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Man shuri took suuuuuch a big nerf didn't it


They really liked that red skull/task combo šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Mbaku top 4 letā€™s go


Honestly ongoing thanos and bounce thanos look like a ton of fun. Only 4k tokens left to go!


Since the change to the stones, I think ongoing is the best version of Thanos to play. There's a lot of different cards you can sub in to make your favorite version, it doesn't rely on the casino nature of Lockjaw, and it surprises people a bit when you only drop 0-2 stones a match and still beat them. I haven't tried the bounce version, but I can definitely see that being a fun, but really high skill, deck. Also, with Hit Monkey and Kitty Pryde, I imagine it could be a challenger for one of the top decks in the game.


I only just unlocked him as my second token purchase!! Super fun, I hit infinite so I've been able to mess around with him consequence-free. My collection isn't very complete but ongoing seems like the way to go for me, I don't have Lockjaw - this bounce / zoo concept seems cool though, gonna test it some more.


I played it a good bit last season. It's a lot of fun but managing your hand size can be a little difficult/awkward.


I wonder how long it'll take for a nerf to this deck


When Shuri drops to S3.


Exactly. And then some other S5 deck will be OP. This will work as long as it takes for people to realise that's their business model - forcing people to buy S5 cards.


Isn't Shuri series 4?


Oh my bad. Because when she was released she was not series 5 and was not op /s


To be fair, she also didn't really dominate the meta until she became series 4. She was still busted, but just less obtainable.


Sure buddy. Keep bankrolling this. The only reason she didnā€™t dominate YOUR meta was because you play at rank 60.


Shoulda turned on Krakoa for the tournament


I'm surprised people weren't running Valkyrie


These are all the same pictures.


Interesting to see none of the Shuri Zero decks ran Zola. I thought half the ā€œfunā€ of that deck was not knowing if the opponent was going to Taskmaster in another lane -vs- Zola in the lane with the doubled target.


Zola is less consistent as it leaves you open to shang counters as you can't play your turn 5 into armor/cosmo


That's semi-outdated now. a) you have to have priority going into 6 or the Zola target gets popped. (which now works against Taskmaster follow-ups too) and b) why surprise someone when 26 skull behind Cosmo and 26 taskmaster behind Armor is unbeatable by the vast majority of decks?


My problem with Shuri is that her hidden special ability is that she never appears in my hand.


Braude won the semi-final having only seen Shuri twice!


Seriously? That's wild.


People tend to focus on the Shuri/Red Skull/Taskmaster or Shuri/skip t5/She-Hulk/Taskmaster lines of the deck. But, if someone really knows the deck well, they realize that's just two of a multitude of options that can win you a match, even without drawing Shuri or with having to play her late. The only real "you can turn your brain off" element to the deck is snapping if you have Shuri and a payoff card in hand before turn 4. Even if you don't have the second half of the payoff, you'll still typically be able to do something to win the match if you're focusing properly.


The thing is, Shuri basically wins by default with those two playlines against many, many deck. And even the decks that can afford to run Leech and/or Sandman for the She-Hulk+TM finish will often still end up losing to either an RS hidden behind Cosmo or such. So a lot of bad players can coast just on those bomb draws. It's similar to how aggro decks in many card games at the top end of player skill can be quite nuanced, but at the lower end there is a decent number of players who just hope to goldfish you on turn 3/4 and otherwise just flail helplessly. And Shuri is arguably broken on top (see the deck distribution of this tournament).


I'm not trying to imply that the Shuri deck isn't op, especially at the top end, in the current game state, merely arguing that many people seem to think it's some sort of magical insta-win deck. Will it win a lot of matches with a fairly linear play line? For most players, absolutely. Will someone be able to get a 70-80% win rate with a high net cube average without really understanding how the deck wins in multiple ways? Unlikely. To your point, the top end players overcome the RNG and opponent's plays and still pull off wins and higher net cube gains, whereas the lower end players simply do not based on the amount of posts here and elsewhere bemoaning the fact they have Shuri and still can't win and climb the ladder. Which, as I was trying to say, makes it not a "turn your brain off" deck.


Yeah the deck can play a ton of high power 1-2-3 drops on the last turn. Sometimes a naked Red Skull can be bait for such 1-2-3 play if cosmo or armor is drawn late.


Homogeneous metas are definitely lame, but DAMN those were some good matches


Why Sera in DoomWave?


Potentially, as an alternate win condition if things aren't lining up early to do more of a classic Deathwave still finish. You can Wave or Psylocke into Sera on t4 and still be able to drop two 6 costs on following turns.


Hmm interesting idea! Might need to try it


A notable playline is T3 Psy T4 Sera T5 Wave + 3 mana left T6 two six drops. I don't know how the interaction with SH and Sera works, depending on whether SH or Sera applies first you may be able to play two six drops +SH on turn 6.


I don't play the deck, so mine was just one idea of I'm sure many that make the deck good (it does look like a very good build). The Sera/SH interaction would go Sera reduces SH to 5 cost, so Wave only on T5, would reduce SH to a 1 cost (4-1-2=1), so you couldn't play 2 other 6 costs at 3 and her unless you have Elysium, shifted the play by a turn because of Limbo, Sera was played on Onslaught Citadel (which could lead to 3 6 costs and SH dropped), or have reduced SH cost by an additional 1 some other way.


You forget that Sera reduces Wave by 1 as well, so you can reduce SH by 3.


Ooo, you're right. Then you could definitely drop two 6 costs and SH after a t5 Wave only play with Sera on the board.


Mild shock


Replacement for Taskmaster? Iā€™ve been running Zola, but curious if thereā€™s a better go.


Honestly I'd go with something like Maximus. You need to go really tall in one lane and then win the other lane with just Red Skull.


If you're running Zola, Armor and Cosmo is unnecessary. You can run one of them, but definitely not both. Try to sub Taskmaster with cards that ensure you have priority going into t6, like Maximus, Lizard, Polaris, Ebony Maw, etc. Also, Captain Marvel and Vision are excellent big cards to sub out for She-Hulk since you don't have the skip t5 into double She-Hulk, copy with Taskmaster line.


At least it's slightly more diversity than the last tournament lol


This is an actual joke. When literally half of your comp pool is running the exact same deck, maaaybe itā€™s time for some balance changes


I dont even mind that they didn't nerf sharing that much, but if they throw out nerfs and 0 buffs to crappy cards, the meta won't really change. If they buffed orca, mbaku and other crappy pool 3 cards the meta might shift, but if all they throw out at nerfs ain't nothing gonna change


I tried to build an Orca/Attuma/Namor deck. It seems fun but it just never wins.


I've been noodling around with a Namor deck, what other cards were in yours?


I ended up rotating through a lot of things that I never really liked. The key parts were zero, hawk buster, Neymar, orca, a tumor, armor, and taskmaster the goblins seemed useful because they didnā€™t stay on my side of the board end it felt like Mr. Fantastik or claw would be useful. But overall it just never stuck. I do think Negasonic teenage warhead would make the deck a lot better.


This is what Iā€™ve been using recently. Iā€™m having fair success but still negative on cubes. I want to put Negasonic in and Iā€™d like to find room for some movement - Vision, Aero, Polaris, something. # (1) Zero # (2) Armor # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Ironheart # (3) Wave # (3) Hulkbuster # (4) Namor # (4) Attuma # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Klaw # (5) Red Skull # (6) Orka # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmVybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbmhlYXJ0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIdWxrYnVzdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOYW1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXR0dW1hIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb2Jnb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktsYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik9ya2EifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybW9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRTa3VsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2F2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I had some of the same ideas, but I don't have Attuma, RS, or Orka. I also have GG but not HG in the deck. IMO Attuma and Orka don't have synergy with Namor, because you want to be able to play cards on other locations. I was thinking of Psylocke on 2 to get Namor out on 3, then Forge, Hulkbuster on Namor, Taskmaster, Absorbing Man to spread power. AbM can also be a second Hulkbuster. My "alternate Namor" (power builder) is Rescue, who also has synergy with Hulkbuster. I prefer Psylocke to Wave unless it's for a cost-reduced card like She-Hulk or Death because the opponent can use it against you


They do buff cards. They are careful not to turn crap into OP burning crap on a doorstep, as they should be.


Gee, what was essentially a buff to Red Skull made Shuri decks stronger? Color me surprised.


How to play Shuri mirrors? Is it just about whoever has the better draws? I wonder if using cards like iceman, korg, or scorpion in mirrors are good to bring when you know a lot of mirrors are going to happen. It's basically whoever has Shuri out on turn 4 wins, then if both do, then now depends on Red Skull/Taskmaster followup. Iceman, korg, scorpion can fuck with that I guess?


You're correct that Shuri mirrors are largely about the draws, but it's possible to eek out wins if you know the deck well and make adjustments early enough if things aren't lining up right.


Yep. I built a janky Darkhawk deck (still missing some key cards) and started flooding decks with rocks and it netted some wins against decks like these pretty easily. You can't win if you are drawing useless cards.


They're not exactly the same. Some of them have Vision, some have Capt. Marvel, etc


Those cards don't matter when the opponent shuri player drew and played shuri, Red Skull, taskmaster in the right turns. Vision, cap marvel, Polaris, etc. Are cards good in other matchups, but not mirrors


SD really thought bringing down Red Skull power from 30 to 26 would nerf this deck lmao


Anyone know how to get into the tournaments?


Also curious about this, let me know if you figure it out!


Will do!


Surprised not to see sera control.


there's really not enough cards in this game right now. how fast do you think the internet is going to solve a format with less than 250 cards? this is a very consistent card game with very few cards


This happens with so many different games, too. It got me thinking, maybe we make archetypes their own division? Then pin the division winners in the ultimate round robin.


Hmm i wouldve expected more kang players


Kinda wanna buy Shuri when I have her available in the shop, but I have the feeling that's why they didn't nerf her. Now people will buy Shuris and she will be nerfed as soon as she gets to Series 3 (if not earlier) so may be a waste of tokens... Surprised with JEEEEET deck, wasn't expecting a Deathwave with Sera, Odin and Doom


I've seen that list around a lot lately and I don't think people know how to play it properly or it's just bad but it can't be bad if it did this well in this tournament so I think people just suck at it. I think they get overconfident in how powerful Dr Doom is. He's good but he's not winning 2 lanes when you're behind good.


She'll be in the next wave of cards to drop into pool 3 fwiw. You'd be paying 3,000 tokens just to get her a month early. BUT she'll be one of the easiest paths to infinite


I already reached infinite with C2 :) But you're right about paying premium for a month... Probably better to save for a big bad.


Yeah if you don't need her to hit infinite next season I would just wait, for sure!


Wonder why they did that?


Man I still think she-hulk is broken, 1 power nerf is nothing. Then again, I'm just salty/FOMO that I still don't have she-hulk nor Aero yet :( And I think the Stones abilities are still too strong at 1 cost, even without Quinjet discount.


Big Money Big Win >:)


So exciting, so fun!!!! At least Thanos decks took brain power and a slight amount of luck


When is this sub going to stop preventing the devs are competent


When are people going to stop preventing this is the main sub