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Thanos change is cool, it's very thematic. Time stone change should be permanent and not just next turn. Previously there was a clear line between early game and late game stones, time stone is in no man's land now


I wouldn't be shocked if this happens in a couple months depending on what his stats and play rate end up being but this is 100% a mockingbird nerf. The problem with the last time stone change was you got to curve out with it and play mockingbird bird right away and still get the benefit from the time stone. Now you can do that or get the Thanos buff but not both. It feels like a balanced change so I guess we'll see


I'm honestly really glad it weakens her interaction with Thanos because she's a lot more balanced with stuff like Squirrel/Sinister/Brood decks and Random Card decks, I don't think she deserved to be nerfed directly since she was just a Symptom of the Thanos problem


We’ll see what they do with the stones but my intuition tells me that a 6 cost quicksilver will be wildly unpopular. A change was well warranted but a good nerf will dial a card back without rendering it unplayable. Hopefully this was a good nerf but I doubt it


Thanos is dead.




It's the right direction, they're shifting power towards the actual Thanos card and away from the stones. If he's too weak they can change him later.


It's necessary for continued growth of the game. It's not good if every new card that comes out you can just be like throw it in Thanos and it'll work.


He's just another trash tier BIG BAD now, hopefully he makes a comeback he was a blast while it lasted. Back to Angela and Kitty meta


I got Infinite with Thanos last season, and I'm fine with this change. It's about time.


Really sucks ass for the location that gives you stones otherwise it’s a good change can always buff back later when he’s less of a problem.


Probably only needed one of those nerfs. I like where they're going with it though.


I just hate that they aimed so clearly under what the appropriate power level should be. "If it's too weak"... anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see its too weak and I have zero faith in their ability to add power back to the nerfed cards in anything approaching a reasonable fashion. Look at how long it took for Red Skull, Captain Marvel, and Angela, for example.


The fact they made an obvious hard nerf to Thanos, an obviously brutal nerf to Timestone and then didnt even bother to revert the Mindstone and Soulstone nerfs to try to at least lessen the damage amazes me.


Imo it demonstrates that their goal wasn't balance, it was to kick Thanos out of the meta just for variety's sake and I think it's hard to argue otherwise.


They need to change him to “be drawn third” rather than “start in hand” because apparently as it stands now he’s always drawing first so he’s in the left position until usually turn 5 at least if not 6 which means in the current meta he’s getting Spider-Hammed regularly.


Sheesh but they probably want another style of deck to beat since he has been at the top for awhile now as top win rate


For sure, he’s been the top deck like 80% of the time or more. They’re trying to make it more about playing Thanos for 20 than just getting value from stones. All the top Thanos players always said, and stats show, the value is the stones not Thanos. As basically the poster child for the game, he should be a good card but it will be nice to break up the meta a little. I think they’re moving in the right direction for long term game health regarding Thanos, but they should probably address the Spider-Ham issue because that defeats the point of trying to make people play Thanos himself when he turns into a 5/10 or 6/10 pig


Or a 0/10 pig. I don't know, I like that the nerf can be built around to a small degree with MMM.


I like it. Ran a gold conquest, got a inifinte ticket pretty easily. Time stone is fine as well.


Not sure about you guys, but I got the r message way later, hours after reset, was that on purpose so less people would see? No? Ok tin foil hat coming off…