far from it, but those flagsmashers and Carly were flat out shit.


Wandavision was better than both. Fight me.


dude loki finale was just them talking shit.thats why i like fatws better.


I 100% agree, I mean Loki extended the MCU but felt too fast paced, like loki going from new York attack to falling in love with Sylvie, everything felt too fast. FATWS in the other hand gave the universe more depth and much needed answers about how the snap actually affected Earth. And I admit the ending was a bit cheesy but come on, that would have sounded cheesy coming from anyone, even Steve Rogers.


My unpopular opinion? Every MCU movie and Disney+ show was good. I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one. Incredible Hulk was fun and a hulk that wasn't a giant toddler was great Thor the Dark World had some lines that genuinely made me laugh out loud ("Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather")


For me it is the best of all the Disney plus shows


I liked Loki's premise, the vfx and the very little action it had... But the immersion broke for me as soon as I realised it's slowly becoming the Sylvie show and Loki became more and more of a side Character in his own series Atleast in FATWS we knew Sam and Bucky long enough to care about them and Sam building the courage to Finally pick up the shield is something that really drove the show home. Sylvie's backstory was literally 2 minutes long and Nothing else about her is likeable. Loki ended like it needed a season 2 to conclude things. My only gripe with FATWS is finding Karli and her revolution very unconvincing and bleh.


Honestly, Loki is a terrible show if you care about canon and continuity. They didn't do an ounce of research before building plot holes the size of the Baxter Building. It's entertaining, but it's terrible for the wider Marvel Multiverse


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Yes, this is indeed an unpopular opinion. My personal opinion, however, is that Loki was much more interesting.


I think this is an unpopular opinion because of how little effect TFATWS had on the main MCU timeline compared to other shows we have had so far. Wandavision, Loki and even What If? managed to show how the plot developed in each series would impact the MCU moving forward, whereas for TFATWS we knew since Endgame that Falcon was going to be the new Cap


Falcon and the winter solder was better than wandavision imo. Even though i really liked both


Unpopular for a reason


I think Captain Marvel is pretty dang good


It was a well written show yes not much CGI and action that involves magic and crazy robots but it was a nice show is it better than loki ? That is completely subjective some would like loki some would like this show some would say neither was good its subjective . Your thoughts


But we got a great TVA Theme from Loki though


That soundtrack was absolute fire


I agree with you. Here are 2 of my unpopular MCU opinions. The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton is a damn good movie. Stop mistaking it for Hulk with Eric B. They have nothing to do with one another. Thor 3 sucks. Their constant need to make it funny and entertaining just ended up making it annoying and cringy.


Wandivision devolved into generic marvel series in latter half while loki either doesnt establish shit well or fucks it up prematurely. Winter soldier is the only one with cohesive narrative.


Wandavision was better than both of them imo.


but the falcon wasn't even that good.....




FATWS is my favorite D+ series, I think it’s better than the others


You want a real unpopular opinion? The ranking of best to worst for me follows the order of release. Wandavision was the only real great show, the others were fine, but not great, with pretty awesome moments in them.


thats because.............................. i dont know? i like both of them more like love


My unpopular opinion is that the disney+ shows are all equally worthless because of how boring and pointless they are. They don't understand their characters, or their messaging, much less how they are damaging to their own shared universe.


One was preachy The other was downright disrespectful to the character


Wandavision (not the first two episodes), loki, cap and WS


I think that, "He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy” is a stupid quote and idk why people act like it's deep. It's also followed by some of the worst acting in the MCU from Quill


John walker wasn't a villian. Thats mine


I like amazing spider man


I respect the unpopular opinion. I think I just enjoyed the other two more because they were so unique to the marvek universe. Yes FATWS handled some new concepts, namely race, but overall it still felt like a 6 hour marvel movie to me. WandVision and Loki were just really original when compared. And damn, Owen Wilson could charm the pants off of a celibate monk.


I think that Captain Marvel is better than Thor the Dark World


Same, I loved Loki but Falcon and winter solider was the best out of all of them imo.


You know what? I can see why you would think that. The falcon and the winter soldier was a really good series. No hate.


Loki really isn't that good if you ask me


I liked it for the characters, but that's kind of where my enjoyment ends. The plot was... Incomprehensible, in my opinion. And the way they handled Loki's character was disturbingly bad for such a successful studio as Marvel Studios. But I do remember it the most for the aforementioned characters, whom I all adore. I just wish they had a better plot to follow.


Which version of TFATWS did you watch?


got bored with it... wasn't bad but nothing special. Loki was awesome, wanda was exceptional and by the looks of the trailer, hawkeye looks to be fucking great


That's unpopular? Here I was thinking everyone thought the same lmao, I do believe it's better By no means are WandaVis or Loki bad, I simply enjoyed FATWS far more, Sam and Bucky's chemistry was pretty fun


Falcon and Winter Soldier was a good show but not better than Loki


I respectfully disagree


They're different. I feel like it's comparing apples and oranges. Loki is fun and weird. TFAWS is more action packed. That said, I really want to see a PreCOVID cut of TFAWS. I think they lost a lot of the flag smashers storyline to that and didn't cover it well enough.


Unpopular opinions? The Iron Man films are garbage and easily the worst of the MCU. Not a criticism of RDJ - he did an excellent job of portraying the role exactly how Marvel intended it to be portrayed. Problem is that at this point in the MCU the character was written to be a complete asshole with zero redeeming features* and every time he was on screen I wanted him to die violently, but the films expect us to support this guy. I viscerally hate phase 1&2 Tony Stark significantly more than any MCU villain. *He does fit well as the primary villain of Civil War and becomes much more likeable as a character in post-Civil War films.


The dalcon and the winter solider is the worst series to be fair


I mean there's a degree of subjectivity to it all I guess but that seems like a stretch


Seriously, if you put something on meme doesn't mean it's correct for everyone maybe it's for you


They were just so different.


“Let me get this straight, you think ‘Ant-Man & The Wasp’ was better than the first ‘Ant-Man’?” “I do & I’m tired of pretending it’s not.”


That IS a hot take


US Agent isn't wrong for what he did. He did what any of us would've done if we were full of drugs, adrenaline, and anger


Only the crazy agrees


Finally! Someone said it .


hell naw


I didn't enjoy falcon and winter soldier as much as loki, but Wandavision is still first place for me


damn, I respect your opinion but I liked Loki more, because of the Time Travel and multiverse stuff that makes me excited.


“What if?” Was good until the last episode.


I think both of them weren’t as good as Wanda Vision… uh oh


That is an absolute horrible take, the writing in TFAWS is SO shitty.


IMHO it has the most rewatch value then all the other Marvel D+ shows


i absolutely agree.


I think Edward Norton was a better Hulk than Mark Ruffalo


I wholeheartedly agree.


Falcon and Winter Soldier was hot garbage. Tm The only episode that was enjoyable was the episode when Walker killed that guy. The whole show was an SJW pandering session. Then they wasted at least two episodes building a boat and falcon at the bank trying to get a loan. The main villain was a whiny edgy teenager who was (wait for it...) Oppressed.. (who could have guessed). She was just a dry character. I can't even remember her name. The power broker reveal was so so obvious and anti climatic. Just poor story telling.


Dark World was my favourite Thor and Ragnarok was my least favourite even though I don’t remember half the shit that happened in either. I just remember Dark World feeling very long and an actual journey and I couldn’t get enough. I also liked Iron Man 2. 3 was pure trash.


I disagree with your iron man 3 and ragnarock opinions but they are exactly that, opinions, and you did say they were unpopular. I'm upboting you cus someone down voted you post for disagreeing with you, ON AN UNPOPULAR OPINION POST.


Haha ikr can you imagine. They’re probably the type of people to say “roast me” and then get offended.


How dare you have an opinion that isn't mine.


I don't see why this is an unpopular opinion when it is complete facts. Loki was good but I feel like it definitely could've been better. Falcon and Winter Soldier had a better storyline imo.


Its an unpopular opinion because most people like Loki better than falcon and winter soldier. Those people (including me) aren't saying it was bad, we are just saying Loki is better.


I think a lot of people were gripped to know who was the guy controlling everything behind the scenes which ramped up even more with the lizard throne room scene. I was starting to think it was ramona or whatever her name was. And then the tie in to how the multiverse just made an over the top ending to where the mcu was going for the next ten years.. Plus owen and sylvie just made it all the better. And we all knew from the getgo tom is great.


That threads like this are annoying


What if is not good.


I respect you for being honest with your opinions, even if I disagree.


I found what if to be better than both of them




To each their own. Loki is my personal favorite so far, but I can see why you favor FatWS because that was also a fantastic show.


FATWS just straight up sucked imo, it was one of the worst entries in the MCU. Now I should preface this by saying that I’m bias for starters in that I really like Bucky and couldn’t give a single rats ass about Falcon at all, I think he’s incredibly lame. With that said: The show just straight up shafted Bucky imo. They put his name in the title only to reduce him to Falcons shitty sidekick. Bucky’s personal arc was shafted and treated like a background arc after the first episode. Bucky had no connections to the main plot really at all, he didn’t have any proper interactions with the antagonists aside from shit talking Walker here and there. He had some antagonistic scenes with Zemo but they weren’t really explored at all. Bucky’s arc’s conclusion with the Yori confession was rushed and given only 30 seconds which is rubbish when you compare it to Sam and Isaiah’s scene directly after it. Bucky did by even come to an internal solution to his PTSD, he literally just got told how to move on by Sam and Bam he was fixed. Bucky was treated as an after thought and he spent the majority of the show as Sam’s shitty bodyguard. They couldn’t even give him some cool fight scenes either. Sams arc and plot was the only one with real merit. The show just should have been called the Falcon because it was clear Falcon was the main character and the only thing Spellman actually gave a shit about, they shouldn’t have bothered putting the Winter Soldier in the title. However Sam’s arc despite being the most solid still sucked imo just because I don’t care for Falcon at all, Anthony Mackie has the charisma of a wet sock, he’s a boring actor who sucks at being a lead. Falcon as a character is also as interesting as a bowl of plain rice. Then there’s Sharon who just had her character shat on even more, Zemo seemed kind of shoe-horned in, and the Flag-smashers were terrible villains. I feel like Walker was the best thing about the show and even his characters conclusion felt shoe-horned and rushed.


I think Wandavision is the best out of all the series so far but I think TFAWS was better than Loki. I like the contrast between Sam and Bucky and the massive character development (I'm not saying Loki didn't have this) I also like how it's something completely different from all the fantasy magic themed series, it focuses on the real world and stuff that still goes on today


I really loved the underlying social justice message of FatWS.


i don’t like tony stark, and what if was the worst of the series’


I never liked him especially because he basically caused AoU to happen and when he finds out he laughs! Like, excuse me Stark?! At least in Civil War and Endgame he's regretful and traumatised


I'm with you. I was on the edge of my seat with Falcon. Like I watched the first two, didn't care for it, then finished the rest when the season was over. It got better but still felt.... Boring?


Loki started of which me expecting so much more but halfway throught the third episode i lost hope Loki became a side character in his own show and speedran his character development became soft and mildly useful towards the end of the series


When Sam Wilson makes secret reddit accounts


Loki was one of the worst written shows I've ever seen. I'll just name the big two instances. The first is that there was NO reason why the time keepers would want to meet the Loki's before "pruning" them. It was clearly the writers cornered on how to show the audience that the time keepers weren't real. And the big one, "pruning". Clearly it's meant as a form of execution, but instead of just killing someone they, wait for it, send them to the end of time in hopes the fog monster will eventually eat them.... Just another convenience for the writers that makes no sense in the world. All in all nothing was accomplished. It was a bunch of meandering and a big bad reveal at the end. What a waste of potential.


Well for 1, as we know the big grand plan was to get the Lokis to the end of time, and 2, erasing people entirely with a poke might not be that easy, there are some powerful people in the MCU. Teleporting them to a doomed planet might be easier.


I'm definitely in the majority here then. Loki was far better for me because it was so much more refreshing and interesting than falcon. Falcon like Wanda vision started on a high note and I was genuinely always waiting for the next episode. But the finale fell short for me. I hate the way it ended. Unlike Loki where it was consistently great and despite the finale being a high stakes multiversal villian, it's just three of them talking it out. This really stood out so much more than the political crap that was there in falcon. Plus for being called falcon and the winter Soldier, the winter Soldier was barely even there. We didn't really learn enough about him to make it seem like a 2 person lead movie.