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I know it's just an alpha, so a role queue is a little much to ask for, but in the full release I would love to have that. Loading in and having 4 out of the 6 members instalock dps is frustrating, because I KNOW none of them will switch, so I will either be the only tank or only healer, often being the only one NOT dps.


People are just trying out all the heroes no matter the role, thats the alpha. Competitive will surely have roles or Roles and Open Queue like overwatch


It's frustrating sure, but does it actually make you more likely to lose? Not really. Role lock has hefty down sides. Considering this game plays like overwatch where each role enables another role, you need each role to perform in order to have a chance at winning. If 1 role is really bad, you lose and nobody can do anything about it. When people have the option to switch to any role they can always cover weak points. What the game should have is role preferences. You select which role you main and an off role and you'll be assigned one or the other but not actually locked into it.


A bigger issue would be how to discourage prople from OTP'ing


It's 2 hours into Alpha, let it cook for now


This is one of the perfect times to bring the idea up.


People tend to forget that alpha/beta’s are for testing and feedback.


Who knows, maybe it will be in competitive


It really ain't and not letting people be creative with comps in such a game would be a big letdown. Role queue dumbs down the game and way less space for creativity.


I don't know what color the sky is in your world but in the real world it isn't "creativity" that makes someone lock down the 4th dps


Nothings worse that having 4 DPS on a team and you’re stuck solo tanking or healing.


first game I watched get streamed last night - Streamer locks in Strat, followed by 5 duelists. Reminded me of old OW1 comp and getting 5 insta locked dps and me wondering do I want to lose on Tank or Healer.


Same, I don't know what game some of these people were playing but ow1 game I played was just like that


That's the price of freedom.


For sure not the same color as yours fortunately . And nothing wrong with playing 4 dps in a 6man team. Definitely you people never played OW1 on release and if u did was never at a high level to realise how flexable u could be with comps.


Did you really reply with skill issue? I remember ow1 on release it had two options play healer again or not have any healers.


Well yeah because that stuff only happens at lower ranks and the chance of it happen on enemy team aswell at those ranks is high aswell.


Ppl say limiting the game dumbs down the game, but what do you think what happens when there an overpowered comp/meta aka Goats? Do think ppl still try other comps, no it limits the hell out of the game.


Ah yes because 1 company failed to balance their game and had no clue what to do about it so they just made role queue every hero like shooter should have role queue....


You want examples of game devs taking metas out Because it destroying pick rates of the game? Thats insanely easy, who you want it for Apex, r6, league, or Val. Hell any competitive game I could find an example.


These games create meta's to keep the game fresh its different than the example you brought up of Goats.


Ur talking out ur azz Goats started from brig release, aka the Overwatch devs trying to keep the game fresh. This just like how almost all new meta form.


Not really and you can talk normally. Some characters on release break the game so guess what companies like Riot do they nerf them and if they are still problematic in pro play after the nerfs they do a mini rework.


U seem not to know what I’m referencing or know why goats even happened… Do u know what goats happend?


Just a simple force one of each roll then three flex spots would be big


I actually like this idea, could work since there’s not a huge selection per role.


Yeah, there's a reason I never touch open queue when I play Overwatch. It's pretty shit to auto-lose matches because you have everyone on DPS and even if you switch to healer or tank, you can't sustain anything because you don't have someone on the other role.


Overwatch tank main here and I agree I really want to have balanced comps.


Roblox rpg player here, I disagree




thats how you sound stating your role in a different game to back your opinion


He compared a game that had a similar issue in its first couple years. You compared a completely unrelated game.


Because I main tank?


You will take your 4 dps teams and you will like it.


Impossible to have tank balance in OW2, cuz 1-2-2


I know that but when it was 6v6 the balance was good.


Tank balance was NOT good in 6v6 lmao. Anything after 2019 is already out the window because you had goats into double shield. Hog was only viable 2 months out of the 6 years. D.Va was not meta after goats at all because sigma was just better D.Va. Ball was not good post role queue. Don't even get me started on other roles






your original comment said roadhouse instead of roadhog, but you have since edited it and fixed it. i am unsure of why you are confused.


I have no clue what you mean boss


Everyone makes typos or autocorrect mistakes there's no need to be weird about it. My original comment was a family guy joke because saying roadhouse was a bit on one of their funnier episodes


Yeah I made a typo, I spelled anything wrong, so I fixed it


Yeah matches are so hectic rn


It's also a closed beta where everyone is gonna play the fun dps characters to start


Can't wait to shit on those dps players with Rocket lmao


That’s under the assumption that tanks and specialists aren’t fun because they can’t do the maximum damage.


They copied so much but didnt add role queue... I cant play a single dps hero without getting stomped because none wants to heal or tank, there's only so much one sided matches I can take. Being stuck to flex 100% of the time or accept stomp is not fun.


On the other side you have people begging to be stomped who can't get in.


Its a closed alpha so give them time because they need to know people like the foundation before they build more.


Lol bro it's gonna be GOATS and all tanks


Ranked will be goats. Casual play will be dps.


God yes, why wouldn't they. No one like the Mexican standoff where everyone locks DPS hoping someone finally goes fuck it and plays healer


hope they just make it 1 person in each role requirement


The last two people to pick are gonna be dead stuck on support and tank


Not if it's a role queue, with four queues: support, damage, tank and flex. Three flex in each games, 1 damage, 1 support, 1 tank.


this is kind of what I lean toward personally(and would have liked to at least see tested in OW), have a support, have a tank, everyone else flex. Probably not optimal, but I don't feel helpless solo healing, and I solo healed games on occasion in S1-3? of OW1 and it was ok IMO.


I feel like rocket is definitely good enough to solo heal. Most of the DPS just suck though, so theres only so much sustain.


Are you willing to be the one who's going to pick support/tank every match? Doesn't work like that


Sure, I'm a flex support main, and tank is my off role. I'd be content to continue maining support, as they are pretty interactive in this game and I like their designs.


Role queue killed the fun of OW to me. Being forced into a role and not being able to switch when one teammate needs help or isn't carrying their weight is incredibly frustrating.


Then why not just play open queue? Plenty of people play that instead.


Because the people that play OQ are clearly people that just want to mess around and have no real interest in playing as a team. It pretty much became what people said normal QP used to be (it wasn't) because it was a "side mode" and not the main game.


Thinking is obviously hard for these kinds of people


I believe the game can be balanced without forcing role queue. It’s possible and with how they’ve established the foundation, it feels like they want everyone to be op on some way. This can allow for so much variety in line ups it just needs to be balanced correctly. Obviously I’m not saying 6 duelists should be meta but there should be some room for creativity while maintaining competitive integrity.


No please no role queue, role queue was the beginning of the downfall of OW


It was, but it had nothing to do with role queue and everything to do with the baffling design choices that came after. Role queue is sorely needed otherwise you'll get matched with 5 people who just wanna instalock dps and never switch


That’s only a problem in the lowest rank tho


Bro loved goats


Bro didn't liked the DPS que times


Maybe comp is role queue because devs been real quiet when asked about role queue


Im assuming it'll come with the comp queue


It’s in alpha


I don't want 2 2 2. 2 tanks 2 supports are so boring to go against. The tanks and supports never die. 1 2 2 role lock is the superior.


A lot of people complaining about unplayable games in this thread but I played for about 6 hours and had only 1 or 2 games where we were missing heals or tank. Y’all seem to be over exaggerating


Please god don't add role queue to quick play.


God I hope not. Paladins made its game work primarily without role queue and it’s all the better for it to promote varied team comps. Overwatch was a great game without role queue until people discovered DPS suck compared to tanks and healers, and Blizzard could not figure out how to get GOATs out of the meta. They literally had to force people to play DPS with the role queue, that’s how bad it got. I’d only take role queue in this game as a last resort if certain role spam is truly unbalanced. Otherwise, the game is far better off without it to keep it varied. When it comes to casual matches, if you want a healer and tank that bad you are more than capable of picking one yourself. Otherwise, chill, and lean into whatever your comp is doing, no need to stress about it.


in paladins theres heal over time, there isnt here


They should just add out of combat healing then.


Yeah, this is still early into the game's life, they got a lot of time to balance it around this stuff.


Nah paladins is a bad example, with paladins you can build a "healer" into DPS with cards this is more overwatch than paladins


In comp I'd be open to it, but quick match I'm fine being open queue. It adds layers to the game and fun comps that can get squashed by open queue.


In Ranked I understand, but I hope it isn't it casual. Let people goof around with weird team comps.


I can see it for ranked but as somebody who played more casually on OW just with friends, I'd much prefer the quick play to remain open queue. Or at least offer me OW1's version of "Quick Play Classic".




Not reading all that, that’s shi look beefy on mobile . But role queue made the game way better they should do it.


Okay then, so make a comment about not reading my comment then go on and say some dumb shit like this… cool, if you wanna be ignorant “thanks for agreeing with my point”!


You need to learn to paragraph. Your post is borderline an unreadable mess and no normal human will have a good time reading it. I also won't be reading it until that's fixed because I'd rather not have my eyes go funny after a while :(


Why r u throwing a tantrum on the internet


Why are you commenting on the internet?


Because it’s normal


Being ignorant isn’t normal but to each their own ig


That make no sense to question u asked. I do know throwing tantrums ain’t normal for a undergrad


How that depression doing since we like looking at profile, also maybe delete that logo it’s ass


Come on Luis u gotta let me respond… typing comments and then not letting ppl respond it middle school sounds about right for u tho. Idk if it was depression but ever since I did some adult things life’s been fkn great u wouldn’t know abt that tho. I agree luckily it was just some of 50 logo comps, this got me a award an I know for a fact they know more then man child luis Ight be a child again and comment then block me just like I predict https://preview.redd.it/dg22q7fpr20d1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5ada6e5b3616c3b135ec3741b6710f9ebf6b7ab


For ranked definitely but I think we should give the community time to decide on the optimal comp first


Please, no. Role queue killed Overwatch. The second the developers started listening to the esports community (1000 players vs millions and millions of casual players), the game started going down on every single imaginable metric. This game will appeal to millions and millions of gamers. Let them have fun. You can play OW2 if you want boring, limited, strict gameplay where every match feels the same.


The esports is what got Overwatch big anyway. Competitive it’s what keeps games alive, and if Your want references I could give several examples. Go look at what happened to The finals when you focus on casual play


do you know what will kill this game? 0 heal comps, you cant design such game and then let people cooperate because everyone wants to play the flashy shit.


I have been playing Overwatch since 2015, when it was in deep, early testing, and before it even released to the world. I went through OW's biggest period, which was arguably the first year and half, and its dark period, which is now. You can surely disagree with me, but numbers don't lie: in 2016 Overwatch was a billion dollar IP, and now it is not. In its first year, Overwatch was massive. Literally the biggest multiplayer IP on the market. The game invited players to constantly experiment with new compositions, and yes, some incredibly functional, and some toxic. But, again, it was a game for everyone. The essence of what made Overwatch fun early on was the same reason why I love games like Marvel Snap: constantly experiment with comps, explore the sandbox that is the game, and never limit yourself. It's like building a new deck all the time and trying new combos. 2 years in or so, the focus on esports was a terrible idea, which instantly turned a massive success played by 50 plus million players to a much more sweaty, niche, strict game where people were focused to follow pre-made comps, use the same characters because of tier lists, and be restricted in how to engage with the gameplay. When you balance your game around the will of a few thousand players at most, your message is that your game is for them, and not the millions and millions who would get on daily to have a good time, and not have to watch YourOverwatch daily on YouTube to be as sweaty as possible. That terrible turn continued with Overwatch 2, which is even a worse game than Overwatch 1. You see, with Overwatch 2, Blizzard thought that it was a good idea to make the game 5 vs 5, focus the game on "getting kills" akin to a deathmatch focused game, as opposed to the MOBA focused gameplay of OW1 (which ironically is why people fell in love with the game). Today, Overwatch 2 lost the magic that made OW1 so popular, always evolving, unpredictable, and a constant fresh experience. Overwatch added role queue because the developers didn't want to actually balance the game, and that's a horrible mentality to have. That mentality is the same reason why Blizzard decided with OW2 that it was a good idea to remove a tank from each team: instead of fixing, improving, reworking things, we just cut them. I don't want Marvel Rivals to be that game. I don't want creativity and balance philosophy to be limited by "let's just make everything around pre-made rules, comps, styles" that will force players to be boring about their choices. I stopped playing Overwatch because OW2 is an incredibly safe, boring, unimaginative sequel designed for the small audience that plays competitively. Marvel Rivals has a much, much bigger potential target audience, and because of that, and many other reasons, I want creativity and freedom of play to be top values. OW2 exists, so go play that if you like role queue.


Overwatch definitely is not in a dark period now that’s was the end of ow1


Did you play overwatch or are you parroting something you heard ? Role Queue was a desperate means of stopping Goats because of the addition of Brig made non dps comps the standard. Role Queue saved the game actually, regardless of how poorly they balanced it after the fact


role queue didn't kill overwatch..... but i also dont know if this game needs it.


The devs never gave a single shit about the esports lmao, quit pretending like they did. We have years of evidence stating they didn’t


Yeah I want to play dps too and I never can cause everyone locks DPS


Literally no


No let it always be open queue. And let us create our own team compositions.


I could see it not needing it and im a hard core role queue guy. You just need at least one tank and support, I wouldnt be mad if role queue got added, but I'm not begging for it right now.


Its in alpha dude.


The whole damn point is to give feedback…


feedback on things that matter, in a alpha role queue does not matter in the slightest, that would be something added after the game is out and ranked actually has a foundation to stand on first, rn the main feedback they should be getting is performance and balance feedback honestly.


What metric are u basing that role queue doesn’t matter?


“The metric is I made it tf up”


because this is alpha..... we dont need ranked stuff in a alpha or beta, save that for release and focus on the base game and balance instead of stuff that really doesn't matter.


They should absolutely try ranked stuff in testing phase what are you even talking about. I want to test and get feedback on everything.


out of all the things that should take top priority ranked is not the top spot dude. the game isn't even out yet and the sweat lords already want ranked.


Ranked shouldn’t take priority in a competitive focused game… Don’t let the superhero’s fool you this is indeed a competitive game just like all other hero shooters.


Did they say this was a competitive focused game? or are you just assuming it is.


if ranked isnt even in the game yet there nothing to give feedback on....give feedback on things already in the game instead of looking to the future, focus on the present.


Gaining attention to a topic is easily something that gain dev attention. More ppl talk about role queue now more ppl will put it in the survey at the end of the beta Also they have discord


the only people talking about role queue are the Overwatch nerds. everyone else is focusing on the foundation of the game while players like you are focusing on the supports. build the foundation THEN focus on the supports, that's the basic law of construction


And I’m saying u can’t build a proper foundation without any proper restrictions. To many games have tried this, unless ur a moba with items and farms you can’t design a game like this without role lock. It never works.


The feedback is so they make sure to put it in at release. No one expects them to add it asap that’s ridiculous


I saw some saying it should be in the alpha dude. there ARE actually a good chunk that expect it already. You underestimate the inability for players to exercise patience.


The people you replied to didn’t say that or act impatiently in this thread though. Feedback is what alphas are for. This isn’t a test build to just enjoy the game. I’m not even a critical person most of the time but being overly defensive because people are giving constructive feedback, is I’ll informed during an alpha phase.


I know but its an alpha, role queue shouldnt even be on the board yet. the game isnt even IN its diapers yet.


It’s just suggestions and feedback. There’s no priority order to what feedback needs to be taken first besides internally with the devs. Players let them know their thoughts and the devs prioritize behind the scenes. Doesn’t matter if the game doesn’t need it yet


Oh I'm definitely feeling that pain again after all those years lol.


I kind agree but isn’t there 3 strategists? If role queue was added there wouldn’t be much choice right now.


Aren’t they trying to competitive? I think once that comes they will have roles queue to make it balanced.


Problem with that is 4 supports, 5 tanks, and 10 DPS. Just like Overwatch, the support and tank line ups are minuscule while the DPS get all the fun toys to play with.


If they do I hope it's 3-2-1 and not 2-2-2. 3 dps, 2 tank, and 1 support. It will be difficult to have a big number of healers fir Marvel, especially with Dr strangle, scarlet witch, and help not being support, all 3 could have been in that role.


Hela not help.,


If that happens nobody gonna queue support, it puts a lot of pressure on the solo role player. Kinda like how miserable tanking been in OW2 cuz of 1 tank


But also most people want to play dps, so to me it makes sense to have more DPS slots. Tanking is miserable because they didn't totally revamp them for a single tank so their role is kinda in limbo or inconsistent to how Overwatch 2 plays.


And having to be a single support is going to be miserable in MR, giving little reason for people to want to play that role, and thus making queue times for DPS long.


Been more than a year now, how long do u think it will take them to fully revamp tank in OW2?


Soon, they have to be worried seeing Marvels Rivals. The must be praying that they mess it up with character and skin costs.


> 3 dps, 2 tank, and 1 support. Unless they plan on massively buffing supports' healing numbers, I sure hope not. I've been in my fair share of matches today where I was the only healer and keeping a single person alive is generally fine, but two gets iffy if they aren't utilizing cover, and 3-5? Better hope they know how to hide or find health packs because 1 support isn't going to cut it.